Example #1
File: glue.py Project: punkdit/qupy
def glue_self_classical(Hz, pairs):
    mz, n = Hz.shape
    k = len(pairs)

    A = Chain([Hz])
    C = Chain([identity2(k)])

    fn = zeros2(n, k)
    for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        i1, i2 = pair
        fn[i1, idx] = 1
    fm = dot2(Hz, fn)
    f = Morphism(C, A, [fm, fn])

    gn = zeros2(n, k)
    for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        i1, i2 = pair
        gn[i2, idx] = 1
    gm = dot2(Hz, gn)
    g = Morphism(C, A, [gm, gn])

    _, _, D = chain.equalizer(f, g)

    Hz = D[0]
    return Hz
Example #2
File: glue.py Project: punkdit/qupy
def test_selfdual():

    HxA = array2([[1, 1, 1, 1]])
    HzA = array2([[1, 1, 1, 1]])
    A = Chain([HxA, HzA.transpose()])

    HxB = array2([[1, 1, 1, 1]])
    HzB = array2([[1, 1, 1, 1]])
    B = Chain([HxB, HzB.transpose()])

    HzC = zeros2(0, 2)
    HxC = array2([[1, 1]])
    C = Chain([HxC, HzC.transpose()])

    #HzC = zeros2(0, 2)
    #HxC = zeros2(0, 2)
    #C = Chain([HxC, HzC.transpose()])

    # Chain map from C -> A
    CAz = zeros2(1, 0)
    CAn = zeros2(4, 2)
    CAn[0, 0] = 1
    CAn[1, 1] = 1
    CAx = array2([[1]])
    CA = Morphism(C, A, [CAx, CAn, CAz])

    # Chain map from C -> B
    CBz = CAz
    CBn = CAn
    CBx = CAx
    CB = Morphism(C, B, [CBx, CBn, CBz])

    AD, BD, D, _ = chain.pushout(CA, CB)
    code = D.get_code()
Example #3
File: glue.py Project: punkdit/qupy
def test_glue():

    m = argv.get("m", 9)
    n = argv.get("n", 10)

    d = argv.get("d", 0)
    p = argv.get("p", 0.5)
    weight = argv.weight

    H1 = rand2(m, n, p, weight)
    G1 = find_kernel(H1)
    G1t = G1.transpose()
    H1t = H1.transpose()
    A1 = Chain([G1, H1t])
    k1 = len(G1)


    w = wenum(H1)
    print("wenum:", [len(wi) for wi in w])

    H2 = rand2(m, n, p, weight)
    H2t = H2.transpose()
    G2 = find_kernel(H2)
    G2t = G2.transpose()
    A2 = Chain([G2, H2t])
    k2 = len(G2)


    w = wenum(H2)
    print("wenum:", [len(wi) for wi in w])

    if k1 != k2:
    k = k1

    I = identity2(k)
    B = Chain([I, zeros2(k, 0)])

    a = zeros2(n, k)
    for i in range(k):
        a[i, i] = 1
    f1 = Morphism(B, A1, [dot2(G1, a), a, zeros2(m, 0)])
    f2 = Morphism(B, A2, [dot2(G2, a), a, zeros2(m, 0)])

    a, b, C, _ = chain.pushout(f1, f2)

    H = C[1].transpose()

    w = wenum(H)
    print("wenum:", [len(wi) for wi in w])
Example #4
File: glue.py Project: punkdit/qupy
def glue2(H1, H2, i1, i2):

    m1, n1 = H1.shape
    m2, n2 = H2.shape

    A1 = Chain([H1])
    A2 = Chain([H2])
    C = Chain([array2([[1]])])

    C1n = zeros2(n1, 1)
    C1n[i1, 0] = 1
    C1m = dot2(H1, C1n)
    C1 = Morphism(C, A1, [C1m, C1n])

    C2n = zeros2(n2, 1)
    C2n[i2, 0] = 1
    C2m = dot2(H2, C2n)
    C2 = Morphism(C, A2, [C2m, C2n])

    AD, BD, D, _ = chain.pushout(C1, C2)

