Example #1
File: piqs.py Project: yrsdi/qutip
def block_matrix(N):
    """Construct the block-diagonal matrix for the Dicke basis.

    N: int
        Number of two-level systems.

    block_matr: ndarray
        A 2D block-diagonal matrix of ones with dimension (nds,nds),
        where nds is the number of Dicke states for N two-level
    nds = _num_dicke_states(N)
    # create a list with the sizes of the blocks, in order
    blocks_dimensions = int(N / 2 + 1 - 0.5 * (N % 2))
    blocks_list = [(2 * (i + 1 * (N % 2)) + 1 * ((N + 1) % 2))
                   for i in range(blocks_dimensions)]
    blocks_list = np.flip(blocks_list, 0)
    # create a list with each block matrix as element
    square_blocks = []
    k = 0
    for i in blocks_list:
        square_blocks.append(np.ones((i, i)))
        k = k + 1
    return block_diag(square_blocks)
Example #2
File: piqs.py Project: yrsdi/qutip
def ghz(N, basis="dicke"):
    Generate the density matrix of the GHZ state.

    If the argument `basis` is "uncoupled" then it generates the state
    in a 2**N dim Hilbert space.

    N: int
        The number of two-level systems.

    basis: str
        The basis to use. Either "dicke" or "uncoupled".

    state: :class: qutip.Qobj
        The GHZ state density matrix in the requested basis.
    if basis == "uncoupled":
        return _uncoupled_ghz(N)
    nds = _num_dicke_states(N)
    rho = dok_matrix((nds, nds))
    rho[0, 0] = 1 / 2
    rho[N, N] = 1 / 2
    rho[N, 0] = 1 / 2
    rho[0, N] = 1 / 2
    return Qobj(rho)
Example #3
File: piqs.py Project: yrsdi/qutip
def ground(N, basis="dicke"):
    Generate the density matrix of the ground state.

    This state is given by |N/2, -N/2> in the Dicke basis. If the argument `basis`
    is "uncoupled" then it generates the state in a 2**N dim Hilbert space.

    N: int
        The number of two-level systems.

    basis: str
        The basis to use. Either "dicke" or "uncoupled"

    state: :class: qutip.Qobj
        The ground state density matrix in the requested basis.
    if basis == "uncoupled":
        state = _uncoupled_ground(N)
        return state
    nds = _num_dicke_states(N)
    rho = dok_matrix((nds, nds))
    rho[N, N] = 1
    return Qobj(rho)
Example #4
def block_matrix(N):
    """Construct the block-diagonal matrix for the Dicke basis.

    N: int
        Number of two-level systems.

    block_matr: ndarray
        A 2D block-diagonal matrix of ones with dimension (nds,nds),
        where nds is the number of Dicke states for N two-level
    nds = _num_dicke_states(N)
    # create a list with the sizes of the blocks, in order
    blocks_dimensions = int(N/2 + 1 - 0.5*(N % 2))
    blocks_list = [(2 * (i+1 * (N % 2)) + 1*((N+1) % 2))
                   for i in range(blocks_dimensions)]
    blocks_list = np.flip(blocks_list, 0)
    # create a list with each block matrix as element
    square_blocks = []
    k = 0
    for i in blocks_list:
        square_blocks.append(np.ones((i, i)))
        k = k + 1
    return block_diag(square_blocks)
Example #5
def ground(N, basis="dicke"):
    Generate the density matrix of the ground state.

    This state is given by (N/2, -N/2) in the Dicke basis. If the argument
    `basis` is "uncoupled" then it generates the state in a
    :math:`2^N`-dimensional Hilbert space.

    N: int
        The number of two-level systems.

    basis: str
        The basis to use. Either "dicke" or "uncoupled"

    state: :class: qutip.Qobj
        The ground state density matrix in the requested basis.
    if basis == "uncoupled":
        state = _uncoupled_ground(N)
        return state
    nds = _num_dicke_states(N)
    rho = dok_matrix((nds, nds))
    rho[N, N] = 1
    return Qobj(rho)
Example #6
def ghz(N, basis="dicke"):
    Generate the density matrix of the GHZ state.

