def rename(self): """renames the selected file or folder""" index = self.selectionModel().currentIndex() path = self.model.filePath(index) if path: file_info = QFileInfo(path) if file_info.isFile(): filename = self.rename_dialog("file") if filename: q_file = QFile(path) file_info.absolutePath() new_path = os.path.join(file_info.absolutePath(), str(filename)) q_file.rename(new_path) elif file_info.isDir(): filename = self.rename_dialog("directory") if filename: directory = QDir(path) file_info.absolutePath() new_path = os.path.join(file_info.absolutePath(), str(filename)) directory.rename(path, new_path)
def fromfile(cls, path): """Read a bloom filter from file-object `f' serialized with ``BloomFilter.tofile''. """ f = QFile(path) if not raise ValueError("unable to open file " + path) data = QDataStream(f) file_fmt = data.readBytes() if file_fmt != cls.FILE_FMT: raise ValueError('unexpected file format') error_rate = data.readFloat() num_slices = data.readInt() bits_per_slice = data.readInt() capacity = data.readInt() count = data.readInt() bitarray = QBitArray() filter = cls(1) # Bogus instantiation, we will `_setup'. filter._setup(error_rate, num_slices, bits_per_slice, capacity, count) filter.bitarray = QBitArray() data >> filter.bitarray return filter
def saveFileAs(self): open_file = QFile(str(STATUS.file)) if open_file == None: return save_file = self.save_as_dialog(open_file.fileName()) self.saveFile(save_file)
def reload_dark_style(self): f = QFile(":/dark_theme.qss") | QFile.Text) ts = QTextStream(f) qss = ts.readAll() # f = open(Config.get_resource_path('dark_theme.qss', 'resources/ui'), 'r') # qss =
def _load_stylesheet(qt_api=''): """ Load the stylesheet based on QtPy abstraction layer environment variable. If the argument is not passed, it uses the current QT_API environment variable to make the imports of Qt bindings. If passed, it sets this variable then make the imports. Args: qt_api (str): qt binding name to set QT_API environment variable. Default is ''. Possible values are pyside, pyside2 pyqt4, pyqt5. Not case sensitive. Note: - Note that the variable QT_API is read when first imported. So, pay attention to the import order. - If you are using another abstraction layer, i.e PyQtGraph to do imports on Qt things you must set both to use the same Qt binding (PyQt, PySide). - OS, binding and binding version number, and application specific patches are applied in this order. Returns: str: stylesheet string (css). """ if qt_api: os.environ['QT_API'] = qt_api # Import is made after setting QT_API from qtpy.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QFile, QTextStream from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QPalette # Then we import resources - binary qrc content from qdarkstyle import style_rc # Thus, by importing the binary we can access the resources package_dir = os.path.basename(PACKAGE_PATH) qss_rc_path = ":" + os.path.join(package_dir, QSS_FILE) # It gets the qss file from compiled style_rc that was import # not from the file QSS as we are using resources qss_file = QFile(qss_rc_path) if qss_file.exists(): | QFile.Text) text_stream = QTextStream(qss_file) stylesheet = text_stream.readAll() else: stylesheet = "" # Todo: check this raise type and add to docs raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find QSS file '{}' " "in resources.".format(qss_rc_path)) # 4. Apply palette fix. See issue #139 _apply_application_patches(QCoreApplication, QPalette, QColor) return stylesheet
def save(self): save_file = QFile(self.filename) result = if result: save_stream = QTextStream(save_file) save_stream << self.text() save_file.close()
def test_qInitResources(self): """ Test qInitResources. qInitResources is run during module import, but might be closed by another test so setup call it. """ icon_file = QFile(':/oi/svg/document.svg') self.assertTrue(icon_file.exists())
def save_settings(self) -> None: """Save Pyslvs settings (auto save when close event).""" if self.prefer.not_save_option: f = QFile(self.settings.fileName()) if f.exists(): f.remove() return self.settings.setValue("ENV", self.env) for field in fields(self.prefer): # type: Field self.settings.setValue(, getattr(self.prefer,