    H = D[0]
    return H
Example #5
File: glue.py Project: punkdit/qupy
def glue_pairs(H1, H2, pairs):

    m1, n1 = H1.shape
    m2, n2 = H2.shape
    k = len(pairs)

    A1 = Chain([H1])
    A2 = Chain([H2])
    C = Chain([identity2(k)])

    C1n = zeros2(n1, k)
    for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        i, j = pair
        C1n[i, idx] = 1
    C1m = dot2(H1, C1n)
    C1 = Morphism(C, A1, [C1m, C1n])

    C2n = zeros2(n2, k)
    for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        i, j = pair
        C2n[j, idx] = 1
    C2m = dot2(H2, C2n)
    C2 = Morphism(C, A2, [C2m, C2n])

    AD, BD, D, _ = chain.pushout(C1, C2)

    H = D[0]
    return H
Example #6
    def glue(self, i1, i2):
        assert i1!=i2

        Hx = self.Hx
        Hz = self.Hz
        mx, n = Hx.shape
        mz, _ = Hz.shape
        k = 1 
        A = Chain([Hz, Hx.transpose()])
        C  = Chain([identity2(k), zeros2(k, 0)])
        fn = zeros2(n, 1)
        fn[i1, 0] = 1 
        fm = dot2(Hz, fn) 
        f = Morphism(C, A, [fm, fn, zeros2(mx, 0)])
        gn = zeros2(n, 1)
        gn[i2, 0] = 1 
        gm = dot2(Hz, gn) 
        g = Morphism(C, A, [gm, gn, zeros2(mx, 0)])
        _, _, D = equalizer(f, g)
        Hz, Hxt = D[0], D[1]
        Hx = Hxt.transpose()
        code = CSSCode(Hx=Hx, Hz=Hz)
        return code
Example #7
File: glue.py Project: punkdit/qupy
def glue_quantum(Hx1, Hz1, Hx2, Hz2, pairs):

    mx1, n1 = Hx1.shape
    mx2, n2 = Hx2.shape
    mz1, _ = Hz1.shape
    mz2, _ = Hz2.shape
    k = len(pairs)

    A1 = Chain([Hz1, Hx1.transpose()])
    A2 = Chain([Hz2, Hx2.transpose()])
    C = Chain([identity2(k), zeros2(k, 0)])

    C1n = zeros2(n1, k)
    for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        i, j = pair
        C1n[i, idx] = 1
    C1m = dot2(Hz1, C1n)
    C1 = Morphism(C, A1, [C1m, C1n, zeros2(mx1, 0)])

    C2n = zeros2(n2, k)
    for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        i, j = pair
        C2n[j, idx] = 1
    C2m = dot2(Hz2, C2n)
    C2 = Morphism(C, A2, [C2m, C2n, zeros2(mx2, 0)])

    AD, BD, D, _ = chain.pushout(C1, C2)

    Hz, Hxt = D[0], D[1]

    return Hz, Hxt.transpose()
Example #8
def build_tree(n):

    assert n%2

    Hz = []
    Hx = []
    k0 = -1
    k1 = 1
    while k1+1<n:

        h = zeros2(n)
        h[max(0, k0)] = 1
        h[k1] = 1
        h[k1+1] = 1

        if k0+2>=n//4:
            h = zeros2(n)
            h[k1] = 1
            h[k1+1] = 1

        k1 += 2
        k0 += 1

    Hz = array2(Hz)
    Hx = array2(Hx)


    code = CSSCode(Hz=Hz, Hx=Hx)
    return code
Example #9
def get_cell(row, col, p=2):
        return all matrices in bruhat cell at (row, col)
        These have shape (col, col+row).

    if col == 0:
        yield zeros2(0, row)

    if row == 0:
        yield identity2(col)

    # recursive steps:
    m, n = col, col + row
    for left in get_cell(row, col - 1, p):
        A = zeros2(m, n)
        A[:m - 1, :n - 1] = left
        A[m - 1, n - 1] = 1
        yield A

    els = list(range(p))
    vecs = list(cross((els, ) * m))
    for right in get_cell(row - 1, col, p):
        for v in vecs:
            A = zeros2(m, n)
            A[:, :n - 1] = right
            A[:, n - 1] = v
            yield A
Example #10
File: glue.py Project: punkdit/qupy
def glue_self(Hx, Hz, pairs):
    mx, n = Hx.shape
    mz, _ = Hz.shape
    k = len(pairs)

