Example #1
def test_sparse_krauss_versus_dense_krauss():
    r"""Test the sparse krauss operators versus dense krauss operators."""
    p, q = 0.2, 0.4

    k_ops = initialize_dephrasure_examples(p, q)
    spkrauss = SparseKraus(k_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3)
    dKrauss = DenseKraus(k_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3)

    for n in range(1, 4):
        # Update channel to correpond to n.

        # Test nth krauss operators
        assert issubclass(type(spkrauss.nth_kraus_ops), SparseArray)
        spkrauss_nth_krauss = spkrauss.nth_kraus_ops.todense()
        dkrauss_nth_krauss = dKrauss.nth_kraus_ops
        assert_array_almost_equal(spkrauss_nth_krauss, dkrauss_nth_krauss)

        # Test exchange array
        assert issubclass(type(spkrauss.nth_kraus_exch), SparseArray)
        spkrauss_exchange = spkrauss.nth_kraus_exch.todense()
        dkrauss_exchange = dKrauss.nth_kraus_exch
        assert_array_almost_equal(dkrauss_exchange, spkrauss_exchange)

        # Test channel output
        rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense())
        assert_array_almost_equal(spkrauss.channel(rho), dKrauss.channel(rho))

        # Test entropy exchange
            spkrauss.entropy_exchange(rho, n)[0],
            dKrauss.entropy_exchange(rho, n)[0])
Example #2
def test_channel_method_using_dephrasure_dense():
    r"""Test the channel from 'krauss.DenseKraus.channel' using dephrasure example."""
    p, q = 0.2, 0.4
    k_ops = initialize_dephrasure_examples(p, q)
    krauss_ops = np.array(k_ops).copy()
    dkrauss = DenseKraus(k_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3)

    assert_raises(AssertionError, dkrauss.channel, [np.eye(2)])
    for n in range(1, 4):
        if n != 1:
            krauss_ops = np.kron(np.array(k_ops), krauss_ops)

        # Get random density state.
        rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense())
        assert np.all(krauss_ops.shape[2] == rho.shape[0])

        # Multiply each krauss operators individually
        desired = np.zeros((3**n, 3**n), dtype=np.complex128)
        for krauss in krauss_ops:
            temp = krauss.dot(rho).dot(krauss.T.conj())
            desired += temp

        rho = np.array([rho])
        actual = dkrauss.channel(rho)
        assert_array_almost_equal(actual[0], desired)
Example #3
def test_adjoint_of_a_channel():
    r"""Test the adjoint of the channel on DenseKraus and SparseKraus."""
    p1, p2, p3 = 0.1, 0.01, 0.4
    krauss_ops = initialize_pauli_examples(p1, p2, p3)
    # Dense Krauss
    dense_krauss_obj = DenseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 2)
    sparse_krauss_obj = SparseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 2)
    for n in range(1, 3):
        # Update Krauss Operators
        k_ops = krauss_ops.copy()
        if n != 1:
            k_ops = np.kron(np.array(k_ops), krauss_ops)

        # Test on random density matrices
        for _ in range(0, 10):
            rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense())

            desired = np.zeros((2**n, 2**n), dtype=np.complex128)
            for k in k_ops:
                desired += np.conj(k.T).dot(rho.dot(k))

            dense_chan = dense_krauss_obj.channel(rho, True)
            sparse_chan = sparse_krauss_obj.channel(rho, True)
            assert_array_almost_equal(desired, dense_chan)
            assert_array_almost_equal(desired, sparse_chan)
Example #4
def test_adjoint_of_complementary_channel_kraus_operators():
    r"""Test the adjoint channel of the complementary channel based on kraus operators."""
    # Test Adjoint complementary channel is unital
    rho = np.eye(4)
    krauss_ops = initialize_dephrasure_examples(0.1, 0.2)
    chan = DenseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3, orthogonal_kraus=[2])
    chan_s = SparseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3)

    desired = np.eye(2)
    # Test Dense Kraus
    actual = chan.entropy_exchange(rho, 1, adjoint=True)
    assert np.all(np.abs(actual - desired) < 1e-4)
    # Test Sparse Kraus
    actual = chan_s.entropy_exchange(rho, 1, adjoint=True).todense()
    assert np.all(np.abs(actual - desired) < 1e-4)