def reload_light_style(self): if CONFIG['light_theme_is_native']: self.set_style_to_stock() return f = QFile(":/light_theme.qss") | QFile.Text) ts = QTextStream(f) qss = ts.readAll() # f = open(Config.get_resource_path('light_theme.qss', 'resources/ui'), 'r') # qss =
def save(self): self.filename = str(STATUS.file) save_file = QFile(self.filename) result = if result: save_stream = QTextStream(save_file) save_stream << self.text() save_file.close() else: print("save error")
def newFile(self): """Create a new empty file""" path = self.model.filePath(self.rootIndex()) new_file_path = os.path.join(path, "New File.ngc") count = 1 while os.path.exists(new_file_path): new_file_path = os.path.join(path, "New File {}.ngc".format(count)) count += 1 new_file = QFile(new_file_path)
def save(self): save_file = QFile(self.filename) result = if result: LOG.debug("---self.text(): {}".format(self.text())) save_stream = QTextStream(save_file) save_stream << self.text() save_file.close() self.text_before_edit = '' self.somethingHasChanged.emit(False) else: LOG.debug("---save error")
def load_file_list(self): self.file_list_widget.clear() for image_dir in self.file_dirs: if not QFile.exists(image_dir): continue item = QListWidgetItem(image_dir) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable) label_dir = os.path.splitext(image_dir)[0] + '.json' if QFile.exists(label_dir): item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: item.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) self.file_list_widget.addItem(item)
def deleteItem(self): """Delete the selected item (either a file or folder).""" # ToDo: use Move2Trash, instead of deleting the file index = self.selectionModel().currentIndex() path = self.model.filePath(index) if path: file_info = QFileInfo(path) if file_info.isFile(): if not self.ask_dialog("Do you wan't to delete the selected file?"): return q_file = QFile(path) q_file.remove() elif file_info.isDir(): if not self.ask_dialog("Do you wan't to delete the selected directory?"): return directory = QDir(path) directory.removeRecursively()
def saveAs(self): file_name = self.save_as_dialog(self.filename) if file_name is False: return original_file = QFileInfo(self.filename) path = original_file.path() new_absolute_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) new_file = QFile(new_absolute_path) result = if result: save_stream = QTextStream(new_file) save_stream << self.text() new_file.close()
def saveAs(self): file_name = self.save_as_dialog(self.filename) if file_name is False: print("saveAs file name error") return self.filename = str(STATUS.file) original_file = QFileInfo(self.filename) path = original_file.path() new_absolute_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) new_file = QFile(new_absolute_path) result = if result: save_stream = QTextStream(new_file) save_stream << self.text() new_file.close() self.text_before_edit = '' self.somethingHasChanged.emit(False)
def saveAs(self): #file_name = self.save_as_dialog(self.filename) options = QFileDialog.Options() options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,"Save As","","All Files (*);;NGC Files (*.ngc)", options=options) if file_name is False: print("saveAs file name error") return self.filename = str(STATUS.file) original_file = QFileInfo(self.filename) path = original_file.path() new_absolute_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) new_file = QFile(new_absolute_path) result = if result: save_stream = QTextStream(new_file) save_stream << self.text() new_file.close()
def updateFrameSheet(self): if globals.applied_style == 'light': f = QFile(':/frameless-light.qss') elif globals.applied_style == 'dark': f = QFile(':/frameless-dark.qss') else: raise RuntimeError( 'Set the app style theme before instantiating ModernWindow') | QIODevice.Text) text = QTextStream(f) text.setCodec('UTF-8') text = text.readAll() self.setStyleSheet(text) f.close()
def save(self): reload_file = True self.filename = str(STATUS.file) # determine of have a file name if self.filename == '': reload_file = False self.filename = '/tmp/gcode_tmp.ngc' # save out the file save_file = QFile(self.filename) result = if result: save_stream = QTextStream(save_file) save_stream << self.text() save_file.close() # file save worked, now either load fresh or reload if reload_file: reLoadProgram() else: loadProgram(self.filename) else: print("save error")
