Example #1
def make_pipeline(context):
    A function to create our dynamic stock selector (pipeline). Documentation on
    pipeline can be found here: https://www.quantopian.com/help#pipeline-title
    primary = Q500US()  # IsPrimaryShare()
    sma7 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=7)
    sma3 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=3)
    sma21 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],

    above_10 = sma3 > 10

    #dollar_volume = AverageDollarVolume(window_length=60)
    #high_dollar_volume = dollar_volume.percentile_between(85, 100,mask = above_10 & primary)

    smaRatio = sma7 / sma21

    sma_rank = smaRatio.rank()

    shorts = sma_rank.percentile_between(90, 100)

    longs = sma_rank.percentile_between(0, 10)

    # Create a dollar volume factor.

    # Pick the top 1% of stocks ranked by dollar volume.

    #high_dollar_volume = high_dollar_volume & primary
    morn_cyc = SuperSector()
    Close = USEquityPricing.close.latest

    returns = Returns(window_length=10)
    returns_slice = returns[sid(8554)]
    spy_correlations = returns.pearsonr(target=returns_slice,
    LowBeta = (spy_correlations >= -0.39) & (spy_correlations <= 0.39)
    #LowBeta1 = spy_correla

    pipe = Pipeline(
        screen=primary & above_10,
            #'dollar_volume': dollar_volume,
            'longs': longs,
            'shorts': shorts,
            'sma_rank': sma_rank,
            'ratioCy': smaRatio,
            'SpyCor': LowBeta,
            'Q500': Q500US(),
            'Close': Close
    return pipe
Example #2
def make_pipeline():
    Create our pipeline.

    pricing = USEquityPricing.close.latest

    # Volatility filter (I made it sector neutral to replicate what UBS did).  Uncomment and
    # change the percentile bounds as you would like before adding to 'universe'
    # vol=Volatility(mask=Q500US())
    # sector=morningstar.asset_classification.morningstar_sector_code.latest
    # vol=vol.zscore(groupby=sector)
    # vol_filter=vol.percentile_between(0,100)

    # Liquidity filter (Uncomment and change the percentile bounds as you would like before
    # adding to 'universe'
    # liquidity=Liquidity(mask=Q500US())
    # I included NaN in liquidity filter because of the large amount of missing data for shares out
    # liquidity_filter=liquidity.percentile_between(0,75) | liquidity.isnan()

    universe = (
        & (pricing > 5)
        # & liquidity_filter
        # & volatility_filter

    return Pipeline(screen=universe)
def make_pipeline():


    # Base universe set to the Q500US
    base_universe = Q500US()

    lastclose = USEquityPricing.close.latest

    # macd pipeline factor
    myFactor = MACD()
    signal = MACD_s()
    plus = (myFactor > 0)
    mac_s = (myFactor > signal)

    # sma difference
    mean_close_25 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],

    limit_bound = mean_close_25 * 0.95
    upper_bound = mean_close_25 * 1.04
    lower_bound = mean_close_25 * 0.99

    checks_l = lastclose < lower_bound

    # holder
    longs = plus & mac_s & checks_l

    # securities to trade
    securities_to_trade = (longs)

    return Pipeline(columns={'longs': longs}, screen=(securities_to_trade))
def make_pipeline():
    base_universe = Q500US()
    ROA = Fundamentals.roa.latest
    ROE = Fundamentals.roe.latest
    EV_EBITDA = Fundamentals.ev_to_ebitda.latest
    Enterprise_value = Fundamentals.enterprise_value.latest
    PE = Fundamentals.pe_ratio.latest
    PB = Fundamentals.pb_ratio.latest
    PS = Fundamentals.ps_ratio.latest

    rsi = pfactors.RSI(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=14)

