Example #1
def _smepdpsolve_single_trajectory(data, L, dt, times, N_store, N_substeps,
                                   rho_t, dims, c_ops, e_ops):
    Internal function. See smepdpsolve.
    states_list = []

    rho_t = np.copy(rho_t)
    sigma_t = np.copy(rho_t)

    prng = RandomState()  # todo: seed it
    r_jump, r_op = prng.rand(2)

    jump_times = []
    jump_op_idx = []

    for t_idx, t in enumerate(times):

        if e_ops:
            for e_idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
                data.expect[e_idx, t_idx] += expect_rho_vec(e, rho_t)
            states_list.append(Qobj(vec2mat(rho_t), dims=dims))

        for j in range(N_substeps):

            if sigma_t.norm() < r_jump:
                # jump occurs
                p = np.array([expect(c.dag() * c, rho_t) for c in c_ops])
                p = np.cumsum(p / np.sum(p))
                n = np.where(p >= r_op)[0][0]

                # apply jump
                rho_t = c_ops[n] * rho_t * c_ops[n].dag()
                rho_t /= expect(c_ops[n].dag() * c_ops[n], rho_t)
                sigma_t = np.copy(rho_t)

                # store info about jump
                jump_times.append(times[t_idx] + dt * j)

                # get new random numbers for next jump
                r_jump, r_op = prng.rand(2)

            # deterministic evolution wihtout correction for norm decay
            dsigma_t = spmv(L.data, sigma_t) * dt

            # deterministic evolution with correction for norm decay
            drho_t = spmv(L.data, rho_t) * dt

            rho_t += drho_t

            # increment density matrices
            sigma_t += dsigma_t
            rho_t += drho_t

    return states_list, jump_times, jump_op_idx
Example #2
def _smepdpsolve_single_trajectory(data, L, dt, tlist, N_store, N_substeps,
                                   rho_t, c_ops, e_ops):
    Internal function.
    states_list = []

    rho_t = np.copy(rho_t)

    prng = RandomState()  # todo: seed it
    r_jump, r_op = prng.rand(2)

    jump_times = []
    jump_op_idx = []

    for t_idx, t in enumerate(tlist):

        if e_ops:
            for e_idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
                data.expect[e_idx, t_idx] += expect_rho_vec(e, rho_t)

        for j in range(N_substeps):

            if expect_rho_vec(d_op, sigma_t) < r_jump:
                # jump occurs
                p = np.array([rho_expect(c.dag() * c, rho_t) for c in c_ops])
                p = np.cumsum(p / np.sum(p))
                n = np.where(p >= r_op)[0][0]

                # apply jump
                rho_t = c_ops[n] * psi_t * c_ops[n].dag()
                rho_t /= rho_expect(c.dag() * c, rho_t)
                rho_t = np.copy(rho_t)

                # store info about jump
                jump_times.append(tlist[t_idx] + dt * j)

                # get new random numbers for next jump
                r_jump, r_op = prng.rand(2)

            # deterministic evolution wihtout correction for norm decay
            dsigma_t = spmv(L.data, sigma_t) * dt

            # deterministic evolution with correction for norm decay
            drho_t = spmv(L.data, rho_t) * dt

            rho_t += drho_t

            # increment density matrices
            sigma_t += dsigma_t
            rho_t += drho_t

    return states_list, jump_times, jump_op_idx
Example #3
def test_QobjEvo_mul_vec():
    "QobjEvo mul_vec"
    N = 5
    t = np.random.rand() + 1
    vec = np.arange(N) * .5 + .5j
    cqobjevos, base_qobjs = _rand_cqobjevo(N)

    for op in cqobjevos:
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t, data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t, data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
Example #4
def d2_rho_heterodyne(A, rho_vec):
    todo: cythonize, docstrings
    M = A[0] + A[3]
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
    d1 = spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec
    M = A[0] - A[3]
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
    d2 = spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec
    return [1.0 / np.sqrt(2) * d1, -1.0j / np.sqrt(2) * d2]
Example #5
def d1_psi_photocurrent(A, psi):
    Todo: cythonize.

