Example #1
    def __init__(self, instruments, resolution, \
        tick_window=1, bar_window=100, timezone="UTC", preload=None, \
        continuous=True, blotter=None, **kwargs):

        self.name = str(self.__class__).split('.')[-1].split("'")[0]

        # assign algo params
        self.bars = pd.DataFrame()
        self.ticks = pd.DataFrame()
        self.quotes = {}
        self.tick_count = 0
        self.tick_bar_count = 0
        self.bar_count = 0
        self.bar_hash = 0

        self.tick_window = tick_window if tick_window > 0 else 1
        if "V" in resolution:
            self.tick_window = 1000
        self.bar_window = bar_window if bar_window > 0 else 100
        self.resolution = resolution.replace("MIN", "T")
        self.timezone = timezone
        self.preload = preload
        self.continuous = continuous

        self.backtest = args.backtest
        self.backtest_start = args.start
        self.backtest_end = args.end

        # -----------------------------------
        self.sms_numbers = [] if args.sms is None else args.sms
        self.trade_log_dir = args.log
        self.blotter_name = args.blotter if args.blotter is not None else blotter
        self.record_output = args.output

        # -----------------------------------
        # load blotter settings && initilize Blotter
        self.blotter = Blotter(**self.blotter_args)

        # -----------------------------------
        # initiate broker/order manager
        super().__init__(instruments, ibclient=int(args.ibclient), \
            ibport=int(args.ibport), ibserver=str(args.ibserver))

        # -----------------------------------
        # signal collector
        self.signals = {}
        for sym in self.symbols:
            self.signals[sym] = pd.DataFrame()

        # -----------------------------------
        # initilize output file
        self.record_ts = None
        if self.record_output:
            self.datastore = tools.DataStore(args.output)

        # -----------------------------------
        # initiate strategy
Example #2
    def __init__(self, instruments=[], resolution="1T",
        tick_window=1, bar_window=100, timezone="UTC", preload=None,
        continuous=True, blotter=None, sms=[], log=None, backtest=False,
        start=None, end=None, data=None, output=None,
        ibclient=998, ibport=4001, ibserver="localhost", **kwargs):

        # detect algo name
        self.name = str(self.__class__).split('.')[-1].split("'")[0]

        # initilize algo logger
        self.log_algo = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # initilize strategy logger
        self.log = logging.getLogger(self.name)

        # override args with any (non-default) command-line args
        self.args = {arg: val for arg, val in locals().items(
            ) if arg not in ('__class__', 'self', 'kwargs')}

        # assign algo params
        self.bars           = pd.DataFrame()
        self.ticks          = pd.DataFrame()
        self.quotes         = {}
        self.books          = {}
        self.tick_count     = 0
        self.tick_bar_count = 0
        self.bar_count      = 0
        self.bar_hashes     = {}

        self.tick_window    = tick_window if tick_window > 0 else 1
        if "V" in resolution:
            self.tick_window = 1000
        self.bar_window     = bar_window if bar_window > 0 else 100
        self.resolution     = resolution.upper().replace("MIN", "T")
        self.timezone       = timezone
        self.preload        = preload
        self.continuous     = continuous

        self.backtest       = self.args["backtest"]
        self.backtest_start = self.args["start"]
        self.backtest_end   = self.args["end"]
        self.backtest_csv   = self.args["data"]

        # -----------------------------------
        self.sms_numbers    = self.args["sms"]
        self.trade_log_dir  = self.args["log"]
        self.blotter_name   = self.args["blotter"]
        self.record_output  = self.args["output"]

        # -----------------------------------
        # initiate broker/order manager
            **{arg: val for arg, val in self.args.items() if arg in (
                'ibport', 'ibclient', 'ibhost')})

        # -----------------------------------
        # signal collector
        self.signals = {}
        for sym in self.symbols:
            self.signals[sym] = pd.DataFrame()

        # -----------------------------------
        # initilize output file
        self.record_ts = None
        if self.record_output:
            self.datastore = tools.DataStore(self.args["output"])