    #pipeline variables....winsorize to omit outliers, and zscore to normalize

    return Pipeline(
            'RSI': rsi.zscore().winsorize(min_percentile=0.05,
            #'PE': PE.zscore().winsorize(min_percentile = 0.05, max_percentile = 0.95),
            'Enterprise value': Enterprise_value.zscore().winsorize(
                0.05, 0.95),
            #'ROA' : ROA.zscore().winsorize(0.05, 0.95),
            'ROE': ROE.zscore().winsorize(0.05, 0.95),
            'PB': PB.zscore().winsorize(0.05, 0.95),
            'PS': PS.zscore().winsorize(0.05, 0.95),
            #'EV_EBITDA':EV_EBITDA.zscore().winsorize(0.05, 0.95)
def make_pipeline():
    universe = Q500US()
    close = USEquityPricing.close.latest
    total_yield = Fundamentals.total_yield.latest
    top_yield = total_yield.top(100, mask = universe)
    mom_score_6 = mom_score()
    mom_score_6 = mom_score_6.top(30, mask = top_yield)
    pipe = Pipeline(
        columns = {
        }, screen = universe & top_yield & mom_score_6
    return pipe
Example #6
def initialize(context):
    # 空のパイプラインを作ります
    pipe = Pipeline()
    # research では run_pipeline
    # algorithm では,initilize 内で attach_pipeline を実行して,パイプラインを毎日実行するように設定します.

    # ほしいデータを定義
    # pipeline 用に定義された 移動平均 SimpleMovingAverage を使う
    SMA10 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    SMA30 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    pipe.add(SMA10, 'SMA10')
    pipe.add(SMA30, 'SMA30')

    ## raw_weights
    raw_weights = (SMA10 - SMA30) / SMA30
    abs_raw_weights = raw_weights.abs()
    pipe.add(raw_weights, 'raw_weights')
    pipe.add(abs_raw_weights, 'abs_raw_weights')


    attach_pipeline(pipe, "my_pipeline")

    # 毎週月曜日にどの銘柄を保有するか決定する
    schedule_function(rebalance, date_rules.week_start(),

    # 毎週金曜日の取引時間終了時に持っている銘柄を全部クローズする.
Example #7
def initialize(context):
    # 空のパイプラインを作ります
    pipe = Pipeline()
    # research では run_pipeline
    # algorithm では,initilize 内で attach_pipeline を実行して,パイプラインを毎日実行するように設定します.

    # ほしいデータを定義
    # pipeline 用に定義された 移動平均 SimpleMovingAverage を使う
    SMA10 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    SMA30 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    pipe.add(SMA10, 'SMA10')
    pipe.add(SMA30, 'SMA30')

    ## raw_weights
    raw_weights = (SMA10 - SMA30) / SMA30
    abs_raw_weights = raw_weights.abs()
    pipe.add(raw_weights, 'raw_weights')
    pipe.add(abs_raw_weights, 'abs_raw_weights')


    attach_pipeline(pipe, "my_pipeline")

    # Rebalance every Monday (or the first trading day if it's a holiday)
    # at market open.
    schedule_function(rebalance, date_rules.week_start(),

Example #8
def make_pipeline(context):
    ## symbol universe
    base_universe = Q500US() if False else Q1500US()
    ## filters
    # Filter for primary share equities. IsPrimaryShare is a built-in filter.
    primary_share = IsPrimaryShare()
    # Equities listed as common stock (as opposed to, say, preferred stock).
    # 'ST00000001' indicates common stock.
    common_stock = morningstar.share_class_reference.security_type.latest.eq(
    # Non-depositary receipts. Recall that the ~ operator inverts filters,
    # turning Trues into Falses and vice versa
    not_depositary = ~morningstar.share_class_reference.is_depositary_receipt.latest
    # Equities not trading over-the-counter.
    not_otc = ~morningstar.share_class_reference.exchange_id.latest.startswith(
    # Not when-issued equities.
    not_wi = ~morningstar.share_class_reference.symbol.latest.endswith('.WI')
    # Equities without LP in their name, .matches does a match using a regular expression
    not_lp_name = ~morningstar.company_reference.standard_name.latest.matches(
        '.* L[. ]?P.?$')
    # Equities with a null value in the limited_partnership Morningstar fundamental field.
    not_lp_balance_sheet = morningstar.balance_sheet.limited_partnership.latest.isnull(
    # Equities whose most recent Morningstar market cap is not null have fundamental data and therefore are not ETFs.
    have_market_cap = morningstar.valuation.market_cap.latest.notnull()
    is_cyclical = SuperSector().eq(SuperSector.CYCLICAL)
    is_defensive = SuperSector().eq(SuperSector.DEFENSIVE)
    is_sensitive = SuperSector().eq(SuperSector.SENSITIVE)

    sector = Sector()
    close = USEquityPricing.close

    # For filter
    tradeable_stocks = (primary_share
                        & common_stock
                        & not_depositary
                        & not_otc
                        & not_wi
                        & not_lp_name
                        & not_lp_balance_sheet
                        & have_market_cap
                        & (is_cyclical | is_defensive | is_sensitive))
    dollar_volume = AverageDollarVolume(window_length=30)
    high_dollar_volume = dollar_volume.percentile_between(98, 100)

    myscreen = (base_universe & tradeable_stocks & high_dollar_volume)

