def execute(choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''):
     '''Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user.
     Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history. If getOutputFormat is anything else than HTML, the output should be written to the file with path galaxyFn.gtr
     If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files).
     choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box.
     gi.fullName = choices[1]
     urls = choices[2].split()
     gi.sourceUrls = urls
     gi.genomeBuildSource = choices[3]
     gi.genomeBuildName = choices[4]
     gi.species = choices[5]
     gi.speciesTaxonomyUrl = choices[6]
     gi.assemblyDetails = choices[7]
     gi.privateAccessList = [v.strip()  for v in choices[8].replace(os.linesep, ' ').replace(',', ' ').split(' ') if v.find('@')>0]
     gi.isPrivate = (choices[9] == 'Owners only')
     gi.isExperimental = (choices[10] == 'Experimental only')
     gi.ucscClade = choices[11]
     gi.ucscGenome = choices[12]
     gi.ucscAssembly = choices[13]
     return "Updated genome %s." % gi.fullName
Example #2
    def execute(cls, choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''):
        '''Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user.
        Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history. If getOutputFormat is anything else than HTML, the output should be written to the file with path galaxyFn.gtr
        If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files).
        choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box.

        gi = GenomeInfo(choices[0])
        gi.fullName = choices[1]
        urls = choices[2].split()
        gi.sourceUrls = urls

        gi.genomeBuildSource = choices[3]
        gi.genomeBuildName = choices[4]
        gi.species = choices[5]
        gi.speciesTaxonomyUrl = choices[6]
        gi.assemblyDetails = choices[7]
        gi.privateAccessList = [
            v.strip() for v in choices[8].replace(os.linesep, ' ').replace(
                ',', ' ').split(' ') if v.find('@') > 0
        gi.isPrivate = (choices[9] == 'Owners only')
        gi.isExperimental = (choices[10] == 'Experimental only')
        gi.ucscClade = choices[11]
        gi.ucscGenome = choices[12]
        gi.ucscAssembly = choices[13]

        return "Updated genome %s." % gi.fullName
 def execute(cls, choices, galaxyFn=None , username=''):
     '''Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user.
     Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history.
     If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files).
     choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box.
     #print 'Executing... with choices %s'%str(choices)
     abbrv = choices[0]
     name = choices[1]
     #Should test that the genome is not in hyperbrowser.
     gi = GenomeInfo(abbrv)
     if gi.hasOrigFiles():
         sys.stderr.write( "Genome "+abbrv+ " is already in the Genomic HyperBrowser. Remove the old first.")
         gi.fullName = name
         if choices[2] == 'URL':
             urls = choices[3].split()
             gi.sourceUrls = urls
             for url in urls:
                     GenomeImporter.downloadGenomeSequence(abbrv, url)
                 except InvalidFormatError:
             basePath =  os.sep.join([NONSTANDARD_DATA_PATH, abbrv] + GenomeInfo.getSequenceTrackName(abbrv))
             fnSource = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN(choices[4].split(':'))
             fnDest = basePath+'/'+abbrv+'Sequence.fasta'
             copyfile(fnSource, fnDest)
         gi.sourceChrNames = chrs
         gi.installedBy = username
         gi.genomeBuildSource = choices[5]
         gi.genomeBuildName = choices[6]
         gi.species = choices[7]
         gi.speciesTaxonomyUrl = choices[8]
         gi.assemblyDetails = choices[9]
         gi.privateAccessList = [v.strip() for v in choices[10].replace(os.linesep, ' ').replace(',', ' ').split(' ') if v.find('@')>0]
         gi.isPrivate = (choices[11] != 'All')
         gi.isExperimental = (choices[12] != 'All')
         gi.ucscClade = choices[13]
         gi.ucscGenome = choices[14]
         gi.ucscAssembly = choices[15]
         galaxyFile=open(galaxyFn, "w")
         galaxyFile.write( 'Genome abbreviation: ' + abbrv + os.linesep)
         galaxyFile.write( 'Genome full name: ' + name + os.linesep)
         galaxyFile.write( 'Track name: ' + ':'.join(GenomeInfo.getSequenceTrackName(abbrv)) + os.linesep)
         galaxyFile.write( 'Temp chromosome names: ' + ' || '.join(chrs) + os.linesep)
         #GenomeImporter.saveTempInfo(abbrv, name, chrs)
         #print 'Chromosomes: '+chrs
Example #4
    def execute(cls, choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''):
        '''Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user.
        Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history.
        If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files).
        choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box.

