def accept(self): """Función de aceptación del dialogo. Avisa al usuario si los datos han sido introducidos incorrectamente, y genera""" if self.lineEdit1.text(): from Driza.excepciones import VariableExisteException sobreescritura = self.checkBox1.isChecked() solofiltrado = False if sobreescritura: if self.checkBox2.isChecked(): solofiltrado = True try: self.__idu.ana_var_expresion(self.lineEdit1.text().latin1(), self.comboBox1.currentText().latin1(), \ "NA", self.lineEdit2.text(),self.textEdit1.text().latin1(), \ permitirsobreescritura=sobreescritura, solofiltrados=solofiltrado) except (SyntaxError,NameError): #La expresión no es correcta, mostramos un mensaje de error LOG.exception("Excepción al añadir la variable con la expresión") QErrorMessage(self, "error").message(u"La expresión no es correcta") self.__idu.borrar_var(self.lineEdit1.text().latin1()) #Borrar la variable que está a medias except (ZeroDivisionError,OverflowError): QErrorMessage(self, "error").message(u"La expresión genera un desbordamiento") except VariableExisteException: QMessageBox.warning(self, u"atención", u"La variable ya existe") except TypeError: QErrorMessage(self, "error").message(u"El tipo de variable no coincide con el existente") LOG.exception("Excepción al añadir la variable con la expresión") else: DialogoCrevar.accept(self) self.parent().grid.myUpdate() else: returncode = QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Atencion', \ 'No has rellenado todos los campos', \ 'Volver al dialogo', 'Salir', '', 0, 1 ) if returncode == 1: self.reject()
def __guardar_como(self): """Abre un diálogo pidiendo el nombre de archivo y guarda en dicho archivo""" filtro = "" for fmt in SL.extensiones_fichero: filtro = filtro+ "%s files (*.%s);;" % (fmt, fmt.lower()) filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(QString.null, filtro, self) filename = str(filename) if filename: from Driza.excepciones import FicheroExisteException, FicheroTipoDesconocidoException import re extension = re.compile('.*\..*') if not extension.match(filename): filename += ".driza" try: self.__gestorproyectos.guardar(filename) except FicheroExisteException, fichero: returncode = QMessageBox.information(self, 'Atencion:', 'El fichero' + fichero.fichero + ' ya existe' , 'Sobreescribir', 'Otro nombre', 'Cancelar', 0, 1) if returncode == 0: self.__gestorproyectos.guardar(filename, True) self.__idu.establecer_original() self.__myUpdate() elif returncode == 1: self.__guardarcomo() except FicheroTipoDesconocidoException: QMessageBox.warning(self, u'Atención', u'La extensión del fichero es incorrecta.\nPruebe con otra extensión') self.__gestorproyectos.fichero = None
def __insertar_registro(self): """Inserta un registro, devolviendo un mensaje si ha habido un error""" try: self.grid.insertar_reg() except AssertionError: QMessageBox.warning(self, u'Atención', u'Error en la inserción') LOG.exception("excepcion capturada al insertar")
def __actualizar_reg_interfazdatos(self, row, col, valor): """actualiza un dato en interfazdatos,recogiendo la excepcion en caso de error """ LOG.debug("Actualizando datos de la interfaz:" + str(row) + "," + str(col)) try: self.__idu[row][col] = valor except ValueError: QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Atención', u'El dato no es válido')
def slotAcceptData(self): tabForm=self.tabs[0][0] rec = self.tabs[0][1] for field, fieldDef in tabForm.fieldList: if fieldDef.readonly: continue elif fieldDef.relation <> None: #combobox if field == "usernr": rec.updateUser() else: rec.setFieldValue(rec.getDescriptorColumnName(field), tabForm.getFieldText(field)) fieldDef.default = tabForm.getFieldValue(field) rec.setFieldValue(field, tabForm.getFieldValue(field)) else: rec.setFieldValue(field, tabForm.getFieldValue(field)) #print "Type ", type(getattr(rec, field)) if self.mode == constants.INSERT: try: rec.insert() self.mode = constants.UPDATE except dbexceptions.dbError, dberr: QMessageBox.information(self, "Kura Error while inserting" , dberr.errorMessage) return False self.emit(PYSIGNAL("sigAcceptNewData"), (rec,)) self.mode = constants.UPDATE