    # Pipeline
    pipe = Pipeline(columns={
        'yesterday_close': close.latest,
        'day_before_yesterday_close': PrevClose(),
        'day_before_yesterday_volume': PrevVolume(),
        'morningstar_sector_code': sector,
    return pipe
def make_pipeline():

    # Base universe set to the Q500US
    universe = Q500US()

    roe = Fundamentals.roe.latest

    pipe = Pipeline(columns={'roe': roe}, screen=universe)
    return pipe
Example #10
def make_pipeline():
    base_universe = Q500US()

    # 一週間のリターンをとりあえず過去5日間のリターンと考える
    fiveday_return = Returns(window_length=5)

    pipe = Pipeline(screen=base_universe,
                        'fiveday_return': fiveday_return,
    return pipe
Example #11
def make_pipeline(context):
    # Use a universe of just the top 500 US stocks
    universe = Q500US()
    sector = Sector()

    # Determine if the market is trending up or down. If the market is trending down then just buy bonds. If it is trending up then buy stocks
    # This is not an optimal solution and will obviously not work in all future market crashes
    spy_ma_fast_slice = SMA(
    spy_ma_slow_slice = SMA(
    spy_ma_fast = SMA(inputs=[spy_ma_fast_slice], window_length=1)
    spy_ma_slow = SMA(inputs=[spy_ma_slow_slice], window_length=1)
    # If the 100 moving average crosses the 10 then alter the trend up variable
    trend_up = spy_ma_fast > spy_ma_slow

    # Get simple factors to determine "quality" companies
    cash_return = ms.cash_return.latest.rank(mask=universe)
    fcf_yield = ms.fcf_yield.latest.rank(mask=universe)
    roic = ms.roic.latest.rank(mask=universe)
    rev_growth = ms.revenue_growth.latest.rank(mask=universe)

    value = (cash_return + fcf_yield).rank(mask=universe)

    # Find sentiment rank using https://www.quantopian.com/posts/sentiment-as-a-factor
    sentiment_score = SMA(
    sentiment_score_zscore = sentiment_score.zscore()
    sentiment_overall_rank = sentiment_score_zscore.rank(
        mask=universe, groupby=sector).demean()

    # Combine factors to create one single ranking system
    quality = roic + rev_growth + value + sentiment_overall_rank

    # Create a 'momentum' factor by looking back over the last 140 days (20 weeks).
    momentum = Returns(window_length=context.MOMENTUM_LOOKBACK_DAYS)

    # Filters for top quality and momentum to use in the selection criteria
    top_quality = quality.top(context.TOP_ROE_QTY, mask=universe)
    top_quality_momentum = momentum.top(context.TARGET_SECURITIES,
    # Only return values to be used in the selection criteria by using the screen parameter
    pipe = Pipeline(columns={
        'trend_up': trend_up,
        'top_quality_momentum': top_quality_momentum,
    return pipe
Example #12
def initialize(context):

    # how many days to look back volatility and returns
    context.lookback = 3 * 252  # 3 years
    context.long_leverage = 1.0

    #set_benchmark(sid(41382)) #SPLV

    pipe = Pipeline()
    attach_pipeline(pipe, 'lvhy')

    # This is an approximation of the S&P 500
    top_500 = Q500US()  # Q1500US()

    volatility = Volatility(window_length=context.lookback)
    pipe.add(volatility, 'volatility')

    # Rank factor 1 and add the rank to our pipeline
    volatility_rank = volatility.rank(mask=top_500)
    pipe.add(volatility_rank, 'volatility_rank')

    syield = Yield()
    pipe.add(syield, 'yield')

    # Rank factor 2 and add the rank to our pipeline
    yield_rank = syield.rank(mask=top_500)
    pipe.add(yield_rank, 'yield_rank')

    # Take the average of the two factor rankings, add this to the pipeline
    combo_raw = (volatility_rank + yield_rank) / 2
    pipe.add(combo_raw, 'combo_raw')

