Example #1
def test_diagHamiltonian2():
    Diagonalization of composite systems

    H1 = scipy.rand() * sigmax() + scipy.rand() * sigmay() +\
        scipy.rand() * sigmaz()
    H2 = scipy.rand() * sigmax() + scipy.rand() * sigmay() +\
        scipy.rand() * sigmaz()

    H = tensor(H1, H2)

    evals, ekets = H.eigenstates()

    for n in range(len(evals)):
        # assert that max(H * ket - e * ket) is small
            abs((H * ekets[n] - evals[n] * ekets[n]).full())) < 1e-10, True)

    N1 = 10
    N2 = 2

    a1 = tensor(destroy(N1), qeye(N2))
    a2 = tensor(qeye(N1), destroy(N2))
    H = scipy.rand() * a1.dag() * a1 + scipy.rand() * a2.dag() * a2 + \
        scipy.rand() * (a1 + a1.dag()) * (a2 + a2.dag())
    evals, ekets = H.eigenstates()

    for n in range(len(evals)):
        # assert that max(H * ket - e * ket) is small
            abs((H * ekets[n] - evals[n] * ekets[n]).full())) < 1e-10, True)
def carrier_flop(rho0, W, eta, delta, theta, phi, c_op_list = [], return_op_list = []):
    ''' Return values of atom and motion populations during carrier Rabi flop 
    for rotation angles theta. Calls numerical solution of master equation.
    @ var rho0: initial density matrix
    @ var W: bare Rabi frequency
    @ var eta: Lamb-Dicke parameter
    @ var delta: detuning between atom and motion
    @ var theta: list of Rabi rotation angles (i.e. theta, or g*time)
    @ var phi: phase of the input laser pulse
    @ var c_op_list: list of collapse operators for the master equation treatment
    @ var return_op_list: list of population operators the values of which will be returned 
    returns: time, populations of motional mode and atom
    N = shape(rho0.data)[0]/2 # assume N Fock states and two atom states
    a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
    Wc = qeye(N)
    Wc.data = csr_matrix( qeye(N).data.dot( np.diag(rabi_coupling(N,0,eta) ) ) )    
    sm = tensor( Wc, destroy(2))

    # use the rotating wave approxiation
    H = delta * a.dag() * a + \
         (1./2.)* W * (sm.dag()*exp(1j*phi) + sm*exp(-1j*phi))
    if hasattr(theta, '__len__'):
        if len(theta)>1: # I need to be able to pass a list of length zero and not get an error
            time = theta/W
            time = theta/W        

    output = mesolve(H, rho0, time, c_op_list, return_op_list)
    return time, output
Example #3
    def compute(N, wc, wa, glist, use_rwa):

        # Pre-compute operators for the hamiltonian
        a  = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
        sm = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(2))
        nc = a.dag() * a
        na = sm.dag() * sm

        idx = 0
        na_expt = zeros(shape(glist))
        nc_expt = zeros(shape(glist))
        for g in glist:

            # recalculate the hamiltonian for each value of g
            if use_rwa:
                H = wc * nc + wa * na + g * (a.dag() * sm + a * sm.dag())
                H = wc * nc + wa * na + g * (a.dag() + a) * (sm + sm.dag())

            # find the groundstate of the composite system
            evals, ekets = H.eigenstates()
            psi_gnd = ekets[0]
            na_expt[idx] = expect(na, psi_gnd)
            nc_expt[idx] = expect(nc, psi_gnd)

            idx += 1

        return nc_expt, na_expt, ket2dm(psi_gnd)
def rsb_flop(rho0, W, eta, delta, theta, phi, c_op_list = [], return_op_list = []):
    ''' Return values of atom and motion populations during red sideband Rabi flop 
    for rotation angles theta. Calls numerical solution of master equation for the 
    Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian.
    @ var rho0: initial density matrix
    @ var W: bare Rabi frequency
    @ var delta: detuning between atom and motion
    @ var theta: list of Rabi rotation angle (i.e. theta, or g*time)
    @ var phi: phase of the input laser pulse
    @ var c_op_list: list of collapse operators for the master equation treatment
    @ var return_op_list: list of population operators the values of which will be returned 
    returns: time, populations of motional mode and atom
    N = shape(rho0.data)[0]/2 # assume N Fock states and two atom states
    a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
    sm = tensor( qeye(N), destroy(2))
    Wrsb = destroy(N)
    one_then_zero = ([float(x<1) for x in range(N)])
    Wrsb.data = csr_matrix( destroy(N).data.dot( np.diag( rabi_coupling(N,-1,eta) / np.sqrt(one_then_zero+np.linspace(0,N-1,N)) ) ) ) 
    Arsb = tensor(Wrsb, qeye(2))
    # use the rotating wave approxiation
    # Note that the regular a, a.dag() is used for the time evolution of the oscillator
    # Arsb is the destruction operator including the state dependent coupling strength
    H = delta * a.dag() * a + \
        (1./2.) * W * (Arsb.dag() * sm * exp(1j*phi) + Arsb * sm.dag() * exp(-1j*phi))
    if hasattr(theta, '__len__'):
        if len(theta)>1: # I need to be able to pass a list of length zero and not get an error
            time = theta/(eta*W)
            time = theta/(eta*W)        

    output = mesolve(H, rho0, time, c_op_list, return_op_list)
    return time, output
def collapse_operators(N, n_th_a, gamma_motion, gamma_motion_phi, gamma_atom):
    '''Collapse operators for the master equation of a single atom and a harmonic oscillator
    @ var N: size of the harmonic oscillator Hilbert space
    @ var n_th: temperature of the noise bath in quanta
    @ var gamma_motion: heating rate of the motion
    @ var gamma_motion_phi: dephasing rate of the motion
    @ var gamma_atom: decay rate of the atom
    returns: list of collapse operators for master equation solution of atom + harmonic oscillator
    a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
    sm = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(2))  
    c_op_list = []

    rate = gamma_motion * (1 + n_th_a)
    if rate > 0.0:
        c_op_list.append(sqrt(rate) * a)

    rate = gamma_motion * n_th_a
    if rate > 0.0:
        c_op_list.append(sqrt(rate) * a.dag())
    rate = gamma_motion_phi
    if rate > 0.0:
        c_op_list.append(sqrt(rate) * a.dag() * a)

    rate = gamma_atom
    if rate > 0.0:
        c_op_list.append(sqrt(rate) * sm)
    return c_op_list
Example #6
def test_spectrum_espi_legacy():
    correlation: legacy spectrum from es and pi methods

    # use JC model
    N = 4
    wc = wa = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi
    g = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi
    kappa = 0.75
    gamma = 0.25
    n_th = 0.01

    a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
    sm = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(2))
    H = wc * a.dag() * a + wa * sm.dag() * sm + \
        g * (a.dag() * sm + a * sm.dag())
    c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa * (1 + n_th)) * a,
             np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * a.dag(),
             np.sqrt(gamma) * sm]

    wlist = 2 * np.pi * np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 100)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        spec1 = spectrum_ss(H, wlist, c_ops, a.dag(), a)
        spec2 = spectrum_pi(H, wlist, c_ops, a.dag(), a)

    assert_(max(abs(spec1 - spec2)) < 1e-3)
Example #7
def testJCZeroTemperature():
    brmesolve: Jaynes-Cummings model, zero temperature

    N = 10
    a = tensor(destroy(N), identity(2))
    sm = tensor(identity(N), destroy(2))
    psi0 = ket2dm(tensor(basis(N, 1), basis(2, 0)))
    a_ops = [(a + a.dag())]
    e_ops = [a.dag() * a, sm.dag() * sm]

    w0 = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi
    g = 0.05 * 2 * np.pi
    kappa = 0.05
    times = np.linspace(0, 2 * 2 * np.pi / g, 1000)

    c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa) * a]
    H = w0 * a.dag() * a + w0 * sm.dag() * sm + \
        g * (a + a.dag()) * (sm + sm.dag())

    res_me = mesolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops)
    res_brme = brmesolve(H, psi0, times, a_ops, e_ops,
                         spectra_cb=[lambda w: kappa * (w >= 0)])

    for idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
        diff = abs(res_me.expect[idx] - res_brme.expect[idx]).max()
        assert_(diff < 5e-2)  # accept 5% error
Example #8
def test_spectrum_esfft():
    correlation: comparing spectrum from es and fft methods

