Example #1
def collect_option_chains(universes=None,
    Collect option chains for underlying securities.

    Note: option chains often consist of hundreds, sometimes thousands of
    options per underlying security. Be aware that requesting option chains
    for large universes of underlying securities, such as all stocks on the
    NYSE, can take numerous hours to complete, add hundreds of thousands of
    rows to the securities master database, increase the database file size
    by several hundred megabytes, and potentially add latency to database

    universes : list of str, optional
        collect options for these universes of underlying securities

    conids : list of int, optional
        collect options for these underlying conids

    infilepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object, optional
        collect options for the conids in this file (specify '-' to read file
        from stdin)

        status message
    params = {}
    if universes:
        params["universes"] = universes
    if conids:
        params["conids"] = conids

    if infilepath_or_buffer == "-":
        response = houston.post("/master/options",

    elif infilepath_or_buffer and hasattr(infilepath_or_buffer, "read"):
        if infilepath_or_buffer.seekable():
        response = houston.post("/master/options",

    elif infilepath_or_buffer:
        with open(infilepath_or_buffer, "rb") as f:
            response = houston.post("/master/options", params=params, data=f)
        response = houston.post("/master/options", params=params)

    return response.json()
Example #2
def load_history_from_file(code, infilepath_or_buffer):
    Load market data from a CSV file into a history database.

    code : str, required
        the database code to load into

    infilepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object
        CSV file containing market data (specify '-' to read file from stdin)

        status message

    url = "/history/{0}.csv".format(code)

    # Loading large amounts of data can take awhile
    timeout = 60 * 60

    if infilepath_or_buffer == "-":
        response = houston.patch(url,

    elif infilepath_or_buffer and hasattr(infilepath_or_buffer, "read"):
        if infilepath_or_buffer.seekable():
        response = houston.patch(url,

        with open(infilepath_or_buffer, "rb") as f:
            response = houston.patch(url, data=f, timeout=timeout)

    return response.json()
Example #3
def round_to_tick_sizes(infilepath_or_buffer, round_fields,
                        how=None, append_ticksize=False,
    Round prices in a CSV file to valid tick sizes.

    CSV should contain columns `ConId`, `Exchange`, and the columns to be rounded
    (e.g. `LmtPrice`). Additional columns will be ignored and returned unchanged.

    infilepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object, required
        CSV file with prices to be rounded (specify '-' to read file from stdin)

    round_fields : list of str, required
        columns to be rounded

    how : str, optional
        which direction to round to. Possible choices: 'up', 'down', 'nearest'
        (default is 'nearest')

    append_ticksize : bool
        append a column of tick sizes for each field to be rounded (default False)

    outfilepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object
        filepath to write the data to, or file-like object (defaults to stdout)


    params = {}
    if round_fields:
        params["round_fields"] = round_fields
    if how:
        params["how"] = how
    if append_ticksize:
        params["append_ticksize"] = append_ticksize

    url = "/master/ticksizes.csv"

    if infilepath_or_buffer == "-":
        # No-op if an empty file is passed on stdin
        f = six.StringIO(sys.stdin.read())
        if not f.getvalue():

        response = houston.get(url, params=params, data=to_bytes(f))

    elif infilepath_or_buffer and hasattr(infilepath_or_buffer, "read"):
        if infilepath_or_buffer.seekable():
        response = houston.get(url, params=params, data=to_bytes(infilepath_or_buffer))

    elif infilepath_or_buffer:
        with open(infilepath_or_buffer, "rb") as f:
            response = houston.get(url, params=params, data=f)
        raise ValueError("infilepath_or_buffer is required")


    filepath_or_buffer = outfilepath_or_buffer or sys.stdout
    write_response_to_filepath_or_buffer(filepath_or_buffer, response)
Example #4
def create_universe(code, infilepath_or_buffer=None, from_universes=None,
                    exclude_delisted=False, append=False, replace=False,
    Create a universe of securities.

    code : str, required
        the code to assign to the universe (lowercase alphanumerics and hyphens only)

    infilepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object, optional
        create the universe from the conids in this file (specify '-' to read file from stdin)

    from_universes : list of str, optional
        create the universe from these existing universes

    exclude_delisted : bool
        exclude delisted securities that would otherwise be included (default
        is not to exclude them)

    append : bool
        append to universe if universe already exists (default False)

    replace : bool
        replace universe if universe already exists (default False)

    domain : str, optional
        create universe in this domain (default is 'main', which runs against
        quantrocket.master.main.sqlite. Possible choices: main, sharadar)

        status message

    Create a universe called 'nyse-stk' from a CSV file:

    >>> create_universe("usa-stk", "nyse_securities.csv")

    Create a universe from a DataFrame:

    >>> import io
    >>> f = io.StringIO()
    >>> japan_securities.to_csv(f)
    >>> create_universe("japan-stk", f)
    if append and replace:
        raise ValueError("append and replace are mutually exclusive")

    params = {}
    if from_universes:
        params["from_universes"] = from_universes
    if exclude_delisted:
        params["exclude_delisted"] = exclude_delisted
    if replace:
        params["replace"] = replace

    url = "/master/{0}universes/{1}".format(
        "{0}/".format(domain) if domain else "",

    if append:
        method = "PATCH"
        method = "PUT"

    if infilepath_or_buffer == "-":
        response = houston.request(method, url, params=params, data=to_bytes(sys.stdin))

    elif infilepath_or_buffer and hasattr(infilepath_or_buffer, "read"):
        if infilepath_or_buffer.seekable():
        response = houston.request(method, url, params=params, data=to_bytes(infilepath_or_buffer))

    elif infilepath_or_buffer:
        with open(infilepath_or_buffer, "rb") as f:
            response = houston.request(method, url, params=params, data=f)
        response = houston.request(method, url, params=params)

    return response.json()
Example #5
def diff_securities(universes=None, conids=None, infilepath_or_buffer=None,
                    fields=None, delist_missing=False, delist_exchanges=None,
    Flag security details that have changed in IB's system since the time they
    were last collected into the securities master database.

    Diff can be run synchronously or asynchronously (asynchronous is the default
    and is recommended if diffing more than a handful of securities).

    universes : list of str, optional
        limit to these universes

    conids : list of int, optional
        limit to these conids

    infilepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object, optional
        limit to the conids in this file (specify '-' to read file from stdin)

    fields : list of str, optional
        only diff these fields

    delist_missing : bool
        auto-delist securities that are no longer available from IB

    delist_exchanges : list of str, optional
        auto-delist securities that are associated with these exchanges

    wait : bool
        run the diff synchronously and return the diff (otherwise run
        asynchronously and log the results, if any, to flightlog)

        dict of conids and fields that have changed (if wait), or status message

    params = {}
    if universes:
        params["universes"] = universes
    if conids:
        params["conids"] = conids
    if fields:
        params["fields"] = fields
    if delist_missing:
        params["delist_missing"] = delist_missing
    if delist_exchanges:
        params["delist_exchanges"] = delist_exchanges
    if wait:
        params["wait"] = wait

    # if run synchronously use a high timeout
    timeout = 60*60*10 if wait else None
    if infilepath_or_buffer == "-":
        response = houston.get("/master/diff", params=params, data=to_bytes(sys.stdin), timeout=timeout)

    elif infilepath_or_buffer and hasattr(infilepath_or_buffer, "read"):
        if infilepath_or_buffer.seekable():
        response = houston.get("/master/diff", params=params, data=to_bytes(infilepath_or_buffer), timeout=timeout)

    elif infilepath_or_buffer:
        with open(infilepath_or_buffer, "rb") as f:
            response = houston.get("/master/diff", params=params, data=f, timeout=timeout)
        response = houston.get("/master/diff", params=params, timeout=timeout)

    return response.json()
Example #6
def create_db(code, universes=None, conids=None, start_date=None, end_date=None,
              vendor=None, bar_size=None, bar_type=None, outside_rth=False,
              primary_exchange=False, times=None, between_times=None,
              shard=None, no_config=False, config_filepath_or_buffer=None):
    Create a new history database.