    If the argument `basis` is "uncoupled" then it generates the state
    in a :math:`2^N`-dimensional Hilbert space.

    N: int
        The number of two-level systems.

    basis: str
        The basis to use. Either "dicke" or "uncoupled".

    state: :class: qutip.Qobj
        The GHZ state density matrix in the requested basis.
    if basis == "uncoupled":
        return _uncoupled_ghz(N)
    nds = _num_dicke_states(N)
    rho = dok_matrix((nds, nds))
    rho[0, 0] = 1/2
    rho[N, N] = 1/2
    rho[N, 0] = 1/2
    rho[0, N] = 1/2
    return Qobj(rho)
Example #7
File: piqs.py Project: yrsdi/qutip
def num_dicke_states(N):
    """Calculate the number of Dicke states.

    N: int
        The number of two-level systems.

    nds: int
        The number of Dicke states.
    return _num_dicke_states(N)
Example #8
def num_dicke_states(N):
    """Calculate the number of Dicke states.

    N: int
        The number of two-level systems.

    nds: int
        The number of Dicke states.
    return _num_dicke_states(N)
Example #9
File: piqs.py Project: yrsdi/qutip
def dicke_basis(N, jmm1=None):
    Initialize the density matrix of a Dicke state for several (j, m, m1).

    This function can be used to build arbitrary states in the Dicke basis
    |j, m><j, m1|. We create coefficients for each (j, m, m1) value in the
    dictionary jmm1. For instance, if we start from the most excited state for
    N = 2, we have the following state represented as a density matrix of size
    (nds, nds) or
    (4, 4).

    1 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0

    The mapping for the (i, k) index of the density matrix to the |j, m>
    values is given by the cythonized function `jmm1_dictionary`.

    N: int
        The number of two-level systems.

    jmm1: dict
        A dictionary of {(j, m, m1): p} that gives a density p for the
        (j, m, m1) matrix element.

    rho: :class: qutip.Qobj
        The density matrix in the Dicke basis.
    if jmm1 is None:
        msg = "Please specify the jmm1 values as a dictionary"
        msg += "or use the `excited(N)` function to create an"
        msg += "excited state where jmm1 = {(N/2, N/2, N/2): 1}"
        raise AttributeError(msg)

    nds = _num_dicke_states(N)
    rho = np.zeros((nds, nds))
    jmm1_dict = jmm1_dictionary(N)[1]
    for key in jmm1:
        i, k = jmm1_dict[key]
        rho[i, k] = jmm1[key]
    return Qobj(rho)
Example #10
def dicke_basis(N, jmm1=None):
    Initialize the density matrix of a Dicke state for several (j, m, m1).

    This function can be used to build arbitrary states in the Dicke basis
    :math:`|j, m\\rangle \\langle j, m^{\\prime}|`. We create coefficients for each
    (j, m, m1) value in the dictionary jmm1. The mapping for the (i, k)
    index of the density matrix to the |j, m> values is given by the
    cythonized function `jmm1_dictionary`. A density matrix is created from
    the given dictionary of coefficients for each (j, m, m1).

    N: int
        The number of two-level systems.

    jmm1: dict
        A dictionary of {(j, m, m1): p} that gives a density p for the
        (j, m, m1) matrix element.

    rho: :class: qutip.Qobj
        The density matrix in the Dicke basis.
    if jmm1 is None:
        msg = "Please specify the jmm1 values as a dictionary"
        msg += "or use the `excited(N)` function to create an"
        msg += "excited state where jmm1 = {(N/2, N/2, N/2): 1}"
        raise AttributeError(msg)

    nds = _num_dicke_states(N)
    rho = np.zeros((nds, nds))
    jmm1_dict = jmm1_dictionary(N)[1]
    for key in jmm1:
        i, k = jmm1_dict[key]
        rho[i, k] = jmm1[key]
    return Qobj(rho)