def _make_code_4_cimport(ops, args, dyn_args, tlist): """ Create the code for a CoeffFunc cython class the wraps the string coefficients, array_like coefficients and Cubic_Spline. """ _cython_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).replace( "\\", "/") _include_string = "'" + _cython_path + "/cy/complex_math.pxi'" code = """#!python #cython: language_level=3 # This file is generated automatically by QuTiP. import numpy as np cimport numpy as np import scipy.special as spe cimport cython np.import_array() cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h" nogil: void PyDataMem_NEW_ZEROED(size_t size, size_t elsize) void PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS(np.ndarray arr, int flags) from cimport spmvpy from cimport _spline_complex_t_second, _spline_complex_cte_second from cimport _spline_float_t_second, _spline_float_cte_second from cimport _step_float_cte, _step_complex_cte from cimport _step_float_t, _step_complex_t from cimport (interp, zinterp) from cimport StrCoeff from cimport CQobjEvo from cimport erf, zerf from qutip.qobj import Qobj cdef double pi = 3.14159265358979323 include """ + _include_string + "\n\n" compile_list = [] N_np = 0 for op in ops: if op.type == "string": compile_list.append(op.coeff) elif op.type == "array": spline, dt_cte = _prep_cubic_spline(op[2], tlist) t_str = "_tlist" y_str = "_array_" + str(N_np) s_str = "_spline_" + str(N_np) N_times = str(len(tlist)) dt_times = str(tlist[1] - tlist[0]) try: use_step_func = args["_step_func_coeff"] except KeyError: use_step_func = 0 if dt_cte: if isinstance(op.coeff[0], (float, np.float32, np.float64)): if use_step_func: string = "_step_float_cte(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + N_times + ")" else: string = "_spline_float_cte_second(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + s_str + ", " + N_times + ", " +\ dt_times + ")" elif isinstance(op.coeff[0], (complex, np.complex128)): if use_step_func: string = "_step_complex_cte(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + N_times + ")" else: string = "_spline_complex_cte_second(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + s_str + ", " + N_times + ", " +\ dt_times + ")" else: if isinstance(op.coeff[0], (float, np.float32, np.float64)): if use_step_func: string = "_step_float_t(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + N_times + ")" else: string = "_spline_float_t_second(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + s_str + ", " + N_times + ")" elif isinstance(op.coeff[0], (complex, np.complex128)): if use_step_func: string = "_step_complex_t(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + N_times + ")" else: string = "_spline_complex_t_second(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + s_str + ", " + N_times + ")" compile_list.append(string) args[t_str] = tlist args[y_str] = op.coeff args[s_str] = spline N_np += 1 elif op.type == "spline": y_str = "_array_" + str(N_np) if op[1].is_complex: string = "zinterp(t, _CSstart, _CSend, " + y_str + ")" else: string = "interp(t, _CSstart, _CSend, " + y_str + ")" compile_list.append(string) args["_CSstart"] = op.coeff.a args["_CSend"] = op.coeff.b args[y_str] = op.coeff.coeffs N_np += 1 code += "cdef class CompiledStrCoeff(StrCoeff):\n" normal_args = args.copy() for name, _, _ in dyn_args: del normal_args[name] for name, value in normal_args.items(): if not isinstance(name, str): raise Exception("All arguments key must be string " + "and valid variables name") if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and \ isinstance(value[0], (float, np.float32, np.float64)): code += " cdef double[::1] " + name + "\n" elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and \ isinstance(value[0], (complex, np.complex128)): code += " cdef complex[::1] " + name + "\n" elif isinstance(value, (complex, np.complex128)): code += " cdef complex " + name + "\n" elif np.isscalar(value): code += " cdef double " + name + "\n" else: code += " cdef object " + name + "\n" code += "\n" if normal_args: code += " def set_args(self, args):\n" for name, value in normal_args.items(): code += " self." + name + "=args['" + name + "']\n" code += "\n" code += " cdef void _call_core(self, double t, complex * coeff):\n" for name, value in normal_args.items(): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and \ isinstance(value[0], (float, np.float32, np.float64)): code += " cdef double[::1] " + name + " = self." +\ name + "\n" elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and \ isinstance(value[0], (complex, np.complex128)): code += " cdef complex[::1] " + name + " = self." +\ name + "\n" elif isinstance(value, (complex, np.complex128)): code += " cdef complex " + name + " = self." + name + "\n" elif np.isscalar(value): code += " cdef double " + name + " = self." + name + "\n" else: code += " cdef object " + name + " = self." + name + "\n" expect_i = 0 for name, what, op in dyn_args: if what == "vec": code += " cdef complex[::1] " + name + " = self._vec\n" if what == "mat": code += " cdef np.ndarray[complex, ndim=2] " + name + \ " = np.array(self._vec).reshape(" \ "(self._mat_shape[0], self._mat_shape[1]), order='F')\n" if what == "Qobj": # ToDo: Use cython dense to fast_sparse code += " " + name + " = Qobj(np.array(self._vec).reshape(" \ "(self._mat_shape[0], self._mat_shape[1]), order='F'))\n" if what == "expect": code += " cdef complex " + name + " = self._expect_vec[" \ + str(expect_i) + "]\n" expect_i += 1 code += "\n" for i, str_coeff in enumerate(compile_list): code += " coeff[" + str(i) + "] = " + str_coeff + "\n" return code
def _make_code_4_cimport(ops, args, tlist): """ Create the code for a CoeffFunc cython class the wraps the string coefficients, array_like coefficients and Cubic_Spline. """ import os _cython_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).replace( "\\", "/") _include_string = "'" + _cython_path + "/cy/complex_math.pxi'" code = """#!python #cython: language_level=3 # This file is generated automatically by QuTiP. import numpy as np cimport numpy as np cimport cython np.import_array() cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h" nogil: void PyDataMem_NEW_ZEROED(size_t size, size_t elsize) void PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS(np.ndarray arr, int flags) from cimport spmvpy from cimport _spline_complex_t_second, _spline_complex_cte_second from cimport _spline_float_t_second, _spline_float_cte_second from cimport (interp, zinterp) from cimport StrCoeff from cimport erf cdef double pi = 3.14159265358979323 include """ + _include_string + "\n\n" compile_list = [] N_np = 0 for op in ops: if op.type == "string": compile_list.append(op.coeff) elif op.type == "array": spline, dt_cte = _prep_cubic_spline(op[2], tlist) t_str = "_tlist" y_str = "_array_" + str(N_np) s_str = "_spline_" + str(N_np) N_times = str(len(tlist)) dt_times = str(tlist[1] - tlist[0]) if dt_cte: if isinstance(op.coeff[0], (float, np.float32, np.float64)): string = "_spline_float_cte_second(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + s_str + ", " + N_times + ", " +\ dt_times + ")" elif isinstance(op.coeff[0], (complex, np.complex128)): string = "_spline_complex_cte_second(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + s_str + ", " + N_times + ", " +\ dt_times + ")" else: if isinstance(op.coeff[0], (float, np.float32, np.float64)): string = "_spline_float_t_second(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + s_str + ", " + N_times + ")" elif isinstance(op.coeff[0], (complex, np.complex128)): string = "_spline_complex_t_second(t, " + t_str + ", " +\ y_str + ", " + s_str + ", " + N_times + ")" compile_list.append(string) args[t_str] = tlist args[y_str] = op.coeff args[s_str] = spline N_np += 1 elif op.type == "spline": y_str = "_array_" + str(N_np) if op[1].is_complex: string = "zinterp(t, _CSstart, _CSend, " + y_str + ")" else: string = "interp(t, _CSstart, _CSend, " + y_str + ")" compile_list.append(string) args["_CSstart"] = op.coeff.a args["_CSend"] = op.coeff.b args[y_str] = op.coeff.coeffs N_np += 1 code += "cdef class CompiledStrCoeff(StrCoeff):\n" for name, value in args.items(): if not isinstance(name, str): raise Exception("All arguments key must be string " + "and valid variables name") if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and \ isinstance(value[0], (float, np.float32, np.float64)): code += " cdef double[::1] " + name + "\n" elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and \ isinstance(value[0], (complex, np.complex128)): code += " cdef complex[::1] " + name + "\n" elif isinstance(value, (complex, np.complex128)): code += " cdef complex " + name + "\n" else: code += " cdef double " + name + "\n" code += "\n" if args: code += " def set_args(self, args):\n" for name, value in args.items(): code += " self." + name + "=args['" + name + "']\n" code += "\n" code += " cdef void _call_core(self, double t, complex * coeff):\n" for name, value in args.items(): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and \ isinstance(value[0], (float, np.float32, np.float64)): code += " cdef double[::1] " + name + " = self." +\ name + "\n" elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and \ isinstance(value[0], (complex, np.complex128)): code += " cdef complex[::1] " + name + " = self." +\ name + "\n" elif isinstance(value, (complex, np.complex128)): code += " cdef complex " + name + " = self." + name + "\n" else: code += " cdef double " + name + " = self." + name + "\n" code += "\n" for i, str_coeff in enumerate(compile_list): code += " coeff[" + str(i) + "] = " + str_coeff + "\n" return code