Example #1
def create_range_skipper_code(Language, TestStr, CloserSequence, QuexBufferSize=1024, 
                              CommentTestStrF=False, ShowPositionF=False):
    assert QuexBufferSize >= len(CloserSequence) + 2

    end_str = __prepare(Language)

    door_id_on_skip_range_open = dial_db.new_door_id()

    data = { 
        "closer_sequence":    CloserSequence, 
        "closer_pattern":     Pattern(StateMachine.from_sequence(CloserSequence), 
                                      PatternString="<skip range closer>"),
        "mode_name":          "MrUnitTest",
        "on_skip_range_open": CodeFragment([end_str]),
        "door_id_after":      DoorID.continue_without_on_after_match(),

    skipper_code = range_skipper.do(data, Analyzer)

    return create_customized_analyzer_function(Language, TestStr, skipper_code,
                                               QuexBufferSize, CommentTestStrF, ShowPositionF, end_str,
                                               MarkerCharList  = [], 
                                               LocalVariableDB = deepcopy(variable_db.get()),
Example #2
def do(UTF8_String_or_Stream, PatternDict, 
       AllowNothingIsNecessaryF = False, SpecialTerminator=None):
    assert type(AllowNothingIsNecessaryF) == bool
    assert type(PatternDict) == dict

    # SPECIAL_TERMINATOR --> if string is not only to be terminated by ' '
    SPECIAL_TERMINATOR = SpecialTerminator

    def __ensure_whitespace_follows(InitialPos, stream):
        tmp = stream.read(1)
        if tmp == "" or tmp.isspace() or tmp == SPECIAL_TERMINATOR:
            stream.seek(-1, 1)

        end_position = stream.tell() - 1
        pattern_str = stream.read(end_position - InitialPos)
        error_msg("Pattern definition '%s' not followed by whitespace.\n" % pattern_str + \
                  "Found subsequent character '%s'." % tmp, 

    if type(UTF8_String_or_Stream) == str: stream = StringIO(UTF8_String_or_Stream)
    else:                                  stream = UTF8_String_or_Stream    

    if PatternDict is None: PatternDict = {}

    initial_position = stream.tell()

    # -- check for the begin of line condition (BOL)
    if check(stream, '^'): begin_of_line_f = True
    else:                  begin_of_line_f = False
    # -- MAIN: transform the pattern into a state machine
    pre, core, post = snap_conditional_expression(stream, PatternDict)

    if core is None: 
        return None

    # -- check for end of line condition (EOL) 
    # -- check for terminating whitespace
    end_of_line_f = False
    if check(stream, '$'): end_of_line_f = True

    __ensure_whitespace_follows(initial_position, stream)
    pattern = Pattern(CoreSM        = core, 
                      BeginOfLineF  = begin_of_line_f,
                      PreContextSM  = pre,
                      EndOfLineF    = end_of_line_f,
                      PostContextSM = post,
                      Sr            = SourceRef.from_FileHandle(stream),
                      PatternString = read_pattern_string(stream, initial_position),
                      AllowNothingIsNecessaryF = AllowNothingIsNecessaryF)
    return pattern
def PPT_indentation_handler_newline(MHI, data, ISetup, CounterDb):
    """Generate a PPT for newline, that is:

        -- its PatternPriority.
        -- the Pattern object.
        -- the Terminal object.

    The terminal object contains a generator which generates the INDENTATION
    sm = ISetup.sm_newline.get()

    pattern = Pattern(sm, PatternString="<indentation newline>", 
                      Sr = ISetup.sm_newline.sr)
    code    = CodeGenerated(indentation_counter.do, data, 
                            "INDENTATION COUNTER: NEWLINE")

    return PPT(PatternPriority(MHI, 0), pattern, code)
Example #4
def PPT_indentation_handler_newline(MHI, data, ISetup, CounterDb):
    """Generate a PPT for newline, that is:

        -- its PatternPriority.
        -- the Pattern object.
        -- the Terminal object.

    The terminal object contains a generator which generates the INDENTATION
    sm = ISetup.sm_newline.get()

    pattern = Pattern(sm, PatternString="<indentation newline>", 
                      Sr = ISetup.sm_newline.sr)
    code    = CodeGenerated(indentation_counter.do, data, 
                            "INDENTATION COUNTER: NEWLINE")

    return PPT(PatternPriority(MHI, 0), pattern, code)
def PPT_character_set_skipper(MHI, character_set, incidence_id, CounterDb, goto_terminal_str, Sr):
    """Generate a PPT for a character set skipper. That is, 
        -- A PatternPriority based on a given MHI and the specified incidence id.
        -- A Pattern to be webbed into the lexical analyzer state machine.
        -- A Terminal implementing the character set skipper.
    priority = PatternPriority(MHI, incidence_id)
    pattern  = Pattern.from_character_set(character_set)

    code = CodeTerminal([ goto_terminal_str ], Sr)
    return PPT(priority, pattern, code)
Example #6
def PPT_character_set_skipper(MHI, character_set, incidence_id, CounterDb, goto_terminal_str, Sr):
    """Generate a PPT for a character set skipper. That is, 
        -- A PatternPriority based on a given MHI and the specified incidence id.
        -- A Pattern to be webbed into the lexical analyzer state machine.
        -- A Terminal implementing the character set skipper.
    priority = PatternPriority(MHI, incidence_id)
    pattern  = Pattern.from_character_set(character_set)

    code = CodeTerminal([ goto_terminal_str ], Sr)
    return PPT(priority, pattern, code)
Example #7
def PPT_indentation_handler_suppressed_newline(MHI, SmSuppressedNewline):
    """Generate a PPT for suppressed newline, that is:

        -- its PatternPriority.
        -- the Pattern object.
        -- the Terminal object.

    The terminal simply jumpts to the re-entry of the lexical analyzer.
    assert SmSuppressedNewline is not None

    pattern = Pattern(SmSuppressedNewline,
                      PatternString="<indentation suppressed newline>")
    code = CodeTerminal([Lng.GOTO(DoorID.global_reentry())])
    # terminal = terminal_factory.do(E_TerminalType.PLAIN, code)

    return PPT(PatternPriority(MHI, 1), pattern, code)
Example #8
def get_Pattern(ValueList):
    return Pattern.from_character_set(
        NumberSet([Interval(ord(x)) for x in ValueList]))
Example #9
 def get_pattern_object(SM):
     if not SM.is_DFA_compliant(): result = nfa_to_dfa.do(SM)
     else: result = SM
     result = hopcroft.do(result, CreateNewStateMachineF=False)
     return Pattern(result, AllowStateMachineTrafoF=True)
def get_Pattern(ValueList):
    return Pattern.from_character_set(NumberSet([ Interval(ord(x)) for x in ValueList ]))