    A = Chain([Hz, Hx.transpose()])
    C = Chain([identity2(k), zeros2(k, 0)])

    fn = zeros2(n, k)
    for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        i1, i2 = pair
        fn[i1, idx] = 1
    fm = dot2(Hz, fn)
    f = Morphism(C, A, [fm, fn, zeros2(mx, 0)])

    gn = zeros2(n, k)
    for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        i1, i2 = pair
        gn[i2, idx] = 1
    gm = dot2(Hz, gn)
    g = Morphism(C, A, [gm, gn, zeros2(mx, 0)])

    _, _, D = chain.equalizer(f, g)

    Hz, Hxt = D[0], D[1]
    return Hxt.transpose(), Hz
Example #11
def sparsecss(n, mx, mz, weight=8, **kw):

    print("sparsecss", n, mx, mz)
    k = n-mx-mz
    assert k>=0

    vec = lambda n=n, weight=weight : rand2(1, n, weight=weight)

    Hz = zeros2(0, n)
    Hx = zeros2(0, n)

    Hx = append2(Hx, vec())

    while len(Hz)<mz or len(Hx)<mx:

        # append2 Hz
        rows = shortstr(Hz).split()
        #print rows
        while Hz.shape[0]<mz:
            v = vec()
            u = dot2(Hx, v.transpose())
            if u.sum() == 0 and shortstr(v) not in rows:
                Hz = append2(Hz, v)
        # append2 Hx
        rows = shortstr(Hx).split()
        #print rows
        while Hx.shape[0]<mx:
            v = vec()
            u = dot2(Hz, v.transpose())
            if u.sum() == 0 and shortstr(v) not in rows:
                Hx = append2(Hx, v)

        print(shortstrx(Hz, Hx))

    bits = []
    for i in range(n):
        if Hx[:, i].sum() == 0:
        elif Hz[:, i].sum() == 0:

    for i in reversed(bits):
        Hx = numpy.concatenate(
            (Hx[:, :i], Hx[:, i+1:]), axis=1)
        Hz = numpy.concatenate(
            (Hz[:, :i], Hz[:, i+1:]), axis=1)

    #print shortstrx(Hx, Hz)

    C = CSSCode(Hx=Hx, Hz=Hz, **kw)
    return C
Example #12
def x_split(C0, build=True, **kw):
    "split the x-stabilizers of C0"

    #print "x_split"

    mz, n, mx = C0.mz, C0.n+C0.mx, 2*C0.mx

    #print C0.longstr()

    Hz = zeros2(mz, n)
    Hz[:, :C0.n] = C0.Hz

    Hx = zeros2(mx, n)

    #print "Hz:"
    #print shortstrx(Hz)

    for i in range(C0.mx):

        op = C0.Hx[i]
        #Hx[:C0.mx-1, :C0.n] = pop2(C0.Hx, i)
        #print "Hx:"
        #print shortstrx(Hx)
        idxs = [j for j in range(C0.n) if op[j]]
        idxs0 = idxs[:len(idxs)//2]
        idxs1 = idxs[len(idxs)//2:]
        #print idxs, idxs0, idxs1
        i0, i1 = 2*i, 2*i+1
        for j in idxs0:
            Hx[i0, j] = 1
        for j in idxs1:
            Hx[i1, j] = 1
        Hx[i0, C0.n+i] = 1
        Hx[i1, C0.n+i] = 1

        #print "Hx:"
        #print shortstrx(Hx)
        for j in range(mz):
            if dot2(Hz[j], Hx[i0]):
                assert dot2(Hz[j], Hx[i1]) # brilliant!
                Hz[j, C0.n+i] = 1

    C1 = CSSCode(Hx=Hx, Hz=Hz, build=build, **kw)