    # Rank the combo_raw and add that to the pipeline
    pipe.add(combo_raw.rank(mask=top_500), 'combo_rank')

    # Set a screen to capture max top 100 best stocks

    # Scedule my rebalance function
                      time_rule=time_rules.market_open(hours=0, minutes=30),

    # Schedule my plotting function
def make_pipeline():
    Create our pipeline.

    # To make the program more flexible, we allow for the possibility of having two universes,
    #   one for estimating HHI and one for trading stocks after sorting by changes in HHI
    estimation_universe = Q500US()
    trading_universe = Q500US()

    pricing = USEquityPricing.close.latest
    # Note that if we don't filter for primary share class, we double count sales for dual class stocks
    primary_share = IsPrimaryShare(mask=estimation_universe)
    sales = Sales(mask=estimation_universe)
    industry = Industry(mask=estimation_universe)

    universe = (primary_share & (pricing > 5))

    return Pipeline(screen=universe,
                        'sales': sales,
                        'industry': industry,
                        'in_trading_univ': trading_universe
Example #14
def Custom_pipeline(context):
    pipe = Pipeline()
    sma_10 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    sma_50 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    pipe.add(st.bull_scored_messages.latest, 'bull_scored_messages')
    pipe.add(st.bear_scored_messages.latest, 'bear_scored_messages')

    #changed to be easier to read.
    pipe.set_screen(Q500US() & (sma_10 > sma_50)
                    & ((0.35 * st.bull_scored_messages.latest) >
                    & (st.bear_scored_messages.latest > 10))
    return pipe
Example #15
def Custom_pipeline(context):
    pipe = Pipeline()
    sma_10 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs = [USEquityPricing.close], window_length=10)
    sma_50 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs = [USEquityPricing.close], window_length=50)
    pipe.add(st.bull_scored_messages .latest, 'bull_scored_messages')
    pipe.add(st.bear_scored_messages .latest, 'bear_scored_messages')
    pipe.add(sma_10, 'sma_10')
    pipe.add(sma_50, 'sma_50')
                    & (sma_10 > sma_50) 
                    & ((st.bull_scored_messages.latest * 0.35) > st.bear_scored_messages.latest)
                    & (st.bear_scored_messages.latest > 10)
    return pipe
Example #16
def make_pipeline(context):
    Builds a Pipeline with Bollinger bands for top NUM_SYMBOLS stocks by market cap in the tech sector.
    Starts out from the Q500US base universe.

    # Base universe of top 500 US stocks.
    base_universe_filter = Q500US()

    # Stocks of only tech sector.
    tech_sector = Sector(mask=base_universe_filter)
    tech_universe_filter = base_universe_filter & tech_sector.eq(311)

    # Top 10 tech stocks with largest market cap.
    mkt_cap_filter = morningstar.valuation.market_cap.latest
    top_mkt_cap_tech_filter = mkt_cap_filter.top(context.NUM_SYMBOLS,

    # Bollinger band factor with Stdev factor 2.
    lower_band_factor, middle_factor, upper_band_factor = BollingerBands(
        window_length=22, k=2, mask=top_mkt_cap_tech_filter)

    # Percent difference between (price, lower_band) and (price, upper_band).
    price = USEquityPricing.close.latest
    buy_percent_factor = ((lower_band_factor - price) * 100) / price
    sell_percent_factor = ((price - upper_band_factor) * 100) / price

    # Mean reversion buy and sell filters.
    # Sell when price exceeds upper-band and buy when price is below lower-band.
    buy_filter = buy_percent_factor > 0
    sell_filter = sell_percent_factor > 0

    # Build and return the Pipeline.
    pipe_bbands = Pipeline(columns={
        'buy_percent': buy_percent_factor,
        'lower_band': lower_band_factor,
        'buy': buy_filter,
        'price': price,
        'sell': sell_filter,
        'upper_band': upper_band_factor,
        'sell_percent': sell_percent_factor

    return pipe_bbands
def make_pipeline():

    # Base Universe.
    base_universe = Q500US()

    # Define Sectors of Assumed Growth
    sector = morningstar.asset_classification.morningstar_sector_code.latest
    tech_sector = sector.eq(311)
    healthcare_sector = sector.eq(206)

    # Revenue Growth
    revenue_growth = morningstar.operation_ratios.revenue_growth.latest
    high_revenue_growth = revenue_growth.percentile_between(80,100,mask = base_universe)

    # Return on Invested Capital
    roic = morningstar.operation_ratios.roic.latest
    high_roic = roic.percentile_between(80,100,mask = high_revenue_growth)

