def _td_brmesolve(H, psi0, tlist, a_ops=[], e_ops=[], c_ops=[], use_secular=True, tol=qset.atol, options=None, progress_bar=None, _safe_mode=True): if isket(psi0): rho0 = ket2dm(psi0) else: rho0 = psi0 nrows = rho0.shape[0] H_terms = [] H_td_terms = [] H_obj = [] A_terms = [] A_td_terms = [] C_terms = [] C_td_terms = [] C_obj = [] spline_count = [0, 0] if isinstance(H, Qobj): H_terms.append(H.full('f')) H_td_terms.append('1') else: for kk, h in enumerate(H): if isinstance(h, Qobj): H_terms.append(h.full('f')) H_td_terms.append('1') elif isinstance(h, list): H_terms.append(h[0].full('f')) if isinstance(h[1], Cubic_Spline): H_obj.append(h[1].coeffs) spline_count[0] += 1 H_td_terms.append(h[1]) else: raise Exception('Invalid Hamiltonian specifiction.') for kk, c in enumerate(c_ops): if isinstance(c, Qobj): C_terms.append(c.full('f')) C_td_terms.append('1') elif isinstance(c, list): C_terms.append(c[0].full('f')) if isinstance(c[1], Cubic_Spline): C_obj.append(c[1].coeffs) spline_count[0] += 1 C_td_terms.append(c[1]) else: raise Exception('Invalid collape operator specifiction.') for kk, a in enumerate(a_ops): if isinstance(a, list): A_terms.append(a[0].full('f')) A_td_terms.append(a[1]) if isinstance(a[1], tuple): if not len(a[1]) == 2: raise Exception('Tuple must be len=2.') if isinstance(a[1][0], Cubic_Spline): spline_count[1] += 1 if isinstance(a[1][1], Cubic_Spline): spline_count[1] += 1 else: raise Exception('Invalid bath-coupling specifiction.') string_list = [] for kk, _ in enumerate(H_td_terms): string_list.append("H_terms[{0}]".format(kk)) for kk, _ in enumerate(H_obj): string_list.append("H_obj[{0}]".format(kk)) for kk, _ in enumerate(C_td_terms): string_list.append("C_terms[{0}]".format(kk)) for kk, _ in enumerate(C_obj): string_list.append("C_obj[{0}]".format(kk)) for kk, _ in enumerate(A_td_terms): string_list.append("A_terms[{0}]".format(kk)) #Add nrows to parameters string_list.append('nrows') parameter_string = ",".join(string_list) # # generate and compile new cython code if necessary # if not options.rhs_reuse or config.tdfunc is None: if options.rhs_filename is None: config.tdname = "rhs" + str(os.getpid()) + str(config.cgen_num) else: config.tdname = opt.rhs_filename cgen = BR_Codegen( h_terms=len(H_terms), h_td_terms=H_td_terms, h_obj=H_obj, c_terms=len(C_terms), c_td_terms=C_td_terms, c_obj=C_obj, a_terms=len(A_terms), a_td_terms=A_td_terms, spline_count=spline_count, config=config, sparse=False, use_secular=use_secular, use_openmp=options.use_openmp, omp_thresh=qset.openmp_thresh if qset.has_openmp else None, omp_threads=options.num_cpus, atol=tol) cgen.generate(config.tdname + ".pyx") code = compile('from ' + config.tdname + ' import cy_td_ode_rhs', '<string>', 'exec') exec(code, globals()) config.tdfunc = cy_td_ode_rhs initial_vector = mat2vec(rho0.full()).ravel() _ode = scipy.integrate.ode(config.tdfunc) code = compile('_ode.set_f_params(' + parameter_string + ')', '<string>', 'exec') _ode.set_integrator('zvode', method=options.method, order=options.order, atol=options.atol, rtol=options.rtol, nsteps=options.nsteps, first_step=options.first_step, min_step=options.min_step, max_step=options.max_step) _ode.set_initial_value(initial_vector, tlist[0]) exec(code, locals()) # # prepare output array # n_tsteps = len(tlist) e_sops_data = [] output = Result() output.solver = "brmesolve" output.times = tlist if options.store_states: output.states = [] if isinstance(e_ops, types.FunctionType): n_expt_op = 0 expt_callback = True elif isinstance(e_ops, list): n_expt_op = len(e_ops) expt_callback = False if n_expt_op == 0: # fall back on storing states output.states = [] options.store_states = True else: output.expect = [] output.num_expect = n_expt_op for op in e_ops: e_sops_data.append(spre(op).data) if op.isherm: output.expect.append(np.zeros(n_tsteps)) else: output.expect.append(np.zeros(n_tsteps, dtype=complex)) else: raise TypeError("Expectation parameter must be a list or a function") # # start evolution # progress_bar.start(n_tsteps) rho = Qobj(rho0) dt = np.diff(tlist) for t_idx, t in enumerate(tlist): progress_bar.update(t_idx) if not _ode.successful(): raise Exception("ODE integration error: Try to increase " "the allowed number of substeps by increasing " "the nsteps parameter in the Options class.") if options.store_states or expt_callback: = dense2D_to_fastcsr_fmode(vec2mat(_ode.y), rho.shape[0], rho.shape[1]) if options.store_states: output.states.append(Qobj(rho, isherm=True)) if expt_callback: # use callback method e_ops(t, rho) for m in range(n_expt_op): if output.expect[m].dtype == complex: output.expect[m][t_idx] = expect_rho_vec( e_sops_data[m], _ode.y, 0) else: output.expect[m][t_idx] = expect_rho_vec( e_sops_data[m], _ode.y, 1) if t_idx < n_tsteps - 1: _ode.integrate(_ode.t + dt[t_idx]) progress_bar.finished() if (not options.rhs_reuse) and (config.tdname is not None): _cython_build_cleanup(config.tdname) if options.store_final_state: = dense2D_to_fastcsr_fmode(vec2mat(_ode.y), rho.shape[0], rho.shape[1]) output.final_state = Qobj(rho, dims=rho0.dims, isherm=True) return output
def _td_brmesolve(H, psi0, tlist, a_ops=[], e_ops=[], c_ops=[], args={}, use_secular=True, sec_cutoff=0.1, tol=qset.atol, options=None, progress_bar=None,_safe_mode=True, verbose=False, _prep_time=0): if isket(psi0): rho0 = ket2dm(psi0) else: rho0 = psi0 nrows = rho0.shape[0] H_terms = [] H_td_terms = [] H_obj = [] A_terms = [] A_td_terms = [] C_terms = [] C_td_terms = [] CA_obj = [] spline_count = [0,0] coupled_ops = [] coupled_lengths = [] coupled_spectra = [] if isinstance(H, Qobj): H_terms.append(H.full('f')) H_td_terms.append('1') else: for kk, h in enumerate(H): if isinstance(h, Qobj): H_terms.append(h.full('f')) H_td_terms.append('1') elif isinstance(h, list): H_terms.append(h[0].full('f')) if isinstance(h[1], Cubic_Spline): H_obj.append(h[1].coeffs) spline_count[0] += 1 H_td_terms.append(h[1]) else: raise Exception('Invalid Hamiltonian specification.') for kk, c in enumerate(c_ops): if isinstance(c, Qobj): C_terms.append(c.full('f')) C_td_terms.append('1') elif isinstance(c, list): C_terms.append(c[0].full('f')) if isinstance(c[1], Cubic_Spline): CA_obj.append(c[1].coeffs) spline_count[0] += 1 C_td_terms.append(c[1]) else: raise Exception('Invalid collapse operator specification.') coupled_offset = 0 for kk, a in enumerate(a_ops): if isinstance(a, list): if isinstance(a[0], Qobj): A_terms.append(a[0].full('f')) A_td_terms.append(a[1]) if isinstance(a[1], tuple): if not len(a[1])==2: raise Exception('Tuple must be len=2.') if isinstance(a[1][0],Cubic_Spline): spline_count[1] += 1 if isinstance(a[1][1],Cubic_Spline): spline_count[1] += 1 elif isinstance(a[0], tuple): if not isinstance(a[1], tuple): raise Exception('Invalid bath-coupling specification.') if (len(a[0])+1) != len(a[1]): raise Exception('BR a_ops tuple lengths not compatible.') coupled_ops.append(kk+coupled_offset) coupled_lengths.append(len(a[0])) coupled_spectra.append(a[1][0]) coupled_offset += len(a[0])-1 if isinstance(a[1][0],Cubic_Spline): spline_count[1] += 1 for nn, _a in enumerate(a[0]): A_terms.append(_a.full('f')) A_td_terms.append(a[1][nn+1]) if isinstance(a[1][nn+1],Cubic_Spline): CA_obj.append(a[1][nn+1].coeffs) spline_count[1] += 1 else: raise Exception('Invalid bath-coupling specification.') string_list = [] for kk,_ in enumerate(H_td_terms): string_list.append("H_terms[{0}]".format(kk)) for kk,_ in enumerate(H_obj): string_list.append("H_obj[{0}]".format(kk)) for kk,_ in enumerate(C_td_terms): string_list.append("C_terms[{0}]".format(kk)) for kk,_ in enumerate(CA_obj): string_list.append("CA_obj[{0}]".format(kk)) for kk,_ in enumerate(A_td_terms): string_list.append("A_terms[{0}]".format(kk)) #Add