    code : str, required
        the code to assign to the database (lowercase alphanumerics and hyphens only)

    universes : list of str
        include these universes

    conids : list of int
        include these conids

    start_date : str (YYYY-MM-DD), optional
        collect history back to this start date (default is to collect as far back as data
        is available)

    end_date : str (YYYY-MM-DD), optional
        collect history up to this end date (default is to collect up to the present)

    vendor : str, optional
        the vendor to collect data from (default 'ib'. Possible choices: ib, sharadar)

    bar_size : str, required for vendor ib
        the bar size to collect. Possible choices:
        "1 secs", "5 secs",	"10 secs", "15 secs", "30 secs",
        "1 min", "2 mins", "3 mins", "5 mins", "10 mins", "15 mins", "20 mins", "30 mins",
        "1 hour", "2 hours", "3 hours", "4 hours", "8 hours",
        "1 day",
        "1 week",
        "1 month"

    bar_type : str, optional
        the bar type to collect (if not specified, defaults to MIDPOINT for forex and
        TRADES for everything else). Possible choices:

    outside_rth : bool
        include data from outside regular trading hours (default is to limit to regular
        trading hours)

    primary_exchange : bool
        limit to data from the primary exchange (default False)

    times : list of str (HH:MM:SS), optional
        limit to these times (refers to the bar's start time; mutually exclusive
        with `between_times`)

    between_times : list of str (HH:MM:SS), optional
        limit to times between these two times (refers to the bar's start time;
        mutually exclusive with `times`)

    shard : str, optional
        whether and how to shard the database, i.e. break it into smaller pieces.
        Required for intraday databases. Possible choices are `year` (separate
        database for each year), `time` (separate database for each bar time),
        `conid` (separate database for each security), `conid,time` (duplicate copies
        of database, one sharded by conid and the other by time), or `off` (no
        sharding). See http://qrok.it/h/shard for more help.

    no_config : bool
        create a database with no config (data can be loaded manually instead of collected
        from a vendor)

    config_filepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object, optional
        a YAML config file defining the historical data requirements (specify '-' to read file from stdin)

        status message

    params = {}
    if universes:
        params["universes"] = universes
    if conids:
        params["conids"] = conids
    if start_date:
        params["start_date"] = start_date
    if end_date:
        params["end_date"] = end_date
    if vendor:
        params["vendor"] = vendor
    if bar_size:
        params["bar_size"] = bar_size
    if bar_type:
        params["bar_type"] = bar_type
    if outside_rth:
        params["outside_rth"] = outside_rth
    if primary_exchange:
        params["primary_exchange"] = primary_exchange
    if times:
        params["times"] = times
    if between_times:
        params["between_times"] = between_times
    if shard:
        params["shard"] = shard
    if no_config:
        params["no_config"] = True

    if config_filepath_or_buffer == "-":
        response = houston.put("/history/databases/{0}".format(code), params=params,

    elif config_filepath_or_buffer and hasattr(config_filepath_or_buffer, "read"):
        response = houston.put("/history/databases/{0}".format(code), params=params,

    elif config_filepath_or_buffer:
        with open(config_filepath_or_buffer, "rb") as f:
            response = houston.put("/history/databases/{0}".format(code), params=params, data=f)

        response = houston.put("/history/databases/{0}".format(code), params=params)

    return response.json()
Example #7
def place_orders(orders=None, infilepath_or_buffer=None):
    Place one or more orders.

    Returns a list of order IDs, which can be used to cancel the orders or check
    their status.

    orders : list of dict of PARAM:VALUE, optional
        a list of one or more orders, where each order is a dict specifying the
        order parameters (see examples)

    infilepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object, optional
        place orders from this CSV or JSON file (specify '-' to read file
        from stdin). Mutually exclusive with `orders` argument.

        order IDs

    >>> orders = []
    >>> order1 = {
    >>> orders.append(order1)
    >>> order_ids = place_orders(orders)
    if orders and infilepath_or_buffer:
        raise ValueError(
            "orders and infilepath_or_buffer are mutually exclusive")

    url = "/blotter/orders"

    if orders:
        response = houston.post(url, json=orders)

    elif infilepath_or_buffer == "-":
        response = houston.post(url, data=to_bytes(sys.stdin))

    elif infilepath_or_buffer and hasattr(infilepath_or_buffer, "read"):
        if infilepath_or_buffer.seekable():
        response = houston.post(url, data=to_bytes(infilepath_or_buffer))

    elif infilepath_or_buffer:
        with open(infilepath_or_buffer, "rb") as f:
            response = houston.post(url, data=f)
        response = houston.post(url)

    return response.json()
Example #8
def create_universe(code, infilepath_or_buffer=None, from_universes=None,
                    exclude_delisted=False, append=False, replace=False):
    Create a universe of securities.