    # use JC model
    N = 4
    wc = wa = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi
    g = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi
    kappa = 0.75
    gamma = 0.25
    n_th = 0.01

    a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
    sm = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(2))
    H = wc * a.dag() * a + wa * sm.dag() * sm + \
        g * (a.dag() * sm + a * sm.dag())
    c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa * (1 + n_th)) * a,
             np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * a.dag(),
             np.sqrt(gamma) * sm]

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        tlist = np.linspace(0, 100, 2500)
        corr = correlation_ss(H, tlist, c_ops, a.dag(), a)
        wlist1, spec1 = spectrum_correlation_fft(tlist, corr)
        spec2 = spectrum_ss(H, wlist1, c_ops, a.dag(), a)

    assert_(max(abs(spec1 - spec2)) < 1e-3)
Example #9
def test_spectrum_espi():
    correlation: comparing spectrum from es and pi methods

    # use JC model
    N = 4
    wc = wa = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi
    g = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi
    kappa = 0.75
    gamma = 0.25
    n_th = 0.01

    a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
    sm = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(2))
    H = wc * a.dag() * a + wa * sm.dag() * sm + \
        g * (a.dag() * sm + a * sm.dag())
    c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa * (1 + n_th)) * a,
             np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * a.dag(),
             np.sqrt(gamma) * sm]

    wlist = 2 * pi * np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 100)
    spec1 = spectrum(H, wlist, c_ops, a.dag(), a, solver='es')
    spec2 = spectrum(H, wlist, c_ops, a.dag(), a, solver='pi')

    assert_(max(abs(spec1 - spec2)) < 1e-3)
def test_enr_destory_full():
    "Excitation-number-restricted state-space: full state space"
    a1, a2 = enr_destroy([4, 4], 4**2)
    b1, b2 = tensor(destroy(4), identity(4)), tensor(identity(4), destroy(4))

    assert_(a1 == b1)
    assert_(a2 == b2)
Example #11
 def __init__(self):
     N = 3
     self.t1 = QobjEvo([qeye(N)*(1.+0.1j),[create(N)*(1.-0.1j),f]])
     self.t2 = QobjEvo([destroy(N)*(1.-0.2j)])
     self.t3 = QobjEvo([[destroy(N)*create(N)*(1.+0.2j),f]])
     self.q1 = qeye(N)*(1.+0.3j)
     self.q2 = destroy(N)*(1.-0.3j)
     self.q3 = destroy(N)*create(N)*(1.+0.4j)
def population_operators(N):
    '''Population operators for the master equation 
    @ var N: size of the oscillator Hilbert space
    returns: list of population operators for the harmonic oscillator and the atom
    a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
    sm = tensor( qeye(N), destroy(2))
    return [a.dag()*a, sm.dag()*sm]
Example #13
def test_destroy():
    "Destruction operator"
    b4 = basis(5, 4)
    d5 = destroy(5)
    test1 = d5 * b4
    assert_equal(np.allclose(test1.full(), 2.0 * basis(5, 3).full()), True)
    d3 = destroy(3)
    matrix3 = np.array([[0.00000000 + 0.j, 1.00000000 + 0.j, 0.00000000 + 0.j],
                        [0.00000000 + 0.j, 0.00000000 + 0.j, 1.41421356 + 0.j],
                        [0.00000000 + 0.j, 0.00000000 + 0.j, 0.00000000 + 0.j]])

    assert_equal(np.allclose(matrix3, d3.full()), True)
Example #14
def full_hamiltonian(cav_dim, w_1, w_2, w_c, g_1, g_2):
    """Return a QObj denoting the full Hamiltonian including cavity
     and two qubits"""
    a = qt.destroy(cav_dim)
    num = a.dag() * a
    return (
            g_1 * qt.tensor(qt.create(cav_dim), SMinus, I) +
            g_1 * qt.tensor(qt.destroy(cav_dim), SPlus, I) +
            g_2 * qt.tensor(qt.create(cav_dim), I, SMinus) +
            g_2 * qt.tensor(qt.destroy(cav_dim), I, SPlus) +
            w_c * qt.tensor(num, I, I) +
            0.5 * w_1 * qt.tensor(qt.qeye(cav_dim), SZ, I) +
            0.5 * w_2 * qt.tensor(qt.qeye(cav_dim), I, SZ))
Example #15
def single_hamiltonian(cav_dim, w_1, w_c, g_factor):
    """Return a QObj denoting a hamiltonian for one qubit coupled to a
    return (w_c * qt.tensor(qt.num(cav_dim), I) +
            0.5 * w_1 * qt.tensor(qt.qeye(cav_dim), I) +
            g_factor * qt.tensor(qt.create(cav_dim), SMinus) +
            g_factor * qt.tensor(qt.destroy(cav_dim), SPlus))
    def __init__(self, N_field_levels, coupling=None, N_qubits=1):

        # basic parameters
        self.N_field_levels = N_field_levels
        self.N_qubits = N_qubits

        if coupling is None:
            self.g = 0
            self.g = coupling

        # bare operators
        self.idcavity = qt.qeye(self.N_field_levels)
        self.idqubit = qt.qeye(2)
        self.a_bare = qt.destroy(self.N_field_levels)
        self.sm_bare = qt.sigmam()
        self.sz_bare = qt.sigmaz()
        self.sx_bare = qt.sigmax()
        self.sy_bare = qt.sigmay()

        # 1 atom 1 cavity operators
        self.jc_a = qt.tensor(self.a_bare, self.idqubit)
        self.jc_sm = qt.tensor(self.idcavity, self.sm_bare)
        self.jc_sx = qt.tensor(self.idcavity, self.sx_bare)
        self.jc_sy = qt.tensor(self.idcavity, self.sy_bare)
        self.jc_sz = qt.tensor(self.idcavity, self.sz_bare)
Example #17
def test_ssesolve_heterodyne():
    "Stochastic: ssesolve: heterodyne, time-dependent H"
    tol = 0.01

    N = 4
    gamma = 0.25
    ntraj = 25
    nsubsteps = 100
    a = destroy(N)

    H = [[a.dag() * a,f]]
    psi0 = coherent(N, 0.5)
    sc_ops = [np.sqrt(gamma) * a, np.sqrt(gamma) * a*0.5]
    e_ops = [a.dag() * a, a + a.dag(), (-1j)*(a - a.dag())]

    times = np.linspace(0, 2.5, 50)
    res_ref = mesolve(H, psi0, times, sc_ops, e_ops, args={"a":2})
    res = ssesolve(H, psi0, times, sc_ops, e_ops,
                   ntraj=ntraj, nsubsteps=nsubsteps,
                   method='heterodyne', store_measurement=True,
                   map_func=parallel_map, args={"a":2})

    assert_(all([np.mean(abs(res.expect[idx] - res_ref.expect[idx])) < tol
                 for idx in range(len(e_ops))]))

    assert_(len(res.measurement) == ntraj)
    assert_(all([m.shape == (len(times), len(sc_ops), 2)
                 for m in res.measurement]))
Example #18
    def steady(N = 20):  # number of basis states to consider
        a = destroy(N)
        H = a.dag() * a
        print H.eigenstates()
        #psi0 = basis(N, 10)  # initial state
        kappa = 0.1  # coupling to oscillator
        c_op_list = []
        n_th_a = 2  # temperature with average of 2 excitations
        rate = kappa * (1 + n_th_a)
        c_op_list.append(sqrt(rate) * a)  # decay operators
        rate = kappa * n_th_a
        c_op_list.append(sqrt(rate) * a.dag())  # excitation operators
        final_state = steadystate(H, c_op_list)
        fexpt = expect(a.dag() * a, final_state)

        #tlist = linspace(0, 100, 100)

        #mcdata = mcsolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_op_list, [a.dag() * a], ntraj=100)