    # Filtering ROIC as growth adds value
    long_value_roic = high_roic #> wacc

    # Filters
    high_growth = (long_value_roic & high_revenue_growth & (tech_sector | healthcare_sector))
    securities_to_trade = high_growth

    return Pipeline(
        columns = {
            'Sector': sector,
            'Revenue Growth': revenue_growth,
            'ROIC': roic,
            'High Growth': high_growth,
        }, screen = securities_to_trade)
def make_pipeline(context):

    year_high = ATH()
    apr = APR()
    price1 = USEquityPricing.close.latest

    sma_100 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    sma_filter = (price1 > sma_100)

    spy = Q500US()
    momentum = (Latest(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close]) / SimpleMovingAverage(
        inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=252)) - 1
    apr_filter = (apr > 0.005)
    new_high = (year_high <= price1)
    dollar_volume = AverageDollarVolume(window_length=30)
    high_dv = dollar_volume.percentile_between(90, 100)

    mkt_cap = MarketCap().top(UniverseSize)

    mo_filter = (momentum > 0)
    universe = (new_high & spy & apr_filter & mkt_cap & mo_filter & high_dv
                & sma_filter)

    mo_rank = momentum.rank(mask=universe, ascending=False)
        columns={#"year high": year_high ,
                 # "price" : price1,
                "mo_rank" : mo_rank,
                  "apr" : apr,



    return pipe
def custom_pipeline(context):
    sma_10 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs = [USEquityPricing.close], window_length=10)
    sma_50 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs = [USEquityPricing.close], window_length=50)  
    # for testing only
    small_universe = SidInList(sid_list = (24))
    #changed to be easier to read.
    my_screen = (Q500US() & \
                    (sma_10 > sma_50) & \
                    (st.bull_scored_messages.latest > 10)) 
    prediction = Prediction(inputs=[st.bull_scored_messages, st.bear_scored_messages, \
                                             USEquityPricing.close, USEquityPricing.open],\
                                     window_length=200, mask=small_universe)
    return Pipeline(
            'sma10': sma_10,
            'close': USEquityPricing.close.latest,
            'prediction': prediction
Example #20
def make_pipeline():
    base_universe = Q500US()

    # 一週間のリターンをとりあえず過去5日間のリターンと考える
    # 本当は,休日の事も考えなくては行けないが,とりあえず決め打ち.
    fiveday_return = Returns(window_length=5)

    # 過去30日の移動平均を取得
    sma30 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    # 移動平均が10ドル以上
    remove_penny_stocks = sma30 > 10.0
    # 過去30日の売買高
    dollar_volume = AverageDollarVolume(window_length=30)
    # 上位10%だけを対象
    high_dollar_volume = dollar_volume.percentile_between(90, 100)

    pipe = Pipeline(screen=base_universe & remove_penny_stocks
                    & high_dollar_volume,
                        'fiveday_return': fiveday_return,
    return pipe
Example #21
def make_pipeline():

    # Base universe set to the Q500US
    universe = Q500US()

    roe = Fundamentals.roe.latest

    new_returns = Returns(window_length=5, mask=universe)

    new_returns = new_returns.zscore()
    returns_range = new_returns.percentile_between(1, 30)

    new_volatility = AnnualizedVolatility(mask=universe)

    new_volatility = new_volatility.zscore()
    volatility_range = new_volatility.percentile_between(1, 30)

    pipe = Pipeline(columns={
        'roe': roe,
        'returns': returns_range,
        'volatility': volatility_range
    return pipe
def make_pipeline():

    base_universe = Q500US()

    price_moving_average_20 = SimpleMovingAverage(
        inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=20, mask=base_universe)

    current_price = USEquityPricing.close.latest

    twenty_day_momentum = (current_price -
                           price_moving_average_20) / price_moving_average_20

    #     '''
    wiki_views = wikipedia_pageviews.views.latest
    wiki_views_sma10 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[wikipedia_pageviews.views],

    last_open = USEquityPricing.open.latest
    one_day_momentum = (current_price - last_open) / last_open

    views_spike_filter = (wiki_views -
                          wiki_views_sma10) / wiki_views_sma10 > .2
    #     '''

    factor1 = twenty_day_momentum + 5 * one_day_momentum

    longs = factor1.top(75)
    shorts = factor1.bottom(75)
    securities_to_trade = (shorts | longs) & views_spike_filter

    return Pipeline(columns={
        'longs': longs,
        'shorts': shorts
def make_pipeline(context):
    # Use a universe of just the top 500 US stocks
    universe = Q500US()