def __buscar(self): """ Funcion busca la cadena de texto introducida por el usuario en la tabla que este activa, seleccionando el primer registro válido que encuentre""" if not self.lineEdit1.text().latin1(): return if self.parent().grid.currentPageIndex() == 0: tablaactual = self.parent().grid.table1 else: tablaactual = self.parent().grid.table2 fila = tablaactual.currentRow() columna = tablaactual.currentColumn() textoabuscar = self.lineEdit1.text().latin1() LOG.debug("Busqueda de " + textoabuscar) resultado = self.__buscarinterno(tablaactual, textoabuscar, fila, columna) if resultado: LOG.debug("Resultado encontrado en la primera columna") tablaactual.clearSelection() tablaactual.setCurrentCell(resultado[0], resultado[1]) self.accept() return codigoretorno = QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Atencion', 'No he encontrado nada', '¿Continuar desde el principio?', 'Salir', '', 0, 1) if codigoretorno == 1: self.reject() return resultado = self.__buscarinterno(tablaactual, textoabuscar) if resultado: tablaactual.clearSelection() tablaactual.setCurrentCell(resultado[0], resultado[1]) self.accept() return codigoretorno = QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Atencion', 'No he encontrado nada', 'Otra busqueda', 'Salir', '', 0, 1) if codigoretorno == 1: self.reject() else: self.lineEdit1.clear() return
def setSource(self, url): #action, key, filename = split_url(url) action, name = split_url(url) filehandler = if action == 'cleanup': filehandler.cleanup_game(name) elif action == 'prepare': filehandler.prepare_game(name) elif action == 'edit': dlg = EditGameDataDialog(self, name) elif action == 'set_title_screenshot': self.select_title_screenshot(name) elif action == 'open_weblink': # get gamedata from doc object # to keep from excessive xml parsing gamedata = self.doc.gamedata cmd ='externalactions', 'launch_weblink') # for these url's, the name is the site weblink_url = gamedata['weblinks'][name] if '%s' in cmd: os.system(cmd % weblink_url) else: os.system("%s '%s'" % (cmd, weblink_url)) # now we reset the name variable to reset the page properly name = gamedata['name'] else: QMessageBox.information(self, '%s is unimplemented.' % action) # refresh the page self.set_game_info(name) # need to emit signal here for mainwin to pick up # this method is ugly if action in ['cleanup', 'prepare', 'edit']: mainwin = self.parent().parent() mainwin.refreshListView()
def __modificacion_t_var(self, fila, columna): """Funcion a que conecta con la introduccion de nuevos datos en la tabla de variables""" if columna == 1 and (self.table2.text(fila, columna).latin1() == self.__idu.var(fila).tipo): return # Se ha solicitado un cambio de tipo al propio tipo self.__portero.guardar_estado() if fila >= self.__idu.n_var(): #Es una nueva variable #Variables intermedias (creadas con los valores por defecto) for valorintermedio in range (self.__idu.n_var(), fila): self.__insertar_variable() self.__mostrar_var(valorintermedio) self.__insertar_variable() #Variable modificada variable = self.__idu.var(fila) if columna == 1: # El usuario quiere cambiar el tipo textoencuestion = self.table2.text(fila, columna).latin1() #preguntar el tipo de conversion metododeseado = self.__preguntar_conversion(variable, textoencuestion) if metododeseado: variable, columna = self.__agenteconversion(variable, textoencuestion, metododeseado) #Pareja variable-list self.__idu.establecer_var(fila, variable, columna) self.__mostrar_t_reg() else: #Restos de campos (Texto) from Driza.excepciones import VariableExisteException try: self.__idu.modificar_var(variable, columna, str(self.table2.text(fila, columna).latin1())) except VariableExisteException: QMessageBox.warning(self, u'Atención', u'El nombre de variable ya existe') except NameError: QMessageBox.warning(self, u'Atención', u'Nombre de variable Erróneo') self.__mostrar_var(fila) #En todos los casos, actualizamos el titulo de la tabla de datos self.__mostrar_titulo_t_reg()
