Example #1
def select_data():
    ## fetch data from initial default query ##
    price_levels = [x + 1 for x in num_dollars.active]
    price_levels_str = ','.join([str(i) for i in price_levels])
    results = query_api(term.value, location.value, price_levels_str)
    restaurant_meta = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=['name', 'price', 'rating', 'review_count', 'distance'])

    ## clean ##
    restaurant_meta.fillna(0, inplace=True)  # replace missing values with zero
    restaurant_meta['price'] = [
        len(i) for i in (restaurant_meta['price']).astype(str)
    ]  # convert price values to ints

    ## compute score ##
    # higher score (0-1) is better
    # very simple weighted average implementation
    scaled_rating_scaled = [
        x / max(restaurant_meta['rating']) for x in restaurant_meta['rating']
    scaled_review_count = [
        x / max(restaurant_meta['review_count'])
        for x in restaurant_meta['review_count']
    restaurant_meta['score'] = [
        (0.7 * x + 0.3 * y)
        for x, y in zip(*[scaled_rating_scaled, scaled_review_count])
    restaurant_meta = restaurant_meta.sort_values(
        restaurant_meta.columns[4], ascending=False)  # sort by score

    ## add in plot color and size ##
    # color based on score (warmer is higher score)
    # size based on price (bigger size is higher price)
    restaurant_meta['color'] = [
        rating_colors[i] for i in (restaurant_meta['score'] / 0.1).astype(int)
    restaurant_meta['size'] = [
        price_size[i] for i in (restaurant_meta['price']).astype(int)

    ## log10-scale review count ##
    log_review = [np.log10(x) for x in restaurant_meta['review_count']]
    restaurant_meta['log_review'] = log_review

    ## change price back to dollar-signs ##
    restaurant_meta['price'] = [
        ("$" * i) for i in (restaurant_meta['price']).astype(int)

    restaurant_meta['distance'] *= 0.000621371

    return restaurant_meta
def multiple_records(response, inputs, token, environment):
    for r in response:
        print '\n'
        irwinrid = r['attributes']['IrwinRID']
        print r['attributes']['NameLast']
        print r['attributes']['NameFirst']

        inputs.url = urls('capability', environment)
        sql = "IrwinRID = '{}'".format(irwinrid)
        response = query.query_api(inputs, token, sql)
        if len(response['features']) > 1:

            for k, v in response.iteritems():
                print '{}: {}'.format(k, v)
Example #3
def get_capability_type_id(token, sql):
    url = 'https://irwinoat.doi.gov/arcgis/rest/services/next/Resource/FeatureServer/3/Query'

    endpoint_type = 'resource'

    # initiate class
    inputs = create_class.QueryType(endpoint_type)
    inputs.url = url
    resource = query.query_api(inputs, token, sql)

    if len(resource['features']) > 0:
        return str(resource['features'][0]['attributes']['IrwinCTID'])

Example #4
def get_existing_oh_resource(token, sql, url):
    print token
    print sql
    print url
    endpoint_type = 'resource'

    # initiate class
    inputs = create_class.QueryType(endpoint_type)
    inputs.url = url
    resource = query.query_api(inputs, token, sql)

    if len(resource['features']) > 0:
        return True

        return False
def query_related_tables(inputs, token, sql, id=None):

    # query capability table

    response = query.query_api(inputs, token, sql)
    a_list = []
    features = response['features']
    len_features = len(features)
    # print "\tnumber of Records Found: {}".format(len_features)
    if len_features > 0:

        irwin_id = None
        if id:
            irwin_id = response['features'][0]['attributes'][id]

        for d in response['features']:

        return a_list, irwin_id

        return None, None
Example #6
import create_class
import query
import sys

inputs = create_class.QueryType('resource')
inputs.url = 'https://irwinoat.doi.gov/arcgis/rest/services/next/Resource/FeatureServer/3/query'
token = query.get_token(inputs.token_url, inputs.usr, inputs.pswd)

var_list = ['Kind', 'Category', 'Type']
where = query.where_inputs(inputs, var_list)

# print where
# where = "Category = 'Strike Team' AND Type = 'Type 1' AND Kind = 'Crews'"
response = query.query_api(inputs, token, where)

# return data
print query.load_response(response)
Example #7
# capabilityid {92CAD3A0-61CC-4159-9E39-C07642C195AF}
# send a lastname to the resources api. Get back capability, capability type and experience.
# first capability request id: {C621A7CA-8E45-4B84-A3C9-CDDADA5DF9D2}
# second capability request id : D82BDC02-2EE1-4AAE-872F-7CF8C2D705A4
endpoint_type = 'resource'
environment = 'irwinoat'
# initiate class
inputs = create_class.QueryType(endpoint_type)
token = query.get_token(inputs.token_url, inputs.usr, inputs.pswd)

# where_inputs = "1=1"
# where_inputs = "NameLast = 'Collins' AND NameFirst = 'Eric'"
where_inputs = resource_util.get_names()

# get the IrwinRID and use that to query capability
resource = query.query_api(inputs, token, where_inputs)

resource_response = query.load_response(resource)

if len(resource_response) == 0:
    print 'No Records Found'

if len(resource_response) > 1:
    print 'more than one response returned'
    resource_util.multiple_records(resource_response, inputs, token,

    irwinrid = resource_response[0]['attributes']['IrwinRID'].strip('}').strip(
Example #8
def get_release_from_api():
    logging.info('FETCHING RELEASE API')
    return query.query_api()