Example #1
    def propagator(self, t, tau, notrace=False):
        Compute propagator for time t and time-delay tau

        t : *float*
            current time

        tau : *float*

        notrace : *bool* {False}
            If this optional is set to True, a propagator is returned for a
            cascade of k systems, where :math:`(k-1) tau < t < k tau`.
            If set to False (default), a generalized partial trace is performed
            and a propagator for a single system is returned.
        : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
            time-propagator for reduced system dynamics
        k = int(t / tau) + 1
        s = t - (k - 1) * tau
        G1, E0 = _generator(k, self.H_S, self.L1, self.L2, self.S_matrix,
        E = _integrate(G1,
        if k > 1:
            G2, null = _generator(k - 1, self.H_S, self.L1, self.L2,
                                  self.S_matrix, self.c_ops_markov)
            G2 = qt.composite(G2, self.Id)
            E = _integrate(G2,
        E.dims = E0.dims
        if not notrace:
            E = _genptrace(E, k)
        return E
Example #2
def generator(k,H,L1,L2):
    Create the generator for the cascaded chain of k system copies
    # create bare operators
    id = qt.qeye(H.dims[0][0])
    Id = qt.spre(id)*qt.spost(id)
    Hlist = []
    L1list = []
    L2list = []
    for l in range(1,k+1):
        h = H
        l1 = L1
        l2 = L2
        for i in range(1,l):
            h = qt.tensor(h,id)
            l1 = qt.tensor(l1,id)
            l2 = qt.tensor(l2,id)
        for i in range(l+1,k+1):
            h = qt.tensor(id,h)
            l1 = qt.tensor(id,l1)
            l2 = qt.tensor(id,l2)
    # create Lindbladian
    L = qt.Qobj()
    H0 = 0.5*Hlist[0]
    L0 = L2list[0]
    #L0 = 0.*L2list[0]
    L += qt.liouvillian(H0,[L0])
    E0 = Id
    for l in range(k-1):
        E0 = qt.composite(Id,E0)
        Hl = 0.5*(Hlist[l]+Hlist[l+1]+1j*(L1list[l].dag()*L2list[l+1] 
        Ll = L1list[l] + L2list[l+1]
        L += qt.liouvillian(Hl,[Ll])
    Hk = 0.5*Hlist[k-1]
    Hk = 0.5*Hlist[k-1]
    Lk = L1list[k-1]
    L += qt.liouvillian(Hk,[Lk])
    E0.dims = L.dims
    return L,E0
Example #3
def rhot(rho0,t,tau,H_S,L1,L2,Id,options=qt.Options()):
    Compute rho(t)
    k= int(t/tau)+1
    s = t-(k-1)*tau
    rhovec = qt.operator_to_vector(rho0)
    G1,E0 = generator(k,H_S,L1,L2)
    E = integrate(G1,E0,0.,s,opt=options)
    if k>1:
        G2,null = generator(k-1,H_S,L1,L2)
        G2 = qt.composite(Id,G2)
        E = integrate(G2,E,s,tau,opt=options)
    E.dims = E0.dims
    E = TensorQobj(E)
    for l in range(k-1):
        E = E.loop()
    sol = qt.vector_to_operator(E*rhovec)
    return sol
Example #4
def _generator(k, H, L1, L2, S=None, c_ops_markov=None):
    Create a Liouvillian for a cascaded chain of k system copies
    id = qt.qeye(H.dims[0][0])
    Id = qt.sprepost(id, id)
    if S is None:
        S = np.identity(len(L1))
    # create Lindbladian
    L = qt.Qobj()
    E0 = Id
    # first system
    L += qt.liouvillian(None, [_localop(c, 1, k) for c in L2])
    for l in range(1, k):
        # Identiy superoperator
        E0 = qt.composite(E0, Id)
        # Bare Hamiltonian
        Hl = _localop(H, l, k)
        L += qt.liouvillian(Hl, [])
        # Markovian Decay channels
        if c_ops_markov is not None:
            for c in c_ops_markov:
                cl = _localop(c, l, k)
                L += qt.liouvillian(None, [cl])
        # Cascade coupling