def main(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.pyqlogger")): os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser("~/.pyqlogger")) settings = Settings.Settings.load() UI.prepareModule(settings) app = UI.API.KQApplication(sys.argv, None) stat = UI.API.prepareCommandLine() pic = QPixmap(150, 50) pic.fill() loginsplash = QSplashScreen(pic) pixmap = QPixmap("splash.png") splash = QSplashScreen(pixmap) splash.message("Loading forms...", alignflag) qApp.processEvents() load_forms(splash, app, settings) splash.message("Loading plugins...", alignflag) qApp.processEvents() manager = Manager.load(__FORMS__["Main"]["Impl"]) del splash acc = None pwd = None if settings.AutoLogin: # check if we have auto login info acc = settings.accountByName(settings.AutoLogin) pwd = acc.Password while True: if not acc: wnd = __FORMS__["Login"] if wnd["Impl"].init(settings, __FORMS__, manager): if wnd["Class"].exec_loop() == QDialog.Accepted: acc = wnd["Impl"].acc pwd = str(wnd["Impl"].edtPassword.text()) if not acc or not pwd: break else: (acc.Password, oldpwd) = (pwd, acc.Password) acc.init() loginsplash.message("Logging in...", Qt.AlignCenter) logres = acc.login() loginsplash.hide() acc.Password = oldpwd if not logres: QMessageBox.warning(None, "Failed!", """Cannot login!""") acc = None else: wnd = __FORMS__["Main"] acc.init() wnd["Impl"].init(settings,__FORMS__, acc, pwd,\ manager) app.setMainWidget(wnd["Class"]) wnd["Class"].show() #splash.finish(wnd["Class"]) app.exec_loop() if wnd["Impl"].reload: acc = None else: break
def main(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.pyqlogger")): os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser("~/.pyqlogger")) settings = Settings.Settings.load() UI.prepareModule(settings) app = UI.API.KQApplication(sys.argv, None) stat = UI.API.prepareCommandLine() pic = QPixmap ( 150, 50) pic.fill() loginsplash = QSplashScreen( pic ) pixmap = QPixmap( "splash.png" ) splash = QSplashScreen( pixmap ) splash.message( "Loading forms...",alignflag ) qApp.processEvents() load_forms(splash,app,settings) splash.message( "Loading plugins...",alignflag ) qApp.processEvents() manager = Manager.load(__FORMS__["Main"]["Impl"]) del splash acc = None pwd = None if settings.AutoLogin: # check if we have auto login info acc = settings.accountByName(settings.AutoLogin) pwd = acc.Password while True: if not acc: wnd = __FORMS__["Login"] if wnd["Impl"].init(settings,__FORMS__,manager): if wnd["Class"].exec_loop() == QDialog.Accepted: acc = wnd["Impl"].acc pwd = str(wnd["Impl"].edtPassword.text()) if not acc or not pwd: break else: (acc.Password,oldpwd) = (pwd,acc.Password) acc.init() loginsplash.message( "Logging in...",Qt.AlignCenter) logres = acc.login() loginsplash.hide() acc.Password = oldpwd if not logres: QMessageBox.warning(None,"Failed!","""Cannot login!""") acc = None else: wnd = __FORMS__["Main"] acc.init() wnd["Impl"].init(settings,__FORMS__, acc, pwd,\ manager) app.setMainWidget(wnd["Class"]) wnd["Class"].show() #splash.finish(wnd["Class"]) app.exec_loop() if wnd["Impl"].reload: acc = None else: break
def __copiar(self): """Funcion que copia y borra la seleccion""" try: self.__copiar_privado() except AssertionError: QMessageBox.warning(self, u'Atención', 'Las operaciones de copiado, cortado y pegado no han sido implementadas') else: self.grid.borrar_seleccion()
def btnFetchUrl_clicked(self): bc = BloggerClient(str(self.editHost.text()), str(self.editLogin.text()), str(self.editPassword.text())) try: url = bc.getHomepage(self.blogs[unicode(self.comboBlogs.currentText())]['id']) if url: self.editURL.setText(url) except Exception, inst: print "btnFetchUrl_clicked: %s" % inst QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Couldn't fetch blog's URL!")