    Note: requires poisson increments

    .. math::

        D_1(\psi, t) = - \\frac{1}{2}(C^\dagger C \psi - ||C\psi||^2 \psi)

    return (-0.5 * (spmv(A[3], psi)
            - norm(spmv(A[0], psi)) ** 2 * psi))
Example #6
def _rhs_rho_deterministic(L, rho_t, t, dt, args):
    Deterministic contribution to the density matrix change
    drho_t = spmv(L, rho_t) * dt

    return drho_t
Example #7
def _rhs_psi_platen(H, psi_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2, args):
    TODO: support multiple stochastic increments

    .. note::



    sqrt_dt = np.sqrt(dt)

    dW_len = len(dW[0, :])
    dpsi_t = _rhs_psi_deterministic(H, psi_t, t, dt, args)

    for a_idx, A in enumerate(A_ops):
        # XXX: This needs to be revised now that
        # dpsi_t is the change for all stochastic collapse operators

        # TODO: needs to be updated to support mutiple Weiner increments
        dpsi_t_H = (-1.0j * dt) * spmv(H, psi_t)

        psi_t_1 = psi_t + dpsi_t_H + d1(A, psi_t) * dt + d2(A, psi_t)[0] * dW[a_idx, 0]
        psi_t_p = psi_t + dpsi_t_H + d1(A, psi_t) * dt + d2(A, psi_t)[0] * sqrt_dt
        psi_t_m = psi_t + dpsi_t_H + d1(A, psi_t) * dt - d2(A, psi_t)[0] * sqrt_dt

        dpsi_t += 0.50 * (d1(A, psi_t_1) + d1(A, psi_t)) * dt + \
            0.25 * (d2(A, psi_t_p)[0] + d2(A, psi_t_m)[0] + 2 * d2(A, psi_t)[0]) * dW[a_idx, 0] + \
            0.25 * (d2(A, psi_t_p)[0] - d2(A, psi_t_m)[0]) * (
                dW[a_idx, 0] ** 2 - dt) * sqrt_dt

    return dpsi_t
Example #8
def d1_psi_homodyne(A, psi):
    Todo: cythonize

    .. math::

        D_1(\psi, t) = \\frac{1}{2}(\\langle C + C^\\dagger\\rangle\\psi -
        C^\\dagger C\\psi - \\frac{1}{4}\\langle C + C^\\dagger\\rangle^2\\psi)


    e1 = cy_expect_psi_csr(A[1].data, A[1].indices, A[1].indptr, psi)
    return 0.5 * (e1 * spmv(A[0], psi) -
                  spmv(A[3], psi) -
                  0.25 * e1 ** 2 * psi)
Example #9
def d1_rho_photocurrent(A, rho_vec):
    Todo: cythonize, add (AdA)_L + AdA_R to precomputed operators
    n_sum = A[4] + A[5]
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(n_sum, rho_vec, 0)
    return 0.5 * (e1 * rho_vec - spmv(n_sum, rho_vec))
Example #10
def d1_rho_homodyne(A, rho_vec):

    D1[a] rho = lindblad_dissipator(a) * rho

    Todo: cythonize
    return spmv(A[7], rho_vec)
Example #11
def _pyRHSc_with_state(t, psi, config):
    h_func_data = -1.0j * config.h_funcs(t, psi, config.h_func_args)
    h_func_term = spmv(h_func_data, psi)
    const_col_term = 0
    if len(config.c_const_inds) > 0:
        const_col_term = spmv_csr(config.h_data, config.h_ind, config.h_ptr, psi)

    return h_func_term + const_col_term
Example #12
def d1_psi_heterodyne(A, psi):
    Todo: cythonize

    .. math::

        D_1(\psi, t) = -\\frac{1}{2}(C^\\dagger C - \\langle C^\\dagger \\rangle C +
                        \\frac{1}{2}\\langle C \\rangle\\langle C^\\dagger \\rangle))\psi

    e_C = cy_expect_psi_csr(A[0].data, A[0].indices, A[0].indptr, psi)  # e_C
    B = A[0].T.conj()
    e_Cd = cy_expect_psi_csr(B.data, B.indices, B.indptr, psi)  # e_Cd

    return (-0.5 * spmv(A[3], psi) +
            0.5 * e_Cd * spmv(A[0], psi) -
            0.25 * e_C * e_Cd * psi)
Example #13
def _pyRHSc_with_state(t, psi, config):
    h_func_data = - 1.0j * config.h_funcs(t, psi, config.h_func_args)
    h_func_term = spmv(h_func_data, psi)
    const_col_term = 0
    if len(config.c_const_inds) > 0:
        const_col_term = spmv_csr(config.h_data, config.h_ind,
                                  config.h_ptr, psi)

    return h_func_term + const_col_term
Example #14
def test_QobjEvo_mul_vec_full():
    "QobjEvo mul_vec"
    N = 5
    t = np.random.rand() + 1
    vec = np.arange(N) * .5 + .5j
    cqobjevos, base_qobjs = _rand_cqobjevo(N)

    for op in cqobjevos:
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t, data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
        op.compiled = ""
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t, data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
        op.compiled = ""
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t, data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
        op.compiled = ""
        op.compile(matched=1, omp=2)
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t, data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
Example #15
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne(L, rho_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2, args):
    .. note::

