Example #1
def generateMainDesign1Enriched(data, language):
    if (data['my0:aboutPerson']):
        item = data['my0:aboutPerson']
        address = item['my0:address']
        country = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'], language)
        full_address = address['my0:street'] + space + address[
            'my0:city'] + space + address['my0:postalCode'] + space + country

        #write personal information about the user
        main = r'''\begin{tabular*}{7in}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}
      \textbf{\Large ''' + item['my0:firstName'] + space + item['my0:lastName'] + r'''} & \textbf{\today} \\
      ''' + address['my0:street'] + space + address[
            'my0:postalCode'] + r''' & ''' + item['my0:email'] + r'''\\''' + address[
                'my0:city'] + comma + country + r'''\href{https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=''' + full_address + r'''}{\faMapMarker}  & ''' + item[
                    'my0:hasWebsite'][0]['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''\\

    if (data['my0:hasWorkHistory']):

        main = main + r'''%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
      \resheading{''' + workTitle[language] + r'''}
        for item in (data['my0:hasWorkHistory']):

            address = item['my0:employedIn']['my0:organizationAddress']
            orgName = item['my0:employedIn']['my0:organizationName']
            country = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'],
            city = address['my0:city']
            jobMode = runQueryMainOntology(item['my0:jobMode'], language)

            main = main + r'''
        \item \ressubheading{\href{''' + runQueryDBPEDIA(
                orgName, language
            ) + r'''}{''' + orgName + r'''}}{\href{''' + runQueryDBPEDIA(
                city, language
            ) + '''}{''' + city + r'''}, \href{''' + runQueryDBPEDIA(
                country, language) + r'''}{''' + country + r'''} }{''' + item[
                    'my0:jobTitle'] + comma + jobMode + r'''}{''' + item[
                        'my0:startDate'] + r''' - ''' + item[
                            'my0:endDate'] + r'''}\\
        \item[]{''' + item['my0:jobDescription'] + r'''}

    main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasEducation']):
        main = main + r'''%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    \resheading{''' + educationTitle[language] + r'''}
        for item in (data['my0:hasEducation']):
            address = item['my0:studiedIn']['my0:organizationAddress']
            orgName = item['my0:studiedIn']['my0:organizationName']
            country = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'],
            city = address['my0:city']
            degreeType = runQueryMainOntology(item['my0:degreeType'], language)

            main = main + r'''
        \item \ressubheading{\href{''' + runQueryDBPEDIA(
                orgName, language
            ) + r'''}{''' + orgName + r'''}}{\href{''' + runQueryDBPEDIA(
                city, language
            ) + '''}{''' + city + r'''}, \href{''' + runQueryDBPEDIA(
                country, language) + r'''}{''' + country + r'''} }{''' + item[
                    'my0:degree'] + comma + degreeType + r'''}{''' + item[
                        'my0:eduStartDate'] + r''' - ''' + item[
                            'my0:eduGradDate'] + r'''}\\
        \item[]{''' + item['my0:eduDescription'] + r'''}

    main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasCourse']):
        main = main + r'''%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    \resheading{''' + courseTitle[language] + r'''}
        for item in (data['my0:hasCourse']):
            address = item['my0:organizedBy']['my0:organizationAddress']
            orgName = item['my0:organizedBy']['my0:organizationName']
            country = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'],
            city = address['my0:city']

            main = main + r'''
        \item \ressubheading{\href{''' + runQueryDBPEDIA(
                orgName, language
            ) + r'''}{''' + orgName + r'''}}{\href{''' + runQueryDBPEDIA(
                city, language
            ) + '''}{''' + city + r'''}, \href{''' + runQueryDBPEDIA(
                language) + r'''}{''' + country + r'''} }{\href{''' + item[
                    'my0:courseURL'] + r'''}{''' + item[
                        'my0:courseTitle'] + r'''}}{''' + item[
                            'my0:courseStartDate'] + r''' - ''' + item[
                                'my0:courseFinishDate'] + r'''}\\
        \item[]{''' + item['my0:courseDescription'] + r'''}

    main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasOtherInfo']):
        main = main + r'''%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    \resheading{''' + otherInfoTitle[language] + r'''}
        for item in (data['my0:hasOtherInfo']):
            types = runQueryMainOntology(item['my0:otherInfoType'], language)

            main = main + r'''
		    \item[] \ressubheading{''' + types + r'''}{}{}{}\\*''' + item[

    main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''
    return main
Example #2
def generateMainDesign2Enriched(data, language):
    main = headerCV2

    if (data['my0:aboutPerson']):
        item = data['my0:aboutPerson']
        # write personal information about the user
        main = main + r'''\def \fullname {''' + item['my0:firstName'] + space + item['my0:lastName'] + r'''}

        if item['my0:phoneNumberMobile']:
            main = main + r'''\def \phoneicon {\faPhone}
        \def \phonetext {''' + item['my0:phoneNumberMobile'] + r'''}

        if item['my0:email']:
            main = main + r'''\def \emailicon {\faEnvelope}
        \def \emaillink {mailto:''' + item['my0:email'] + r'''} \def \emailtext {''' + item['my0:email'] + r'''}