        # ---------------------------------------
        # add stale ticks for more accurate time--based bars
        if not self.backtest and self.resolution[-1] not in ("K", "V"):
            self.bar_timer = asynctools.RecurringTask(
                self.add_stale_tick, interval_sec=1, init_sec=1, daemon=True)

        # ---------------------------------------
        # sanity checks for backtesting mode
        if self.backtest:
            if self.record_output is None:
                self.log_algo.error("Must provide an output file for Backtest mode")
            if self.backtest_start is None:
                self.log_algo.error("Must provide start date for Backtest mode")
            if self.backtest_end is None:
                self.backtest_end = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            if self.backtest_csv is not None:
                if not os.path.exists(self.backtest_csv):
                    self.log_algo.error("CSV directory cannot be found (%s)" % self.backtest_csv)
                elif self.backtest_csv.endswith("/"):
                    self.backtest_csv = self.backtest_csv[:-1]

            self.backtest_start = None
            self.backtest_end   = None
            self.backtest_csv   = None

        # be aware of thread count
        self.threads = asynctools.multitasking.getPool(__name__)['threads']
Example #3
    def __init__(self, instruments, resolution,
        tick_window=1, bar_window=100, timezone="UTC", preload=None,
        continuous=True, blotter=None, force_resolution=False, **kwargs):

        self.name = str(self.__class__).split('.')[-1].split("'")[0]

        # ----------------------------------------------------
        # default args
        self.args = kwargs.copy()
        cli_args  = self.load_cli_args()

        # override kwargs args with cli args
        for arg in cli_args:
            if arg not in self.args or ( arg in self.args and cli_args[arg] is not None ):
                self.args[arg] = cli_args[arg]

        # fix flag args (no value)
        for arg in ["backtest"]:
            if arg in kwargs and "--"+str(arg) not in sys.argv:
                self.args[arg] = kwargs["backtest"]
        # ----------------------------------------------------

        # assign algo params
        self.bars           = pd.DataFrame()
        self.ticks          = pd.DataFrame()
        self.quotes         = {}
        self.books          = {}
        self.tick_count     = 0
        self.tick_bar_count = 0
        self.bar_count      = 0
        self.bar_hash       = 0

        self.tick_window    = tick_window if tick_window > 0 else 1
        if "V" in resolution:
            self.tick_window = 1000
        self.bar_window     = bar_window if bar_window > 0 else 100
        self.resolution     = resolution.replace("MIN", "T")
        self.timezone       = timezone
        self.preload        = preload
        self.continuous     = continuous

        self.backtest       = self.args["backtest"]
        self.backtest_start = self.args["start"]
        self.backtest_end   = self.args["end"]

        # -----------------------------------
        self.sms_numbers    = [] if self.args["sms"] is None else self.args["sms"]
        self.trade_log_dir  = self.args["log"]
        self.blotter_name   = self.args["blotter"] if self.args["blotter"] is not None else blotter
        self.record_output  = self.args["output"]

        # -----------------------------------
        # load blotter settings && initilize Blotter
        self.blotter = Blotter(**self.blotter_args)

        # -----------------------------------
        # initiate broker/order manager
        super().__init__(instruments, ibclient=int(self.args["ibclient"]),
            ibport=int(self.args["ibport"]), ibserver=str(self.args["ibserver"]))

        # -----------------------------------
        # signal collector
        self.signals = {}
        for sym in self.symbols:
            self.signals[sym] = pd.DataFrame()

        # -----------------------------------
        # initilize output file
        self.record_ts = None
        if self.record_output:
            self.datastore = tools.DataStore(self.args["output"])

        # -----------------------------------
        # initiate strategy

        # ---------------------------------------
        # add stale ticks to allow for interval-based bars
        if force_resolution and self.resolution[-1] not in ("K", "V"):
            self.bar_timer = tools.RecurringTask(
                self.add_stale_tick, interval_sec=1, init_sec=1, daemon=True)