        Milstein scheme for homodyne detection.
        This implementation works for commuting stochastic jump operators.
        TODO: optimizations: do calculation for n>m only

    A_len = len(A_ops)

    M = np.array([A_ops[n][0] + A_ops[n][3] for n in range(A_len)])
    e1 = np.array([cy_expect_rho_vec(M[n], rho_t, 0) for n in range(A_len)])

    d1_vec = np.sum([spmv(A_ops[n][7], rho_t)
                     for n in range(A_len)], axis=0)

    d2_vec = np.array([spmv(M[n], rho_t)
                       for n in range(A_len)])

    # This calculation is suboptimal. We need only values for m>n in case of
    # commuting jump operators.
    d2_vec2 = np.array([[spmv(M[n], d2_vec[m])
                         for m in range(A_len)] for n in range(A_len)])
    e2 = np.array([[cy_expect_rho_vec(M[n], d2_vec[m], 0)
                    for m in range(A_len)] for n in range(A_len)])

    drho_t = _rhs_rho_deterministic(L, rho_t, t, dt, args)
    drho_t += d1_vec * dt
    drho_t += np.sum([(d2_vec[n] - e1[n] * rho_t) * dW[n, 0]
                      for n in range(A_len)], axis=0)
    drho_t += 0.5 * np.sum([(d2_vec2[n, n] - 2.0 * e1[n] * d2_vec[n] +
                            (-e2[n, n] + 2.0 * e1[n] * e1[n]) * rho_t) * (dW[n, 0] * dW[n, 0] - dt)
                            for n in range(A_len)], axis=0)

    # This calculation is suboptimal. We need only values for m>n in case of
    # commuting jump operators.
    drho_t += 0.5 * np.sum([(d2_vec2[n, m] - e1[m] * d2_vec[n] - e1[n] * d2_vec[m] +
                          (-e2[n, m] + 2.0 * e1[n] * e1[m]) * rho_t) * (dW[n, 0] * dW[m, 0])
                            for (n, m) in np.ndindex(A_len, A_len) if n != m], axis=0)

    return rho_t + drho_t
Example #16
def d2_psi_heterodyne(A, psi):
    Todo: cythonize

        X = \\frac{1}{2}(C + C^\\dagger)

        Y = \\frac{1}{2}(C - C^\\dagger)

        D_{2,1}(\psi, t) = \\sqrt(1/2) * (C - \\langle X \\rangle) \\psi

        D_{2,2}(\psi, t) = -i\\sqrt(1/2) * (C - \\langle Y \\rangle) \\psi


    X = 0.5 * cy_expect_psi_csr(A[1].data, A[1].indices, A[1].indptr, psi)
    Y = 0.5 * cy_expect_psi_csr(A[2].data, A[2].indices, A[2].indptr, psi)

    d2_1 = np.sqrt(0.5) * (spmv(A[0], psi) - X * psi)
    d2_2 = -1.0j * np.sqrt(0.5) * (spmv(A[0], psi) - Y * psi)

    return [d2_1, d2_2]
Example #17
def d2_rho_homodyne(A, rho_vec):

    D2[a] rho = a rho + rho a^\dagger - Tr[a rho + rho a^\dagger]
              = (A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec - E[(A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec]

    Todo: cythonize, add A_L + Ad_R to precomputed operators
    M = A[0] + A[3]

    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
    return [spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec]
Example #18
def d2_psi_homodyne(A, psi):
    Todo: cythonize

    .. math::

        D_2(\psi, t) = (C - \\frac{1}{2}\\langle C + C^\\dagger\\rangle)\\psi


    e1 = cy_expect_psi_csr(A[1].data, A[1].indices, A[1].indptr, psi)
    return [spmv(A[0], psi) - 0.5 * e1 * psi]
Example #19
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_single(L, rho_t, t, A_ops, dt, dW, d1, d2, args):
    .. note::

        Milstein scheme for homodyne detection with single jump operator.