    main = main + settingsPart2

    if (data['my0:aboutPerson']):
        item = data['my0:aboutPerson']
        # write website information about the user
        for website in (item['my0:hasWebsite']):
            if doesURIContainWord(website['my0:websiteType'], 'Linkedin'):
                main = main + \
                    r'''\faLinkedin { }  \href{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + \
                    r'''}{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''} \newline'''
            elif doesURIContainWord(website['my0:websiteType'], 'Xing'):
                main = main + \
                    r'''\faXing { }  \href{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + \
                    r'''}{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''} \newline'''
                main = main + r'''\faGlobe { }  \href{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''}{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''} \newline

    main = main + r'''\newline'''

        # write educational information about the user
        main = main + r'''
      %-------------------------------------------------- EDUCATION --------------------------------------------------
      \section{\faGraduationCap}{''' + educationTitle[language] + r'''}
        educations = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['my0:eduStartDate'], reverse=True

        for item in (educations):
            orgName = getValueFromLang(item["my0:studiedIn"]["my0:orgName"], language)
            orgURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgName, language)
            if orgURL != "":
                orgName = r'''\href{''' + orgURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgName + r'''}'''

            orgCityName = getValueFromLang(item["my0:studiedIn"]["my0:orgAddress"]["my0:city"], language)
            orgCityURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgCityName, language)
            if orgCityURL != "":
                orgCityName = r'''\href{''' + orgCityURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgCityName + r'''}'''

            orgCountryName = runQueryCountryMainOntology(item["my0:studiedIn"]["my0:orgAddress"]["my0:country"], language)
            orgCountryURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgCountryName, language)
            if orgCountryURL != "":
                orgCountryName = r'''\href{''' + orgCountryURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgCountryName + r'''}'''
            degreeName = runQueryMainOntology(item['my0:degree'], language)
            endDate = item['my0:eduGradDate']
            if item['my0:eduGradDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]

            main = main + r'''  \resumeEntryStart
            main = main + r'''{''' + orgName + r'''}{''' + \
                item['my0:eduStartDate'] + r''' -- ''' + \
                endDate + r'''}'''
            main = main + r'''{''' + degreeName + r''' ''' + \
                getValueFromLang(item["my0:degreeFieldOfStudy"], language) + \
                r'''}{''' + orgCityName + r''', ''' + orgCountryName + r'''}'''
            main = main + r'''\resumeEntryEnd

        # write courses information about the user
        main = main + r'''
      %-------------------------------------------------- COURSES --------------------------------------------------
      \section{\faGraduationCap}{''' + courseTitle[language] + r'''}
        courses = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['my0:courseStartDate'], reverse=True
        for item in (courses):
            orgName = item["my0:organizedBy"]["my0:orgName"]
            orgURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgName, language)
            if orgURL != "":
                orgName = r'''\href{''' + orgURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgName + r'''}'''

            orgCityName = getValueFromLang(item["my0:organizedBy"]["my0:orgAddress"]["my0:city"], language)
            orgCityURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgCityName, language)
            if orgCityURL != "":
                orgCityName = r'''\href{''' + orgCityURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgCityName + r'''}'''

            orgCountryName = runQueryMainOntology(item["my0:organizedBy"]["my0:orgAddress"]["my0:country"], language)
            orgCountryURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgCountryName, language)
            if orgCountryURL != "":
                orgCountryName = r'''\href{''' + orgCountryURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgCountryName + r'''}'''
            endDate = item['my0:courseFinishDate']
            if item['my0:courseFinishDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]

            main = main + r'''  \resumeEntryStart
            main = main + r'''{''' + orgName + r'''}{''' + \
                item['my0:courseStartDate'] + r''' -- ''' + \
                endDate + r'''}'''
            main = main + r'''{''' + \
                getValueFromLang(item["my0:courseTitle"], language) + \
                r'''}{''' + orgCityName + r''', ''' + orgCountryName + r'''}'''
            main = main + r'''\resumeEntryEnd

        # write experience information about the user
        main = main + r'''
      %-------------------------------------------------- EXPERIENCE --------------------------------------------------
      \section{\faPieChart}{''' + workTitle[language] + r'''}
        works = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['my0:startDate'], reverse=True
        for item in (works):
            orgName = item["my0:employedIn"]["my0:orgName"]
            orgURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgName, language)
            if orgURL != "":
                orgName = r'''\href{''' + orgURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgName + r'''}'''

            orgCityName = getValueFromLang(item["my0:employedIn"]["my0:orgAddress"]["my0:city"], language)
            orgCityURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgCityName, language)
            if orgCityURL != "":
                orgCityName = r'''\href{''' + orgCityURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgCityName + r'''}'''

            orgCountryName = getnameURI(item["my0:employedIn"]["my0:orgAddress"]["my0:country"])
            orgCountryURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgCountryName, language)
            if orgCountryURL != "":
                orgCountryName = r'''\href{''' + orgCountryURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgCountryName + r'''}'''
            endDate = item['my0:endDate']
            if item['my0:endDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]

            main = main + r'''  \resumeEntryStart
            main = main + r'''{''' + orgName + r'''}{''' + \
                item['my0:startDate'] + r''' -- ''' + \
                endDate + r'''}'''
            main = main + r'''{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:jobTitle'], language) + \
                r'''}{''' + orgCityName + r''', ''' + orgCountryName + r'''}'''
            main = main + r'''\resumeItemListStart
        \resumeItem { ''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:jobDescription'], language) + r'''}
            main = main + r'''\resumeEntryEnd

