Example #1
def fourdThing(fn):
    we try myavi
    a = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(fn, 'WF')[:, :, :, 0]
    time = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(fn, 'Time')[0]
    fig = figure(size=(600, 600), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1))
    contour3d(qp.abs2(a), contours=10, transparent=True, opacity=0.8)
    #title('Time - {:5.2f}'.format(time))
    #view(132.05741302902214, 62.73780301264113, 187.6797494627067, np.array([ 15.00000048, 11., 1087643]))
    view(47.01, 79.90, 105.94, np.array([15.00, 11.00, 15.00]))
    savefig(fn + '.a.png')

    view(0.0, 90.0, 87.034, np.array([15., 11., 15.]))
    savefig(fn + '.b.png')

    view(90.0, 90.0, 87.034, np.array([15., 11., 15.]))
    savefig(fn + '.c.png')

    view(0.0, 0.0, 87.034, np.array([15., 11., 15.]))
    savefig(fn + '.d.png')
Example #2
def difference_this(file_zero_abs, wave, output_file_name):
    given the three paths, this will create the difference in wavepacket
    zero = readWholeH5toDict(file_zero_abs)
    other = readWholeH5toDict(wave)
    zero_wf = zero['WF']
    other_wf = other['WF']
    zero_time = zero['Time']
    other_time = other['Time']
    zero_pop = qp.abs2(zero_wf)
    other_pop = qp.abs2(other_wf)
    difference = zero_pop - other_pop
    outputDict = {'WF': difference, 'Time0': zero_time, 'Time1': other_time}
    print('{} cube is done: {} {}'.format(os.path.basename(wave),
    qp.writeH5fileDict(output_file_name, outputDict)
Example #3
def calculate_dipole_slow(wf, all_h5_dict):
    This function will calculate the dipole in x,y,z components given a wavepacket and an allH5 file
    fn :: FilePath <- the path of the wavefunction
    all_h5_dict :: Dictionary <- the dictionary created by the simulation.
    pL, gL, tL, nstates = wf.shape

    dipoles = all_h5_dict['dipCube']
    xd = yd = zd = 0.0
    for p in range(15, pL - 15):
        for g in range(15, gL - 15):
            for t in range(30, tL - 30):
                for i in range(nstates):
                    for j in range(i + 1):
                        if j != i:
                            # out of diagonal
                            xd += 2 * np.real(
                                np.conj(wf[p, g, t, i]) * wf[p, g, t, j] *
                                dipoles[p, g, t, 0, i, j])
                            yd += 2 * np.real(
                                np.conj(wf[p, g, t, i]) * wf[p, g, t, j] *
                                dipoles[p, g, t, 1, i, j])
                            zd += 2 * np.real(
                                np.conj(wf[p, g, t, i]) * wf[p, g, t, j] *
                                dipoles[p, g, t, 2, i, j])
                            # diagonal
                            xd += qp.abs2(wf[p, g, t, i]) * dipoles[p, g, t, 0,
                                                                    i, i]
                            yd += qp.abs2(wf[p, g, t, i]) * dipoles[p, g, t, 1,
                                                                    i, i]
                            zd += qp.abs2(wf[p, g, t, i]) * dipoles[p, g, t, 2,
                                                                    i, i]

    return (xd, yd, zd)
Example #4
def test_abs2():
    Test for the function abs2
    assert abs2(3.2+9.3j) == 96.73000000000002
Example #5
def propagate3D(dataDict, inputDict):
    Two dictionaries, one from data file and one from input file
    it starts and run the 3d propagation of the wavefunction...

    #startState = inputDict['states']
    _, _, _, nstates = dataDict['potCube'].shape
    phiL, gamL, theL, natoms, _ = dataDict['geoCUBE'].shape

    # INITIAL WF default values
    if 'factor' in inputDict:
        factor = inputDict['factor']
        warning('WF widened using factor: {}'.format(factor))
        factor = 1

    if 'displ' in inputDict:
        displ = inputDict['displ']
        displ = (0, 0, 0)

    if 'init_mom' in inputDict:
        init_mom = inputDict['init_mom']
        init_mom = (0, 0, 0)

    if 'initial_state' in inputDict:
        initial_state = inputDict['initial_state']
            'Initial gaussian wavepacket in state {}'.format(initial_state))

        initial_state = 0

    wf = np.zeros((phiL, gamL, theL, nstates), dtype=complex)

    wf[:, :, :,
       initial_state] = initialCondition3d(wf[:, :, :, initial_state],
                                           dataDict, factor, displ, init_mom)