        #medata = mesolve(H, psi0, tlist, c_op_list, [a.dag() * a])
        #plot(tlist, mcdata.expect[0],
        #plt.plot(tlist, medata.expect[0], lw=2)
        plt.axhline(y=fexpt, color='r', lw=1.5) # ss expt. value as horiz line (= 2)
        plt.ylim([0, 10])
Example #19
def test_mc_dtypes2():
    "Monte-carlo: check for correct dtypes (average_states=False)"
    # set system parameters
    kappa = 2.0  # mirror coupling
    gamma = 0.2  # spontaneous emission rate
    g = 1  # atom/cavity coupling strength
    wc = 0  # cavity frequency
    w0 = 0  # atom frequency
    wl = 0  # driving frequency
    E = 0.5  # driving amplitude
    N = 5  # number of cavity energy levels (0->3 Fock states)
    tlist = np.linspace(0, 10, 5)  # times for expectation values
    # construct Hamiltonian
    ida = qeye(N)
    idatom = qeye(2)
    a = tensor(destroy(N), idatom)
    sm = tensor(ida, sigmam())
    H = (w0 - wl) * sm.dag() * sm + (wc - wl) * a.dag() * a + \
        1j * g * (a.dag() * sm - sm.dag() * a) + E * (a.dag() + a)
    # collapse operators
    C1 = np.sqrt(2 * kappa) * a
    C2 = np.sqrt(gamma) * sm
    C1dC1 = C1.dag() * C1
    C2dC2 = C2.dag() * C2
    # intial state
    psi0 = tensor(basis(N, 0), basis(2, 1))
    opts = Options(average_expect=False)
    data = mcsolve(
        H, psi0, tlist, [C1, C2], [C1dC1, C2dC2, a], ntraj=5, options=opts)
    assert_equal(isinstance(data.expect[0][0][1], float), True)
    assert_equal(isinstance(data.expect[0][1][1], float), True)
    assert_equal(isinstance(data.expect[0][2][1], complex), True)
    def to_matrix(self, fd):
        n = num(fd)
        a = destroy(fd)
        ic = qeye(fd)
        sz = sigmaz()
        sm = sigmam()
        iq = qeye(2)

        ms = {
            "id": tensor(iq, ic),
            "a*ad" : tensor(iq, n),
            "a+hc" : tensor(iq, a),
            "sz" : tensor(sz, ic),
            "sm+hc" : tensor(sm, ic)

        H0 = 0
        H1s = []
        for (p1, p2), v in self.coefs.items():
            h = ms[p1] * ms[p2]
                term = float(v) * h
                if not term.isherm:
                    term += term.dag()
                H0 += term
            except ValueError:
                H1s.append([h, v])
                if not h.isherm:
                    replacement = lambda m: '(-' + m.group() + ')'
                    conj_v = re.sub('[1-9]+j', replacement, v)
                    H1s.append([h.dag(), conj_v])
        if H1s:
            return [H0] + H1s
            return H0
Example #21
def test_ssesolve_homodyne():
    "Stochastic: smesolve: homodyne"
    tol = 0.01

    N = 4
    gamma = 0.25
    ntraj = 25
    nsubsteps = 100
    a = destroy(N)

    H = a.dag() * a
    psi0 = coherent(N, 0.5)
    sc_ops = [np.sqrt(gamma) * a]
    e_ops = [a.dag() * a, a + a.dag(), (-1j) * (a - a.dag())]

    times = np.linspace(0, 2.5, 50)
    res_ref = mesolve(H, psi0, times, sc_ops, e_ops)
    res = smesolve(

    assert_(all([np.mean(abs(res.expect[idx] - res_ref.expect[idx])) < tol for idx in range(len(e_ops))]))

    assert_(len(res.measurement) == ntraj)
    assert_(all([m.shape == (len(times), len(sc_ops)) for m in res.measurement]))
Example #22
def test_smesolve_photocurrent():
    "Stochastic: photocurrent_mesolve"
    tol = 0.01

    N = 4
    gamma = 0.25
    ntraj = 20
    nsubsteps = 100
    a = destroy(N)

    H = [[a.dag() * a,f]]
    psi0 = coherent(N, 0.5)
    sc_ops = [np.sqrt(gamma) * a, np.sqrt(gamma) * a * 0.5]
    e_ops = [a.dag() * a, a + a.dag(), (-1j)*(a - a.dag())]

    times = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 21)
    res_ref = mesolve(H, psi0, times, sc_ops, e_ops, args={"a":2})
    res = photocurrent_mesolve(H, psi0, times, [], sc_ops, e_ops, args={"a":2},
                   ntraj=ntraj, nsubsteps=nsubsteps,  store_measurement=True,

    assert_(all([np.mean(abs(res.expect[idx] - res_ref.expect[idx])) < tol
                 for idx in range(len(e_ops))]))
    assert_(len(res.measurement) == ntraj)
    assert_(all([m.shape == (len(times), len(sc_ops))
                 for m in res.measurement]))
Example #23
    def testHOFiniteTemperature(self):
        "brmesolve: harmonic oscillator, finite temperature"

        N = 10
        w0 = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi
        g = 0.05 * w0
        kappa = 0.15
        times = np.linspace(0, 25, 1000)
        a = destroy(N)
        H = w0 * a.dag() * a + g * (a + a.dag())
        psi0 = ket2dm((basis(N, 4) + basis(N, 2) + basis(N, 0)).unit())

        n_th = 1.5
        w_th = w0/np.log(1 + 1/n_th)

        def S_w(w):
            if w >= 0:
                return (n_th + 1) * kappa
                return (n_th + 1) * kappa * np.exp(w / w_th)

        c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa * (n_th + 1)) * a, np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * a.dag()]
        a_ops = [a + a.dag()]
        e_ops = [a.dag() * a, a + a.dag()]

        res_me = mesolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops)
        res_brme = brmesolve(H, psi0, times, a_ops, e_ops, [S_w])

        for idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
            diff = abs(res_me.expect[idx] - res_brme.expect[idx]).max()
            assert_(diff < 1e-2)
Example #24
def test_ho_lgmres():
    "Steady state: Thermal HO - iterative-lgmres solver"
    # thermal steadystate of an oscillator: compare numerics with analytical
    # formula
    a = destroy(40)
    H = 0.5 * 2 * np.pi * a.dag() * a
    gamma1 = 0.05

    wth_vec = np.linspace(0.1, 3, 20)
    p_ss = np.zeros(np.shape(wth_vec))

    for idx, wth in enumerate(wth_vec):

        n_th = 1.0 / (np.exp(1.0 / wth) - 1)  # bath temperature
        c_op_list = []
        rate = gamma1 * (1 + n_th)
        c_op_list.append(np.sqrt(rate) * a)
        rate = gamma1 * n_th
        c_op_list.append(np.sqrt(rate) * a.dag())
        rho_ss = steadystate(H, c_op_list, method='iterative-lgmres')
        p_ss[idx] = np.real(expect(a.dag() * a, rho_ss))

    p_ss_analytic = 1.0 / (np.exp(1.0 / wth_vec) - 1)
    delta = sum(abs(p_ss_analytic - p_ss))
    assert_equal(delta < 1e-3, True)
Example #25
def test_qubit_power():
    "Steady state: Thermal qubit - power solver"
    # thermal steadystate of a qubit: compare numerics with analytical formula
    sz = sigmaz()
    sm = destroy(2)

    H = 0.5 * 2 * np.pi * sz
    gamma1 = 0.05

    wth_vec = np.linspace(0.1, 3, 20)
    p_ss = np.zeros(np.shape(wth_vec))

    for idx, wth in enumerate(wth_vec):

        n_th = 1.0 / (np.exp(1.0 / wth) - 1)  # bath temperature
        c_op_list = []
        rate = gamma1 * (1 + n_th)
        c_op_list.append(np.sqrt(rate) * sm)
        rate = gamma1 * n_th
        c_op_list.append(np.sqrt(rate) * sm.dag())
        rho_ss = steadystate(H, c_op_list, method='power')
        p_ss[idx] = expect(sm.dag() * sm, rho_ss)

    p_ss_analytic = np.exp(-1.0 / wth_vec) / (1 + np.exp(-1.0 / wth_vec))
    delta = sum(abs(p_ss_analytic - p_ss))
    assert_equal(delta < 1e-5, True)
Example #26
def testHOZeroTemperature():
    brmesolve: harmonic oscillator, zero temperature