        # write project information about the user
        main = main + r'''
      %-------------------------------------------------- PROJECTS --------------------------------------------------
      \section{\faFlask}{''' + projectTitle[language] + r'''}
        projects = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['my0:projectStartDate'], reverse=True
        for item in (projects):

            endDate = item['my0:projectEndDate']
            if item['my0:projectEndDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]

            main = main + r'''  \resumeEntryStart
            main = main + r'''{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:projectName'], language) + r'''}{
          ''' + item['my0:projectStartDate'] + r''' - ''' + endDate + r'''
        }{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:projectCreator'], language) + r'''}{}'''
            main = main + r'''\resumeItemListStart
        \resumeItem { ''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:projectDescription'], language) + r'''}
            main = main + r'''\resumeEntryEnd

        # write project information about the user
        main = main + r'''
      %-------------------------------------------------- PUBLICATIONS --------------------------------------------------
      \section{\faBook}{''' + publicationTitle[language] + r'''}
        publications = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['my0:publicationDate'], reverse=True
        for item in (publications):

            title = r''' \href{''' + item['my0:publicationURL'] + \
                r'''}{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:publicationTitle'], language) + r'''} '''

            main = main + r'''  \resumeEntryStart
            main = main + r'''{''' + title + r'''}{''' + \
                item['my0:publicationDate'] + r'''}{''' + item['my0:publicationAuthor'] + \
                r'''}{''' + item['my0:publicationPublisher'] + r'''}'''
            main = main + r'''\resumeItemListStart
        \resumeItem { ''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:publicationDescription'], language) + r'''}
            main = main + r'''\resumeEntryEnd

        # write project information about the user
        main = main + r'''
      %-------------------------------------------------- PATENTS --------------------------------------------------
      \section{\faCertificate}{''' + patentTitle[language] + r'''}
        patents = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['my0:patentIssuedDate'], reverse=True
        for item in (patents):

            title = r''' \href{''' + item['my0:patentURL'] + r'''}{''' + \
                getValueFromLang(item['my0:patentTitle'], language) + ''' - ''' + \
                    item['my0:patentNumber'] + r'''} '''
            endDate = item['my0:patentIssuedDate']
            if item['my0:patentIssuedDate'] == "":
                endDate = pending[language]

            main = main + r'''  \resumeEntryStart
            main = main + r'''{''' + title + r'''}{''' + \
                endDate + \
                r'''}{''' + item['my0:patentInventor'] + \
                r'''}{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:patentOffice'], language) + r'''}'''
            main = main + r'''\resumeItemListStart
        \resumeItem { ''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:patentDescription'], language) + r'''}
            main = main + r'''\resumeEntryEnd

            # write skill information about the user
        main = main + r'''
      %-------------------------------------------------- SKILLS --------------------------------------------------
      \section{\faGears}{''' + skillTitle[language] + r'''} \resumeEntryStart
        main = main + r'''\resumeEntryS{''' + \
            languageTitle[language] + r''' }{'''

        firstElementLanguage = False
        firstElementSkill = False

        for items in (data['my0:hasSkill']):
            if(items['@type'] == 'my0:LanguageSkill'):
                if firstElementLanguage:
                    main = main + comma + getValueFromLang(items['my0:skillName'], language)
                    main = main + getValueFromLang(items['my0:skillName'], language)
                firstElementLanguage = True
        main = main + r'''}
      \resumeEntryS{''' + otherTitle[language] + r''' }

        for items in (data['my0:hasSkill']):
            if(items['@type'] == 'my0:Skill'):
                if firstElementSkill:
                    main = main + comma + getValueFromLang(items['my0:skillName'], language)
                    main = main + getValueFromLang(items['my0:skillName'], language)
                firstElementSkill = True
        main = main + r'''}\resumeEntryEnd

    return main
Example #3
def generateHTMLEducationCourses(data, lang):

    text = r'''
                                EDUCATION / COURSES
            <section class="resume-section p-3 p-lg-5 " id="education">
                <div rel="my0:hasEducation" class="row my-auto">
                    <div class="col-12">
                        <h2 class="  text-center">''' + educationTitle[
        lang] + r'''</h2>
                        <div class="mb-5 heading-border"></div>

    edus = sorted(data['my0:hasEducation'],
                  key=lambda x: x['my0:eduStartDate'],