    # Get simple factors to determine "quality" companies
    cash_return_latest = ms.cash_return.latest
    fcf_yield_latest = ms.fcf_yield.latest
    roic_latest = ms.roic.latest
    rev_growth_latest = ms.revenue_growth.latest

    cash_return = cash_return_latest.rank(mask=universe)
    fcf_yield = fcf_yield_latest.rank(mask=universe)
    roic = roic_latest.rank(mask=universe)

    rev_growth = rev_growth_latest.rank(mask=universe)
    value = (cash_return + fcf_yield).rank(mask=universe)
    # Combine factors to create one single ranking system
    quality = value + roic + rev_growth

    # Create a 'momentum' factor by looking back over the last 140 days (20 weeks)
    momentum = Returns(window_length=context.MOMENTUM_LOOKBACK_DAYS)

    # Filters for top quality and momentum to use in the selection criteria
    top_quality = quality.top(
        context.TOP_ROE_QTY, mask=universe) & cash_return_latest.notnull(
        ) & fcf_yield_latest.notnull() & roic_latest.notnull(
        ) & rev_growth_latest.notnull()
    top_quality_momentum = momentum.top(context.TARGET_SECURITIES,

    # Only return values to be used in the selection criteria by using the screen parameter
    pipe = Pipeline(columns={
        'top_quality_momentum': top_quality_momentum,
    return pipe
Example #24
def make_pipeline(context):

    base_universe = Q500US()

    rsi_factor = RSI(window_length=5)
    fso_factor = FastStochasticOscillator()
    beta = SimpleBeta(target=sid(8554), regression_length=260)

    pipe = Pipeline(columns={
        'rsi': rsi_factor,
        'fso': fso_factor,
        'beta': beta
                    screen=base_universe & rsi_factor.notnull()
                    & fso_factor.notnull())

    context.sma_short = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    pipe.add(context.sma_short, "sma_short")
    context.sma_long = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    pipe.add(context.sma_long, "sma_long")

    return pipe
Example #25
def make_pipeline():
    # define our fundamental factor pipeline
    pipe = Pipeline()

    # market value,book_to_market,return_on_equity and reinvestment_rate data gets fed in here
    market_value = Latest([Fundamentals.mkt_val])
    book_to_market = 1 / Latest([Fundamentals.pbk_af])
    return_on_equity = Latest([Fundamentals.roe_af])
    reinvestment_rate = Fundamentals.reinvest_rate_af.latest

    # and momentum as lagged returns
    momentum = Momentum()

    # we also get daily returns
    returns = Returns(window_length=2)

    # we compute a daily rank of all factors, this is used in the next step,
    # which is computing portfolio membership QTradableStocksUS
    market_value_rank = market_value.rank(mask=Q500US())
    book_to_market_rank = book_to_market.rank(mask=Q500US())
    return_on_equity_rank = return_on_equity.rank(mask=Q500US())
    reinvestment_rate_rank = reinvestment_rate.rank(mask=Q500US())
    momentum_rank = momentum.rank(mask=Q500US())

    # Grab the top and bottom 50 for each factor
    biggest = market_value_rank.top(50)
    smallest = market_value_rank.bottom(50)

    highpb = book_to_market_rank.top(50)
    lowpb = book_to_market_rank.bottom(50)

    robust = return_on_equity_rank.top(50)
    weak = return_on_equity_rank.bottom(50)

    conservative = reinvestment_rate_rank.top(50)
    aggressive = reinvestment_rate_rank.bottom(50)

    top = momentum_rank.top(50)
    bottom = momentum_rank.bottom(50)

    # Define our universe, screening out anything that isn't in the top or bottom 50 for each factor
    universe = Q500US() & (biggest | smallest | highpb | lowpb | top | bottom
                           | robust | weak | conservative | aggressive)

    pipe = Pipeline(columns={
        'market_value': market_value,
        'book_to_market': book_to_market,
        'return_on_equity': return_on_equity,
        'reinvestment_rate': reinvestment_rate,
        'momentum': momentum,
        'Returns': returns,
        'market_value_rank': market_value_rank,
        'book_to_market_rank': book_to_market_rank,
        'return_on_equity_rank': return_on_equity_rank,
        'reinvestment_rate_rank': reinvestment_rate_rank,
        'momentum_rank': momentum_rank,
        'biggest': biggest,
        'smallest': smallest,
        'highpb': highpb,
        'lowpb': lowpb,
        'top': top,
        'bottom': bottom,
        'robust': robust,
        'weak': weak,
        'conservative': conservative,
        'aggressive': aggressive

    return pipe
Example #26
        'Price Oscillator': Price_Oscillator,
        'Return on Invest Capital': Return_On_Total_Invest_Capital,
        '39 Week Returns': Returns_39W,
        'Trendline': Trendline,
        'Vol 3M': Vol_3M,
        'Working Capital to Assets': Working_Capital_To_Assets,

    return all_factors

factors = make_factors()

