Example #1
    def POST(self):
        # accepts the human marked form
        # takes the YES/NO signal and if YES sends to Solr
        # either way uses the YES/NO to train another epoch of the
        # machine learning algorithm. The constants will be stored in
        # the database.
        web.header('Content-type', 'application/json')
        request_input = web.input(answer='',
        url = request_input.url
        title = request_input.title
        image = request_input.image
        emotional_score = request_input.emotional_score
        quality_score = request_input.quality_score
        body = request_input.body
        answer = request_input.answer
        if answer == '' or url == '' or title == '' or image == '' or emotional_score == -1 or quality_score == -1 or body == '':
            return web.badrequest()

        if "yes" == answer:
            Store.Record.create(CosineSimilarity.text_to_vector(body), 1)
            Scraper.store_in_solr(url, emotional_score, quality_score,
                                  (title, body, image))
            Store.Record.create(CosineSimilarity.text_to_vector(body), 0)
 def get_quality_score(self, bodyList):
     # we will measure quality by looking at relevancy and the quality of the writing
     # relevancy will be judged as a normalized score.
     # return reduce(lambda acc, x: acc + CosineSimilarity.similarity(x, GOLD_STD), bodyList, 0)
     cosine_sim_value = reduce(lambda acc, x: acc + CosineSimilarity.similarity(x, GOLD_STD), bodyList, 0)
     nearest_neighbor_class = (NearestNeighborFilter()).classify(CosineSimilarity.text_to_vector(" ".join(bodyList)))
     nearest_neighbor_class = nearest_neighbor_class[0]  # get the actual value.
     # we are going to return a weighted average of the two filters
     print "Combined score: {0}".format(0.58 * cosine_sim_value + 0.42 * nearest_neighbor_class)
     return 0.58 * cosine_sim_value + 0.42 * nearest_neighbor_class
Example #3
    def POST(self):
        # accepts the human marked form
        # takes the YES/NO signal and if YES sends to Solr
        # either way uses the YES/NO to train another epoch of the
        # machine learning algorithm. The constants will be stored in
        # the database.
        web.header('Content-type', 'application/json')
        request_input = web.input(answer='', url='', title='', image='', emotional_score=-1, quality_score=-1, body='')
        url = request_input.url
        title = request_input.title
        image = request_input.image
        emotional_score = request_input.emotional_score
        quality_score = request_input.quality_score
        body = request_input.body
        answer = request_input.answer
        if answer == '' or url == '' or title == '' or image == '' or emotional_score == -1 or quality_score == -1 or body == '':
            return web.badrequest()

        if "yes" == answer:
            Store.Record.create(CosineSimilarity.text_to_vector(body), 1)
            Scraper.store_in_solr(url, emotional_score, quality_score, (title, body, image))
            Store.Record.create(CosineSimilarity.text_to_vector(body), 0)