    # print education
    for edu in edus:
        eduOrg = edu['my0:studiedIn']
        eduOrgAddress = eduOrg['my0:orgAddress']
        text = text + r'''
                        <div typeof="my0:Education" class="resume-item col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-lg-8 ">
                             <div class="card mx-0 p-4 mb-5" style="border-color: #0962a9; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21);">
                                <div class="resume-content mr-auto">
                                    <h4 class="mb-3"><i class="fa fa-graduation-cap mr-3 text-primary"></i><span property="my0:degree"
                                    content="''' + edu[
            'my0:degree'] + r'''">''' + runQueryMainOntology(
                edu['my0:degree'], lang) + r'''</span>
                                    property="my0:degreeFieldOfStudy" content="''' + getValueFromLang(
                    edu['my0:degreeFieldOfStudy'], lang
                ) + r'''"> - ''' + getValueFromLang(
                    edu['my0:degreeFieldOfStudy'], lang
                ) + r'''</span></h4>
                                    <h4 class="mb-3"><i class="fa fa-map-marker mr-3" style="color: #074679;"></i><span rel="my0:studiedIn"
                                        <span property="my0:orgName" content="''' + getValueFromLang(
                    eduOrg['my0:orgName'], lang
                ) + r'''">''' + getValueFromLang(
                    eduOrg['my0:orgName'], lang
                ) + r'''</span>
                                        <span rel="my0:orgAddress" typeOf="my0:Address">
                                        <span property="my0:city" content="''' + getValueFromLang(
                    eduOrgAddress['my0:city'], lang
                ) + r'''"> - ''' + getValueFromLang(
                    eduOrgAddress['my0:city'], lang
                ) + r'''</span><span property="my0:country"
                                        content="''' + eduOrgAddress[
                    'my0:country'] + r'''">, ''' + runQueryCountryMainOntology(
                        lang) + r'''</span></span>
                                    <p property="my0:eduDescription">''' + getValueFromLang(
                            edu['my0:eduDescription'], lang) + r'''</p>
                                ''' + generateHTMLTwoDateSection(
                                'eduStartDate', edu['my0:eduStartDate'],
                                'eduGradDate', edu['my0:eduGradDate'],
                                'my0:isEduCurrent', edu['my0:isEduCurrent'],
                                lang) + r'''

    text = text + r'''
                <div rel="my0:hasCourse" class="row my-auto" id="courses">
                    <div class="col-12">
                        <h2 class="  text-center">''' + courseTitle[
        lang] + r'''</h2>
                        <div class="mb-5 heading-border"></div>

    courses = sorted(data['my0:hasCourse'],
                     key=lambda x: x['my0:courseStartDate'],

    # print courses
    for course in courses:
        courseOrg = course['my0:organizedBy']
        text = text + r'''
                        <div typeof="my0:Course" class="resume-item col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-lg-8  ">
                             <div class="card mx-0 p-4 mb-5" style="border-color: #074679; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21);">
                                <div class=" resume-content mr-auto">
                                    <h4 class="mb-3"><i class="fa fa-globe mr-3 text-primary"></i><span property="my0:courseTitle">
                                    ''' + getValueFromLang(
            course['my0:courseTitle'], lang
        ) + r'''</span><span rel="my0:organizedBy" typeof="my0:Organization"><span
                                    property="my0:orgName" content="''' + courseOrg[
            'my0:orgName'] + r'''"> - ''' + courseOrg[
                'my0:orgName'] + r'''</span></span></h4>
                                    <p property="my0:courseDescription">''' + getValueFromLang(
                    course['my0:courseDescription'], lang) + r'''</p>
                                ''' + generateHTMLTwoDateSection(
                        'courseStartDate', course['my0:courseStartDate'],
                        'courseFinishDate', course['my0:courseFinishDate'], '',
                        '', lang) + r'''

    text = text + r'''

    return text
Example #4
def generateHTMLWorkExperience(data, lang):

    text = r'''
                                    WORK EXPERIENCE 
            <section class="resume-section p-3 p-lg-5 " id="experience">
                <div rel="my0:hasWorkHistory" class="row my-auto">
                    <div class="col-12">
                        <h2 class="  text-center">''' + workTitle[
        lang] + r'''</h2>
                        <div class="mb-5 heading-border"></div>

    works = sorted(data['my0:hasWorkHistory'],
                   key=lambda x: x['my0:startDate'],