    N = 10
    w0 = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi
    g = 0.05 * w0
    kappa = 0.15

    times = np.linspace(0, 25, 1000)
    a = destroy(N)
    H = w0 * a.dag() * a + g * (a + a.dag())
    psi0 = ket2dm((basis(N, 4) + basis(N, 2) + basis(N, 0)).unit())

    c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa) * a]
    a_ops = [a + a.dag()]
    e_ops = [a.dag() * a, a + a.dag()]

    res_me = mesolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops)
    res_brme = brmesolve(H, psi0, times, a_ops, e_ops,
                         spectra_cb=[lambda w: kappa * (w >= 0)])

    for idx, e in enumerate(e_ops):
        diff = abs(res_me.expect[idx] - res_brme.expect[idx]).max()
        assert_(diff < 1e-2)
Example #27
def test_fn_list_td_corr():
    correlation: comparing TLS emission correlations (fn-list td format)

    # calculate emission zero-delay second order correlation, g2(0), for TLS
    # with following parameters:
    #   gamma = 1, omega = 2, tp = 0.5
    # Then: g2(0)~0.57
    sm = destroy(2)
    args = {"t_off": 1, "tp": 0.5}
    H = [[2 * (sm+sm.dag()),
          lambda t, args: np.exp(-(t-args["t_off"])**2 / (2*args["tp"]**2))]]
    tlist = linspace(0, 5, 50)
    corr = correlation_3op_2t(H, fock(2, 0), tlist, tlist, [sm],
                              sm.dag(), sm.dag() * sm, sm, args=args)
    # integrate w/ 2D trapezoidal rule
    dt = (tlist[-1]-tlist[0]) / (np.shape(tlist)[0]-1)
    s1 = corr[0, 0] + corr[-1, 0] + corr[0, -1] + corr[-1, -1]
    s2 = sum(corr[1:-1, 0]) + sum(corr[1:-1, -1]) + \
        sum(corr[0, 1:-1]) + sum(corr[-1, 1:-1])
    s3 = sum(corr[1:-1, 1:-1])

    exp_n_in = np.trapz(
            H, fock(2, 0), tlist, [sm], [sm.dag()*sm], args=args
        ).expect[0], tlist
    # factor of 2 from negative time correlations
    g20 = abs(
        sum(0.5*dt**2*(s1 + 2*s2 + 4*s3)) / exp_n_in**2

    assert_(abs(g20-0.57) < 1e-1)
Example #28
def testHOFiniteTemperatureStates():
    brmesolve: harmonic oscillator, finite temperature, states

    N = 10
    w0 = 1.0 * 2 * np.pi
    g = 0.05 * w0
    kappa = 0.25
    times = np.linspace(0, 25, 1000)
    a = destroy(N)
    H = w0 * a.dag() * a + g * (a + a.dag())
    psi0 = ket2dm((basis(N, 4) + basis(N, 2) + basis(N, 0)).unit())

    n_th = 1.5
    w_th = w0/np.log(1 + 1/n_th)

    def S_w(w):
        if w >= 0:
            return (n_th + 1) * kappa
            return (n_th + 1) * kappa * np.exp(w / w_th)

    c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa * (n_th + 1)) * a, np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * a.dag()]
    a_ops = [a + a.dag()]
    e_ops = []

    res_me = mesolve(H, psi0, times, c_ops, e_ops)
    res_brme = brmesolve(H, psi0, times, a_ops, e_ops, [S_w])

    n_me = expect(a.dag() * a, res_me.states)
    n_brme = expect(a.dag() * a, res_brme.states)

    diff = abs(n_me - n_brme).max()
    assert_(diff < 1e-2)
Example #29
def cavity_loss(Q, freq, T, dims):
    kappa = Q/freq
    qubit_indices,cav_index = parse_dims(dims)
    cav_dim = dims[cav_index]
    n_therm = get_n_therm(freq, T)
    ops = [0]*len(dims)
    ops[cav_index] = qt.destroy(cav_dim)
    ops = [qt.qeye(2) if op == 0 else op for op in ops]
    return np.sqrt(kappa * (1+n_therm) / 2) * qt.tensor(ops)
Example #30
def full_approx(cav_dim, w_1, w_2, w_c, g_factor):
    a = qt.destroy(cav_dim)
    num = a.dag() * a
    return (
            g_factor * qt.tensor(qt.qeye(cav_dim), SMinus, SPlus) +
            g_factor * qt.tensor(qt.qeye(cav_dim), SPlus, SMinus) +
            w_c * qt.tensor(num, I, I) +
            0.5 * w_1 * qt.tensor(qt.qeye(cav_dim), SZ, I) +
            0.5 * w_2 * qt.tensor(qt.qeye(cav_dim), I, SZ))
def setup(N):
    op = (qt.destroy(N) + qt.create(N))
    psi = qt.Qobj(np.ones(N, complex) / (N**(1 / 2)))
    return op, psi
Example #32
""" --------------- </Operators> --------------- """

# Qubit Operators (2 level system)

print("Sigma x:\n", sigmax())
print("Sigma y:\n", sigmay())
print("Sigma z:\n", sigmaz())


# Harmonic Oscillator Operators

    "Annihilation Operator with {N} fock states (dimensions) in the hilbert space:\n"
    .format(N=8), destroy(N=8))

    "Creation Operator with {N} dimensions in the hilbert space:".format(N=8))
print(create(N=8))  # which is the same as destroy(8).dag()

    "Check if creation operator = annihiliation operator's complex conjugate: ",
    destroy(N=8).dag() == create(N=8))


# You can create the position operator from the annihilation operator
annihilation_operator = destroy(N=8)
Example #33
for k in range(8 * orbital_number - 1):
    aLeft = qt.tensor(aLeft, I)
    aRight = qt.tensor(aRight, I)
# 1st orbital
LUpK = ops[0]
LDoK = ops[1]
RUpK = ops[2]
RDoK = ops[3]

# 2nd orbital
LUpKp = ops[4]
LDoKp = ops[5]
RUpKp = ops[6]
RDoKp = ops[7]

aLeft = qt.tensor(aLeft, qt.destroy(3))
aRight = qt.tensor(aRight, III)
aLeft = qt.tensor(aLeft, III)
aRight = qt.tensor(aRight, qt.destroy(3))

nL = LUpK.dag() * LUpK + LDoK.dag() * LDoK + LUpKp.dag() * LUpKp + LDoKp.dag(
) * LDoKp
nR = RUpK.dag() * RUpK + RDoK.dag() * RDoK + RUpKp.dag() * RUpKp + RDoKp.dag(
) * RDoKp
nUp = LUpK.dag() * LUpK + LUpKp.dag() * LUpKp + RUpK.dag() * RUpK + RUpKp.dag(
) * RUpKp
nDo = LDoK.dag() * LDoK + LDoKp.dag() * LDoKp + RDoK.dag() * RDoK + RDoKp.dag(
) * RDoKp

nPhL = aLeft.dag() * aLeft
nPhR = aRight.dag() * aRight
Example #34
def test_squeezing():
    squeeze = qutip.squeeze(4, 0.1 + 0.1j)
    a = qutip.destroy(4)
    squeezing = qutip.squeezing(a, a, 0.1 + 0.1j)
    assert squeeze == squeezing
Example #35
def test_smesolve_homodyne_methods():
    "Stochastic: smesolve: homodyne methods with single jump operator"

    def arccoth(x):
        return 0.5 * np.log((1. + x) / (x - 1.))

    th = 0.1  # Interaction parameter
    alpha = np.cos(th)
    beta = np.sin(th)
    gamma = 1.