    A = A_ops[0]
    M = A[0] + A[3]
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_t, 0)

    d2_vec = spmv(M, rho_t)
    d2_vec2 = spmv(M, d2_vec)
    e2 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, d2_vec, 0)

    drho_t = _rhs_rho_deterministic(L, rho_t, t, dt, args)
    drho_t += spmv(A[7], rho_t) * dt
    drho_t += (d2_vec - e1 * rho_t) * dW[0, 0]
    drho_t += 0.5 * (d2_vec2 - 2 * e1 * d2_vec + (-e2 + 2 * e1 * e1) * rho_t) * (dW[0, 0] * dW[0, 0] - dt)
    return rho_t + drho_t
Example #20
def sop_H(A, rho_vec):
    Evaluate the superoperator

    H[a] rho = a rho + rho a^\dagger - Tr[a rho + rho a^\dagger] rho
            -> (A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec - E[(A_L + Ad_R) rho_vec] rho_vec

    Todo: cythonize, add A_L + Ad_R to precomputed operators
    M = A[0] + A[3]

    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(M, rho_vec, 0)
    return spmv(M, rho_vec) - e1 * rho_vec
Example #21
def _rhs_rho_euler_homodyne_fast(L, rho_t, t, A, dt, ddW, d1, d2, args):
    fast Euler-Maruyama for homodyne detection

    dW = ddW[:, 0]

    d_vec = spmv(A[0][0], rho_t).reshape(-1, len(rho_t))
    e = np.real(
        d_vec[:-1].reshape(-1, A[0][1], A[0][1]).trace(axis1=1, axis2=2))

    drho_t = d_vec[-1]
    drho_t += np.dot(dW, d_vec[:-1])
    drho_t += (1.0 - np.inner(e, dW)) * rho_t
    return drho_t
Example #22
def sop_G(A, rho_vec):
    Evaluate the superoperator

    G[a] rho = a rho a^\dagger / Tr[a rho a^\dagger] - rho
            -> A_L Ad_R rho_vec / Tr[A_L Ad_R rho_vec] - rho_vec

    Todo: cythonize, add A_L + Ad_R to precomputed operators

    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(A[6], rho_vec, 0)

    if e1 > 1e-15:
        return spmv(A[6], rho_vec) / e1 - rho_vec
        return -rho_vec
Example #23
def d2_psi_photocurrent(A, psi):
    Todo: cythonize

    Note: requires poisson increments

    .. math::

        D_2(\psi, t) = C\psi / ||C\psi|| - \psi

    psi_1 = spmv(A[0], psi)
    n1 = norm(psi_1)
    if n1 != 0:
        return psi_1 / n1 - psi
        return - psi
Example #24
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_single_fast(L, rho_t, t, A, dt, ddW, d1, d2, args):
    fast Milstein for homodyne detection with 1 stochastic operator
    dW = ddW[:, 0]

    d_vec = spmv(A[0][0], rho_t).reshape(-1, len(rho_t))
    e = np.real(
        d_vec[:-1].reshape(-1, A[0][1], A[0][1]).trace(axis1=1, axis2=2))

    e[1] -= 2.0 * e[0] * e[0]

    drho_t = (1.0 - np.inner(e, dW)) * rho_t
    dW[0] -= 2.0 * e[0] * dW[1]

    drho_t += d_vec[-1]
    drho_t += np.dot(dW, d_vec[:-1])

    return drho_t
Example #25
def _rhs_rho_milstein_homodyne_fast(L, rho_t, t, A, dt, ddW, d1, d2, args):
    fast Milstein for homodyne detection with >2 stochastic operators
    dW = ddW[:, 0]
    sc_len = len(A)
    sc2_len = 2 * sc_len

    d_vec = spmv(A[0][0], rho_t).reshape(-1, len(rho_t))
    e = np.real(d_vec[:-1].reshape(-1, A[0][1], A[0][1]).trace(axis1=1, axis2=2))
    d_vec[sc2_len:-1] -= np.array([e[m] * d_vec[n] + e[n] * d_vec[m] 
                                   for (n, m) in np.ndindex(sc_len, sc_len) if n > m])