    # Take values array from labels (radians already)
    phis, gams, thes = fromLabelsToFloats(dataDict)

    # take step
    dphi = phis[0] - phis[1]
    dgam = gams[0] - gams[1]
    dthe = thes[0] - thes[1]

    inp = {
        'dt': inputDict['dt'],
        'fullTime': inputDict['fullTime'],
        'phiL': phiL,
        'gamL': gamL,
        'theL': theL,
        'natoms': natoms,
        'phis': phis,
        'gams': gams,
        'thes': thes,
        'dphi': dphi,
        'dgam': dgam,
        'dthe': dthe,
        'potCube': dataDict['potCube'],
        'kinCube': dataDict['kinCube'],
        'dipCube': dataDict['dipCUBE'],
        'nacCube': dataDict['smoCube'],
        'pulseX': inputDict['pulseX'],
        'pulseY': inputDict['pulseY'],
        'pulseZ': inputDict['pulseZ'],
        'nstates': nstates,
        'kind': inputDict['kind'],

    # Here the cube expansion/interpolation #

    inp = expandcube(inp)

    # Potentials to Zero and normalization #

    inp['potCube'] = dataDict['potCube'] - np.amin(dataDict['potCube'])
    norm_wf = np.linalg.norm(wf)
    good('starting NORM deviation : {}'.format(1 - norm_wf))

    # magnify the potcube
    if 'enePot' in inputDict:
        enePot = inputDict['enePot']
        inp['potCube'] = inp['potCube'] * enePot
        if enePot == 0:
            warning('This simulation is done with zero Potential energy')
        elif enePot == 1:
            good('Simulation done with original Potential energy')
            warning('The potential energy has been magnified {} times'.format(

    # constant the kinCube
    kinK = False
    if kinK:
        kokoko = 1000
        inp['kinCube'] = inp['kinCube'] * kokoko
        warning('kincube divided by {}'.format(kokoko))

    if 'multiply_nac' in inputDict:
        # this keyword can be used to multiply NACs. It works with a float or a list of triplet
        # multiply_nac : 10  -> will multiply all by 10
        # multiply_nac : [[1,2,10.0],[3,4,5.0]] -> will multiply 1,2 by 10 and 3,4 by 5
        nac_multiplier = inputDict['multiply_nac']
        if type(nac_multiplier) == int or type(nac_multiplier) == float:
            warning('all Nacs are multiplied by {}'.format(nac_multiplier))
            inp['nacCube'] = inp['nacCube'] * nac_multiplier
        if type(nac_multiplier) == list:
            warning('There is a list of nac multiplications, check input')
            for state_one, state_two, multiply_factor in nac_multiplier:
                inp['nacCube'][:, :, :, state_one, state_two, :] = inp[
                    'nacCube'][:, :, :, state_one,
                               state_two, :] * multiply_factor
                inp['nacCube'][:, :, :, state_two, state_one, :] = inp[
                    'nacCube'][:, :, :, state_two,
                               state_one, :] * multiply_factor
                    'NACS corresponding of state {} and state {} are multiplied by {}'
                    .format(state_one, state_two, multiply_factor))
        inp['Nac_multiplier'] = nac_multiplier

    nameRoot = create_enumerated_folder(inputDict['outFol'])
    inputDict['outFol'] = nameRoot
    inp['outFol'] = nameRoot
    numStates = inputDict['states']

    # Absorbing Thing #

    if 'absorb' in inputDict:
        good('ABSORBING POTENTIAL is taken from file')
        file_absorb = inputDict['absorb']
        inp['absorb'] = retrieve_hdf5_data(file_absorb, 'absorb')
        inp['absorb'] = np.zeros_like(inp['potCube'])

    # slice states #

    kind = inp['kind']

    # Take equilibrium points from directionFile
    # warning('This is a bad equilibriumfinder')
    # gsm_phi_ind, gsm_gam_ind, gsm_the_ind = equilibriumIndex(inputDict['directions1'],dataDict)
    gsm_phi_ind, gsm_gam_ind, gsm_the_ind = (29, 28, 55)
    warning('You inserted equilibrium points by hand: {} {} {}'.format(
        gsm_phi_ind, gsm_gam_ind, gsm_the_ind))

