def main(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.pyqlogger")): os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser("~/.pyqlogger")) settings = Settings.Settings.load() UI.prepareModule(settings) app = UI.API.KQApplication(sys.argv, None) stat = UI.API.prepareCommandLine() pic = QPixmap ( 150, 50) pic.fill() loginsplash = QSplashScreen( pic ) pixmap = QPixmap( "splash.png" ) splash = QSplashScreen( pixmap ) splash.message( "Loading forms...",alignflag ) qApp.processEvents() load_forms(splash,app,settings) splash.message( "Loading plugins...",alignflag ) qApp.processEvents() manager = Manager.load(__FORMS__["Main"]["Impl"]) del splash acc = None pwd = None if settings.AutoLogin: # check if we have auto login info acc = settings.accountByName(settings.AutoLogin) pwd = acc.Password while True: if not acc: wnd = __FORMS__["Login"] if wnd["Impl"].init(settings,__FORMS__,manager): if wnd["Class"].exec_loop() == QDialog.Accepted: acc = wnd["Impl"].acc pwd = str(wnd["Impl"].edtPassword.text()) if not acc or not pwd: break else: (acc.Password,oldpwd) = (pwd,acc.Password) acc.init() loginsplash.message( "Logging in...",Qt.AlignCenter) logres = acc.login() loginsplash.hide() acc.Password = oldpwd if not logres: QMessageBox.warning(None,"Failed!","""Cannot login!""") acc = None else: wnd = __FORMS__["Main"] acc.init() wnd["Impl"].init(settings,__FORMS__, acc, pwd,\ manager) app.setMainWidget(wnd["Class"]) wnd["Class"].show() #splash.finish(wnd["Class"]) app.exec_loop() if wnd["Impl"].reload: acc = None else: break
def main(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.pyqlogger")): os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser("~/.pyqlogger")) settings = Settings.Settings.load() UI.prepareModule(settings) app = UI.API.KQApplication(sys.argv, None) stat = UI.API.prepareCommandLine() pic = QPixmap(150, 50) pic.fill() loginsplash = QSplashScreen(pic) pixmap = QPixmap("splash.png") splash = QSplashScreen(pixmap) splash.message("Loading forms...", alignflag) qApp.processEvents() load_forms(splash, app, settings) splash.message("Loading plugins...", alignflag) qApp.processEvents() manager = Manager.load(__FORMS__["Main"]["Impl"]) del splash acc = None pwd = None if settings.AutoLogin: # check if we have auto login info acc = settings.accountByName(settings.AutoLogin) pwd = acc.Password while True: if not acc: wnd = __FORMS__["Login"] if wnd["Impl"].init(settings, __FORMS__, manager): if wnd["Class"].exec_loop() == QDialog.Accepted: acc = wnd["Impl"].acc pwd = str(wnd["Impl"].edtPassword.text()) if not acc or not pwd: break else: (acc.Password, oldpwd) = (pwd, acc.Password) acc.init() loginsplash.message("Logging in...", Qt.AlignCenter) logres = acc.login() loginsplash.hide() acc.Password = oldpwd if not logres: QMessageBox.warning(None, "Failed!", """Cannot login!""") acc = None else: wnd = __FORMS__["Main"] acc.init() wnd["Impl"].init(settings,__FORMS__, acc, pwd,\ manager) app.setMainWidget(wnd["Class"]) wnd["Class"].show() #splash.finish(wnd["Class"]) app.exec_loop() if wnd["Impl"].reload: acc = None else: break
def genWindPixmap(self): """prepare wind tiles""" pwind = PlayerWind(self.__wind) pwind.prevailing = self.__wind == Wind.all4[min(self.__roundsFinished, 3)] pMap = QPixmap(40, 40) pMap.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QPainter(pMap) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.scale(0.40, 0.40) pwind.paint(painter, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem()) for child in pwind.childItems(): if isinstance(child, QGraphicsSvgItem): with Painter(painter): painter.translate(child.mapToParent(0.0, 0.0)) child.paint(painter, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem()) return pMap
def genWINDPIXMAPS(): """prepare wind tiles""" tileset = Tileset(Internal.Preferences.windTilesetName) for wind in Wind.all4: for prevailing in False, True: pwind = PlayerWind(wind, tileset, prevailing) pMap = QPixmap(40, 40) pMap.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QPainter(pMap) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.scale(0.40, 0.40) pwind.paint(painter, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem()) for child in pwind.childItems(): if isinstance(child, QGraphicsSvgItem): with Painter(painter): painter.translate(child.mapToParent(0.0, 0.0)) child.paint(painter, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem()) WINDPIXMAPS[(wind, prevailing)] = pMap