def saveFile(self, save_file_name=None): if save_file_name == None: save_file = QFile(str(STATUS.file)) else: save_file = QFile(str(save_file_name)) result = if result: LOG.debug(f'---Save file: {save_file.fileName()}') save_stream = QTextStream(save_file) save_stream << self.toPlainText() save_file.close() else: LOG.debug("---save error")
def transferFile(self, src_path): dest_path = self.model.filePath(self.rootIndex()) src_file = QFile() src_file.setFileName(src_path) src_file_info = QFileInfo(src_path) dst_path = os.path.join(dest_path, src_file_info.fileName()) src_file.copy(dst_path)
def test_qCleanupResources(self): """ Test qCleanupResources. """ file_before = QFile(':/oi/svg/document.svg') self.assertTrue(file_before.exists()) qCleanupResources() file_after = QFile(':/oi/svg/document.svg') self.assertFalse(file_after.exists())
def tofile(self, path): """Write the bloom filter to file object `f'. Underlying bits are written as machine values. This is much more space efficient than pickling the object.""" # f.write(pack(self.FILE_FMT, self.error_rate, self.num_slices, # self.bits_per_slice, self.capacity, self.count)) # f.write(self.bitarray.bits) f = QFile(path) if out = QDataStream(f) out.writeBytes(self.FILE_FMT) out.writeFloat(self.error_rate) out.writeInt(self.num_slices) out.writeInt(self.bits_per_slice) out.writeInt(self.capacity) out.writeInt(self.count) out << self.bitarray f.flush() f.close()
def load_file(self, image_dir): self.reset() self.pixmap = QPixmap(image_dir) self.cv2_image = cv2.imread(image_dir) self.label_dir = os.path.splitext(image_dir)[0] + '.json' if QFile.exists(self.label_dir): with open(self.label_dir) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) self.objects = [] for obj in data['objects']: points = [] for point in obj['points']: points.append(QPointF(point['x'], point['y'])) if (obj['type'] == 'rectangle'): self.objects.append(Rectangle(points, obj['label'])) elif (obj['type'] == 'polygon'): self.objects.append(Polygon(points, obj['label'])) self.cur_object = len(self.objects) - 1 self.parent.load_object_list(self.objects) self.parent.object_list_widget.setCurrentRow(self.cur_object) self.repaint()
def copyRecursively(self, src, tgt): src_info = QFileInfo(src) if src_info.isDir(): tgt_dir = QDir(tgt) if not tgt_dir.mkdir(src_info.fileName()): return False src_dir = QDir(src) fnames = src_dir.entryList(QDir.Files | QDir.Dirs | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot | QDir.Hidden | QDir.System) for fname in fnames: new_src = os.path.join(src, fname) new_tgt = os.path.join(tgt, src_info.fileName()) if not self.copyRecursively(new_src, new_tgt): return False elif src_info.isFile(): fname = src_info.fileName() if not QFile.copy(src, os.path.join(tgt, fname)): return False return True
def _apply_base_theme(app): """ Apply base theme to the application. Args: app (QApplication): QApplication instance. """ if QT_VERSION < (5,): app.setStyle('plastique') else: app.setStyle('Fusion') f = QFile(':/style.qss') | QIODevice.Text) text = QTextStream(f) text.setCodec('UTF-8') app.setStyleSheet(text.readAll()) f.close()
def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(':/icons/app.svg')) fontDB = QFontDatabase() fontDB.addApplicationFont(':/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf') app.setFont(QFont('Roboto')) f = QFile(':/style.qss') | QFile.Text) app.setStyleSheet(QTextStream(f).readAll()) f.close() translator = QTranslator() translator.load(':/translations/' + QLocale.system().name() + '.qm') app.installTranslator(translator) mw = MainWindow() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def _load_stylesheet(qt_api='', palette=None): """ Load the stylesheet based on QtPy abstraction layer environment variable. If the argument is not passed, it uses the current QT_API environment variable to make the imports of Qt bindings. If passed, it sets this variable then make the imports. Args: qt_api (str): qt binding name to set QT_API environment variable. Default is ''. Possible values are pyside, pyside2 pyqt4, pyqt5. Not case sensitive. palette (Palette): Palette class that inherits from Palette. Note: - Note that the variable QT_API is read when first imported. So, pay attention to the import order. - If you are using another abstraction layer, i.e PyQtGraph to do imports on Qt things you must set both to use the same Qt binding (PyQt, PySide). - OS, binding and binding version number, and application specific patches are applied in this order. Returns: str: stylesheet string (css). """ if qt_api: os.environ['QT_API'] = qt_api # Import is made after setting QT_API from qtpy.