    inp['nstates'] = numStates
    if kind == '3d':
        inp['potCube'] = inp['potCube'][:, :, :, :numStates]
        inp['kinCube'] = inp['kinCube'][:, :, :]
        inp['dipCube'] = inp['dipCube'][:, :, :, :, :numStates, :numStates]
        wf = wf[:, :, :, :numStates]
        good('Propagation in 3D.')
            '\nDimensions:\nPhi: {}\nGam: {}\nThet: {}\nNstates: {}\nNatoms: {}\n'
            .format(phiL, gamL, theL, numStates, natoms))
    elif kind == 'GamThe':
        inp['potCube'] = inp['potCube'][gsm_phi_ind, :, :, :numStates]
        inp['kinCube'] = inp['kinCube'][gsm_phi_ind, :, :]
        inp['dipCube'] = inp['dipCube'][
            gsm_phi_ind, :, :, :, :numStates, :numStates]
        wf = wf[gsm_phi_ind, :, :, :numStates]
        good('Propagation in GAM-THE with Phi {}'.format(gsm_phi_ind))
        print('Shapes: P:{} K:{} W:{} D:{}'.format(inp['potCube'].shape,
        print('\nDimensions:\nGam: {}\nThe: {}\nNstates: {}\nNatoms: {}\n'.
              format(gamL, theL, numStates, natoms))
        norm_wf = np.linalg.norm(wf)
        wf = wf / norm_wf
    elif kind == 'Phi':
        inp['potCube'] = inp['potCube'][:, gsm_gam_ind,
                                        gsm_the_ind, :numStates]
        inp['kinCube'] = inp['kinCube'][:, gsm_gam_ind, gsm_the_ind]
        inp['dipCube'] = inp['dipCube'][:, gsm_gam_ind,
                                        gsm_the_ind, :, :numStates, :numStates]
        wf = wf[:, gsm_gam_ind, gsm_the_ind, :numStates]
        good('Propagation in PHI with Gam {} and The {}'.format(
            gsm_gam_ind, gsm_the_ind))
        print('Shapes: P:{} K:{} W:{} D:{}'.format(inp['potCube'].shape,
        print('\nDimensions:\nPhi: {}\nNstates: {}\nNatoms: {}\n'.format(
            phiL, numStates, natoms))
        norm_wf = np.linalg.norm(wf)
        wf = wf / norm_wf
    elif kind == 'Gam':
        inp['potCube'] = inp['potCube'][gsm_phi_ind, :,
                                        gsm_the_ind, :numStates]
        inp['kinCube'] = inp['kinCube'][gsm_phi_ind, :, gsm_the_ind]
        inp['dipCube'] = inp['dipCube'][gsm_phi_ind, :,
                                        gsm_the_ind, :, :numStates, :numStates]
        wf = wf[gsm_phi_ind, :, gsm_the_ind, :numStates]
        good('Propagation in GAM with Phi {} and The {}'.format(
            gsm_phi_ind, gsm_the_ind))
        print('Shapes: P:{} K:{} W:{} D:{}'.format(inp['potCube'].shape,
        print('\nDimensions:\nGam: {}\nNstates: {}\nNatoms: {}\n'.format(
            gamL, numStates, natoms))
        norm_wf = np.linalg.norm(wf)
        wf = wf / norm_wf
    elif kind == 'The':

        sposta = False
        if sposta:
            gsm_phi_ind = 20
            gsm_gam_ind = 20
            warning('Phi is {}, NOT EQUILIBRIUM'.format(gsm_phi_ind))
            warning('Gam is {}, NOT EQUILIBRIUM'.format(gsm_gam_ind))

        inp['potCube'] = inp['potCube'][gsm_phi_ind,
                                        gsm_gam_ind, :, :numStates]
        inp['absorb'] = inp['absorb'][gsm_phi_ind, gsm_gam_ind, :, :numStates]
        inp['kinCube'] = inp['kinCube'][gsm_phi_ind, gsm_gam_ind, :]
        inp['dipCube'] = inp['dipCube'][
            gsm_phi_ind, gsm_gam_ind, :, :, :numStates, :numStates]
        inp['nacCube'] = inp['nacCube'][
            gsm_phi_ind, gsm_gam_ind, :, :numStates, :numStates, :]
        wf = wf[gsm_phi_ind, gsm_gam_ind, :, :numStates]

        #  doubleGridPoints
        doubleThis = False
        if doubleThis:
            warning('POINTS DOUBLED ALONG THETA')
            inp['thes'] = doubleAxespoins(inp['thes'])
            inp['theL'] = inp['thes'].size
            inp['dthe'] = inp['thes'][0] - inp['thes'][1]
            inp['potCube'] = np.array(
                [doubleAxespoins(x) for x in inp['potCube'].T]).T

            newWf = np.empty((inp['theL'], numStates), dtype=complex)
            for ssssss in range(numStates):
                newWf[:, ssssss] = doubleAxespoins(wf[:, ssssss])

            wf = newWf

            newNac = np.empty((inp['theL'], numStates, numStates, 3))
            for nnn in range(2):
                for mmm in range(2):
                    for aaa in range(3):
                        newNac[:, nnn, mmm,
                               aaa] = doubleAxespoins(inp['nacCube'][:, nnn,
                                                                     mmm, aaa])
            inp['nacCube'] = newNac