    #print C1.weightsummary()

    return C1
Example #13
def build_pauli(n):

    m = 2**n
    Gx = zeros2(m, n)
    Gz = zeros2(m, n)
    for i, idx in enumerate(genidx((2, ) * n)):
        for j in idx:
            Gx[i, j] = 1
            Gz[i, j] = 1

    Hx = zeros2(0, n)
    Hz = zeros2(0, n)

    return Gx, Gz, Hx, Hz
Example #14
 def to_zero(self):
     Hs = self.Hs
     Ds = []
     chain = []  # _zero
     n = len(Hs)
     for i in range(n):
         H = Hs[i]
         chain.append(zeros2(0, 0))
         Ds.append(zeros2(0, H.shape[0]))
     Ds.append(zeros2(0, H.shape[1]))
     chain = Chain(chain)
     assert len(self) == len(chain)
     f = Morphism(self, chain, Ds)
     return f
Example #15
 def get_trivial(cls, n, idx):
     Lx = zeros2(1, n)
     Lz = zeros2(1, n)
     Lx[0, idx] = 1
     Lz[0, idx] = 1
     Hx = zeros2(0, n)
     Hz = zeros2(n-1, n)
     for i in range(n-1):
         if i<idx:
             Hz[i, i] = 1
         elif i>=idx:
             Hz[i, i+1] = 1
     code = cls(Lx=Lx, Lz=Lz, Hx=Hx, Hz=Hz, check=True)
     return code
Example #16
def build_compass(li, lj=None):

    if lj is None:
        lj = li

    n = li * lj

    keys = [(i, j) for i in range(li) for j in range(lj)]
    coords = {}
    for i, j in keys:
        for di in range(-li, li + 1):
            for dj in range(-lj, lj + 1):
                coords[i + di, j + dj] = keys.index(
                    ((i + di) % li, (j + dj) % lj))

    m = n
    Gx = zeros2(m, n)
    Gz = zeros2(m, n)

    idx = 0
    for i in range(li):
        for j in range(lj):
            Gx[idx, coords[i, j]] = 1
            Gx[idx, coords[i, j + 1]] = 1

            Gz[idx, coords[i, j]] = 1
            Gz[idx, coords[i + 1, j]] = 1
            idx += 1

    assert idx == m

    mx = lj - 1
    Hx = zeros2(mx, n)
    for idx in range(mx):
        for i in range(li):
            Hx[idx, coords[i, idx]] = 1
            Hx[idx, coords[i, idx + 1]] = 1

    mz = li - 1
    Hz = zeros2(mz, n)
    for idx in range(mz):
        for j in range(lj):
            Hz[idx, coords[idx, j]] = 1
            Hz[idx, coords[idx + 1, j]] = 1

    assert dot2(Hx, Hz.transpose()).sum() == 0

    return Gx, Gz, Hx, Hz
Example #17
    def find(self, target=None, stopat=None, idx=None, verbose=False):
        Hx = self.Hx
        Lx = self.Lx

        M0 = argv.get("M0", 1)
        target = target or argv.target

        if idx is None:
            best_i = 0
            best_w = Lx[0].sum()
            for i in range(1, Lx.shape[0]):
                w = Lx[i].sum()
                if w < best_w:
                    best_i = i
                    best_w = w

            i = best_i
            i = idx
            best_w = Lx[i].sum()

        best_T = Lx[i]
        write("%s:" % best_w)

        H = zeros2(Lx.shape[0] - 1 + Hx.shape[0], self.n)
        H[:i] = Lx[:i]
        H[i:Lx.shape[0] - 1] = Lx[i + 1:]
        H[Lx.shape[0] - 1:] = Hx
        graph = Tanner(H)