def FindgiFTexec(self): self.config.OptionList["giFTexecLoc"] = "" for x in self.pathArray: if os.access(x, os.X_OK): self.config.OptionList["giFTexecLoc"] = x break if len(self.config.OptionList["giFTexecLoc"]) == 0: ## Binary not found QMessageBox.warning(, "giFT executable not found!", "LokiPoki couldn't find your 'giFT' server binary. \nPlease press \"ok\" to select it manually.") filename= str(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName("giFT", "giFT",, "Find giFT executable")) self.config.OptionList["giFTexecLoc"] = filename
def __init__(self, swappers): QMessageBox.__init__(self) decorateWindow(self, m18n("Swap Seats")) self.setText( m18n("By the rules, %1 and %2 should now exchange their seats. ", swappers[0].name, swappers[1].name)) self.yesAnswer = QPushButton(m18n("&Exchange")) self.addButton(self.yesAnswer, QMessageBox.YesRole) self.noAnswer = QPushButton(m18n("&Keep seat")) self.addButton(self.noAnswer, QMessageBox.NoRole)
def __dacerca_de(self): """Mensaje acerca de""" from Driza import VERSION separador = "\n----------------------------------\n" betatesters = u"Carlos Mestre Gonzalez\n Luis de Bethencourt Guimerá" iconos = "Iconos del Tango Desktop Project:" ristra = u"Driza %s es una interfaz estadística\n (C) Néstor Arocha Rodríguez - Tutorizado por Inmaculada luengo Merino\n Distribuido bajo licencia GPL" +\ separador + "Betatesters:\n" + betatesters + separador +\ u" Mantenedor del paquete .deb:\n Luis de Bethencourt Guimerá"+ separador + iconos QMessageBox.about(self, "Acerca de Driza", ristra % (VERSION))
def __init__(self, swappers): QMessageBox.__init__(self) decorateWindow(self, i18n("Swap Seats")) self.setText( i18n("By the rules, %1 and %2 should now exchange their seats. ", swappers[0].name, swappers[1].name)) self.yesAnswer = QPushButton(i18n("&Exchange")) self.addButton(self.yesAnswer, QMessageBox.YesRole) self.noAnswer = QPushButton(i18n("&Keep seat")) self.addButton(self.noAnswer, QMessageBox.NoRole)
def addChildDataTypesSlot(self): """ Adds the selected data types from the list of available data types to the list of child data types. """ if self._relationTypeView.mySelectedAvailableDataTypeList == []: QMessageBox.information(self._parentFrame,"DataFinder: No Selection"), "Please select a Data Type to add!","OK"), "", "", 0, -1) else: self._relationTypeModel.addChildDataTypes(self._relationTypeView.mySelectedAvailableDataTypeList) self._relationTypeView.setButtonsState(True)
def removeChildDataTypesSlot(self): """ Removes the selected data type from the list of parent data types. """ if self._relationTypeView.mySelectedChildDataTypeList == []: QMessageBox.information(self._parentFrame,"DataFinder: No Selection"), "Please select a Data Type to remove!","OK"), "", "", 0, -1) else: self._relationTypeModel.removeChildDataTypes(self._relationTypeView.mySelectedChildDataTypeList) self._relationTypeView.setButtonsState(True)
def btnFetchUrl_clicked(self): bc = BloggerClient(str(self.editHost.text()), str(self.editLogin.text()), str(self.editPassword.text())) try: url = bc.getHomepage(self.blogs[unicode( self.comboBlogs.currentText())]['id']) if url: self.editURL.setText(url) except Exception, inst: print "btnFetchUrl_clicked: %s" % inst QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Couldn't fetch blog's URL!")
def btnRefresh_clicked(self): if str(self.editUrl.text()): try: img = urllib2.urlopen(str(self.editUrl.text())).read() pic = QPixmap() pic.loadFromData(img) if not str(self.editWidth.text()): self.editWidth.setText(str(pic.width())) if not str(self.editHeight.text()): self.editHeight.setText(str(pic.height())) self.previewImage.setPixmap(pic) except: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "Cannot open the image url!")