    N = 30  # number of Fock states
    Id = qeye(N)
    a = destroy(N)
    s = 0.5 * ((alpha + beta) * a + (alpha - beta) * a.dag())
    x = (a + a.dag()) * 2**-0.5
    H = Id
    c_op = [gamma**0.5 * a]
    sc_op = [s]
    e_op = [x, x * x]
    rho0 = fock_dm(N, 0)  # initial vacuum state

    T = 3.  # final time
    # number of time steps for which we save the expectation values
    N_store = 121
    Nsub = 10
    tlist = np.linspace(0, T, N_store)
    ddt = (tlist[1] - tlist[0])

    #### Analytic solution
    y0 = 0.5
    A = (gamma**2 + alpha**2 * (beta**2 + 4 * gamma) -
         2 * alpha * beta * gamma)**0.5
    B = arccoth((-4 * alpha**2 * y0 + alpha * beta - gamma) / A)
    y_an = (alpha * beta - gamma +
            A / np.tanh(0.5 * A * tlist - B)) / (4 * alpha**2)

    list_methods_tol = [['euler-maruyama', 2e-2], ['pc-euler', 2e-3],
                        ['pc-euler-2', 2e-3], ['platen', 1e-3],
                        ['milstein', 1e-3], ['milstein-imp', 1e-3],
                        ['rouchon', 1e-3], ['taylor1.5', 1e-4],
                        ['taylor1.5-imp', 1e-4], ['explicit1.5', 1e-4],
                        ['taylor2.0', 1e-4]]
    for n_method in list_methods_tol:
        sol = smesolve(H,
        sol2 = smesolve(H,
        sol3 = smesolve(H,
                        nsubsteps=Nsub * 5,
        err = 1/T * np.sum(np.abs(y_an - \
        err3 = 1/T * np.sum(np.abs(y_an - \
        print(n_method[0], ': deviation =', err, ', tol =', n_method[1])
        assert_(err < n_method[1])
        # 5* more substep should decrease the error
        assert_(err3 < err)
        # just to check that noise is not affected by smesolve
        assert_(np.all(sol.noise == sol2.noise))
        assert_(np.all(sol.expect[0] == sol2.expect[0]))

    sol = smesolve(H,
    sol2 = smesolve(H,
    sol3 = smesolve(H,
    # sol and sol2 have the same seed, sol3 differ.
    assert_(np.all(sol.noise == sol2.noise))
    assert_(np.all(sol.noise != sol3.noise))
    assert_(not np.all(sol.measurement[0] == 0. + 0j))
    assert_(np.all(sol2.measurement[0] == 0. + 0j))
    sol = smesolve(H,
                   noise=np.array([1, 2]),
    sol2 = smesolve(H,
                    noise=np.array([2, 1]),
    # sol and sol2 have the seed of traj 1 and 2 reversed.
    assert_(np.all(sol.noise[0, :, :, :] == sol2.noise[1, :, :, :]))
    assert_(np.all(sol.noise[1, :, :, :] == sol2.noise[0, :, :, :]))
Example #36
        out = out[0]
    return out

def _case_id(case):
    op_part = 'qubit' if _unwrap(case.operator).dims[0][0] == 2 else 'basis'
    state_part = 'ket' if _unwrap(case.state).dims[1][0] == 1 else 'dm'
    return op_part + "-" + state_part

# This is the minimal set of test cases, with a Fock system and a qubit system
# both in ket form and dm form.  The reference expectations are a 2D array
# which would be found by broadcasting `operator` against `state` and applying
# `qutip.expect` to the pairs.
_dim = 5
_num, _a = qutip.num(_dim), qutip.destroy(_dim)
_sx, _sz, _sp = qutip.sigmax(), qutip.sigmaz(), qutip.sigmap()
_known_fock = _Case([_num, _a], [qutip.fock(_dim, n) for n in range(_dim)],
                    np.array([np.arange(_dim), np.zeros(_dim)]))
_known_qubit = _Case([_sx, _sz, _sp],
                     [qutip.basis(2, 0), qutip.basis(2, 1)],
                     np.array([[0, 0], [1, -1], [0, 0]]))
_known_cases = [
    _case_to_dm(_known_fock), _known_qubit,

class TestKnownExpectation:
    def pytest_generate_tests(self, metafunc):
Example #37
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import qutip

N = 25
taus = np.linspace(0, 25.0, 200)
a = qutip.destroy(N)
H = 2 * np.pi * a.dag() * a

kappa = 0.25
n_th = 2.0  # bath temperature in terms of excitation number
c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa * (1 + n_th)) * a, np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * a.dag()]

states = [
    {'state': qutip.coherent_dm(N, np.sqrt(2)), 'label': "coherent state"},
    {'state': qutip.thermal_dm(N, 2), 'label': "thermal state"},
    {'state': qutip.fock_dm(N, 2), 'label': "Fock state"},

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

for state in states:
    rho0 = state['state']

    # first calculate the occupation number as a function of time
    n = qutip.mesolve(H, rho0, taus, c_ops, [a.dag() * a]).expect[0]

    # calculate the correlation function G2 and normalize with n(0)n(t) to
    # obtain g2
    G2 = qutip.correlation_3op_1t(H, rho0, taus, c_ops, a.dag(), a.dag()*a, a)
    g2 = G2 / (n[0] * n)
Example #38
def test_destroy_type():
    "Operator CSR Type: destroy"
    op = destroy(5)
    assert_equal(isspmatrix_csr(op.data), True)
def emitter_drive_sims() -> None:
    """Run simulations of emitter near mirror with a coherent drive."""
    # Some Parameter values for the system being simulated.
    gamma = 1.0  # Decay rate of the emitter.
    delta = 0.0  # Detuning of emitter frequency from reference frequency.
    delay = 4.0 / gamma  # Delay between emitter and mirror.
    ph_mirrors = [0, 0.25 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi, 0.75 * np.pi,
                  np.pi]  # Mirror phase.
    ph_delay = np.pi  # Phase corresponding to the delay between emitter to
    # mirror and back at the reference frequency.
    pulse_width = 2 / gamma
    pulse_amp = 0.1 * gamma

    # Numerical parameters.
    dims = 2  # Dimensionality of each waveguide bin.
    dt = 0.05 / gamma  # Time-step. Also used for meshing waveguide in MPS.
    num_tsteps = 1000  # Number of time-steps to perform.
    thresh = 1e-2  # Threshold at which to truncate Schmidth decomposition at
    # each step of MPS.

    # Open a h5 file for storing simulation results.
    data = h5py.File("results/validation_emitter_drive_exponential.h5", "w")
    param_grp = data.create_group("parameters")
    param_grp.create_dataset("gamma", data=gamma)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delta", data=delta)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delay", data=delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_mirrors", data=ph_mirrors)
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_delay", data=ph_delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dims", data=dims)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dt", data=dt)
    param_grp.create_dataset("num_tsteps", data=num_tsteps)
    param_grp.create_dataset("thresh", data=thresh)
    param_grp.create_dataset("pulse_width", data=pulse_width)
    param_grp.create_dataset("pulse_amp", data=pulse_amp)
    sim_res_grp = data.create_group("simulation_results")

    # Define the pulse.
    def square_pulse(t: float) -> float:
        if t < pulse_width:
            return pulse_amp
            return 0

    def gaussian_pulse(t: float) -> float:
        return pulse_amp * np.exp(-(t - pulse_cen)**2 / pulse_width**2)

    def exponential_pulse(t: float) -> float:
        return pulse_amp * np.exp(-t / pulse_width)

    # Run the ideal MPS simulations.
    print("Running ideal MPS simulations.")
    results_mps_ideal = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        print("On ph_mirror = {}".format(ph_mirror))
        # Define the low dimensional system.
        sys = low_dim_sys.DrivenTwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta, exponential_pulse)
        mps_ideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgIdealMirror(qutip.basis(2, 0), delay,
                                                 ph_mirror, ph_delay, dims,
                                                 sys, dt, thresh)
        result = mps_ideal.simulate(num_tsteps,
                                    [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)], 50)
    sim_res_grp.create_dataset("mps_ideal", data=np.array(results_mps_ideal))

    # Run the nonideal MPS simulations.
    print("Running nonideal MPS simulations.")
    results_mps_nonideal = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        print("On ph_mirror = {}".format(ph_mirror))
        # Define the low dimensional system.
        sys = low_dim_sys.DrivenTwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta, exponential_pulse)
        mps_nonideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgPartialMirror(qutip.basis(2, 0), delay,
                                                      1, ph_mirror, ph_delay,
                                                      dims, sys, dt, thresh)
        result = mps_nonideal.simulate(num_tsteps,
                                       [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)],
def emitter_decay_sims() -> None:
    """Runs simulations of emitter decay with non ideal MPS."""
    # Some Parameter values for the system being simulated.
    gamma = 1.0  # Decay rate of the emitter.
    delta = 0.0  # Detuning of emitter frequency from reference frequency.
    delay = 4.0 / gamma  # Delay between emitter and mirror.
    ph_mirrors = [0, 0.25 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi, 0.75 * np.pi,
                  np.pi]  # Mirror phase.
    ph_delay = np.pi  # Phase corresponding to the delay between emitter to
    # mirror and back at the reference frequency.