# In[4]:

universe = Q500US()  # Define universe and select factors to use
n_fwd_days = 5  # number of days to compute returns over

# Differently to source I changed rank to zscore!

# In[5]:

# Define and build the pipeline
def make_history_pipeline(factors, universe, n_fwd_days=5):
    # Call .rank() on all factors and mask out the universe
    factor_zscore = {
        name: f().zscore(mask=universe)
        for name, f in factors.iteritems()
    # Get cumulative returns over last n_fwd_days days. We will later shift these.
filtro2 = filtro.isnull()  # Filtrar los elementos nulos
filtro2 = filtro.matches(
    'RegEx')  # Filtrar los elementos que coincidan con una expresión regular
filtro2 = filtro.notnull()  # Filtrar los elementos no nulos
filtro2 = filtro.startswith(
)  # Filtrar los elementos que empiecen con el prefijo especificado

# Filtros incorporados
from quantopian.pipeline.filters import QTradableStocksUS  # Universo comercial utilizado en el concurso Quantopian.
from quantopian.pipeline.filters import Q500US  # Un universo predeterminado que contiene aproximadamente 500 acciones estadounidenses cada día.
from quantopian.pipeline.filters import Q1500US  # Un universo predeterminado que contiene aproximadamente 1500 acciones estadounidenses cada día.
from quantopian.pipeline.filters import Q3000US  # Un universo predeterminado que contiene aproximadamente 3000 acciones estadounidenses cada día.

filtro = QTradableStocksUS()
filtro = Q500US()
filtro = Q1500US()
filtro = Q3000US()

# Clasificadores
clasificador = filtro.relabel(
    funcion)  # Crear clasificador a partir de una función

# Clasificaciones de factores
clasificación = factor1.quartiles()  # Clasificar en quartiles
clasificación = factor1.quintiles()  # Clasificar en quintiles
clasificación = factor1.deciles()  # Clasificar en deciles
clasificación = factor1.quantiles()  # Clasificar en quantiles

# Dominios
from quantopian.pipeline.domain import AR_EQUITIES  # Bolsa de Buenos Aires
Example #28
def make_pipeline():
    # Create a reference to our trading universe
    base_universe = Q500US()

    # Get net income
    net_income = Fundamentals.net_income_cash_flow_statement.latest

    # Get operating cash flow
    op_cash_flow = Fundamentals.cash_flow_from_continuing_operating_activities.latest

    # Get return on assets
    roa = Fundamentals.roa.latest

    # Get long term debt
    long_term_debt = Fundamentals.long_term_debt.latest
    long_term_debt_1yr_ago = Previous(inputs=[Fundamentals.long_term_debt],

    # Get change in current ratio
    current_ratio = Fundamentals.current_ratio.latest
    current_ratio_1yr_ago = Previous(inputs=[Fundamentals.current_ratio],

    # Get shares issued
    share_issued = Fundamentals.share_issued.latest
    share_issued_1yr_ago = Previous(inputs=[Fundamentals.share_issued],

    # Get gross margin
    gross_margin = Fundamentals.gross_margin.latest
    gross_margin_1yr_ago = Previous(inputs=[Fundamentals.gross_margin],

    # Get asset turnover ratio
    assets_turnover = Fundamentals.assets_turnover.latest
    assets_turnover_1yr_ago = Previous(inputs=[Fundamentals.assets_turnover],

    # Get earnings yield
    earnings_yield = Fundamentals.earning_yield.latest

    # Get price to book ratio
    pb_ratio = Fundamentals.pb_ratio.latest

    inventory_turnover = Fundamentals.inventory_turnover.latest

    # Get return on invested capital
    roic = Fundamentals.roic.latest
    roic_5yr_avg = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[Fundamentals.roic],
                                       window_length=5 * 252)

    # Get f score
    f_score = Fscore(inputs=[
        net_income, roa, op_cash_flow, op_cash_flow -
        net_income, long_term_debt - long_term_debt_1yr_ago, current_ratio -
        current_ratio_1yr_ago, share_issued -
        share_issued_1yr_ago, gross_margin -
        gross_margin_1yr_ago, assets_turnover - assets_turnover_1yr_ago