        c1 = np.array([_localop(c, l, k) for c in L1])
        c2 = np.array([_localop(c, l+1, k) for c in L2])
        c2dag = np.array([c.dag() for c in c2])
        Hcasc = -0.5j*np.dot(c2dag, np.dot(S, c1))
        Hcasc += Hcasc.dag()
        Lvec = c2 + np.dot(S, c1)
        L += qt.liouvillian(Hcasc, [c for c in Lvec])
    # last system
    L += qt.liouvillian(_localop(H, k, k), [_localop(c, k, k) for c in L1])
    if c_ops_markov is not None:
        for c in c_ops_markov:
            cl = _localop(c, k, k)
            L += qt.liouvillian(None, [cl])
    E0.dims = L.dims
    # return generator and identity superop E0
    return L, E0
Example #5
def _generator(k, H, L1, L2, S=None, c_ops_markov=None):
    Create a Liouvillian for a cascaded chain of k system copies
    id = qt.qeye(H.dims[0][0])
    Id = qt.sprepost(id, id)
    if S is None:
        S = np.identity(len(L1))
    # create Lindbladian
    L = qt.Qobj()
    E0 = Id
    # first system
    L += qt.liouvillian(None, [_localop(c, 1, k) for c in L2])
    for l in range(1, k):
        # Identiy superoperator
        E0 = qt.composite(E0, Id)
        # Bare Hamiltonian
        Hl = _localop(H, l, k)
        L += qt.liouvillian(Hl, [])
        # Markovian Decay channels
        if c_ops_markov is not None:
            for c in c_ops_markov:
                cl = _localop(c, l, k)
                L += qt.liouvillian(None, [cl])
        # Cascade coupling
        c1 = np.array([_localop(c, l, k) for c in L1])
        c2 = np.array([_localop(c, l+1, k) for c in L2])
        c2dag = np.array([c.dag() for c in c2])
        Hcasc = -0.5j*np.dot(c2dag, np.dot(S, c1))
        Hcasc += Hcasc.dag()
        Lvec = c2 + np.dot(S, c1)
        L += qt.liouvillian(Hcasc, [c for c in Lvec])
    # last system
    L += qt.liouvillian(_localop(H, k, k), [_localop(c, k, k) for c in L1])
    if c_ops_markov is not None:
        for c in c_ops_markov:
            cl = _localop(c, k, k)
            L += qt.liouvillian(None, [cl])
    E0.dims = L.dims
    # return generator and identity superop E0
    return L, E0
Example #6
    def propagator(self, t, tau, notrace=False):
        Compute propagator for time t and time-delay tau

        t : *float*
            current time

        tau : *float*

        notrace : *bool* {False}
            If this optional is set to True, a propagator is returned for a
            cascade of k systems, where :math:`(k-1) tau < t < k tau`.
            If set to False (default), a generalized partial trace is performed
            and a propagator for a single system is returned.
        : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
            time-propagator for reduced system dynamics
        k = int(t/tau)+1
        s = t-(k-1)*tau
        G1, E0 = _generator(k, self.H_S, self.L1, self.L2, self.S_matrix,
        E = _integrate(G1, E0, 0., s, integrator=self.integrator,
                       parallel=self.parallel, opt=self.options)
        if k > 1:
            G2, null = _generator(k-1, self.H_S, self.L1, self.L2,
                                  self.S_matrix, self.c_ops_markov)
            G2 = qt.composite(G2, self.Id)
            E = _integrate(G2, E, s, tau, integrator=self.integrator, 
                    parallel=self.parallel, opt=self.options)
        E.dims = E0.dims
        if not notrace:
            E = _genptrace(E, k)
        return E
Example #7
def initialize(state):
    return qt.composite(state, qt.bell_state(state='11'))