    # Numerical parameters.
    dims = 2  # Dimensionality of each waveguide bin.
    dt = 0.05 / gamma  # Time-step. Also used for meshing waveguide in MPS.
    num_tsteps = 1000  # Number of time-steps to perform.
    thresh = 1e-2  # Threshold at which to truncate Schmidth decomposition at
    # each step of MPS.

    # Open a h5 file for storing simulation results.
    data = h5py.File("results/validation_emitter_decay.h5", "w")
    param_grp = data.create_group("parameters")
    param_grp.create_dataset("gamma", data=gamma)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delta", data=delta)
    param_grp.create_dataset("delay", data=delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_mirrors", data=ph_mirrors)
    param_grp.create_dataset("ph_delay", data=ph_delay)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dims", data=dims)
    param_grp.create_dataset("dt", data=dt)
    param_grp.create_dataset("num_tsteps", data=num_tsteps)
    param_grp.create_dataset("thresh", data=thresh)
    sim_res_grp = data.create_group("simulation_results")

    # Quick simulation with FDTD. Want to check if the mirror phase values give
    # visibly different results in the decay of the emitter.
    print("Running ideal mirror FDTD simulations.")
    results_fdtd = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        result = fdtd.tls_ideal_mirror(gamma, delay, ph_delay, ph_mirror, dt,
        # Leaving out the last element in the simulation for the length of FDTD
        # result to be consistent with the length of MPS simulation.
    sim_res_grp.create_dataset("fdtd", data=np.array(results_fdtd))

    # MPS with ideal mirror.
    print("Running ideal mirror MPS simulations.")
    results_ideal = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        print("On ph_mirror = {}".format(ph_mirror))
        # Define the system.
        sys = low_dim_sys.TwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta)
        mps_ideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgIdealMirror(qutip.basis(2, 1), delay,
                                                 ph_mirror, ph_delay, dims,
                                                 sys, dt, thresh)
        result = mps_ideal.simulate(num_tsteps,
                                    [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)], 50)
    sim_res_grp.create_dataset("mps_ideal", data=np.array(results_ideal))

    # MPS with non-ideal mirror MPS code but with reflectivity = 1.
    print("Running nonideal mirror MPS simulations.")
    results_nonideal = []
    for ph_mirror in ph_mirrors:
        print("On ph_mirror = {}".format(ph_mirror))
        # Define the system.
        sys = low_dim_sys.TwoLevelSystem(gamma, delta)
        mps_ideal = oqs_mirror_mps.WgPartialMirror(qutip.basis(2, 1), delay,
                                                   1.0, ph_mirror, ph_delay,
                                                   dims, sys, dt, thresh)
        result = mps_ideal.simulate(num_tsteps,
                                    [qutip.create(2) * qutip.destroy(2)], 50)
    sim_res_grp.create_dataset("mps_nonideal", data=np.array(results_nonideal))
Example #41
def dressed_Hamiltonian(J, nu, nphonon, ldps, rabi):
    Returns the dressed state Hamiltonian. In the form: 
        H = H_mot + H_spinspin + H_int
        J: Number of ions in trap 
        nu: trap frequency 
        nphonon: maximum number of phonons in system
        ldps: Lamb-Dicke Parameters
        rabi: driving field rabi frequency
    if len(ldps) != J:
        raise Exception('There must be a Lamb-Dicke Parameter for each ion.')

    basis_m1 = qt.basis(4, 0)
    basis_0 = qt.basis(4, 1)
    basis_p1 = qt.basis(4, 2)
    basis_0tag = qt.basis(4, 3)

    eye_list = [qt.qeye(4) for j in range(J)]

    sigmaz_fl = [[-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]

    sigmaz_fl = qt.Qobj(sigmaz_fl)

    H_int_J = [0 for j in range(J)]

    eye_temp = cp.deepcopy(eye_list)
    a_dag = qt.tensor(eye_temp)

    eye_temp = cp.deepcopy(eye_list)
    a = qt.tensor(eye_temp)

    #     sigmaz = qt.tensor(qt.sigmaz(), qt.qeye(2), qt.qeye(nphonon))
    #     sigmax_2 = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(2), qt.sigmaz(), qt.qeye(nphonon))

    H_mot = nu * a_dag * a

    for j in range(J):
        pol, pol_dag = ldps[j] * (a_dag - a), -ldps[j] * (a_dag - a)
        pol = pol.expm()
        pol_dag = pol_dag.expm()
        eye_temp = cp.deepcopy(eye_list)

        d1 = qt.tensor(basis_p1 * basis_0.trans(), qt.qeye(nphonon))
        d2 = qt.tensor(basis_0 * basis_m1.trans(), qt.qeye(nphonon))
        d3 = qt.tensor(basis_p1 * basis_0.trans(), qt.qeye(nphonon))
        d4 = qt.tensor(basis_m1 * basis_0.trans(), qt.qeye(nphonon))

        H_int_j = (rabi / 2) * (d1 * pol + d2 * pol + d3 * pol_dag +
                                d4 * pol_dag)

        H_int_J[j] = H_int_j

    H_int_J = qt.tensor(H_int_J)

    #  H_spsp = 0
    for j in range(J - 1):
        for k in range(
                j + 1, J
        ):  #iteration to avoid double summation or summation over the same index.
            H_temp = eye_list
            H_temp[j] = sigmaz_fl
            H_temp[k] = sigmaz_fl
            H_temp = qt.tensor(H_temp) * ldps[j] * ldps[k]
            # print(H_temp)

            if j == 0 and k == 1:
                H_spsp = H_temp
                H_spsp += H_temp

    H_spinspin = nu * qt.tensor(H_spsp, qt.qeye(nphonon))

    return (H_int_J, H_mot, H_spinspin)
Example #42
#alpha = 0
#beta = np.sqrt(-2j * lam.conjugate())
''' Testing middle state is steady state '''
beta = 0
psi0 = (np.round(np.cos(theta/2), 5) * qt.tensor(qt.coherent(N, alpha-beta), 
                                                 qt.coherent(N, beta)) 
        + np.round(np.sin(theta/2), 5) * np.exp(1j * phi) * qt.tensor(qt.coherent(N, -alpha+beta), 
                                                                      qt.coherent(N, -beta))).unit()

''' guess at final condition '''
beta = alpha
psi_final = (np.round(np.cos(theta/2), 5) * qt.tensor(qt.coherent(N, alpha-beta), qt.coherent(N, beta)) 
            + np.round(np.sin(theta/2), 5) * np.exp(1j * phi) * qt.tensor(qt.coherent(N, -alpha+beta), qt.coherent(N, -beta))).unit()

''' Setup operators '''
a = qt.tensor(qt.destroy(N), qt.qeye(N))
b = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(N), qt.destroy(N))

drive_term = (a + b) **2
confinment_term = a ** 2 + 2*a*b

loss_ops = [kappa1**.5 * drive_term, kappa2**.5 * confinment_term]

H = [eps1 * drive_term + eps1.conjugate() * drive_term.dag()]

date = list(str(datetime.datetime.now())[:19])
date[13] = '-'
date[16] = '-'
Example #43
def H1_coeff(t, args):
      return  np.exp(-(t*1j*omega))

def H2_coeff(t, args):
      return  np.exp(t*1j*omega)