            newKin = np.empty((inp['theL'], 9, 3))
            for nnn in range(9):
                for mmm in range(3):
                    newKin[:, nnn,
                           mmm] = doubleAxespoins(inp['kinCube'][:, nnn, mmm])
            inp['kinCube'] = newKin

        good('Propagation in THE with Phi {} and Gam {}'.format(
            gsm_phi_ind, gsm_gam_ind))
        print('Shapes: P:{} K:{} W:{} D:{}'.format(inp['potCube'].shape,
        print('\nDimensions:\nThe: {}\nNstates: {}\nNatoms: {}\n'.format(
            theL, numStates, natoms))
        norm_wf = np.linalg.norm(wf)
        wf = wf / norm_wf
        err('I do not recognize the kind')

    initial_time_simulation = 0.0
    # take a wf from file (and not from initial condition)
    if 'initialFile' in inputDict:
        warning('we are taking initial wf from file')
        wffn = inputDict['initialFile']
        print('File -> {}'.format(wffn))
        wf_not_norm = retrieve_hdf5_data(wffn, 'WF')
        initial_time_simulation = retrieve_hdf5_data(wffn,
                                                     'Time')[1]  # in hartree
        #wf = wf_not_norm/np.linalg.norm(wf_not_norm)
        wf = wf_not_norm


    CEnergy, Cpropagator = select_propagator(kind)
    good('Cpropagator version: {}'.format(version_Cpropagator()))

    dt = inp['dt']

    if 'reverse_time' in inputDict:
        warning('Time is reversed !!')
        dt = -dt
        Cpropagator = Cderivative3dMu_reverse_time

    t = initial_time_simulation
    counter = 0
    fulltime = inp['fullTime']
    fulltimeSteps = int(fulltime / abs(dt))
    deltasGraph = inputDict['deltasGraph']
    print('I will do {} steps.\n'.format(fulltimeSteps))
    outputFile = os.path.join(nameRoot, 'output')
    outputFileP = os.path.join(nameRoot, 'outputPopul')
    outputFileA = os.path.join(nameRoot, 'Output_Abs')
    print('\ntail -f {}\n'.format(outputFileP))

    if inputDict['readme']:
        outputFilereadme = os.path.join(nameRoot, 'README')
        with open(outputFilereadme, "w") as oofRR:
            print('file readme written')

    # calculating initial total/potential/kinetic
    kin, pot, pul, absS = CEnergy(t, wf, inp)
    kinetic = np.vdot(wf, kin)
    potential = np.vdot(wf, pot)
    pulse_interaction = np.vdot(wf, pul)
    initialTotal = kinetic + potential + pulse_interaction
    inp['initialTotal'] = initialTotal.real

    # to give the graph a nice range
    inp['vmax_value'] = abs2(wf).max()

    # graph the pulse

    # saving input data in h5 file
    dataH5filename = os.path.join(nameRoot, 'allInput.h5')
    writeH5fileDict(dataH5filename, inp)

    # print top of table
    header = ' Coun |  step N   |       fs   |  NORM devia.  | Kin. Energy  | Pot. Energy  | Total Energy | Tot devia.   | Pulse_Inter. |  Pulse X   |  Pulse Y   |  Pulse Z   |  Norm Loss |'
    bar = ('-' * (len(header)))
    print('Energies in ElectronVolt \n{}\n{}\n{}'.format(bar, header, bar))

    for ii in range(fulltimeSteps):
        if (ii % deltasGraph) == 0 or ii == fulltimeSteps - 1:
            #  async is awesome. But it is not needed in 1d and maybe in 2d.
            if kind == '3D':
                asyncFun(doAsyncStuffs, wf, t, ii, inp, inputDict, counter,
                         outputFile, outputFileP, outputFileA, CEnergy)
                doAsyncStuffs(wf, t, ii, inp, inputDict, counter, outputFile,
                              outputFileP, outputFileA, CEnergy)
            counter += 1

        wf = Crk4Ene3d(Cpropagator, t, wf, inp)
        t = t + dt
Example #6
G_Exp = fn + '/Gaussian*.h5'

allH5 = sorted(glob.glob(G_Exp))

from quantumpropagator import abs2

for i, fn in enumerate(allH5[:]):
    for state in range(8):
        nameMaterial = "Material.{:03d}".format(state + 1)
        mat = bpy.data.materials.get(nameMaterial)

        print('doing {}'.format(fn))

        wf = openh5(fn, 'WF')
        ground2 = abs2(wf[:, :, :, state])

        ground = np.swapaxes(ground2, 0, 2)

        #for iso in [0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001]:
        for iso in [0.0001]:
            generateIso(ground, iso, mat, i, state)


def doThis(strei):
    for obj in bpy.data.objects:
        obj.select = False
    for obj in bpy.data.objects:
        object_name = obj.name