def __fillLastMeldComboWith(self, winnerMelds, indexedMeld, lastTile): """fill last meld combo with prepared content""" winner = faceWidth = winner.handBoard.tileset.faceSize.width() * 0.5 faceHeight = winner.handBoard.tileset.faceSize.height() * 0.5 restoredIdx = None for meld in winnerMelds: pixMap = QPixmap(faceWidth * len(meld), faceHeight) pixMap.fill(Qt.transparent) self.__meldPixMaps.append(pixMap) painter = QPainter(pixMap) for element in meld: painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, winner.handBoard.tilesByElement(element)[0].pixmapFromSvg( QSize(faceWidth, faceHeight), withBorders=False ), ) painter.translate(QPointF(faceWidth, 0.0)) self.cbLastMeld.addItem(QIcon(pixMap), "", toQVariant(str(meld))) if indexedMeld == str(meld): restoredIdx = self.cbLastMeld.count() - 1 if not restoredIdx and indexedMeld: # try again, maybe the meld changed between concealed and exposed indexedMeld = indexedMeld.lower() for idx in range(self.cbLastMeld.count()): meldContent = str(variantValue(self.cbLastMeld.itemData(idx))) if indexedMeld == meldContent.lower(): restoredIdx = idx if lastTile not in meldContent: lastTile = lastTile.swapped assert lastTile in meldContent with BlockSignals(self.cbLastTile): # we want to continue right here idx = self.cbLastTile.findData(toQVariant(lastTile)) self.cbLastTile.setCurrentIndex(idx) break if not restoredIdx: restoredIdx = 0 self.cbLastMeld.setCurrentIndex(restoredIdx) self.cbLastMeld.setIconSize(QSize(faceWidth * 3, faceHeight))
def pixmapFromSvg(self, pmapSize=None, withBorders=None): """returns a pixmap with default size as given in SVG and optional borders/shadows""" if withBorders is None: withBorders = Internal.Preferences.showShadows if withBorders: wantSize = self.tileset.tileSize.toSize() else: wantSize = self.tileset.faceSize.toSize() if not pmapSize: pmapSize = wantSize result = QPixmap(pmapSize) result.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QPainter(result) if not painter.isActive(): logException( 'painter is not active. Wanted size: %s' % str(pmapSize)) try: xScale = float(pmapSize.width()) / wantSize.width() yScale = float(pmapSize.height()) / wantSize.height() except ZeroDivisionError: xScale = 1 yScale = 1 if not withBorders: painter.scale(*self.tileset.tileFaceRelation()) painter.translate(-self.facePos()) renderer = self.tileset.renderer() renderer.render(painter, self.__elementId()) painter.resetTransform() self._drawDarkness(painter) if self.showFace(): faceSize = self.tileset.faceSize.toSize() faceSize = QSize( faceSize.width() * xScale, faceSize.height() * yScale) painter.translate(self.facePos()) renderer.render(painter, self.tileset.svgName[], QRectF(QPointF(), QSizeF(faceSize))) return result
def __fillLastMeldComboWith(self, winnerMelds, indexedMeld, lastTile): """fill last meld combo with prepared content""" winner = faceWidth = winner.handBoard.tileset.faceSize.width() * 0.5 faceHeight = winner.handBoard.tileset.faceSize.height() * 0.5 restoredIdx = None for meld in winnerMelds: pixMap = QPixmap(faceWidth * len(meld), faceHeight) pixMap.fill(Qt.transparent) self.__meldPixMaps.append(pixMap) painter = QPainter(pixMap) for element in meld: painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, winner.handBoard.tilesByElement(element)[0].pixmapFromSvg( QSize(faceWidth, faceHeight), withBorders=False)) painter.translate(QPointF(faceWidth, 0.0)) self.cbLastMeld.addItem(QIcon(pixMap), '', str(meld)) if indexedMeld == str(meld): restoredIdx = self.cbLastMeld.count() - 1 if not restoredIdx and indexedMeld: # try again, maybe the meld changed between concealed and exposed indexedMeld = indexedMeld.lower() for idx in range(self.cbLastMeld.count()): meldContent = str(self.cbLastMeld.itemData(idx)) if indexedMeld == meldContent.lower(): restoredIdx = idx if lastTile not in meldContent: lastTile = lastTile.swapped assert lastTile in meldContent with BlockSignals(self.cbLastTile ): # we want to continue right here idx = self.cbLastTile.findData(lastTile) self.cbLastTile.setCurrentIndex(idx) break if not restoredIdx: restoredIdx = 0 self.cbLastMeld.setCurrentIndex(restoredIdx) self.cbLastMeld.setIconSize(QSize(faceWidth * 3, faceHeight))
class Background(Resource): """represents a background""" resourceName = 'background' configGroupName = 'KMahjonggBackground' cache = {} def __init__(self, name): """continue __build""" super(Background, self).__init__(name) self.__svg = None self.__pmap = None self.graphicsPath = None QPixmapCache.setCacheLimit(20480) # the chinese landscape needs much self.tiled ='Tiled') == '1' if self.tiled: try: self.imageWidth ='Width') self.imageHeight ='Height') except Exception as exc: logException( exc) # TODO: simplify if we switch to twisted logger raise self.isPlain = bool('Plain')) if not self.isPlain: graphName ="FileName") self.graphicsPath = self.locate(graphName) if not self.graphicsPath: logException('cannot find kmahjongglib/backgrounds/%s for %s' % (graphName, self.desktopFileName)) def pixmap(self, size): """returns a background pixmap or None for isPlain""" self.__pmap = QBrush() if not self.isPlain: width = size.width() height = size.height() if self.tiled: width = self.imageWidth height = self.imageHeight cachekey = '{name}W{width}H{height}'.format(, width=width, height=height) self.