        T1 = Lx[i].copy()
        for j in range(M0):
            #print "l_op:"
            #print strop(l_op)
            T1 = best_T.copy()
            #for op in Hx:
            #    if random()<0.5:
            #        T1 += op
            #        T1 %= 2
            #for op in Lx:
            #    if random()<0.5:
            #        T1 += op
            #        T1 %= 2
            if target:
                T1 = graph.minimize(T1,
                T1 = graph.localmin(T1, stopat=stopat, verbose=verbose)
            w = T1.sum()
            if w and w < best_w:
                best_T = T1
                best_w = w
                write("%s:" % w)
                if stopat is not None and w <= stopat:
                    return best_T

        return best_T
Example #18
def lookup_distance(code):
    n = code.n
    Hz, Tx = code.Hz, code.Tx

    d = n
    u = zeros2(n)
    for i0 in range(n):
        u[i0] = 1
        if dot2(Hz, u).sum() == 0:
            #print("*", shortstr(u))
            d = min(d, 1)
        for i1 in range(i0+1, n):
            u[i1] = 1
            if dot2(Hz, u).sum() == 0:
                #print("*", shortstr(u))
                if d>2:
                    print("d=", d)
                d = min(d, 2)
            for i2 in range(i1+1, n):
                u[i2] = 1
                if dot2(Hz, u).sum() == 0:
                    #print("*", shortstr(u))
                    if d>3:
                        print("d=", d)
                    d = min(d, 3)
                for i3 in range(i2+1, n):
                    u[i3] = 1
                    if dot2(Hz, u).sum() == 0:
                        #print("*", shortstr(u))
                        d = min(d, 4)
                    u[i3] = 0
                u[i2] = 0
            u[i1] = 0
        u[i0] = 0
    return d
Example #19
 def get_op(self, weight=1):
     n = len(self.qubits)
     op = zeros2(n)
     for i in range(weight):
         j = randint(0, n - 1)
         op[j] = 1
     return op
Example #20
    def __init__(self,
            Lx=None, Lz=None, 
            Hx=None, Tz=None, 
            Hz=None, Tx=None, # XXX swap these two args?
            Gx=None, Gz=None, 
            check=True, verbose=False, logops_only=False):

        if Hx is None and Hz is not None:
            # This is a classical code
            Hx = zeros2(0, Hz.shape[1])

        self.Lx = Lx
        self.Lz = Lz
        self.Hx = Hx
        self.Tz = Tz
        self.Hz = Hz
        self.Tx = Tx
        self.Gx = Gx
        self.Gz = Gz

        if Hx is not None and len(Hx.shape)<2:
            Hx.shape = (0, Hz.shape[1])
        if Hz is not None and Hx is not None and Lz is not None and Gz is None:
            assert Hx.shape[0]+Hz.shape[0]+Lz.shape[0] == Hx.shape[1]
            assert Hx.shape[1] == Hz.shape[1] == Lz.shape[1], Lz.shape

        n = None
        if Gz is not None and Gx is not None:
            _, n = Gz.shape
            if build:
        #elif None in (Lx, Lz, Tx, Tz) and build:
        elif build and (Lx is None or Lz is None or Tx is None or Tz is None):
            self.build(check=check, logops_only=logops_only, verbose=verbose)
        elif Hz is not None and Hx is not None:
            _, n = Hz.shape
            self.k = n - Hz.shape[0] - Hx.shape[0]

        for op in [Lx, Lz, Hx, Tz, Hz, Tx]:
            if op is None:
            #print op.shape
            if n is not None and op.shape==(0,):
                op.shape = (0, n)
            n = op.shape[1]
        self.n = n
        if self.Hx is not None:
            self.mx = self.Hx.shape[0]
        if self.Hz is not None:
            self.mz = self.Hz.shape[0]
        if self.Lx is not None:
            self.k = self.Lx.shape[0]
        if self.Gx is not None:
            self.gx = self.Gx.shape[0]
        if self.Gz is not None:
            self.gz = self.Gz.shape[0]

        self.check = check
Example #21
def find_skip(Hx, Lx, R):

    m, n = Hx.shape

    bitss = []
    for i in range(m):
        for _ in range(2):  # we double like this, right???
            bits = [j for j in range(n) if Hx[i, j]]
    bits = [j for j in range(n) if Lx[0, j]]


    skip = zeros2(n)
    #    for i in bits:
    #        skip[i] = 1
    #print skip

    r = skip_rank(Hx, R, skip)
    stack = search_skip(Hx, R, r, bitss, skip, [])

Example #22
 def symplectic_form(cls, n):
     A = zeros2(2 * n, 2 * n)
     I = identity2(n)
     A[:n, n:] = I
     A[n:, :n] = I
     A = Matrix(A)
     return A
Example #23
def build_projective(n, dim=2):

    import geometry
    g = geometry.projective(n, dim)