    for work in works:
        workOrg = work['my0:employedIn']
        workOrgAddress = workOrg['my0:orgAddress']
        text = text + r'''
                        <div typeof="my0:WorkHistory" class="resume-item col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
                            <div class="card mx-0 p-4 mb-5" style="border-color: #2598f3; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21);">
                                <div class="resume-content mr-auto">
                                     <h4 class="mb-3"><i class="fa fa-globe mr-3 text-primary"></i><span property="my0:jobTitle">
                                    ''' + getValueFromLang(
            work['my0:jobTitle'], lang
        ) + r'''</span><span property="my0:jobType"
                                    content="''' + work[
            'my0:jobType'] + r'''"> (''' + runQueryMainOntology(
                work['my0:jobType'], lang
            ) + r''')</span></h4>
                                    <h4 class="mb-3"><i class="fa fa-map-marker mr-3" style="color: #074679;"></i><span rel="my0:employedIn"
                                        <span property="my0:orgName" content="''' + workOrg[
                'my0:orgName'] + r'''">''' + workOrg['my0:orgName'] + r'''</span>
                                        <span rel="my0:orgAddress" typeOf="my0:Address">
                                        <span property="my0:city" content="''' + getValueFromLang(
                    workOrgAddress['my0:city'], lang
                ) + r'''"> - ''' + getValueFromLang(
                    workOrgAddress['my0:city'], lang
                ) + r'''</span><span property="my0:country"
                                        content="''' + workOrgAddress[
                    'my0:country'] + r'''">, ''' + runQueryCountryMainOntology(
                        lang) + r'''</span></span>
                                    <p property="my0:jobDescription">''' + getValueFromLang(
                            work['my0:jobDescription'], lang) + r'''</p>
                                ''' + generateHTMLTwoDateSection(
                                'startDate', work['my0:startDate'], 'endDate',
                                work['my0:endDate'], 'my0:isCurrent',
                                work['my0:isCurrent'], lang) + r'''

    text = text + r'''
    return text
Example #5
def generateHTMLABOUT(aboutData, lang):
    address = aboutData['my0:address']
    formerName = aboutData["my0:formerName"]
    formerNameText = r''''''
    if formerName != "":
        formerNameText = r'''
        <span property="my0:formerName" content="''' + aboutData[
            'my0:formerName'] + r'''" class="text-primary">(''' + aboutData[
                'my0:formerName'] + r''')</span>
    countryName = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'], lang)
    fullAddress = getValueFromLang(address['my0:street'], lang) + ' ' + address['my0:postalCode'] + \
        ' ' + getValueFromLang(address['my0:city'], lang) + ' ' + countryName

    # add initial info on person, first name, last name, descriptions
    text = r'''
            <section rel="my0:aboutPerson" typeof="my0:Person" class="resume-section p-3 p-lg-5 d-column" id="about">
                <div class="row my-auto pt-5">
                    <h1 class="mb-0 col-12 text-center"> <span property="my0:title"
                    content="''' + aboutData[
        'my0:title'] + r'''" class="text-primary">''' + runQueryMainOntology(
            aboutData['my0:title'], lang
        ) + r'''</span> <span property="my0:firstName" content="''' + aboutData[
            'my0:firstName'] + r'''">''' + aboutData['my0:firstName'] + r'''</span>
                    <span property="my0:lastName" content="''' + aboutData[
                'my0:lastName'] + r'''" class="text-primary">''' + aboutData[
                    'my0:lastName'] + r'''</span>
                    ''' + formerNameText + r'''
                    <div class="subheading mb-5 col-12 text-center" property="my0:personShortDescription">''' + getValueFromLang(
                        aboutData['my0:personShortDescription'], lang) + r'''
                    <p property="my0:personLongDescription" class="col-12 ofsset-12 col-md-8 text-center mb-5 pt-3">''' + getValueFromLang(
                            lang) + r'''
                    <ul rel="my0:hasWebsite" class="list-inline list-social-icons mb-0 col-12 pt-5 text-center">


    # add website information
    for website in (aboutData['my0:hasWebsite']):
        websiteType = getnameURI(website['my0:websiteType']).lower()
        websiteText = 'globe'
        if websiteType == 'facebook' or websiteType == 'linkedin' or websiteType == 'instagram' or websiteType == 'twitter' or websiteType == 'xing' or websiteType == 'github':
            websiteText = websiteType
        text = text + r'''
                        <li class="list-inline-item">
                            <a target="_blank" href="''' + website[
            'my0:websiteURL'] + r'''" typeof="my0:Website">
                                <span class="fa-stack fa-lg" property="my0:websiteURL" content="''' + website[
                'my0:websiteURL'] + r'''">
                                    <i class="fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i>
                                    <i class="fa fa-''' + websiteText + r''' fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i>
                                property="my0:websiteType" content="''' + website[
                    'my0:websiteType'] + r'''">
    # add contact information
    text = text + r'''
    text = text + r'''
                <br />
                <div class="row justify-content-center my-auto pt-5 text-center">
                    <div class="contact-cont2 col-4 col-md-2">
                        <div rel="my0:address" class="contact-add contact-box-desc">
                            <h3><i class="fa fa-map-marker cl-atlantis fa-1x"></i> Address</a></h3>
                            <a target="_empty" href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=''' + fullAddress + r'''"
                                <span property="my0:street" content="''' + getValueFromLang(
        address['my0:street'], lang
    ) + r'''">''' + getValueFromLang(
        address['my0:street'], lang
    ) + r'''<span><br />
                                <span property="my0:postalCode" content="''' + address[
        'my0:postalCode'] + r'''">''' + address[
            'my0:postalCode'] + r'''</span> <span property="my0:city"
                                content="''' + getValueFromLang(
                address['my0:city'], lang
            ) + r'''">''' + getValueFromLang(
                address['my0:city'], lang
            ) + r'''</span>
                                <p property="my0:country" content="''' + address[
                'my0:country'] + r'''">
                                ''' + countryName + r'''</p>
                    <div class="contact-phone contact-box-desc col-4 col-md-2">
                        <h3><i class="fa fa-phone cl-atlantis fa-1x"></i> Phone</h3>
                        <p property="my0:phoneNumberMobile" content="''' + aboutData[
                    'my0:phoneNumberMobile'] + r'''">''' + aboutData[
                        'my0:phoneNumberMobile'] + r'''</p>
                    <div class="contact-mail contact-box-desc col-4 col-md-2">
                        <h3><i class="fa fa-envelope-o cl-atlantis fa-1x"></i> E-mail</h3>
                        <address property="my0:email" content="''' + aboutData[
                            'my0:email'] + r'''" class="address-details-f">
                            <a href="mailto:''' + aboutData[
                                'my0:email'] + r'''" class="">''' + aboutData[
                                    'my0:email'] + r'''</a>
    return text
Example #6
def generateMainDesign1(data, language):