    # Test based on random density matrix.
    rho = rand_dm_ginibre(4, 4).data.toarray()
    desired = sum([
        rho[i, j] * krauss_ops[i].T.dot(krauss_ops[j]) for i in range(0, 4)
        for j in range(0, 4)
    actual = chan.entropy_exchange(rho, 1, adjoint=True)
    assert np.all(np.abs(actual - desired) < 1e-4)
    actual = chan_s.entropy_exchange(rho, 1, adjoint=True).todense()
    assert np.all(np.abs(actual - desired) < 1e-4)
Example #5
def test_channel_method_using_dephrasure():
    r"""Test the method 'channel' from 'QCorr.channel.AnalyticQChan' using dephrasure kraus ops."""
    p, q = 0.2, 0.4

    single_krauss_ops = set_up_dephrasure_conditions(p, q)
    orthogonal_krauss_indices = [2]
    for sparse in [False, True]:
        krauss_ops = single_krauss_ops.copy()
        channel = AnalyticQChan(single_krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3,
                                orthogonal_krauss_indices, sparse)
        for n in range(1, 4):
            if n != 1:
                krauss_ops = np.kron(single_krauss_ops, krauss_ops)

            # Get random density state.
            rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense())

            # Test channel method using kraus perators matches 'channel.channel'
            desired = np.zeros((3**n, 3**n), dtype=np.complex128)
            for krauss in krauss_ops:
                temp = krauss.dot(rho).dot(krauss.T)
                desired += temp
            actual = channel.channel(rho, n)
            assert_array_almost_equal(actual, desired)

    # Test constructor accepts the right input.
    assert_raises(TypeError, AnalyticQChan, "asdsa", [1, 1], 2, 2)
Example #6
def test_rand_dm_ginibre_rank():
    Random Qobjs: Ginibre-random density ops have correct rank.
    random_qobj = rand_dm_ginibre(5, rank=3)
    rank = sum([abs(E) >= 1e-10 for E in random_qobj.eigenenergies()])
    assert rank == 3
Example #7
def test_entropy_exchange_dephrasure_channel():
    r"""Test the entropy exchange of dephrasure channel using kraus operators."""
    p, q = 0.2, 0.4

    single_krauss_ops = set_up_dephrasure_conditions(p, q)
    orthogonal_krauss_indices = [2]
    # Test both sparse and non-sparse.
    for issparse in [True, False]:
        krauss_ops = single_krauss_ops.copy()
        channel = AnalyticQChan(single_krauss_ops, [1, 1],
        for n in range(1, 4):
            if n != 1:
                krauss_ops = np.kron(single_krauss_ops, krauss_ops)

            # Get random density state.
            rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense())

            if issparse:
                actual = channel.entropy_exchange(rho, n)[0]
                actual = channel.entropy_exchange(rho, n)
                actual = block_diag(actual[0], actual[1])
            assert actual.shape == (4**n, 4**n)
            for i in range(0, 4**n):
                for j in range(0, 4**n):
                    desired = np.trace(krauss_ops[i].dot(
                    assert np.abs(actual[i, j] - desired) < 1e-10
Example #8
def test_entanglement_fidelity():
    r"""Test the average_entanglement_fidelity method of both Sparse and Dense Kraus Operators."""
    # Get krauss operators from dephrasure channel
    krauss_ops = initialize_dephrasure_examples(0.1, 0.2)
    chan = DenseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3)
    chan_sp = SparseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3)
    desired_fid = 0.
    probs = [0.25, 0.75]
    states = [
    for i, p in enumerate(probs):
        for k in krauss_ops:
            desired_fid += p * np.abs(np.trace(k.dot(states[i])))**2

    assert np.abs(desired_fid -
                  chan.average_entanglement_fidelity(probs, states))
    assert np.abs(desired_fid -
                  chan_sp.average_entanglement_fidelity(probs, states))
Example #9
def imperfect_state(coeff, error=0.2, H_rand=False, with_phase=False):
    s = state(*coeff)
    if H_rand == False:
        H_rand = q.rand_dm_ginibre(len(coeff))
    H_rand = H_rand / H_rand.norm()
    H_rand = q.Qobj(
        lin.block_diag(H_rand[:], np.zeros((N - len(coeff), N - len(coeff)))))
    s_e = q.sesolve(H_rand, s, [0., error]).states[1]
    if with_phase:
        return s_e
        return list(np.ndarray.flatten(np.abs(s_e[:len(coeff)])**2))
Example #10
def test_action_of_choi_operator():
    r"""Test that choi operator matches well-known krauss operators."""
    krauss = initialize_pauli_examples(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
    choi = sum([
        np.outer(np.ravel(x, "F"), np.conj(np.ravel(x, "F").T)) for x in krauss
    choi_obj = ChoiQutip(choi, numb_qubits=[1, 1], dim_in=2, dim_out=2)

    for _ in range(0, 1000):
        rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2).data.todense())
        actual = choi_obj.channel(rho)
        desired = sum([k.dot(rho).dot(np.conj(k).T) for k in krauss])
        assert np.all(np.abs(actual - desired) < 1e-3)