    P = g.types[0]
    L = g.types[1]
    if dim == 3:
        L = g.types[2]

    points = g.tplookup[P]
    lines = g.tplookup[L]

    #lines = lines[:-4] # throw one out
    #points = points[:-1] # throw one out

    n = len(points)
    m = len(lines)
    Gx = zeros2(m, n)
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        for j, point in enumerate(points):
            if (line, point) in g.incidence:
                Gx[i, j] = 1

    #print shortstr(Gx)

    Gz = Gx.copy()

    Hx = None
    Hz = None

    return Gx, Gz, Hx, Hz
Example #24
 def __init__(self, code):
     Decoder.__init__(self, code)
     Hx, Lx = self.Hx, self.Lx
     H = zeros2(Lx.shape[0] + Hx.shape[0], self.n)
     H[:Lx.shape[0]] = Lx
     H[Lx.shape[0]:] = Hx
     self.graph = Tanner(H)
Example #25
def build_xy2(li, lj=None):
    if lj is None:
        lj = li
    n = li * lj

    keys = [(i, j) for i in range(li) for j in range(lj)]
    coords = {}
    for i, j in keys:
        for di in range(-li, li + 1):
            for dj in range(-lj, lj + 1):
                coords[i + di, j + dj] = keys.index(
                    ((i + di) % li, (j + dj) % lj))

    Gx = []
    if argv.open:
        idxs = list(range(li - 1))
        jdxs = list(range(lj - 1))
        idxs = list(range(li))
        jdxs = list(range(lj))

    for i in idxs:
        for j in jdxs:
            g = zeros2(n)
            g[coords[i, j]] = 1
            g[coords[i, j + 1]] = 1
            g[coords[i + 1, j]] = 1
            g[coords[i + 1, j + 1]] = 1

    Gx = array2(Gx)

    Gz = Gx.copy()

    return Gx, Gz, None, None
Example #26
File: glue.py Project: punkdit/qupy
def test_equalizer():

    n = 4
    m = n - 1
    H = zeros2(m, n)
    for i in range(m):
        H[i, i] = 1
        H[i, i + 1] = 1

    A = Chain([H])
    C = Chain([array2([[1]])])

    fm = zeros2(m, 1)
    fm[m - 1, 0] = 1
    fn = zeros2(n, 1)
    fn[n - 1, 0] = 1
    f = Morphism(C, A, [fm, fn])

    gm = zeros2(m, 1)
    gm[0, 0] = 1
    gn = zeros2(n, 1)
    gn[0, 0] = 1
    g = Morphism(C, A, [gm, gn])

    AD, BD, D = chain.equalizer(f, g)
    assert eq2(D[0], array2([[1, 1, 1], [0, 1,
                                         1]]))  # glue two checks at a bit

    # --------------------------

    A = Chain([H.transpose()])
    C = Chain([zeros2(1, 0)])

    fn = zeros2(n, 1)
    fn[0, 0] = 1
    fm = zeros2(m, 0)
    f = Morphism(C, A, [fn, fm])

    gn = zeros2(n, 1)
    gn[n - 1, 0] = 1
    gm = zeros2(m, 0)
    g = Morphism(C, A, [gn, gm])

    AD, BD, D = chain.equalizer(f, g)
    D = D[0]
    assert eq2(D, array2([[1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]))  # glue two bits
Example #27
def concat(Cout, Cin):
    n = Cout.n * Cin.n
    #print Cout.longstr()

    Hx = []
    for i in range(Cout.mx):
        Hout = Cout.Hx[i]
        for j in range(Cin.k):
            Lin = Cin.Lx[j]
            #print Hout, Lin
            h = numpy.tensordot(Hout, Lin, 0)
            #h = shortstr(h.flatten())
            h = h.flatten()
            #print h