__pmap = QPixmapCache.find(cachekey) if not self.__pmap: renderer = QSvgRenderer(self.graphicsPath) if not renderer.isValid(): logException( i18n( 'file <filename>%1</filename> contains no valid SVG', self.graphicsPath)) self.__pmap = QPixmap(width, height) self.__pmap.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QPainter(self.__pmap) renderer.render(painter) QPixmapCache.insert(cachekey, self.__pmap) return self.__pmap def brush(self, size): """background brush""" return QBrush(self.pixmap(size)) def setPalette(self, onto): """sets a background palette for widget onto""" palette = QPalette() mybrush = self.brush(onto.size()) palette.setBrush(QPalette.Window, mybrush) onto.setPalette(palette)
class Background(object): """represents a background""" catalogDefined = False @staticmethod def defineCatalog(): """whatever this does""" if not Background.catalogDefined: KGlobal.dirs().addResourceType("kmahjonggbackground", "data", QString("kmahjongglib/backgrounds")) KGlobal.locale().insertCatalog("libkmahjongglib") Background.catalogDefined = True @staticmethod def backgroundsAvailable(): """returns all available backgrounds""" Background.defineCatalog() backgroundsAvailableQ = KGlobal.dirs().findAllResources( "kmahjonggbackground", "*.desktop", KStandardDirs.Recursive) # now we have a list of full paths. Use the base name minus .desktop: # put the result into a set, avoiding duplicates backgrounds = list(set(str(x).rsplit('/')[-1].split('.')[0] for x in backgroundsAvailableQ)) if 'default' in backgrounds: # we want default to be first in list sortedBackgrounds = ['default'] sortedBackgrounds.extend(set(backgrounds) - set(['default'])) backgrounds = sortedBackgrounds return [Background(x) for x in backgrounds] def __init__(self, desktopFileName=None): if desktopFileName is None: desktopFileName = 'default' self.__svg = None self.__pmap = None QPixmapCache.setCacheLimit(20480) # the chinese landscape needs much self.defineCatalog() self.desktopFileName = desktopFileName self.path = locatebackground(desktopFileName + '.desktop') if self.path.isEmpty(): self.path = locatebackground('default.desktop') if self.path.isEmpty(): directories = '\n\n' + \ '\n'.join(str(x) for x in KGlobal.dirs().resourceDirs("kmahjonggbackground")) logException(BackgroundException(m18n( 'cannot find any background in the following directories, is libkmahjongg installed?') + directories)) else: logWarning( m18n( 'cannot find background %1, using default', desktopFileName)) self.desktopFileName = 'default' config = KConfig(self.path) group ="KMahjonggBackground") = group.readEntry("Name") or m18n("unknown background") # Version control backgroundversion = int(group.readEntry("VersionFormat")) or 0 # Format is increased when we have incompatible changes, meaning that # older clients are not able to use the remaining information safely if backgroundversion > BACKGROUNDVERSIONFORMAT: logException(BackgroundException('backgroundversion file / program: %d/%d' % (backgroundversion, BACKGROUNDVERSIONFORMAT))) self.tiled = group.readEntry('Tiled') == '1' if self.tiled: self.imageWidth, entryOk = group.readEntry('Width').toInt() if not entryOk: raise Exception('cannot scan Width from background file') self.imageHeight, entryOk = group.readEntry('Height').toInt() if not entryOk: raise Exception('cannot scan Height from background file') self.isPlain = bool(group.readEntry('Plain')) if not self.isPlain: graphName = QString(group.readEntry("FileName")) self.__graphicspath = locatebackground(graphName) if self.__graphicspath.isEmpty(): logException(BackgroundException( 'cannot find kmahjongglib/backgrounds/%s for %s' % (graphName, self.desktopFileName))) def pixmap(self, size): """returns a background pixmap or None for isPlain""" self.__pmap = None if not self.isPlain: width = size.width() height = size.height() if self.tiled: width = self.imageWidth height = self.imageHeight cachekey = QString(u'{name}W{width}H{height}'.format(, width=width, height=height)) self.__pmap = QPixmapCache.find(cachekey) if not self.__pmap: renderer = QSvgRenderer(self.__graphicspath) if not renderer.isValid(): logException(BackgroundException( m18n('file <filename>%1</filename> contains no valid SVG', self.__graphicspath))) self.__pmap = QPixmap(width, height) self.__pmap.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QPainter(self.__pmap) renderer.render(painter) QPixmapCache.insert(cachekey, self.__pmap) return self.__pmap def brush(self, size): """background brush""" return QBrush(self.pixmap(size)) def setPalette(self, onto): """sets a background palette for widget onto""" palette = QPalette() mybrush = self.brush(onto.size()) palette.setBrush(QPalette.Window, mybrush) onto.setPalette(palette)