    # Test number of qubits being 2.
    krauss = np.kron(krauss, krauss)
    choi = sum([
        np.outer(np.ravel(x, "F"), np.conj(np.ravel(x, "F"))) for x in krauss
    choi_obj = ChoiQutip(choi, numb_qubits=[2, 2], dim_in=2, dim_out=2)

    for _ in range(0, 1000):
        rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(4).data.todense())
        actual = choi_obj.channel(rho)
        desired = sum([k.dot(rho).dot(np.conj(k).T) for k in krauss])
        assert np.all(np.abs(actual - desired) < 1e-3)

    # Test Dephrasure Channe
    krauss = set_up_dephrasure_conditions(0.1, 0.2)
    choi = sum([
        np.outer(np.ravel(x, "F"), np.conj(np.ravel(x, "F"))) for x in krauss
    choi_obj = ChoiQutip(choi, [1, 1], 2, 3)

    for _ in range(0, 1000):
        rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2).data.todense())
        actual = choi_obj.channel(rho)
        desired = sum([k.dot(rho).dot(np.conj(k).T) for k in krauss])
        assert np.all(np.abs(actual - desired) < 1e-3)
Example #11
def check_two_sets_of_krauss_are_same(krauss1, krauss2, numb=1000):
    is_same = True
    chann1 = AnalyticQChan(krauss1, [1, 1], 2, 2)
    chann2 = AnalyticQChan(krauss2, [1, 1], 2, 2)
    for _ in range(0, numb):
        # Get random Rho
        rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2).data.todense())
        rho1 = chann1.channel(rho, 1)
        rho2 = chann2.channel(rho, 1)
        # Compare them
        if np.any(np.abs(rho1 - rho2) > 1e-3):
            is_same = False
    return is_same
Example #12
def test_channel_with_amplitude_damping_channel():
    r"""Test channel method of kraus operators with ampltitude damping example."""
    n = 1
    for err in np.arange(0.0, 1., 0.01):
        krauss_1 = np.array([[1., 0.], [0, np.sqrt(1 - err)]])
        krauss_2 = np.array([[0, np.sqrt(err)], [0., 0]])
        krauss_ops = [krauss_1, krauss_2]

        krauss = DenseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 2)
        for _ in range(0, 10):
            rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense())

            channel = krauss_1.dot(rho).dot(krauss_1.conj().T)
            channel += krauss_2.dot(rho).dot(krauss_2.conj().T)
            actual = krauss.channel(rho)
            assert_array_almost_equal(actual, channel)
Example #13
def test_orthogonal_krauss_conditions():
    r"""Test that orthogonal kraus conds splits entropy exchange matrix and matches without it."""
    p, q = 0.2, 0.4

    k_ops = initialize_dephrasure_examples(p, q)
    dkrauss = DenseKraus(k_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3)
    dKrauss_cond = DenseKraus(k_ops, [1, 1], 2, 3, orthogonal_kraus=[2])
    for n in range(1, 4):
        for _ in range(0, 50):
            rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense())
            entropy_exchange = dkrauss.entropy_exchange(rho, n)
            entropy_exchange2 = dKrauss_cond.entropy_exchange(rho, n)
                block_diag(entropy_exchange2[0], entropy_exchange2[1]))
Example #14
def check_two_sets_of_krauss_are_same(krauss1,
    r"""Helper function for checking if two kraus operators by checking if they agree."""
    is_same = True
    chann1 = DenseKraus(krauss1, numb_qubits, dim_in, dim_out)
    chann2 = DenseKraus(krauss2, numb_qubits, dim_in, dim_out)
    for _ in range(0, numb):
        # Get random Rho
        rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2).data.todense())
        rho1 = chann1.channel(rho)
        rho2 = chann2.channel(rho)
        # Compare them
        if np.any(np.abs(rho1 - rho2) > 1e-3):
            is_same = False
    return is_same
Example #15
def entropy_exchange_helper_assertion(krauss, single_krauss_ops):
    # Helps check that entropy exchange matrix entries matches definition.
    krauss_ops = np.array(single_krauss_ops).copy()

    for n in range(1, 4):
        if n != 1:
            krauss_ops = np.kron(single_krauss_ops, krauss_ops)