#For anaharmonicities

HB=omega*qt.create(N)*qt.destroy(N)- Xbb/2*(qt.create(N)*qt.destroy(N)*qt.create(N)*qt.destroy(N))
HAB=g*(qt.tensor(qt.create(2),qt.destroy(N))+qt.tensor(qt.destroy(2), qt.create(N)))
H0=qt.tensor(HA, qt.qeye(N))+qt.tensor(qt.qeye(2),HB)+HAB
H=[H0, [H1, H1_coeff], [H2, H2_coeff]]
output = qt.mesolve(H, psi0, t, [qt.tensor(np.sqrt(0.05*omega)*qt.destroy(2),qt.qeye(N))], [])

for i in range(0,10000):
Example #44
def liouvillian(omega, g, gamma, beta, n):
    """Liouvillian for the coupled system of qubit and TLS"""
    A = np.zeros((n, n))
    B = np.zeros((n, n))
    Mu = np.zeros((n, n))
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if j - i == 1:
                A[i, j] = 0.5
            elif i - j == 1:
                B[i, j] = 0.5
    Mu = A + B

    H0_q = qutip.Qobj(omega *
                      np.array(np.dot(qutip.create(n), qutip.destroy(n))))
    # drive qubit Hamiltonian
    H1_q = omega * Mu

    # drift TLS Hamiltonian
    H0_T = omega * 0.5 * (-qutip.operators.sigmaz() + qutip.qeye(2))

    # Lift Hamiltonians to joint system operators
    H0 = np.kron(H0_q, np.identity(2)) + np.kron(np.identity(n), H0_T)
    H1 = np.kron(H1_q, np.identity(2))

    # qubit-TLS interaction
    H_int = g * (
        np.kron(np.array(qutip.create(n)), np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])) +
        np.kron(np.array(qutip.destroy(n)), np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]])))

    # convert Hamiltonians to QuTiP objects
    H0 = qutip.Qobj(H0 + H_int)
    H1 = qutip.Qobj(H1)

    # Define Lindblad operators
    N = 1.0 / (np.exp(beta * omega) - 1.0)

    L = []
    k = 0
    for i in range(0, n - 1):
        # Cooling on TLS
            np.sqrt(gamma * (N + 1)) *
            np.kron(np.array(qutip.basis(n, i) * qutip.basis(n, i + 1).dag()),
            np.sqrt(gamma * N) *
            np.kron(np.array(qutip.basis(n, i + 1) * qutip.basis(n, i).dag()),
        L[k] = qutip.Qobj(L[k])
        L[k + 1] = qutip.Qobj(L[k + 1])
        k = 2 * (i + 1)
    # convert Lindblad operators to QuTiP objects

    # generate the Liouvillian

    L0 = qutip.liouvillian(H=H0, c_ops=L)
    L1 = qutip.liouvillian(H=H1)

    # Shift the qubit and TLS into resonance by default
    eps0 = lambda t, args: 0.000000000001
    return [L0, [L1, eps0]]
The second-order optical coherence function, with time-delay 𝜏 , is defined as

g(2)(𝜏) = <a†(0)a†(𝜏)a(𝜏)a(o)> / <a†(0)a(0)>^2

For a coherent state 𝑔(2)(𝜏) = 1, for a thermal state 𝑔 (2)(𝜏 = 0) = 2 and it decreases as a function of time
(bunched photons, they tend to appear together), and for a Fock state with 𝑛 photons 𝑔 (2)(𝜏 = 0) = 𝑛(𝑛−1)/𝑛2 <
1 and it increases with time (anti-bunched photons, more likely to arrive separated in time).

The following code calculates and plots 𝑔(2)(𝜏) as a function of 𝜏 for a coherent, thermal and fock state

N = 25
taus = np.linspace(0, 25.0, 200)
a = qt.destroy(N)
H = 2 * np.pi * a.dag() * a

kappa = 0.25
n_th = 2.0  # bath temperature in terms of excitation number
c_ops = [np.sqrt(kappa * (1 + n_th)) * a, np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * a.dag()]
states = [{
    "state": coherent_dm(N, np.sqrt(2)),
    "label": "coherent state"
}, {
    "state": thermal_dm(N, 2),
    "label": "thermal state"
}, {
    "state": fock_dm(N, 2),
    "label": "Fock state"
Example #46
 def _b_lc(self):
     """Annihilation operator in the LC basis."""
     return qt.destroy(self.nlev_lc)
Example #47
from qutip import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
from qutip import tensor, basis, destroy, qeye
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

# number of Fock states in Hilbert space.
N = 3
M = 3

# field operators
a_1 = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(M))
b_1 = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(M))
I_f = tensor(qeye(N), qeye(M))

I = tensor(I_f, qeye(3))

# 2 mode field operators
a = tensor(a_1 + b_1, qeye(3))

# atom 1 states
astate = basis(3, 0)
bstate = basis(3, 1)
cstate = basis(3, 2)

# atomic operators
saa = tensor(I_f, astate * astate.dag())
sbb = tensor(I_f, bstate * bstate.dag())
scc = tensor(I_f, cstate * cstate.dag())
Example #48
    def cav_cost(self, pulse, kind='cost'):
        sum_fid = 0

        shape_cav = [[2, int(self.dims / 2)], [1, 1]]

        qubit_init = np.array([[0]] * shape_cav[0][0])
        qubit_target = np.array([[0]] * shape_cav[0][0])

        cavity_init = np.array([[0]] * shape_cav[0][1])
        cavity_target = np.array([[0]] * shape_cav[0][1])

        qubit_qobj_init = qt.Qobj(self.psi_initial, shape_cav).ptrace(0)
        qubit_qobj_target = qt.Qobj(self.psi_target, shape_cav).ptrace(0)

        cavity_qobj_init = qt.Qobj(self.psi_initial, shape_cav).ptrace(1)
        cavity_qobj_target = qt.Qobj(self.psi_target, shape_cav).ptrace(1)
        for i in range(shape_cav[0][0]):
            qubit_init[i] = np.abs(qubit_qobj_init[i][0][i])
            qubit_target[i] = np.abs(qubit_qobj_target[i][0][i])
        for i in range(shape_cav[0][1]):
            cavity_init[i] = np.abs(cavity_qobj_init[i][0][i])
            cavity_target[i] = np.abs(cavity_qobj_target[i][0][i])

        og_cavity_init = cavity_init
        og_cavity_target = cavity_target

        og_base_hamiltonian = self.base_hamiltonian
        og_drive_hamiltonians = self.drive_hamiltonians

        w_a = 5.66 * 0.5
        w_c = 4.5
        chi = 2
        alpha = w_a * 0.05
        K = w_c * 10**(-3)
        chitag = chi * 10**(-2)
        for i in range(n_ph):
            cavity_init = np.array([np.append(cavity_init, [0])]).T
            cavity_target = np.array([np.append(cavity_target, [0])]).T

            self.psi_initial = np.kron(qubit_init, cavity_init)
            self.psi_target = np.kron(qubit_target, cavity_target)
            self.dims = len(self.psi_initial)

            qubit_levels = len(qubit_init)
            cavity_levels = len(cavity_init)

            a = qt.tensor(qt.destroy(qubit_levels), qt.qeye(cavity_levels))
            ad = a.dag()

            c = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(qubit_levels), qt.destroy(cavity_levels))
            cd = c.dag()

            Ha = w_a * ad * a + (alpha / 2) * ad * ad * a * a
            Hc = w_c * cd * c + (K / 2) * cd * cd * c * c
            Hi = chi * cd * c * ad * a + chitag * cd * cd * c * c * ad * a
            H0 = np.array(Ha + Hc + Hi)

            Ha_I = np.array(a + ad)
            Ha_Q = np.array(1j * (a - ad))