    # Get sector
    sector_code = Fundamentals.morningstar_sector_code.latest

    # Return Pipeline containing close_price and
    # sentiment_score that has our trading universe as screen
    return Pipeline(columns={
        'earnings_yield': earnings_yield,
        'pb_ratio': pb_ratio,
        'roic': roic,
        'roic_5yr_avg': roic_5yr_avg,
        'f_score': f_score,
        'sector_code': sector_code
Example #29
def make_pipeline(context):
    ## symbol universe
    base_universe = Q500US() if False else Q1500US()

    ## filters
    # Filter for primary share equities. IsPrimaryShare is a built-in filter.
    primary_share = IsPrimaryShare()
    # Equities listed as common stock (as opposed to, say, preferred stock).
    # 'ST00000001' indicates common stock.
    common_stock = morningstar.share_class_reference.security_type.latest.eq('ST00000001')
    # Non-depositary receipts. Recall that the ~ operator inverts filters,
    # turning Trues into Falses and vice versa
    not_depositary = ~morningstar.share_class_reference.is_depositary_receipt.latest
    # Equities not trading over-the-counter.
    not_otc = ~morningstar.share_class_reference.exchange_id.latest.startswith('OTC')
    # Not when-issued equities.
    not_wi = ~morningstar.share_class_reference.symbol.latest.endswith('.WI')
    # Equities without LP in their name, .matches does a match using a regular expression
    not_lp_name = ~morningstar.company_reference.standard_name.latest.matches('.* L[. ]?P.?$')
    # Equities with a null value in the limited_partnership Morningstar fundamental field.
    not_lp_balance_sheet = morningstar.balance_sheet.limited_partnership.latest.isnull()
    # Equities whose most recent Morningstar market cap is not null have fundamental data and therefore are not ETFs.
    have_market_cap = morningstar.valuation.market_cap.latest.notnull()
    is_cyclical = SuperSector().eq(SuperSector.CYCLICAL)
    is_defensive = SuperSector().eq(SuperSector.DEFENSIVE)
    is_sensitive = SuperSector().eq(SuperSector.SENSITIVE)

    # Filter for stocks that pass all of our previous filters.
    tradeable_stocks = (
        &(is_cyclical | is_defensive | is_sensitive)

    # ToDo この範囲を色々変えてみる.
    dollar_volume = AverageDollarVolume(window_length=30)
    high_dollar_volume = dollar_volume.percentile_between(98, 100)
    daily_volatility = AnnualizedVolatility(window_length=20)/math.sqrt(252)
    sme20 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=20)
    rsi = RSI(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close])
    #sector = ms.asset_classification.morningstar_sector_code
    sector = Sector()
    static_sectors = (sector.eq(311) | 
                      sector.eq(309) | 
                      sector.eq(103) | 
                      sector.eq(101) | 
                      sector.eq(308) | 
                      sector.eq(206) )

    if context.static_asset:
        myscreen = StaticSids(context.special_sids) #context.special_assets
        myscreen = (base_universe & tradeable_stocks & high_dollar_volume ) # & static_sectors

    pipe = Pipeline(
            'prev_close': PrevClose(),
            'prev_volume': PrevVolume(),
            'prev_turnover': PrevClose()*PrevVolume(),
            'dollar_volume': dollar_volume,
            'high_dollar_volume': high_dollar_volume,
            'daily_volatility': daily_volatility,
            'sma20': sme20,
            'rsi': rsi,
            'morningstar_sector_code': sector,
    return pipe
    # Rebalance every day, 1 hour after market open.
    schedule_function(my_rebalance, date_rules.every_day(),

    # Record tracking variables at the end of each day.
    schedule_function(my_record_vars, date_rules.every_day(),

    schedule_function(frb, date_rules.month_start(), time_rules.market_open())

    # Create our dynamic stock selector.
    attach_pipeline(make_pipeline(), 'my_pipeline')

base_universe = Q500US()

# Custom factor for MACD

class MACD(CustomFactor):
    inputs = [USEquityPricing.close]
    window_length = 60
    mask = base_universe

    # The initial value for EMA is taken as trialing SMA
    def ema(self, data, window):
        c = 2.0 / (window + 1)
        ema = np.mean(data[-(2 * window) + 1:-window + 1], axis=0)
        for value in data[-window + 1:]:
            ema = (c * value) + ((1 - c) * ema)