        # Get random density state.
        rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense())
        assert np.all(krauss_ops.shape[2] == rho.shape[0])

        actual = krauss.entropy_exchange(rho, n)[0]
        assert actual.shape == (4**n, 4**n)
        for i in range(0, 4**n):
            for j in range(0, 4**n):
                desired = np.trace(krauss_ops[i].dot(
                assert np.abs(actual[i, j] - desired) < 1e-10
Example #16
def test_entropy_exchange_matrix_with_dephasing_channel():
    r"""Test that entropy exchange matches dephasing channel example."""
    n = 1
    for err in np.arange(0.0, 1., 0.01):
        krauss_1 = np.array([[1., 0.], [0, np.sqrt(1 - err)]])
        krauss_2 = np.array([[0, np.sqrt(err)], [0., 0]])
        krauss_ops = [krauss_1, krauss_2]

        krauss = DenseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 2)
        rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense())

        W = np.array([[
        actual = krauss.entropy_exchange(rho, n)[0]
        assert_array_almost_equal(actual, W)
Example #17
def test_entropy_complementary_channel_of_choi_operator():
    r"""Test the entropy of complementary channel of the choi operator matches entropy exchange."""
    # Dephrasure
    krauss = set_up_dephrasure_conditions(0.1, 0.2)
    choi = sum([
        np.outer(np.ravel(x, "F"), np.conj(np.ravel(x, "F"))) for x in krauss
    choi_obj = ChoiQutip(choi, [1, 1], 2, 3)

    for _ in range(0, 1000):
        # Random rho
        rho = rand_dm_ginibre(2).data.todense()
        # Get eigenvalues
        desired = np.linalg.eigvalsh(entropyexchange(krauss, rho))
        actual = np.linalg.eigvalsh(choi_obj.complementary_channel(rho))

        # Assert that eigenvalues are the same.
        i = 0
        for x in actual:
            if np.abs(x) > 1e-8:
                assert np.abs(desired[i] - x) < 1e-5
                i += 1
Example #18
def plot_func_sensitivity(epsilon_max, N_err=5, step_size=0.01):
    global system
    global m_state
    N_ = 3
    n = 3
    s = 0
    max_coh = list((1. / N_) * np.ones(N_))
    opt_res = find_max_func_half(N_, max_coh, [], False, s, n)
    low_bound = -find_max_func_half(
        N_ - 1, list(
            (N_ / (N_ - 1)) * np.array(max_coh)[:-1]), [], False, s, n)['fun']
    meas_coeff = opt_res['x']
    epsilon_list = np.linspace(0, epsilon_max, int(epsilon_max / step_size))
    alpha_list = np.empty((N_err, int(epsilon_max / step_size)))
    val_list = np.empty((N_err, int(epsilon_max / step_size)))
    for i in range(N_err):
        H_rand = q.rand_dm_ginibre(N_, 1)
        for j in range(len(epsilon_list)):
            meas_coeff_err = imperfect_state(meas_coeff,
            alpha_list[i][j] = np.sqrt(
                        np.ndarray.flatten(meas_coeff_err[:N_]) -
            m_state = meas_coeff_err
            system = mixed_state(max_coh, s)
            val_list[i][j] = moment(n) / moment(1)**(
                n - 1)  #-func(max_coh+meas_coeff_err,s,n)

    for i in range(N_err):
        plt.plot(alpha_list[i], val_list[i])
    plt.plot([0., np.max(alpha_list)], [low_bound, low_bound], 'k--')
    plt.xlim(0, np.max(alpha_list))
    plt.xlabel('||U|x>-|x>||', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel(r'$F_3$', fontsize=16, rotate=90)
Example #19
def test_adjoint_of_entropy_exchange():
    r"""Test the adjoint of the entropy exchange on pauli channel example."""
    p1, p2, p3 = 0.1, 0.01, 0.4
    krauss_ops = initialize_pauli_examples(p1, p2, p3)
    dense_krauss_obj = DenseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 2)
    sparse_krauss_obj = SparseKraus(krauss_ops, [1, 1], 2, 2)