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QFile, QTextStream from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QPalette from qtpy import QT_VERSION # Then we import resources - binary qrc content if palette is None: from qdarkstyle.dark import style_rc palette = DarkPalette _set_global_paths('dark') elif palette.ID == 'dark': from qdarkstyle.dark import style_rc palette = DarkPalette _set_global_paths('dark') elif palette.ID == 'light': from qdarkstyle.light import style_rc palette = LightPalette _set_global_paths('light') else: print("Not recognized ID for palette! Exiting!") sys.exit(1) # Thus, by importing the binary we can access the resources package_dir = os.path.basename(PACKAGE_PATH) qss_rc_path = ":" + os.path.join(package_dir, palette.ID, QSS_FILE) _logger.debug("Reading QSS file in: %s" % qss_rc_path) # It gets the qss file from compiled style_rc that was imported, # not from the file QSS as we are using resources qss_file = QFile(qss_rc_path) if qss_file.exists(): | QFile.Text) text_stream = QTextStream(qss_file) stylesheet = text_stream.readAll()"QSS file sucessfuly loaded.") else: stylesheet = "" # Todo: check this raise type and add to docs raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find QSS file '{}' " "in resources.".format(qss_rc_path)) _logger.debug("Checking patches for being applied.") # Todo: check execution order for these functions # 1. Apply OS specific patches stylesheet += _apply_os_patches(palette) # 2. Apply binding specific patches stylesheet += _apply_binding_patches() # 3. Apply binding version specific patches stylesheet += _apply_version_patches(QT_VERSION) # 4. Apply palette fix. See issue #139 _apply_application_patches(QCoreApplication, QPalette, QColor, palette) return stylesheet
def get_ui_qfile(self, name): file = QFile(':/ui/{}'.format(name)) if not file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError('ui file not found: ":/ui/{}"'.format(name)) return file
def _load_stylesheet(qt_api='', style=''): """ Load the stylesheet based on QtPy abstraction layer environment variable. If the argument is not passed, it uses the current QT_API environment variable to make the imports of Qt bindings. If passed, it sets this variable then make the imports. Args: qt_api (str): qt binding name to set QT_API environment variable. Default is ''. Possible values are pyside2, pyqt5. Not case sensitive. Note: - Note that the variable QT_API is read when first imported. So, pay attention to the import order. - OS, binding and binding version number, and application specific patches are applied in this order. Returns: str: stylesheet string (css). """ if qt_api: os.environ['QT_API'] = qt_api # Import is made after setting QT_API from qtpy.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QFile, QTextStream from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QPalette from qtpy import QT_VERSION # Search for style in styles directory style_dir = None available_styles = getAvailableStyles() _logger.debug(f"Available styles: {available_styles}") for stl in available_styles: if style.lower() == stl.lower(): style_dir = stl break if style_dir is None: stylesheet = "" raise FileNotFoundError("Style " + style + " does not exists") # check if any style_rc was loaded before if "style_rc" in sys.modules:"Found already imported style in sys.modules") # use qCleanupResources to remove all resource files global style_rc # noqa style_rc.qCleanupResources() # remove imported modules for x in [ module for module in sys.modules if module.startswith("style_rc") ]: del sys.modules[x] del style_rc # remove path to previously imported style from sys.path for stylepath in [ path for path in sys.path if any( style for style in getAvailableStyles() if style in path) ]: sys.path.remove(stylepath) _logger.debug("Removed all imported styles") try: _logger.debug("Loading style from directory: " + style_dir) old_working_dir = os.getcwd() # set style directory package_dir = os.path.join(STYLES_PATH, style_dir) os.chdir(package_dir) # append directory to sys.path and