def removeAttributeSlot(self): """ Removes selected rows/attributes. """ if self._dataTypeView.propertyTable.currentSelection() == -1: QMessageBox.information(self._parentFrame,"DataFinder: No Selection"), "Please select a row to remove!","OK"), "", "", 0, -1) else: for index in self._dataTypeView.mySelectedRowList: self._dataTypeView.propertyTable.removeRow(index) self._dataTypeModel.myPropertyList = self._dataTypeView.myPropertyList self._dataTypeView.setButtonsState(True)
def select_title_screenshot(self, name): if self.select_title_screenshot_dlg is None: file_filter = "*.png|PNG Images\n*|All Files" path = dlg = QFileDialog(path, file_filter, self, 'select_title_screenshot_dlg', True) dlg.connect(dlg, SIGNAL('okClicked()'), self.title_screenshot_selected) dlg.connect(dlg, SIGNAL('cancelClicked()'), self.destroy_select_title_screenshot_dlg) dlg.connect(dlg, SIGNAL('closeClicked()'), self.destroy_select_title_screenshot_dlg) dlg.game_name = name self.select_title_screenshot_dlg = dlg else: # we shouldn't need this with a modal dialog QMessageBox.information(self, opendlg_errormsg)
def __cortar(self): """Copia, borra la seleccion y su contenido""" from Driza.excepciones import SeleccionIncorrectaException try: self.grid.verificar_seleccion_registros() self.__portero.guardar_estado() self.__copiar_privado() except SeleccionIncorrectaException: QMessageBox.warning(self, u'Atención', 'Solo se permite cortar registros') except AssertionError: QMessageBox.warning(self, u'Atención', 'Las operaciones de copiado, cortado y pegado no han sido implementadas') else: self.grid.borrar_seleccion(borrardatos=True) self.grid.myUpdate()
def removeAttributeSlot(self): """ Removes selected rows/attributes. """ if self._dataTypeView.propertyTable.currentSelection() == -1: QMessageBox.information( self._parentFrame,"DataFinder: No Selection"), "Please select a row to remove!","OK"), "", "", 0, -1) else: for index in self._dataTypeView.mySelectedRowList: self._dataTypeView.propertyTable.removeRow(index) self._dataTypeModel.myPropertyList = self._dataTypeView.myPropertyList self._dataTypeView.setButtonsState(True)
def _set_name(self, newname): name = if newname == name: return if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z]\w*$', newname): QMessageBox.information(None, "grafit", "<b>Illegal column name</b><p>Column names must start with a letter and consist " "of letters, numbers and underscore (_)<p>") return if newname in self.worksheet.column_names and name != newname: QMessageBox.information(None, "grafit", "<b>A column with this name already exists</b><p>Please choose another name<p>") return self.rename___(,, newname).do().register()
def scenarioSelection_currentRowChanged(self, current, previous): if not current.isValid(): return currentItem = current.internalPointer() previousItem = previous.internalPointer() if not isinstance(currentItem, FileItem): return if currentItem == previousItem: return if currentItem.object.type() != ContainerType.Scenario: return if currentItem.object == self.currentScenario: return if self.currentIsChanged(): ret = QMessageBox.information(self,"Text Changed"),"Do you want to save it?"), QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Cancel | QMessageBox.Discard) if ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: self.scenarioRestore.emit(previous) return elif ret == QMessageBox.Save: self.currentScenario.setText(qt.toUnicode(self.ui.textEditScenario.toPlainText())) self.setCurrentScenario(currentItem.object) self.ui.textEditScenario.setScenario(self.currentScenario) filepath = self.currentScenario.filePath() self.setWindowTitle("%1 - Hestia [*]").arg(filepath))
def insert(self, objeto): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() insert = u'''insert into Registro (id, registro, tipo, nome, curso, data_registro, data_saida, status, observacoes) values (%d,%d,%d,"%s","%s","%s","%s",%d,"%s");''' % ( objeto['id'], objeto['registro'], objeto['tipo'], objeto['nome'], objeto['curso'], objeto['data_registro'], objeto['data_saida'], objeto['status'], objeto['observacoes'], ) cursor.execute(insert) banco.commit() return True except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", u"Erro de inserção no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def launch_browser(browser, url, caption=None, message=None): if not caption: caption = "Info" if not message: message = "Launch web browser?" if not browser or not access(browser, X_OK): QMessageBox.warning(None, "Warning", "You must properly configure your web browser path in Preferences (within the Edit menu).") return 0 cancel = QMessageBox.information(None, caption, message, "&Ok", "&Cancel") if cancel: return 0 if sys.platform == 'win32': return spawnv(P_NOWAIT, browser, (" ", url)) else: return spawnv(P_NOWAIT, browser, (browser, url))
def __showQuestion(self, caption, question): """ Ask the user a question and returns the result. """ result = False answer = QMessageBox.warning(self, caption, question, QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Yes) if answer == QMessageBox.Yes: result = True return result
def _sendImage(self, path): global password import base64 f = open(path) img = f.close() bimg = base64.encodestring(img) # resmi gönder ret = self.server.addImage(username, password, basename(path), bimg, False) if not ret: QMessageBox.critical(self, "HATA", u"Yeni resim eklenemedi!") else: self.fillImgList()