    # Test on random density matrices
    for n in [1, 2]:
        if n != 1:
            krauss_ops = np.kron(krauss_ops, krauss_ops)
        for _ in range(0, 50):

            rho = np.array(rand_dm_ginibre(4**n).data.todense())

            desired = np.zeros((2**n, 2**n), dtype=np.complex128)
            for i, k1 in enumerate(krauss_ops):
                for j, k2 in enumerate(krauss_ops):
                    desired += np.conj(k2.T).dot(k1) * rho[j, i]

            dense_chan = dense_krauss_obj.entropy_exchange(rho, n, True)
            sparse_chan = sparse_krauss_obj.entropy_exchange(rho, n,

            assert_array_almost_equal(dense_chan, sparse_chan)
            assert_array_almost_equal(desired, dense_chan)
            assert_array_almost_equal(desired, sparse_chan)

    # Test that adjoint maps of compl. positive maps are always unital
    rho = np.eye(4**n)
    desired = np.eye(2**n)
        sparse_krauss_obj.entropy_exchange(rho, n, True).todense())
                              dense_krauss_obj.entropy_exchange(rho, n, True))
Example #20
 def _sample(self):
     # Generate and flatten a density operator, so that we can multiply it
     # by the transformation defined above.
     rho = qt.rand_dm_ginibre(self._dim, self._rank).data.todense().view(np.ndarray).flatten(order='C')
     return np.real(np.dot(self._paulis, rho))
Example #21
 def _sample_dm(self):
     # Generate and flatten a density operator, so that we can multiply it
     # by the transformation defined above.
     return qt.rand_dm_ginibre(self._dim, rank=self._rank)
Example #22
 def _sample_dm(self):
     # Generate and flatten a density operator, so that we can multiply it
     # by the transformation defined above.
     return qt.rand_dm_ginibre(self._dim, rank=self._rank)
Example #23
 def _sample(self):
     # Generate and flatten a density operator, so that we can multiply it
     # by the transformation defined above.
     rho = qt.rand_dm_ginibre(self._dim, self._rank).data.todense().view(
     return np.real(np.dot(self._paulis, rho))
Example #24
def test_standard_basis():
    r"""Tests for "PyQCodes.param.StandardBasis" class."""
    # Test going from vectors to density states.
    numb_tests = 1000
    for n in range(1, 3):
        for _ in range(0, numb_tests):
            v = np.random.uniform(-1., 1., 2**(n * 2))
            actual_rho = StandardBasis.rho_from_vec(v, 2**n)
            if n == 1:
                desired_rho = np.array(
                    [[complex(v[0], 0.),
                      complex(v[1], v[2])],
                     [complex(v[1], -v[2]),
                      complex(v[3], 0.)]])
            elif n == 2:
                desired_rho = np.array([[
                    complex(v[0], 0.),
                    complex(v[1], v[2]),
                    complex(v[3], v[4]),
                    complex(v[5], v[6])
                                            complex(v[1], -v[2]),
                                            complex(v[7], 0.),
                                            complex(v[8], v[9]),
                                            complex(v[10], v[11])
                                            complex(v[3], -v[4]),
                                            complex(v[8], -v[9]),
                                            complex(v[12], 0.),
                                            complex(v[13], v[14])
                                            complex(v[5], -v[6]),
                                            complex(v[10], -v[11]),
                                            complex(v[13], -v[14]),
                                            complex(v[15], 0.)
            assert_array_almost_equal(actual_rho, desired_rho)

    # Test going from rho to vector to rho.
    for n in range(1, 10):
        rho = rand_dm_ginibre(2**n).data.todense()
        vec = StandardBasis.vec_from_rho(rho, 2**n)
        actual_rho = StandardBasis.rho_from_vec(vec, 2**n)
        assert_array_almost_equal(actual_rho, rho)

    # Test going from rho to vector.
    rho = np.array([[1., 1 + 2.j], [1 - 2.j, 3.]])
    desired_vec = np.array([1., 1., 2., 3.])
    actual_vec = StandardBasis.vec_from_rho(rho, 2)
    assert_array_almost_equal(actual_vec, desired_vec)

    # Test different dimension
    rho = np.array([[0.25, 0.2 + 0.1j, 0.3], [0.5 - 0.1j, 0.25, 0.23 + 0.1j],
                    [0.3, 0.23 - 0.1j, 0.5]])
    dim = 3
    vec = StandardBasis.vec_from_rho(rho, dim)
    desired = [0.25, 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0, 0.25, 0.23, 0.1, 0.5]
    assert_array_almost_equal(desired, vec)

    assert StandardBasis.numb_variables(dim) == dim**2