    main = headerCV1

    if (data['my0:aboutPerson']):
        item = data['my0:aboutPerson']
        address = item['my0:address']
        country = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'], language)

        # write personal information about the user
        main = main + r'''
      \textbf{\Large ''' + item['my0:firstName'] + space + item[
            'my0:lastName'] + r'''} &
       \textbf{} \\
      ''' + getValueFromLang(
                address['my0:street'], language) + space + address[
                    'my0:postalCode'] + r''' & ''' + item['my0:email'] + r'''\\
      ''' + getValueFromLang(address['my0:city'],
                             language) + comma + country + r''' & ''' + item[
                                 'my0:phoneNumberMobile'] + r'''\\'''

        # write website information about the user
        for website in (item['my0:hasWebsite']):
            if doesURIContainWord(website['my0:websiteType'], 'Linkedin'):
                main = main + \
                    r'''\faLinkedin { }  \href{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + \
                    r'''}{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''} & \\'''
            elif doesURIContainWord(website['my0:websiteType'], 'Xing'):
                main = main + \
                    r'''\faXing { }  \href{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + \
                    r'''}{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''} & \\'''
                main = main + r'''\faGlobe { }  \href{''' + website[
                    'my0:websiteURL'] + r'''}{''' + website[
                        'my0:websiteURL'] + r'''} & \\
        main = main + r'''

    if (data['my0:hasWorkHistory']):
        main = main + r'''
      \resheading{''' + workTitle[language] + r'''}
        works = sorted(data['my0:hasWorkHistory'],
                       key=lambda x: x['my0:startDate'],

        for item in (works):
            endDate = item['my0:endDate']
            address = item['my0:employedIn']['my0:orgAddress']
            countryName = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'],
            cityName = getValueFromLang(address['my0:city'], language)
            jobTitle = getValueFromLang(item['my0:jobTitle'], language)
            jobType = runQueryMainOntology(item['my0:jobType'], language)
            if item['my0:endDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]
            main = main + r'''
        \item \ressubheading{''' + item['my0:employedIn'][
                'my0:orgName'] + r'''}{''' + cityName + r''', ''' + countryName + r'''}{''' + jobTitle + comma + jobType + r'''}{''' + item[
                    'my0:startDate'] + r''' - ''' + endDate + r'''}\\
        \item[]{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:jobDescription'],
                                       language) + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasEducation']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + educationTitle[language] + r'''}