nrows to parameters string_list.append('nrows') for name, value in args.items(): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('NumPy arrays not valid args for BR solver.') else: string_list.append(str(value)) parameter_string = ",".join(string_list) if verbose: print('BR prep time:', time.time()-_prep_time) # # generate and compile new cython code if necessary # if not options.rhs_reuse or config.tdfunc is None: if options.rhs_filename is None: config.tdname = "rhs" + str(os.getpid()) + str(config.cgen_num) else: config.tdname = opt.rhs_filename if verbose: _st = time.time() cgen = BR_Codegen(h_terms=len(H_terms), h_td_terms=H_td_terms, h_obj=H_obj, c_terms=len(C_terms), c_td_terms=C_td_terms, c_obj=CA_obj, a_terms=len(A_terms), a_td_terms=A_td_terms, spline_count=spline_count, coupled_ops = coupled_ops, coupled_lengths = coupled_lengths, coupled_spectra = coupled_spectra, config=config, sparse=False, use_secular = use_secular, sec_cutoff = sec_cutoff, args=args, use_openmp=options.use_openmp, omp_thresh=qset.openmp_thresh if qset.has_openmp else None, omp_threads=options.num_cpus, atol=tol) cgen.generate(config.tdname + ".pyx") code = compile('from ' + config.tdname + ' import cy_td_ode_rhs', '<string>', 'exec') exec(code, globals()) config.tdfunc = cy_td_ode_rhs if verbose: print('BR compile time:', time.time()-_st) initial_vector = mat2vec(rho0.full()).ravel() _ode = scipy.integrate.ode(config.tdfunc) code = compile('_ode.set_f_params(' + parameter_string + ')', '<string>', 'exec') _ode.set_integrator('zvode', method=options.method, order=options.order, atol=options.atol, rtol=options.rtol, nsteps=options.nsteps, first_step=options.first_step, min_step=options.min_step, max_step=options.max_step) _ode.set_initial_value(initial_vector, tlist[0]) exec(code, locals()) # # prepare output array # n_tsteps = len(tlist) e_sops_data = [] output = Result() output.solver = "brmesolve" output.times = tlist if options.store_states: output.states = [] if isinstance(e_ops, types.FunctionType): n_expt_op = 0 expt_callback = True elif isinstance(e_ops, list): n_expt_op = len(e_ops) expt_callback = False if n_expt_op == 0: # fall back on storing states output.states = [] options.store_states = True else: output.expect = [] output.num_expect = n_expt_op for op in e_ops: e_sops_data.append(spre(op).data) if op.isherm: output.expect.append(np.zeros(n_tsteps)) else: output.expect.append(np.zeros(n_tsteps, dtype=complex)) else: raise TypeError("Expectation parameter must be a list or a function") # # start evolution # if type(progress_bar)==BaseProgressBar and verbose: _run_time = time.time() progress_bar.start(n_tsteps) rho = Qobj(rho0) dt = np.diff(tlist) for t_idx, t in enumerate(tlist): progress_bar.update(t_idx) if not _ode.successful(): raise Exception("ODE integration error: Try to increase " "the allowed number of substeps by increasing " "the nsteps parameter in the Options class.") if options.store_states or expt_callback: = dense2D_to_fastcsr_fmode(vec2mat(_ode.y), rho.shape[0], rho.shape[1]) if options.store_states: output.states.append(Qobj(rho, isherm=True)) if expt_callback: # use callback method e_ops(t, rho) for m in range(n_expt_op): if output.expect[m].dtype == complex: output.expect[m][t_idx] = expect_rho_vec(e_sops_data[m], _ode.y, 0) else: output.expect[m][t_idx] = expect_rho_vec(e_sops_data[m], _ode.y, 1) if t_idx < n_tsteps - 1: _ode.integrate(_ode.t + dt[t_idx]) progress_bar.finished() if type(progress_bar)==BaseProgressBar and verbose: print('BR runtime:', time.time()-_run_time) if (not options.rhs_reuse) and (config.tdname is not None): _cython_build_cleanup(config.tdname) if options.store_final_state: = dense2D_to_fastcsr_fmode(vec2mat(_ode.y), rho.shape[0], rho.shape[1]) output.final_state = Qobj(rho, dims=rho0.dims, isherm=True) return output