    e[sc_len:sc2_len] -= 2.0 * e[:sc_len] * e[:sc_len]
    e[sc2_len:] -= 2.0 * np.array([e[n] * e[m] for (n, m) in np.ndindex(sc_len, sc_len) if n > m])

    drho_t = (1.0 - np.inner(e, dW)) * rho_t
    dW[:sc_len] -= 2.0 * e[:sc_len] * dW[sc_len:sc2_len]

    drho_t += d_vec[-1]
    drho_t += np.dot(dW, d_vec[:-1])

    return drho_t
Example #26
def test_QobjEvo_mul_vec():
    "QobjEvo mul_vec"
    N = 5
    t = np.random.rand()+1
    vec = np.arange(N)*.5+.5j
    cqobjevos, base_qobjs = _rand_cqobjevo(N)

    for op in cqobjevos:
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t,data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t,data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t,data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t,data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t,data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
        assert_allclose(spmv(op(t,data=1), vec), op.mul_vec(t, vec))
Example #27
 def rhs(self, t, vec):
     return spmv(self.__call__(t).data, vec)
Example #28
def _ssesolve_single_trajectory(data, H, dt, tlist, N_store, N_substeps, psi_t,
                                A_ops, e_ops, m_ops, rhs, d1, d2, d2_len,
                                dW_factors, homogeneous, distribution, args,
                                store_measurement=False, noise=None,
    Internal function. See ssesolve.

    if noise is None:
        if homogeneous:
            if distribution == 'normal':
                dW = np.sqrt(
                    dt) * scipy.randn(len(A_ops), N_store, N_substeps, d2_len)
                raise TypeError('Unsupported increment distribution for homogeneous process.')
            if distribution != 'poisson':
                raise TypeError('Unsupported increment distribution for inhomogeneous process.')

            dW = np.zeros((len(A_ops), N_store, N_substeps, d2_len))
        dW = noise

    states_list = []
    measurements = np.zeros((len(tlist), len(m_ops), d2_len), dtype=complex)

    for t_idx, t in enumerate(tlist):

        if e_ops:
            for e_idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
                s = cy_expect_psi_csr(e.data.data, e.data.indices, e.data.indptr, psi_t, 0)
                data.expect[e_idx, t_idx] += s
                data.ss[e_idx, t_idx] += s ** 2

        psi_prev = np.copy(psi_t)

        for j in range(N_substeps):

            if noise is None and not homogeneous:
                for a_idx, A in enumerate(A_ops):
                    dw_expect = norm(spmv(A[0], psi_t)) ** 2 * dt
                    dW[a_idx, t_idx, j, :] = np.random.poisson(dw_expect, d2_len)

            psi_t = rhs(H.data, psi_t, t + dt * j,
                        A_ops, dt, dW[:, t_idx, j, :], d1, d2, args)

            # optionally renormalize the wave function
            if normalize:
                psi_t /= norm(psi_t)

        if store_measurement:
            for m_idx, m in enumerate(m_ops):
                for dW_idx, dW_factor in enumerate(dW_factors):
                    if m[dW_idx]:
                        m_expt = norm(spmv(m[dW_idx].data, psi_prev)) ** 2
                        m_expt = 0
                    measurements[t_idx, m_idx, dW_idx] = (m_expt +
                       dW_factor * dW[m_idx, t_idx, :, dW_idx].sum() / (dt * N_substeps))

    if d2_len == 1:
        measurements = measurements.squeeze(axis=(2))

    return states_list, dW, measurements
Example #29
def _tdRHS(t, psi, config):
    h_data = config.h_func(t, config.h_func_args).data
    return spmv(h_data, psi)
Example #30
def d2_rho_photocurrent(A, rho_vec):
    Todo: cythonize, add (AdA)_L + AdA_R to precomputed operators
    e1 = cy_expect_rho_vec(A[6], rho_vec, 0)
    return [spmv(A[6], rho_vec) / e1 - rho_vec] if e1.real > 1e-15 else [-rho_vec]
Example #31
def d1_rho_heterodyne(A, rho_vec):
    todo: cythonize, docstrings
    return spmv(A[7], rho_vec)
Example #32
def _ode_rho_func_td(t, y, L_func, args):
    L = L_func(t, y, args)
    return spmv(L, y)
Example #33
def _tdRHS(t, psi, config):
    h_data = config.h_func(t, config.h_func_args).data
    return spmv(h_data, psi)