        educations = sorted(data['my0:hasEducation'],
                            key=lambda x: x['my0:eduStartDate'],
        for item in (educations):
            endDate = item['my0:eduGradDate']
            address = item['my0:studiedIn']['my0:orgAddress']
            countryName = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'],
            cityName = getValueFromLang(address['my0:city'], language)
            if item['my0:eduGradDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]
            main = main + r'''
		    \item \ressubheading{''' + getValueFromLang(
                item['my0:studiedIn']['my0:orgName'], language
            ) + r'''}{''' + cityName + r''', ''' + countryName + r'''}{''' + runQueryMainOntology(
                item['my0:degree'], language) + comma + getValueFromLang(
                    language) + r'''}{''' + item[
                        'my0:eduStartDate'] + r''' - ''' + endDate + r'''}\\
		    \item[]{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:eduDescription'],
                                     language) + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasCourse']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + courseTitle[language] + r'''}
        courses = sorted(data['my0:hasCourse'],
                         key=lambda x: x['my0:courseStartDate'],
        for item in (courses):
            endDate = item['my0:courseFinishDate']
            address = item['my0:organizedBy']['my0:orgAddress']
            countryName = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'],
            cityName = getValueFromLang(address['my0:city'], language)
            if item['my0:courseFinishDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]
            main = main + r'''
		    \item \ressubheading{''' + item['my0:organizedBy'][
                'my0:orgName'] + r'''}{''' + cityName + r''', ''' + countryName + r'''}{''' + getValueFromLang(
                    item['my0:courseTitle'], language
                ) + comma + item['my0:courseURL'] + r'''}{''' + item[
                    'my0:courseStartDate'] + r''' - ''' + endDate + r'''}\\
		    \item[]{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:courseDescription'],
                                     language) + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasPublication']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + publicationTitle[language] + r'''}
        publications = sorted(data['my0:hasPublication'],
                              key=lambda x: x['my0:publicationDate'],
        for item in (publications):
            main = main + r'''
		    \item \ressubheading{''' + getValueFromLang(
                item['my0:publicationTitle'], language) + r'''}{''' + item[
                    'my0:publicationPublisher'] + r'''}{''' + item[
                        'my0:publicationAuthor'] + r'''}{''' + item[
                            'my0:publicationDate'] + r'''}\\
		    \item[]{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:publicationDescription'],
                                     language) + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasProject']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + projectTitle[language] + r'''}
        projects = sorted(data['my0:hasProject'],
                          key=lambda x: x['my0:projectStartDate'],
        for item in (projects):
            endDate = item['my0:projectEndDate']
            if item['my0:projectEndDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]
            main = main + r'''
		    \item \ressubheading{''' + getValueFromLang(
                item['my0:projectName'], language
            ) + r'''}{''' + getValueFromLang(
                item['my0:projectCreator'], language
            ) + r'''}{''' + getValueFromLang(
                item['my0:projectRole'], language) + r'''}{''' + item[
                    'my0:projectStartDate'] + r''' - ''' + endDate + r'''}\\
		    \item[]{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:projectDescription'],
                                     language) + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasPatent']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + patentTitle[language] + r'''}
        patents = sorted(data['my0:hasPatent'],
                         key=lambda x: x['my0:patentIssuedDate'],
        for item in (patents):
            endDate = item['my0:patentIssuedDate']
            if item['my0:patentIssuedDate'] == "":
                endDate = pending[language]
            main = main + r'''
		    \item \ressubheading{''' + item[
                'my0:patentNumber'] + r''' - ''' + getValueFromLang(
                    item['my0:patentTitle'], language
                ) + r'''}{''' + getValueFromLang(
                    item['my0:patentOffice'], language) + r'''}{''' + item[
                        'my0:patentInventor'] + r'''}{''' + endDate + r'''}\\
		    \item[]{''' + getValueFromLang(item['my0:patentDescription'],
                                     language) + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasOtherInfo']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + otherInfoTitle[language] + r'''}
        for item in (data['my0:hasOtherInfo']):
            main = main + r'''
		    \item[] \ressubheading{''' + runQueryMainOntology(
                language) + r'''}{}{}{}\\*''' + getValueFromLang(
                    item['my0:otherInfoDescription'], language)

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''
    return main
Example #7
def generateMainDesign1Enriched(data, language):
    main = headerCV1

    if (data['my0:aboutPerson']):
        item = data['my0:aboutPerson']
        address = item['my0:address']
        country = runQueryCountryMainOntology(address['my0:country'], language)
        full_address = address['my0:street'] + space + address['my0:city'] + \
            space + address['my0:postalCode'] + space + country

        # write personal information about the user
        main = main + r'''
      \textbf{\Large ''' + item['my0:firstName'] + space + item['my0:lastName'] + r'''} & \textbf{\today} \\
      ''' + address['my0:street'] + space + address['my0:postalCode'] + r''' & ''' + item['my0:email'] + r'''\\''' + address['my0:city'] + comma + country + r'''\href{https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=''' + full_address + r'''}{\faMapMarker}  & ''' + item['my0:phoneNumber'] + r'''\\
        # write website information about the user
        for website in (item['my0:hasWebsite']):
            if doesURIContainWord(website['my0:websiteType'], 'Linkedin'):
                main = main + \
                    r'''\faLinkedin { }  \href{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + \
                    r'''}{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''} & \\'''
            elif doesURIContainWord(website['my0:websiteType'], 'Xing'):
                main = main + \
                    r'''\faXing { }  \href{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + \
                    r'''}{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''} & \\'''
                main = main + r'''\faGlobe { }  \href{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''}{''' + website['my0:websiteURL'] + r'''} & \\
        main = main + r'''

    if (data['my0:hasWorkHistory']):

        main = main + r'''
      \resheading{''' + workTitle[language] + r'''}
        for item in (data['my0:hasWorkHistory']):

            address = item['my0:employedIn']['my0:organizationAddress']
            orgName = item['my0:employedIn']['my0:organizationName']
            orgURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgName, language)
            if orgURL != "":
                orgName = r'''\href{''' + orgURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgName + r'''}'''
            country = runQueryCountryMainOntology(
                address['my0:country'], language)
            country = r'''\href{''' + country + r'''}{''' + \
                getnameURI(address['my0:country']) + r'''}'''
            city = address['my0:city']
            cityURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(city, language)
            if cityURL != "":
                city = r'''\href{''' + cityURL + r'''}{''' + city + r'''}'''
            jobMode = runQueryMainOntology(item['my0:jobMode'], language)
            endDate = item['my0:endDate']
            if item['my0:endDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]