import style_rc sys.path.append(package_dir) try: import style_rc # noqa # get palette palette = style_rc.palette except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Failed to import style_rc from directory: {}".format( package_dir)) finally: os.chdir(old_working_dir) except FileExistsError: raise FileNotFoundError("Missing file")"Style resources imported successfully") # Thus, by importing the binary we can access the resources package_dir = os.path.basename(PACKAGE_PATH) qss_rc_path = ":" + os.path.join(package_dir, QSS_FILE) _logger.debug("Reading QSS file in: %s", qss_rc_path) # It gets the qss file from compiled style_rc that was import # not from the file QSS as we are using resources qss_file = QFile(qss_rc_path) if qss_file.exists(): | QFile.Text) text_stream = QTextStream(qss_file) stylesheet = text_stream.readAll()"QSS file sucessfuly loaded.") else: stylesheet = "" # Todo: check this raise type and add to docs raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find QSS file '{}' " "in resources.".format(qss_rc_path)) _logger.debug("Checking patches for being applied.") # Todo: check execution order for these functions # 1. Apply OS specific patches stylesheet += _apply_os_patches(palette) # 2. Apply binding specific patches stylesheet += _apply_binding_patches() # 3. Apply binding version specific patches stylesheet += _apply_version_patches(QT_VERSION) # 4. Apply palette fix. See issue #139 _apply_application_patches(palette, QCoreApplication, QPalette, QColor) return stylesheet
def _update_file_menu(self): """ Set up the File menu and update the menu with recent files """ self.file_menu.clear() newAction = QAction("&New Reduction...", self) newAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+N") newAction.setStatusTip("Start a new reduction") newAction.triggered.connect(self._new) openAction = QAction("&Open...", self) openAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+O") openAction.setStatusTip("Open an XML file containing reduction parameters") openAction.triggered.connect(self._file_open) saveAsAction = QAction("Save as...", self) saveAsAction.setStatusTip("Save the reduction parameters to XML") saveAsAction.triggered.connect(self._save_as) saveAction = QAction("&Save...", self) saveAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+S") saveAction.setStatusTip("Save the reduction parameters to XML") saveAction.triggered.connect(self._save) exportAction = QAction("&Export...", self) exportAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+E") exportAction.setStatusTip("Export to python script for Mantid") exportAction.triggered.connect(self._export) quitAction = QAction("&Quit", self) quitAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Q") quitAction.triggered.connect(self.close) self.file_menu.addAction(newAction) self.file_menu.addAction(openAction) self.file_menu.addAction(saveAction) self.file_menu.addAction(saveAsAction) self.file_menu.addAction(exportAction) self.file_menu.addSeparator() if self.general_settings.debug: clearAction = QAction("&Clear settings and quit", self) clearAction.setStatusTip("Restore initial application settings and close the application") clearAction.triggered.connect(self._clear_and_close) self.file_menu.addAction(clearAction) self.file_menu.addAction(quitAction) # TOOLS menu instrAction = QAction("Change &instrument...", self) instrAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+I") instrAction.setStatusTip("Select a new instrument") instrAction.triggered.connect(self._change_instrument) debug_menu_item_str = "Turn debug mode ON" if self.general_settings.debug: debug_menu_item_str = "Turn debug mode OFF" debugAction = QAction(debug_menu_item_str, self) debugAction.setStatusTip(debug_menu_item_str) debugAction.triggered.connect(self._debug_mode) self.tools_menu.clear() self.tools_menu.addAction(instrAction) self.tools_menu.addAction(debugAction) recent_files = [] for fname in self._recent_files: if fname != self._filename and QFile.exists(fname) and fname not in recent_files: recent_files.append(fname) if len(recent_files)>0: self.file_menu.addSeparator() for i, fname in enumerate(recent_files): action = QAction("&%d %s" % (i+1, QFileInfo(fname).fileName()), self) action.setData(fname) action.triggered.connect(self.open_file) self.file_menu.addAction(action)