Example #1
def test_scatter_add(backend):
    x = zeros(backend, (3, 3))
    y = ones(backend, (2, 3))
    indices = to_array(backend, [0, 2])

    z = scatter_add(backend, x, indices, y, 0)
    assert np.isclose(z[0, 0], 1.0)
    assert np.isclose(z[1, 0], 0.0)
    assert np.isclose(z[2, 0], 1.0)

    x = zeros(backend, (3, 3))
    y = ones(backend, (3, 2))
    z = scatter_add(backend, x, indices, y, 1)
    assert np.isclose(z[0, 0], 1.0)
    assert np.isclose(z[0, 1], 0.0)
    assert np.isclose(z[0, 2], 1.0)
Example #2
def test_tensordot(backend):
    x = arange(backend, 0, 10.1, 1)
    y = ones(backend, 11)
    z = tensordot(backend, x, y, ((0,), (0,)))
    assert np.isclose(z, 55)
Example #3
def crps(y_pred, y_true, quantiles, quantile_axis=1):
    Compute the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) for given
    predicted quantiles.

    This function uses a piece-wise linear fit to the approximate posterior
    CDF obtained from the predicted quantiles in :code:`y_pred` to
    approximate the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS):

    .. math::
        CRPS(\mathbf{y}, x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty (F_{x | \mathbf{y}}(x')
        - \mathrm{1}_{x < x'})^2 \: dx'


        y_pred: Tensor containing the predicted quantiles along the axis
                specified by ``quantile_axis``.

        y_true: Array containing the true point values.

        quantiles: 1D array containing the quantile fractions corresponding
            corresponding to the predicted quantiles.


        Tensor of rank :math:`k - 1` containing the CRPS values for each of the
        predictions in ``y_pred``.
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        quantile_axis = 0
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)
    n_dims = len(y_pred.shape)

    x_cdf, y_cdf = cdf(y_pred, quantiles, quantile_axis=quantile_axis)

    y_true_shape = list(x_cdf.shape)
    y_true_shape[quantile_axis] = 1
    y_true = to_array(xp, y_true)
    y_true = reshape(xp, y_true, y_true_shape)

    mask = as_type(xp, x_cdf > y_true, y_pred)
    ind = ones(xp, x_cdf.shape, like=y_pred) * mask

    output_shape = list(x_cdf.shape)
    del output_shape[quantile_axis]
    integral = zeros(xp, output_shape, like=y_pred)
    x_index = [slice(0, None)] * n_dims

    y_l = y_cdf[0]
    x_index[quantile_axis] = 0
    x_l = x_cdf[tuple(x_index)]
    ind_l = ind[tuple(x_index)]

    for i in range(1, len(y_cdf)):

        y_r = y_cdf[i]
        x_index[quantile_axis] = i
        x_r = x_cdf[tuple(x_index)]
        ind_r = ind[tuple(x_index)]

        result = (ind_l - y_l) ** 2
        result += (ind_r - y_r) ** 2
        dx = x_r - x_l
        result *= 0.5 * dx
        integral += result

        y_l = y_r
        x_l = x_r
        ind_l = ind_r

    return integral
Example #4
def test_zeros(backend):
    x = ones(backend, (1, 1))
    assert x[0, 0] == 1.0
Example #5
def cdf(y_pred, quantiles, quantile_axis=1):
    Calculates the cumulative distribution function (CDF) from predicted

        y_pred: Array containing a range of predicted quantiles. The array
            is expected to contain the quantiles along the axis given by
        quantiles: Array containing quantile fraction corresponding to the
            the predicted quantiles.
        quantile_axis: The index of the axis f the ``y_pred`` array, along
            which the quantiles are found.

        Tuple ``(x_cdf, y_cdf)`` of x and corresponding y-values of the CDF
        corresponding to quantiles given by ``y_pred``.


        InvalidArrayTypeException: When the data is provided neither as
             numpy array nor as torch tensor.

        InvalidDimensionException: When the provided predicted quantiles do
             not match the provided number of quantiles.
    if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        quantile_axis = 0
    if y_pred.shape[quantile_axis] != len(quantiles):
        raise InvalidDimensionException(
            "Dimensions of the provided array 'y_pred' do not match the"
            "provided number of quantiles."

    output_shape = list(y_pred.shape)
    xp = get_array_module(y_pred)

    y_cdf = quantiles

    y_cdf = concatenate(
        xp, [zeros(xp, 1, like=y_cdf), y_cdf, ones(xp, 1, like=y_cdf)], 0

    selection = [slice(0, None)] * len(y_pred.shape)
    selection_c = copy(selection)
    selection_c[quantile_axis] = 0
    selection_c = tuple(selection_c)
    selection_r = copy(selection)
    selection_r[quantile_axis] = 1
    selection_r = tuple(selection_r)
    dx = y_pred[selection_r] - y_pred[selection_c]
    dx /= quantiles[1] - quantiles[0]
    x_cdf_l = y_pred[selection_c] - 2.0 * quantiles[0] * dx
    x_cdf_l = expand_dims(xp, x_cdf_l, quantile_axis)

    selection_l = copy(selection)
    selection_l[quantile_axis] = -2
    selection_l = tuple(selection_l)
    selection_c = copy(selection)
    selection_c[quantile_axis] = -1
    selection_c = tuple(selection_c)
    dx = y_pred[selection_c] - y_pred[selection_l]
    dx /= quantiles[-1] - quantiles[-2]
    x_cdf_r = y_pred[selection_c] + 2.0 * (1.0 - quantiles[-1]) * dx
    x_cdf_r = expand_dims(xp, x_cdf_r, quantile_axis)

    x_cdf = concatenate(xp, [x_cdf_l, y_pred, x_cdf_r], quantile_axis)

    return x_cdf, y_cdf