def launch_browser(browser, url, caption=None, message=None): if not caption: caption = "Info" if not message: message = "Launch web browser?" if not browser or not access(browser, X_OK): QMessageBox.warning( None, "Warning", "You must properly configure your web browser path in Preferences (within the Edit menu)." ) return 0 cancel = QMessageBox.information(None, caption, message, "&Ok", "&Cancel") if cancel: return 0 if sys.platform == 'win32': return spawnv(P_NOWAIT, browser, (" ", url)) else: return spawnv(P_NOWAIT, browser, (browser, url))
def closeEvent(self, event): if self.project.isChanged(): ret = QMessageBox.warning(self,"Project changed"),"Do you want to continue?"), QMessageBox.Cancel | QMessageBox.Discard) if ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: event.ignore() return
def showQuestion(self, question): """ Displays the given question and returns the answer. """ answer = QMessageBox.question(self.__generatedDialog, _creationQuestionMessage, question, QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Yes) result = False if answer == QMessageBox.Yes: result = True return result
def __dproyecto_modificado(self): """Pregunta en caso de que haya sido modificado el proyecto si desea ser guardado""" if not self.__idu.original(): returncode = QMessageBox.information(self, 'Atencion:', 'El proyecto actual ha sido modificado, desea guardarlo?', 'Guardarlo', 'No guardarlo', 'Volver', 0, 1) if returncode == 0: self.__guardar() elif returncode == 2: return False return True
def slotLaunchDosbox(self, game=None): if game is None: game = self.listView.currentItem().game if else: title = self.game_titles[game] box = QMessageBox.information(self, 'UnavailableGame') box.setText('%s is unavailable' % title)
def selectAll(self): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() selectAll = u'''select * from User;''' cursor.execute(selectAll) return cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning(None, "Database error", "Erro da consulta no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def selectAll(self): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() selectAll = u"select * from Registro;" cursor.execute(selectAll) return cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning(None, "Database error", u"Erro de seleção no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def delete(self, object): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() delete = u'''delete from Registro where ("registro" = %d);''' % object['registro'] cursor.execute(delete) banco.commit() except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning(None, "Database error", u"Erro de deleção no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def btnDelAccount_clicked(self): res = QMessageBox.warning(None, self.trUtf8("Confirmation"), self.trUtf8("""Are you absolutely sure that you want to erase <b>all</b> data inside this account (i.e. all the blogs and posts)?"""), self.trUtf8("&Yes"), self.trUtf8("&No"), None, 0, -1) if res == 0: acc = self.settings.accountByName(str(self.lbAccounts.currentText())) del self.settings.Accounts[self.settings.Accounts.index(acc)] self.fillList()
def selectAll(self): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() selectAll = u"select * from Registro;" cursor.execute(selectAll) return cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", u"Erro de seleção no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def select(self, object): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() select = u'''select * from Registro where ("registro" = %d);''' % object[ 'registro'] cursor.execute(select) return cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", u"Erro de seleção no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def delete(self, object): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() delete = '''delete from User where ("cpf" = %d);''' % object['cpf'] cursor.execute(delete) banco.commit() except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", "Erro ao remover do banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def select(self, objeto): try: banco = sqlite3.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() delete = u'''select * from Solicitacao where ("registro" = %d);''' % objeto[ 'id'] cursor.execute(delete) return cursos.fetchall() except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", "Erro da consulta no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def delete(self, objeto): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() delete = u'''delete from Solicitacao where ("registro" = %d);''' % objeto['id'] cursor.execute(delete) banco.commit() except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", "Erro ao remover do banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def btnFetchBlogs_clicked(self): host = str(self.editHost.text()) login = str(self.editLogin.text()) password = str(self.editPassword.text()) endpoint = str(self.editEP.text()) feedpath = str(self.editFP.text()) postpath = str(self.editPassword.text()) if self.comboProviders.currentItem() == 0: at = GenericAtomClient(host, login, password, endpoint, feedpath, postpath) elif self.comboProviders.currentItem() == 1: at = BloggerClient(host, login, password) elif self.comboProviders.currentItem() == 2: at = MovableTypeClient(host, login, password) try: self.blogs = at.getBlogs() self.comboBlogs.clear() for blog in self.blogs.keys(): self.comboBlogs.insertItem(blog) self.editLogin_textChanged(None) except Exception, inst: print "btnFetchBlogs_clicked: %s" % inst QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Couldn't fetch list of blogs!")
