def bfs_preprocess(image_path, new_size, number_of_colors, t1, t2, number_of_cc, graph_type, reversed_colors=True): ''' This is the combination of pre_extraction_from_image and tree_approximation. :param image_path: string. :param number_of_colors: number of colors for the output image. :param t1: noise threshold. If t=0, then all the new pixels are preserved with their new colors. :param t2: threshold for the weights of the edges after pre-extraction. :param number_of_cc: number of connected components of the graph represented by the image. If None, then only 1 cc is assumed. :param graph_type: 1 (to use edges and vertices of the grid), 2 (to use only edges). :return: bfs_Graph: bfs approximation of G. ''' print('bfs_preprocessing...') width, color_dict, folder_path = resizing_image(image_path, number_of_colors, new_size, t1, reversed_colors) Graph, _ = pre_extraction_from_image(image_path, new_size, t2, number_of_colors, number_of_cc, graph_type, t1, reversed_colors) bfs_Graph = tree_approximation(Graph) partition_dict, _, _ = quality_measure.partition_set(width + 1) with open(folder_path + '/bfs_extracted_graph.pkl', 'wb') as file: pkl.dump(bfs_Graph, file) with open(folder_path + '/real_part_dict.pkl', 'wb') as file: pkl.dump(partition_dict, file) return bfs_Graph
path = "./debugger_input_files/Quality_measure/" with open(path+'./qw_3-29.pkl', 'rb') as file: qm_weights_old = pkl.load(file) with open(path+'./L_3-29.pkl', 'rb') as file: qm_L_old = pkl.load( file) ''' Run simulation ''' qm = {} # print('\n N | Pre-extracted Graph |') # print(' | qw | L |') for N in range(3, 30): qm[N] = {} partition_dict, dict_seq, node2box_index = quality_measure.partition_set(N) _, G_triang = quality_measure.partition(N) colors = utils.horizontal_line(N) G_bar = pre_extraction.weighted_partition2bar_graph(partition_dict, colors) G_pre_extracted = G_bar.copy() # print(G_bar.nodes(data=True)) # filtering edges_ = list(G_pre_extracted.edges()) G_pre_extracted.remove_edges_from(edges_) # print('getting graph') graph_type = "1" min_ = .5
def img_pre_extr2filtering(image_path, filter_size, beta_d, weighting_method_simplification='ER', entries=[0]): ''' This takes as input a path containing the bfs approximation of the pre-extracted graph. This pre-extracted graph has been obtained from an image. The output is the filtered graph. :param image_path: string. :param filter_size: radious of the filters for the terminal selection process. :param weighting_method_simplification: 'ER', 'IBP', 'BPW'. :param beta_d: beta input for the DMK solver. :return: G_filtered: filtered graph (networkx graph). ''' last_word = image_path.split('/')[-1] new_folder_name = last_word.split('.')[0] saving_path = './runs/' + new_folder_name file = '/bfs_extracted_graph.pkl' with open(saving_path + file, 'rb') as file: Graph = pkl.load(file) file = '/real_image.pkl' with open(saving_path + file, 'rb') as file: color_dict = pkl.load(file) file = '/real_part_dict.pkl' with open(saving_path + file, 'rb') as file: partition_dict = pkl.load(file) nbr_graph, color_nbr, terminal_list, nodes_for_correction, filter_number = terminal_computation.terminal_finder( filter_size, partition_dict, Graph) l = [] for value in nodes_for_correction.values(): l += value fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 15)) partition_dict_mask, _, _ = quality_measure.partition_set(filter_number + 1) patches = [] for key in partition_dict_mask: square_edges = np.asarray([partition_dict_mask[key][0]] + [partition_dict_mask[key][2]] + [partition_dict_mask[key][3]] + [partition_dict_mask[key][1]] + [partition_dict_mask[key][0]]) # print(square_edges) # print(len(square_edges)) s1 = Polygon(square_edges) patches.append(s1) p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=.5, linewidth=1, edgecolor='b', facecolor='white') ax.add_collection(p) patches2 = [] for key in partition_dict: square_edges = np.asarray([partition_dict[key][0]] + [partition_dict[key][2]] + [partition_dict[key][3]] + [partition_dict[key][1]] + [partition_dict[key][0]]) # print(square_edges) # print(len(square_edges)) s1 = Polygon(square_edges) patches2.append(s1) p2 = PatchCollection(patches2, alpha=.4, cmap='YlOrRd', linewidth=.1, edgecolor='b') colors = np.array(list(color_dict.values())) p2.set_array(colors) ax.add_collection(p2) pos = nx.get_node_attributes(nbr_graph, 'pos') nx.draw_networkx(nbr_graph, pos, node_size=15, width=1.5, with_labels=False, edge_color='red', alpha=1, node_color=color_nbr, ax=ax) pos = nx.get_node_attributes(Graph, 'pos') nx.draw_networkx(Graph, pos, node_size=0, width=1.5, with_labels=False, edge_color='black', alpha=0.5, ax=ax) for i in range(len(terminal_list)): node = terminal_list[i] # color=color_nbr[i] if node in l: color = 'green' size = 1 else: color = 'black' size = .5 x = Graph.nodes[node]['pos'][0] y = Graph.nodes[node]['pos'][1] circle1 = plt.Circle((x, y), .01, color=color, fill=False, lw=size) ax.add_artist(circle1) # label = ax.annotate(str(node), xy=(x, y), fontsize=12, ha="center") plt.savefig(saving_path + '/terminal_map.png') G_filtered = filtering_from_image(Graph, beta_d, terminal_list, color_dict, partition_dict, weighting_method_simplification, entries, saving_path) return G_filtered
def pre_extraction_from_image(image_path, new_size, t2, number_of_colors=50, number_of_cc=1, graph_type='1', t1=0, reversed_colors=True, t3=1, ds_interpolation='nearest', plotting=False): ''' This takes an image and return a graph extracted from it according to the pre-extraction rules. :param image_path: string. :param new_size: new size for the input image. :param t2: threshold for the weights of the edges after pre-extraction. :param number_of_colors: number of colors for the output image. :param number_of_cc: number of connected components of the graph represented by the image. If None, then only 1 cc is assumed. :param graph_type: 1 (to use edges and vertices of the grid), 2 (to use only edges). :param t1: noise threshold. If t1=0, then all the new pixels are preserved with their new colors. :return: small_G_pre_extracted: pre-extracted graph. ''' width, color_dict, folder_path = resizing_image(image_path, number_of_colors, new_size, t1, reversed_colors, ds_interpolation) N = width + 1 _, G_triang = quality_measure.partition(N) partition_dict, dict_seq, node2box_index = quality_measure.partition_set(N) G_bar = weighted_partition2bar_graph(partition_dict, color_dict) #max_=max(color_dict.values()) G_pre_extracted = G_bar.copy() # filtering edges_ = list(G_pre_extracted.edges()) G_pre_extracted.remove_edges_from(edges_) G_pre_extracted = node_edge_filter(G_pre_extracted, t2, graph_type, dict_seq, 'ER', 'image', node2box_index, t3=t3) # 12 small_G_pre_extracted = G_pre_extracted.copy() small_G_pre_extracted.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(G_pre_extracted))) pos = nx.get_node_attributes(small_G_pre_extracted, 'pos') if plotting: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 15)) patches = [] for key in partition_dict: square_edges = np.asarray([partition_dict[key][0]] + [partition_dict[key][2]] + [partition_dict[key][3]] + [partition_dict[key][1]] + [partition_dict[key][0]]) s1 = Polygon(square_edges) patches.append(s1) p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=.7, cmap='YlOrRd', linewidth=.1, edgecolor='b') colors = np.array(list(color_dict.values())) p.set_array(colors) ax.add_collection(p) nx.draw_networkx(small_G_pre_extracted, pos, node_size=1, width=3, with_labels=False, edge_color='Gray', alpha=0.8, node_color='black', ax=ax) if number_of_cc in [1, None ] and plotting: #we assume then there's just one