    Hz = []
    for i in range(Cout.mz):
        Hout = Cout.Hz[i]
        for j in range(Cin.k):
            Lin = Cin.Lz[j]
            #print Hout, Lin
            h = numpy.tensordot(Hout, Lin, 0)
            h = h.flatten()
            #print h
            assert len(h) == n

    for i in range(Cout.n):
        for j in range(Cin.mx):
            h = zeros2(n)
            h[i*Cin.n : (i+1)*Cin.n] = Cin.Hx[j]
        for j in range(Cin.mz):
            h = zeros2(n)
            h[i*Cin.n : (i+1)*Cin.n] = Cin.Hz[j]

    #print Hx

    Hx = array2(Hx)
    Hz = array2(Hz)

    #print shortstr(Hx)

    C = CSSCode(Hx=Hx, Hz=Hz)
    return C
Example #28
    def get_logops(idxs_C, idxs_Ct, idxs_D, idxs_Dt):

        # Lx --------------------------------------------------------------

        Ic1 = identity2(c1)[idxs_C, :]
        Lx_h = kron(Ic1,
                    CokerD), zeros2(len(idxs_C) * CokerD.shape[0], c0 * d1)
        Lx_h = numpy.concatenate(Lx_h, axis=1)
        assert dot2(Lx_h, Hz.transpose()).sum() == 0

        Id1 = identity2(d1)[idxs_D, :]
        Lx_v = zeros2(CokerC.shape[0] * len(idxs_D),
                      c1 * d0), kron(CokerC, Id1)
        Lx_v = numpy.concatenate(Lx_v, axis=1)
        Lxi = numpy.concatenate((Lx_h, Lx_v), axis=0)

        # Lz --------------------------------------------------------------

        KerCt = KerC.transpose()
        Id0 = identity2(d0)[:, idxs_Dt]
        Lzt_h = kron(KerCt, Id0), zeros2(c0 * d1,
                                         KerCt.shape[1] * len(idxs_Dt))
        Lzt_h = numpy.concatenate(Lzt_h, axis=0)
        assert dot2(Hx, Lzt_h).sum() == 0

        KerDt = KerD.transpose()
        assert KerDt.shape[0] == d1
        Ic0 = identity2(c0)[:, idxs_Ct]
        Lzt_v = zeros2(c1 * d0,
                       len(idxs_Ct) * KerDt.shape[1]), kron(Ic0, KerDt)
        Lzt_v = numpy.concatenate(Lzt_v, axis=0)
        assert dot2(Hx, Lzt_v).sum() == 0

        Lzti = numpy.concatenate((Lzt_h, Lzt_v), axis=1)
        Lzi = Lzti.transpose()

        # checking ---------------------------------------------------------

        assert dot2(Hx, Lzti).sum() == 0

        assert rank(Lxi) == len(Lxi)  # full rank
        assert rank(Lzi) == len(Lzi)  # full rank

        assert eq_span(numpy.concatenate((Lxi, Hx)), LxiHx)
        assert eq_span(numpy.concatenate((Lzi, Hz)), LziHz)

        return Lxi, Lzi
Example #29
def kron(A, B):
    if 0 in A.shape or 0 in B.shape:
        C = zeros2(A.shape[0] * B.shape[0], A.shape[1] * B.shape[1])
        #print("kron", A.shape, B.shape)
        C = numpy.kron(A, B)
        #print("\t", C.shape)
    return C
Example #30
def get_bipuncture(H, G=None, verbose=True):
    n = H.shape[1]
    if G is None:
        G = find_kernel(H)
    k = len(G)

    if verbose:
        print(shortstrx(G, H))

    while 1:  # copied from classical.py
        idxs = set()
        while len(idxs) < k:
            idx = randint(0, n - 1)
        idxs = list(idxs)

        G1 = in_support(G, idxs)
        if len(G1):

        jdxs = set()
        while len(jdxs) < k:
            jdx = randint(0, n - 1)
            if jdx not in idxs:
        jdxs = list(jdxs)

        G2 = in_support(G, jdxs)
        if len(G2) == 0:

    if 0:
        v = zeros2(1, n)
        v[:, idxs] = 1

        v = zeros2(1, n)
        v[:, jdxs] = 1

    if verbose:
        print("in_support(H):", in_support(H, idxs), in_support(H, jdxs))

    return idxs, jdxs