def select(self, object): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() delete = '''select * from User where ("cpf" = %d)''' % object['cpf'] cursor.execute(delete) return cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", "Erro da consulta no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def update(self, object): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() update = '''update User set ( "nome"="%s", "email"="%s", "login"="%s", "senha"="%s", "autenticacao"=%d, "admin"=%d ) where (cpf = %d);''' % ( object['cpf'], object['nome'], object['email'], object['login'], object['senha'], object['autenticacao'], object['admin']) cursor.execute(update) banco.commit() return True except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", "Erro de atualização no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def setup(self): showPlusServerWidget = True if _platform == "linux" or _platform == "linux2" or _platform == "darwin": #linux or linux or OS X message = "Attention: You are running Slicer on Linux or OS X. Do you have PlusServer installed on the current OS?" result = QMessageBox.question(slicer.util.mainWindow(), 'ProstateTRUSNav', message, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) showPlusServerWidget = result == QMessageBox.Yes if _platform == "win32" or showPlusServerWidget: # Windows... plusServerCollapsibleButton = ctkCollapsibleButton() plusServerCollapsibleButton.text = "PlusServer" self.layout.addWidget(plusServerCollapsibleButton) self.configurationFileChooserButton = QPushButton( self.configurationFile) self.configurationFileChooserButton.connect( 'clicked()', self.onConfigFileSelected) self.runPlusServerButton = QPushButton("Run PlusServer") self.runPlusServerButton.setCheckable(True) self.runPlusServerButton.connect('clicked()', self.onRunPlusServerButtonClicked) self.serverFormLayout = QFormLayout(plusServerCollapsibleButton) self.serverExecutableChooserButton = QPushButton( self.serverExecutable) self.serverExecutableChooserButton.connect( 'clicked()', self.onServerExecutableSelected) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.serverExecutableChooserButton) self.serverFormLayout.addRow(hbox) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.configurationFileChooserButton) hbox.addWidget(self.runPlusServerButton) self.serverFormLayout.addRow(hbox) GuideletWidget.setup(self) # do specific setup here if _platform == "win32" or showPlusServerWidget: self.launchGuideletButton.setEnabled(False) self.checkExecutableAndArgument()
def update(self, object): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() update = u'''update Registro set ( "tipo"=%d, "nome"=%s, "curso"=%s, "data_registro"=%s, "status"=%d, "observacoes"=%s ) where (registro = %d);''' % ( object['tipo'], object['nome'], object['curso'], object['data_registro'], object['data_saida'], object['status'], object['observacoes'], object['registro']) cursor.execute(update) banco.commit() return True except Exception, e: warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", u"Erro na atualização do banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning
def insert(self, object): try: banco = sqlite.connect('banco.db') cursor = banco.cursor() insert = '''insert into User ('cpf', 'nome', 'email', 'login', 'senha', 'autenticacao', 'admin') values ( '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d' );''' % ( object['cpf'], object['nome'], object['email'], object['login'], object['senha'], object['autenticacao'], object['admin']) cursor.execute(insert) banco.commit() return True except Exception, e: print e warning = QMessageBox.warning( None, "Database error", u"Erro de inserção no banco de dados. O erro foi:\n\n%s" % e, QMessageBox.Ok) return ~warning