def get_qubic_map(instrument, sampling, scene, input_maps, withplanck=True, covlim=0.1): acq = QubicAcquisition(instrument, sampling, scene, photon_noise=True, effective_duration=1) C = acq.get_convolution_peak_operator() coverage = acq.get_coverage() observed = coverage > covlim * np.max(coverage) acq_restricted = acq[:, :, observed] H = acq_restricted.get_operator() x0_convolved = C(input_maps) if not withplanck: pack = PackOperator(observed, broadcast='rightward') y_noiseless = H(pack(x0_convolved)) noise = acq.get_noise() y = y_noiseless + noise invntt = acq.get_invntt_operator() A = H.T * invntt * H b = (H.T * invntt)(y) preconditioner = DiagonalOperator(1 / coverage[observed], broadcast='rightward') solution_qubic = pcg(A, b, M=preconditioner, disp=True, tol=1e-3, maxiter=1000) maps = pack.T(solution_qubic['x']) maps[~observed] = 0 else: acq_planck = PlanckAcquisition(150, acq.scene, true_sky=x0_convolved)#, fix_seed=True) acq_fusion = QubicPlanckAcquisition(acq, acq_planck) map_planck_obs=acq_planck.get_observation() H = acq_fusion.get_operator() invntt = acq_fusion.get_invntt_operator() y = acq_fusion.get_observation() A = H.T * invntt * H b = H.T * invntt * y solution_fusion = pcg(A, b, disp=True, maxiter=1000, tol=1e-3) maps = solution_fusion['x'] maps[~observed] = 0 x0_convolved[~observed] = 0 return(maps, x0_convolved, observed)
def test(): np.random.seed(0) scene = SceneHealpixCMB(256, kind='IQU') acq = PlanckAcquisition(150, scene, true_sky=SKY) obs = acq.get_observation() invNtt = acq.get_invntt_operator() chi2_red = np.sum((obs - SKY) * invNtt(obs - SKY) / SKY.size) assert abs(chi2_red - 1) <= 0.001
def test_noiseless(): sampling = create_random_pointings([0, 90], 100, 10) acq_qubic = QubicAcquisition(150, sampling) acq_planck = PlanckAcquisition(150, acq_qubic.scene, true_sky=SKY) acq_fusion = QubicPlanckAcquisition(acq_qubic, acq_planck) np.random.seed(0) y1 = acq_fusion.get_observation() np.random.seed(0) y2 = acq_fusion.get_observation(noiseless=True) + acq_fusion.get_noise() assert_same(y1, y2)
mp.figure(1) _max = [300, 5, 5] for i, (inp, rec, iqu) in enumerate(zip(maps_convolved.T, maps_recon.T, 'IQU')): inp[cov < cov.max() * 0.01] = hp.UNSEEN rec[cov < cov.max() * 0.01] = hp.UNSEEN diff = inp - rec diff[cov < cov.max() * 0.01] = hp.UNSEEN hp.gnomview(inp, rot=center_gal, reso=5, xsize=700, fig=1, sub=(3, 3, i + 1), min=-_max[i], max=_max[i], title='Input, {}'.format(iqu)) hp.gnomview(rec, rot=center_gal, reso=5, xsize=700, fig=1, sub=(3, 3, i + 4), min=-_max[i], max=_max[i], title='Recon, {}'.format(iqu)) hp.gnomview(diff, rot=center_gal, reso=5, xsize=700, fig=1, sub=(3, 3, i+7), min=-_max[i], max=_max[i], title='Diff, {}'.format(iqu)) # Now let's play with the fusion acquisition planck = PlanckAcquisition(band, a.scene, true_sky=maps_convolved) acq_fusion = QubicPlanckAcquisition(a, acq_planck) TOD, maps_convolved = a.get_observation(x0) maps_recon_fusion = a.tod2map(TOD, tol=tol) mp.figure(2) for i, (inp, rec, iqu) in enumerate(zip(maps_convolved.T, maps_recon_fusion.T, 'IQU')): inp[cov < cov.max() * 0.01] = hp.UNSEEN rec[cov < cov.max() * 0.01] = hp.UNSEEN diff = inp - rec diff[cov < cov.max() * 0.01] = hp.UNSEEN hp.gnomview(inp, rot=center_gal, reso=5, xsize=700, fig=1, sub=(3, 3, i + 1), min=-_max[i], max=_max[i], title='Input, {}'.format(iqu)) hp.gnomview(rec, rot=center_gal, reso=5, xsize=700, fig=1, sub=(3, 3, i + 4), min=-_max[i], max=_max[i], title='Recon, {}'.format(iqu))