        #print 'Executing... with choices %s'%str(choices)
        abbrv = choices[0]
        name = choices[1]

        #Should test that the genome is not in hyperbrowser.
        gi = GenomeInfo(abbrv)

        if gi.hasOrigFiles():
                "Genome " + abbrv +
                " is already in the Genomic HyperBrowser. Remove the old first."
            gi.fullName = name
            if choices[2] == 'URL':
                urls = choices[3].split()
                gi.sourceUrls = urls
                for url in urls:
                        GenomeImporter.downloadGenomeSequence(abbrv, url)
                    except InvalidFormatError:
                basePath = GenomeImporter.getBasePathSequence(abbrv)
                fnSource = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN(
                fnDest = basePath + os.path.sep + abbrv + '.fa'
                copyfile(fnSource, fnDest)

            if choices[16] == 'from URL':
                urls = choices[3].split()
                gi.sourceUrls = urls
                for url in urls:
                        GenomeImporter.downloadGffFile(abbrv, url)
                    except InvalidFormatError:
            elif choices[16] == 'from history':
                fnSource = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN(
                fnDest = GenomeImporter.getCollectedPathGFF(abbrv)
                copyfile(fnSource, fnDest)

            chrs = GenomeImporter.extractChromosomesFromGenome(abbrv)
            #gi.sourceChrNames = chrs
            gi.installedBy = username
            gi.genomeBuildSource = choices[5]
            gi.genomeBuildName = choices[6]
            gi.species = choices[7]
            gi.speciesTaxonomyUrl = choices[8]
            gi.assemblyDetails = choices[9]
            gi.privateAccessList = [
                for v in choices[10].replace(os.linesep, ' ').replace(
                    ',', ' ').split(' ') if v.find('@') > 0
            gi.isPrivate = (choices[11] != 'All')
            gi.isExperimental = (choices[12] != 'All')
            gi.ucscClade = choices[13]
            gi.ucscGenome = choices[14]
            gi.ucscAssembly = choices[15]

            galaxyFile = open(galaxyFn, "w")
            galaxyFile.write('Genome abbreviation: ' + abbrv + os.linesep)
            galaxyFile.write('Genome full name: ' + name + os.linesep)
            galaxyFile.write('Track name: ' +
                             ':'.join(GenomeInfo.getSequenceTrackName(abbrv)) +
            galaxyFile.write('Temp chromosome names: ' + ' || '.join(chrs) +
            #GenomeImporter.saveTempInfo(abbrv, name, chrs)
            #print 'Chromosomes: '+chrs
Example #5
        except Exception, e:
            print 'FAILED: Error occurred copying from %s to %s: ' % (
                fromDir, toDir) + str(e).strip()

    for track in ProcTrackOptions.getSubtypes('TestGenome',
        ti = TrackInfo('TestGenome', ['GESourceTracks', track])
        ti.trackName = [track]
        ti.genome = 'ModelsForExternalTracks'

    from quick.util.GenomeInfo import GenomeInfo
    from datetime import datetime
    gi = GenomeInfo('TestGenome')
    gi.fullName = 'TestGenome'
    gi.sourceUrls = ['', \
    #gi.sourceChrNames = ['chr21', 'chrM']
    gi.installedBy = ''
    gi.genomeBuildSource = 'NCBI'
    gi.genomeBuildName = 'hg18'
    gi.species = 'H**o Sapiens'
    gi.speciesTaxonomyUrl = ''
    gi.assemblyDetails = 'Chromosome 21 and M from the hg18 genome, used for testing purposes.'
    gi.isPrivate = False
    gi.privateAccessList = []
    gi.isExperimental = False
    gi.timeOfInstallation =
Example #6
             shutil.copytree(fromDir, toDir)
             print 'OK: Copied from %s to %s.' % (fromDir, toDir)
     except Exception, e:
         print 'FAILED: Error occurred copying from %s to %s: ' % (fromDir, toDir) + str(e).strip()
 for track in ProcTrackOptions.getSubtypes('TestGenome', ['GESourceTracks']):
     ti = TrackInfo('TestGenome', ['GESourceTracks', track])
     ti.trackName = [track]
     ti.genome = 'ModelsForExternalTracks'
 from quick.util.GenomeInfo import GenomeInfo
 from datetime import datetime
 gi = GenomeInfo('TestGenome')
 gi.fullName = 'TestGenome'
 gi.sourceUrls = ['', \
 gi.sourceChrNames = ['chr21', 'chrM']
 gi.installedBy = ''
 gi.genomeBuildSource = 'NCBI'
 gi.genomeBuildName = 'hg18'
 gi.species = 'H**o Sapiens'
 gi.speciesTaxonomyUrl = ''
 gi.assemblyDetails = 'Chromosome 21 and M from the hg18 genome, used for testing purposes.'
 gi.isPrivate = False
 gi.privateAccessList = []
 gi.isExperimental = False
 gi.timeOfInstallation =