    code : str, required
        the code to assign to the universe (lowercase alphanumerics and hyphens only)

    infilepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object, optional
        create the universe from the conids in this file (specify '-' to read file from stdin)

    from_universes : list of str, optional
        create the universe from these existing universes

    exclude_delisted : bool
        exclude delisted securities that would otherwise be included (default is not to exclude them)

    append : bool
        append to universe if universe already exists (default False)

    replace : bool
        replace universe if universe already exists (default False)

        status message

    if append and replace:
        raise ValueError("append and replace are mutually exclusive")

    params = {}
    if from_universes:
        params["from_universes"] = from_universes
    if exclude_delisted:
        params["exclude_delisted"] = exclude_delisted
    if replace:
        params["replace"] = replace

    url = "/master/universes/{0}".format(code)

    if append:
        method = "PATCH"
        method = "PUT"

    if infilepath_or_buffer == "-":
        response = houston.request(method, url, params=params, data=to_bytes(sys.stdin))

    elif infilepath_or_buffer and hasattr(infilepath_or_buffer, "read"):
        if infilepath_or_buffer.seekable():
        response = houston.request(method, url, params=params, data=to_bytes(infilepath_or_buffer))

    elif infilepath_or_buffer:
        with open(infilepath_or_buffer, "rb") as f:
            response = houston.request(method, url, params=params, data=f)
        response = houston.request(method, url, params=params)

    return response.json()
Example #9
def create_db(code, universes=None, start_date=None, end_date=None,
              vendor=None, bar_size=None, bar_type=None, outside_rth=False,
              primary_exchange=False, times=None,
              no_config=False, config_filepath_or_buffer=None):
    Create a new history database.

    code : str, required
        the code to assign to the database (lowercase alphanumerics and hyphens only)

    universes : list of str
        include these universes

    start_date : str (YYYY-MM-DD), optional
        fetch history back to this start date (default is to fetch as far back as data
        is available)

    end_date : str (YYYY-MM-DD), optional
        fetch history up to this end date (default is to fetch up to the present)

    vendor : str, optional
        the vendor to fetch data from (defaults to 'ib' which is currently the only
        supported vendor)

    bar_size : str, required for vendor ib
        the bar size to fetch. Possible choices:
        "1 secs", "5 secs",	"10 secs", "15 secs", "30 secs",
        "1 min", "2 mins", "3 mins", "5 mins", "10 mins", "15 mins", "20 mins", "30 mins",
        "1 hour", "2 hours", "3 hours", "4 hours", "8 hours",
        "1 day",
        "1 week",
        "1 month"

    bar_type : str, optional
        the bar type to fetch (if not specified, defaults to MIDPOINT for forex and
        TRADES for everything else). Possible choices:

    outside_rth : bool
        include data from outside regular trading hours (default is to limit to regular
        trading hours)

    primary_exchange : bool
        limit to data from the primary exchange (default False)

    times : list of str (HH:MM:SS), optional
        limit to these times

    no_config : bool
        create a database with no config (data can be loaded manually instead of fetched
        from a vendor)

    config_filepath_or_buffer : str or file-like object, optional
        a YAML config file defining the historical data requirements (specify '-' to read file from stdin)

        status message

    params = {}
    if universes:
        params["universes"] = universes
    if start_date:
        params["start_date"] = start_date
    if end_date:
        params["end_date"] = end_date
    if vendor:
        params["vendor"] = vendor
    if bar_size:
        params["bar_size"] = bar_size
    if bar_type:
        params["bar_type"] = bar_type
    if outside_rth:
        params["outside_rth"] = outside_rth
    if primary_exchange:
        params["primary_exchange"] = primary_exchange
    if times:
        params["times"] = times
    if no_config:
        params["no_config"] = True

    if config_filepath_or_buffer == "-":
        response = houston.put("/history/databases/{0}".format(code), params=params,

    elif config_filepath_or_buffer and hasattr(config_filepath_or_buffer, "read"):
        response = houston.put("/history/databases/{0}".format(code), params=params,

    elif config_filepath_or_buffer:
        with open(config_filepath_or_buffer, "rb") as f:
            response = houston.put("/history/databases/{0}".format(code), params=params, data=f)

        response = houston.put("/history/databases/{0}".format(code), params=params)

    return response.json()