x0 = read_map(PATH + 'syn256_pol.fits') q = MultiQubicInstrument(NPOINTS=NPOINTS, NFREQS=NFREQS, filter_name=filter_name, detector_nep=detector_nep) C_nf = q.get_convolution_peak_operator() conv_sky_ = C_nf(x0) fwhm_t = np.sqrt(q.synthbeam.peak150.fwhm**2 - C_nf.fwhm**2) C_transf = HealpixConvolutionGaussianOperator(fwhm=fwhm_t) acq = MultiQubicAcquisition(q, sampling, scene=scene) acq_planck = PlanckAcquisition( / 1e9), scene, true_sky=conv_sky_) H = acq.get_operator() COV = acq.get_coverage(H) conv_sky = C_transf(conv_sky_) x_rec_fusion = read_map('maps_test/fusion_n{}_N{}_s{}_mi{}.fits'.format( NFREQS, NPOINTS, len(sampling), maxiter)) x_rec_qubic = read_map('maps_test/qubic_n{}_N{}_s{}_mi{}.fits'.format( NFREQS, NPOINTS, len(sampling), maxiter)) # some display def display(input, msg, iplot=1):
racenter = 0.0 # deg deccenter = -57.0 # deg maxiter = 1000 tol = 5e-6 sky = read_map(PATH + 'syn256_pol.fits') nside = 256 sampling = create_random_pointings([racenter, deccenter], 1000, 10) scene = QubicScene(nside) acq_qubic = QubicAcquisition(150, sampling, scene, effective_duration=1) convolved_sky = acq_qubic.instrument.get_convolution_peak_operator()(sky) cov = acq_qubic.get_coverage() mask = cov < cov.max() * 0.2 acq_planck = PlanckAcquisition(150, acq_qubic.scene, true_sky=convolved_sky, mask=mask) acq_fusion = QubicPlanckAcquisition(acq_qubic, acq_planck) H = acq_fusion.get_operator() invntt = acq_fusion.get_invntt_operator() y = acq_fusion.get_observation() A = H.T * invntt * H b = H.T * invntt * y solution_fusion = pcg(A, b, disp=True, maxiter=maxiter, tol=tol) acq_qubic = QubicAcquisition(150, sampling, scene, effective_duration=1) H = acq_qubic.get_operator() invntt = acq_qubic.get_invntt_operator()
maps = getmapsready(allfiles[i], newns, pixok) allmaps[i,:,:] = maps[pixok,:].T meanmaps = np.mean(allmaps,axis=0) iqumeanmaps = np.zeros((12*newns**2, 3)) for i in [0,1,2]: iqumeanmaps[pixok, i] = meanmaps[i,:] display(iqumeanmaps, range=[1, 1, 1]) from qubic import (QubicAcquisition, PlanckAcquisition, QubicPlanckAcquisition, QubicScene) nside = 256 scene = QubicScene(nside) sky = scene.zeros() acq_planck = PlanckAcquisition(150, scene, true_sky=sky) obs_planck = acq_planck.get_observation() Iplanck = hp.ud_grade(obs_planck[:,0], nside_out=newns) Qplanck = hp.ud_grade(obs_planck[:,1], nside_out=newns) Uplanck = hp.ud_grade(obs_planck[:,2], nside_out=newns) planckmaps = np.array([Iplanck, Qplanck, Uplanck]).T figure() clf() display(iqumeanmaps, range=[1, 1, 1]) figure() clf() display(iqumeanmaps-planckmaps, range=[1, 1, 1]) clf()