            main = main + r'''
        \item \ressubheading{''' + orgName + r'''}{''' + city + r''', ''' + country + r'''}{''' + item['my0:jobTitle'] + comma + jobMode + r'''}{''' + item['my0:startDate'] + r''' - ''' + endDate + r'''}\\
        \item[]{''' + item['my0:jobDescription'] + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasEducation']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + educationTitle[language] + r'''}
        for item in (data['my0:hasEducation']):
            address = item['my0:studiedIn']['my0:organizationAddress']
            orgName = item['my0:studiedIn']['my0:organizationName']
            orgURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgName, language)
            if orgURL != "":
                orgName = r'''\href{''' + orgURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgName + r'''}'''
            country = runQueryCountryMainOntology(
                address['my0:country'], language)
            country = r'''\href{''' + country + r'''}{''' + \
                getnameURI(address['my0:country']) + r'''}'''
            city = address['my0:city']
            cityURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(city, language)
            if cityURL != "":
                city = r'''\href{''' + cityURL + r'''}{''' + city + r'''}'''
            endDate = item['my0:eduGradDate']
            if item['my0:eduGradDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]
            degreeType = runQueryMainOntology(item['my0:degreeType'], language)

            main = main + r'''
        \item \ressubheading{''' + orgName + r'''}{''' + city + r''', ''' + country + r'''}{''' + item['my0:degree'] + comma + degreeType + r'''}{''' + item['my0:eduStartDate'] + r''' - ''' + endDate + r'''}\\
        \item[]{''' + item['my0:eduDescription'] + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasCourse']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + courseTitle[language] + r'''}
        for item in (data['my0:hasCourse']):
            address = item['my0:organizedBy']['my0:organizationAddress']
            orgName = item['my0:organizedBy']['my0:organizationName']
            orgURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(orgName, language)
            if orgURL != "":
                orgName = r'''\href{''' + orgURL + \
                    r'''}{''' + orgName + r'''}'''
            country = runQueryCountryMainOntology(
                address['my0:country'], language)
            country = r'''\href{''' + country + r'''}{''' + \
                getnameURI(address['my0:country']) + r'''}'''
            city = address['my0:city']
            cityURL = runQueryDBPEDIA(city, language)
            if cityURL != "":
                city = r'''\href{''' + cityURL + r'''}{''' + city + r'''}'''
            endDate = item['my0:courseFinishDate']
            if item['my0:courseFinishDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]
            coursetit = item['my0:courseTitle']
            if item['my0:courseURL']:
                coursetit = r'''\href{''' + item['my0:courseURL'] + \
                    r'''}{''' + item['my0:courseTitle'] + r'''}'''

            main = main + r'''
        \item \ressubheading{''' + orgName + r'''}{''' + city + r''', ''' + country + r'''}{''' + coursetit + r'''}{''' + item['my0:courseStartDate'] + r''' - ''' + endDate + r'''}\\
        \item[]{''' + item['my0:courseDescription'] + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasPublication']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + publicationTitle[language] + r'''}
        publications = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['my0:publicationDate'], reverse=True
        for item in (publications):
            main = main + r'''
		    \item \ressubheading{''' + item['my0:publicationTitle'] + r'''}{''' + item['my0:publicationPublisher'] + r'''}{''' + item['my0:publicationAuthor'] + r'''}{''' + item['my0:publicationDate'] + r'''}\\
		    \item[]{''' + item['my0:publicationDescription'] + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasProject']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + projectTitle[language] + r'''}
        projects = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['my0:projectStartDate'], reverse=True
        for item in (projects):
            endDate = item['my0:projectEndDate']
            if item['my0:projectEndDate'] == "":
                endDate = current[language]
            main = main + r'''
		    \item \ressubheading{''' + item['my0:projectName'] + r'''}{''' + item['my0:projectCreator'] + r'''}{}{''' + item['my0:projectStartDate'] + r''' - ''' + endDate + r'''}\\
		    \item[]{''' + item['my0:projectDescription'] + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasPatent']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + patentTitle[language] + r'''}
        patents = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x['my0:patentIssuedDate'], reverse=True
        for item in (patents):
            endDate = item['my0:patentIssuedDate']
            if item['my0:patentIssuedDate'] == "":
                endDate = pending[language]
            patentNumber = item['my0:patentNumber']
            main = main + r'''
		    \item \ressubheading{''' + item['my0:patentTitle'] + r''' - ''' + patentNumber + r'''}{''' + item['my0:patentOffice'] + r'''}{''' + item['my0:patentInventor'] + r'''}{''' + endDate + r'''}\\
		    \item[]{''' + item['my0:patentDescription'] + r'''}

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''

    if (data['my0:hasOtherInfo']):
        main = main + r'''
	    \resheading{''' + otherInfoTitle[language] + r'''}
        for item in (data['my0:hasOtherInfo']):
            types = runQueryMainOntology(item['my0:otherInfoType'], language)

            main = main + r'''
		    \item[] \ressubheading{''' + types + r'''}{}{}{}\\*''' + item['my0:otherInfoDescription']

        main = main + r'''\end{itemize}'''
    return main