plt.savefig(folder_path + '/extracted_graph.png') cc_large = max(nx.connected_components(small_G_pre_extracted), key=len) small_G_pre_extracted = small_G_pre_extracted.subgraph(cc_large) pos = nx.get_node_attributes(small_G_pre_extracted, 'pos') nx.draw_networkx(small_G_pre_extracted, pos, node_size=3, width=3, with_labels=False, edge_color='black', alpha=0.8, node_color='black', ax=ax) with open(folder_path + '/extracted_graph.pkl', 'wb') as file: pkl.dump(small_G_pre_extracted, file) with open(folder_path + '/real_image.pkl', 'wb') as file: pkl.dump(color_dict, file) with open(folder_path + '/G_bar.pkl', 'wb') as file: pkl.dump(G_bar, file) return small_G_pre_extracted, color_dict, partition_dict, folder_path
def resizing_image(image_path, number_of_colors, new_size, t=0, reversed_colors=True, ds_interpolation='nearest', plotting=True): ''' This resizes and repaints an image. :param image_path: string. :param number_of_colors: number of colors for the output image. :param t: noise threshold. If t=0, then all the new pixels are preserved with their new colors. :return: width: width of the output image. color_dict: dictionary s.t., color_dict[key]= real value for the key-th pixel. key is the index for the pixels in the resized image. saving_path: string, to where the new image is saved. ''' if ds_interpolation == 'nearest': ds_funct = cv.INTER_NEAREST elif ds_interpolation == 'area': ds_funct = cv.INTER_AREA last_word = image_path.split('/')[-1] new_folder_name = last_word.split('.')[0] saving_path = './runs/' + new_folder_name try: os.mkdir(saving_path) except: pass #print('resizing',os.getcwd(), image_path) im = width, height, = im.size pixel_values = np.array(list(im.getdata())) im = cv.imread(image_path) if new_size == 'automatic': new_size = max(int(0.30 * width), 100) if width != new_size: #resizing it img_rotate_90_clockwise = cv.rotate(im, cv.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) img_ratio = new_size / width #print('ratio:', img_ratio) small_to_large_image_size_ratio = img_ratio small_img = cv.resize( img_rotate_90_clockwise, # original image (0, 0), # set fx and fy, not the final size fx=small_to_large_image_size_ratio, fy=small_to_large_image_size_ratio, interpolation=ds_funct) cv.imwrite(saving_path + '/resized_' + new_folder_name + '.jpg', small_img) res_im = saving_path + '/resized_' + new_folder_name + '.jpg', 'r') width, height = res_im.size pixel_values = np.array(list(res_im.getdata())) else: print('new size = current size') partition_dict, dict_seq, node2box_index = quality_measure.partition_set( width + 1) number_of_colors += 1 i = 0 color_dict = {} for r, b, g in pixel_values: rgb = ((r & 0x0ff) << 16) | ((g & 0x0ff) << 8) | (b & 0x0ff) # print(rgb) color_dict[i] = int(rgb) i += 1 #print(len(color_dict)) colors = [] max_ = max(color_dict.values()) color_flag = 2 for key in color_dict.keys(): if reversed_colors == True: color_dict[key] = max(1 - color_dict[key] / max_, t) else: color_dict[key] = max(color_dict[key] / max_, t) # print(color_dict[key]) #color = coloring(color_dict[key], number_of_colors) color = color_dict[key] colors.append(color) max_ = max(color_dict.values()) if plotting: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(17, 15)) patches = [] for key in partition_dict: square_edges = np.asarray([partition_dict[key][0]] + [partition_dict[key][2]] + [partition_dict[key][3]] + [partition_dict[key][1]] + [partition_dict[key][0]]) s1 = Polygon(square_edges) patches.append(s1) p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=1, linewidth=.0, edgecolor='b', cmap='Greys') p.set_array(np.array(colors)) ax.add_collection(p) plt.colorbar(p) folder_path = image_path.replace(image_path.split('/')[-1], "") plt.savefig(saving_path + '/repainted_resized_image.png') return width, color_dict, saving_path