            Hc_I = np.array(c + cd)
            Hc_Q = np.array(1j * (c - cd))

            drive_hamiltonians = [Ha_I, Ha_Q, Hc_I, Hc_Q]

            self.drive_hamiltonians = drive_hamiltonians
            self.base_hamiltonian = H0

            if kind == 'cost':
                sum_fid += self.cost(pulse)
                sum_fid += self.cost_gradient(pulse)
        cavity_init = og_cavity_init
        cavity_target = og_cavity_target
        self.psi_initial = np.kron(qubit_init, cavity_init)
        self.psi_target = np.kron(qubit_target, cavity_target)
        self.dims = len(self.psi_initial)

        self.base_hamiltonian = og_base_hamiltonian
        self.drive_hamiltonians = og_drive_hamiltonians

        return sum_fid
        ramsey_displaced = ramsey_experiment(rho0, bare_rabi_freq, eta,
                                             detuning, times, c_ops, r_ops)
             label='squeezed-displaced state')

        title('Ramsey fringes')

    if 0:  # Generate carrier operators
        N = 3
        a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
        Wc = qeye(N)
        Wc.data = csr_matrix(
            qeye(N).data.dot(np.diag(rabi_coupling(N, 0, eta))))
        sm = tensor(Wc, destroy(2))
        print Wc
        print sm + sm.dag()
    if 0:  # Generate blue sideband operators
        N = 3
        a = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(2))
        sm = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(2))
        Wbsb = destroy(N).dag(
        )  # I will overwrite Wsb.data in the next line, but for pedagogical reasons...
        Wbsb.data = csr_matrix(
Example #50
    ksz = i_ops
    while kid > 0:
        ops[i_ops] = qt.tensor(ops[i_ops], I)  # pad with I to the right
        kid -= 1
    while ksz > 0:
        ops[i_ops] = qt.tensor(-sz, ops[i_ops])  # pad with -sz to the left
        ksz -= 1
    ops[i_ops] = qt.tensor(ops[i_ops], III)  #pad 2 I for photons
for k in range(2 * orbital_number - 1):
    aLeft = qt.tensor(aLeft, I)

# 1st orbital
LUp = ops[0]
LDo = ops[1]

aLeft = qt.tensor(aLeft, qt.destroy(3))

II = I
zero = qt.tensor(qt.fock(2, 1))
zero_photons = qt.tensor(qt.fock(3, 0))
vac = zero
for i_ops in range(2 * orbital_number):
    if i_ops < 2 * orbital_number - 1:
        vac = qt.tensor(vac, zero)
        II = qt.tensor(II, I)
        vac = qt.tensor(vac, zero_photons)
        II = qt.tensor(II, III)

for k1, op1 in ops.items():
    for k2, op2 in ops.items():
Example #51
def _2_tuple_split(dimension, kappa, _):
    a = qutip.destroy(dimension)
    spectrum = "{kappa} * (w >= 0)".format(kappa=kappa)
    return ([np.sqrt(kappa) * a,
             np.sqrt(kappa) * a], [], [[a + a.dag(), spectrum],
                                       [(a, a.dag()), (spectrum, '1', '1')]])
name = "coherentstate"

samples = 5
evals = 100
cutoffs = range(50, 501, 50)

def setup(N):
    alpha = np.log(N)
    return alpha

def f(N, alpha):
    return qt.coherent(N, alpha, method="analytic")

print("Benchmarking:", name)
print("Cutoff: ", end="", flush=True)
checks = {}
results = []
for N in cutoffs:
    print(N, "", end="", flush=True)
    alpha = setup(N)
    checks[N] = qt.expect(qt.destroy(N), f(N, alpha))
    t = benchmarkutils.run_benchmark(f, N, alpha, samples=samples, evals=evals)
    results.append({"N": N, "t": t})

benchmarkutils.check(name, checks, 0.05)
benchmarkutils.save(name, results)
Example #53
def destroy(n):
    ops = [q.qeye(d) for d in mode_dims]
    ops[n] = q.destroy(mode_dims[n])
    return q.tensor(*list(reversed(ops)))
Example #54
def test_squeezing_type():
    "Operator CSR Type: squeezing"
    op = squeezing(destroy(5), qeye(5), -0.1j)
    assert_equal(isspmatrix_csr(op.data), True)
Example #55
def _harmonic_oscillator_c_ops(n_th, kappa, dimension):
    a = qutip.destroy(dimension)
    if n_th == 0:
        return [np.sqrt(kappa) * a]
    return [np.sqrt(kappa * (n_th + 1)) * a, np.sqrt(kappa * n_th) * a.dag()]
Example #56
T1 =0
T2 =T1+T
n_t = 201 #number of points from T1 to T2

#Wigner params
nbWignerPlot = 16

"Preparation of tensor space, operators and states"
Na=trunc # Truncature
Nb= trunc
# Operators for the control 
Ia = qt.identity(Na) # identity
a = qt.destroy(Na) # lowering operator
n_a = a.dag()*a # photon number

#Operator for the target
Ib = qt.identity(Nb) # identity
b = qt.destroy(Nb) # lowering operator
n_b = b.dag()*b # photon number

#tensor operators
I_tensor =qt.tensor(Ia,Ib)
a_tensor = qt.tensor(a,Ib)
b_tensor = qt.tensor(Ia,b)
n_a_tensor = qt.tensor(n_a,Ib)
n_b_tensor = qt.tensor(Ia,n_b)

#Parameter of the control
Example #57
xSR = .206
g2 = -.111 * 2 * np.pi
eD = 3
kR = np.sqrt(40)
kS = np.sqrt(.05)

num_steps = 20
max_time = 20

date = list(str(datetime.datetime.now())[:19])
date[13] = '-'
date[16] = '-'
''' SUPER IMPORTANT: change the filepath to wherever you want the plots saved '''
filepath = 'C:/Users/Jeff/Documents/qutip/out/leghtas/' + ''.join(date) + '/'
''' Declare opperators and Hamiltonian '''
aS = qt.tensor(qt.destroy(NS), qt.qeye(NR))
aR = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(NS), qt.destroy(NR))

xS = (aS + aS.dag()) / 2
pS = 1j * (aS - aS.dag()) / 2

H_kerr = (-xSS / 2 * aS.dag()**2 * aS**2 - xRR / 2 * aR.dag()**2 * aR**2 -
          xSR * aS.dag() * aS * aR.dag() * aR)

H_2 = (g2 * aS**2 * aR.dag() + g2.conjugate() * aS.dag()**2 * aR +
       eD * aR.dag() + eD.conjugate() * aR)

H = H_2 + H_kerr
''' initial state '''
psi0 = qt.tensor(qt.fock(NS, 0), qt.fock(NR, 0))
''' Solve the system '''
Example #58
import qutip as qt
import numpy as np
import vpython as vp
vp.scene.width = 1000
vp.scene.height = 800


dt = 0.001
n = 20
a = qt.destroy(n)
Q = qt.position(n)
QL, QV = Q.eigenstates()
N = qt.num(n)
NL, NV = N.eigenstates()
H = N + 1 / 2
U = (-1j * dt * H).expm()

def coherent(s):
    global n, a
    return np.exp(-s * np.conjugate(s) / 2) * (s * a.dag()).expm() * (
        -np.conjugate(s) * a).expm() * qt.basis(n, 0)

def squeezed_coherent(s):
    global n, a
    return ((s.conjugate() * a * a - s * a.dag() * a.dag()) /
            2).expm() * qt.basis(n, 0)

Example #59
    return sum([c*((z**(n-i-1))*(w**(i)))/\
                         for i, c in enumerate(spin.full().T[0])])

def upgrade_state2(spin, a):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [sum([c*a[i].dag()\
        for i, c in enumerate(xyz_spinor(xyz))]) for xyz in spin_XYZ(spin)])


dt = 0.005
n = 5

a = [qt.tensor(qt.destroy(n), qt.identity(n)),\
     qt.tensor(qt.identity(n), qt.destroy(n))]

XYZ = {"X": upgrade(qt.sigmax(), a),\
       "Y": upgrade(qt.sigmay(), a),\
       "Z": upgrade(qt.sigmaz(), a)}

X, Y, Z = XYZ["X"], XYZ["Y"], XYZ["Z"]
XL, XV = X.eigenstates()
XP = [v * v.dag() for v in XV]
YL, YV = Y.eigenstates()
YP = [v * v.dag() for v in YV]
ZL, ZV = Z.eigenstates()
ZP = [v * v.dag() for v in ZV]

Example #60
def position_ops(N):
    a = destroy(N)

    return tensor(I_sys, (a + a.dag()) * 0.5)  # Should have a 0.5 in this