Example #1
    def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any:
        """Get an option or a new ConfigContainer with the added prefix.

        If we get an option which exists, we return the value for it.
        If we get a part of an option name, we return a new ConfigContainer.

        Those two never overlap as configdata.py ensures there are no shadowing
        if attr.startswith('_'):
            return self.__getattribute__(attr)

        name = self._join(attr)
        if configdata.is_valid_prefix(name):
            return self._with_prefix(name)

        with self._handle_error('getting', name):
            if self._configapi is None:
                # access from Python code
                return self._config.get(name)
                # access from config.py
                return self._config.get_mutable_obj(name,

        # If we arrived here, there was an error while getting the config option. Most
        # likely, someone did something like "c.content.host_blocking.lists" but
        # "c.content.host_blocking" doesn't actually exist. To avoid an AttributeError
        # which leads to a confusing error message, return another ConfigContainer so
        # that the chain can keep going.
        return self._with_prefix(name)  # type: ignore[unreachable]
Example #2
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        """Get an option or a new ConfigContainer with the added prefix.

        If we get an option which exists, we return the value for it.
        If we get a part of an option name, we return a new ConfigContainer.

        Those two never overlap as configdata.py ensures there are no shadowing
        if attr.startswith('_'):
            return self.__getattribute__(attr)

        name = self._join(attr)
        if configdata.is_valid_prefix(name):
            return ConfigContainer(config=self._config,

        with self._handle_error('getting', name):
            if self._configapi is None:
                # access from Python code
                return self._config.get(name)
                # access from config.py
                return self._config.get_obj(name)
Example #3
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        """Get an option or a new ConfigContainer with the added prefix.

        If we get an option which exists, we return the value for it.
        If we get a part of an option name, we return a new ConfigContainer.

        Those two never overlap as configdata.py ensures there are no shadowing
        if attr.startswith('_'):
            return self.__getattribute__(attr)

        name = self._join(attr)
        if configdata.is_valid_prefix(name):
            return ConfigContainer(config=self._config,

        with self._handle_error('getting', name):
            if self._configapi is None:
                # access from Python code
                return self._config.get(name)
                # access from config.py
                return self._config.get_obj(name)
Example #4
    def validate(self) -> None:
        """Make sure the configured option or prefix exists.

        We can't do this in __init__ as configdata isn't ready yet.
        if (self._option not in configdata.DATA
                and not configdata.is_valid_prefix(self._option)):
            raise configexc.NoOptionError(self._option)
Example #5
    def validate(self):
        """Make sure the configured option or prefix exists.

        We can't do this in __init__ as configdata isn't ready yet.
        if (self._option not in configdata.DATA and
                not configdata.is_valid_prefix(self._option)):
            raise configexc.NoOptionError(self._option)
Example #6
def test_is_valid_prefix(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(configdata, 'DATA', ['foo.bar'])
    assert configdata.is_valid_prefix('foo')
    assert not configdata.is_valid_prefix('foo.bar')
    assert not configdata.is_valid_prefix('foa')
Example #7
def test_is_valid_prefix(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(configdata, 'DATA', ['foo.bar'])
    assert configdata.is_valid_prefix('foo')
    assert not configdata.is_valid_prefix('foo.bar')
    assert not configdata.is_valid_prefix('foa')