def bloch_plot(self, points=None, F=None): """ Plot the current state on the Bloch sphere using qutip. """ # create instance of 3d plot bloch = Bloch(figsize=[9, 9]) bloch.add_vectors([0, 0, 1]) bloch.xlabel = ['$<F_x>$', ''] bloch.ylabel = ['$<F_y>$', ''] bloch.zlabel = ['$<F_z>$', ''] if self.spin == 'half': if points is None: # convert current state into density operator rho = np.outer(self.state.H, self.state) # get Bloch vector representation points = self.get_bloch_vec(rho) # Can only plot systems of dimension 2 at this time assert len( points ) == 3, "System dimension must be spin 1/2 for Bloch sphere plot" # create instance of 3d plot bloch = Bloch(figsize=[9, 9]) elif self.spin == 'one': #points is list of items in format [[x1,x2],[y1,y2],[z1,z2]] if points is None: points = [getStars(self.state)] bloch.point_color = ['g', 'r', 'b'] #ensures point and line are same colour bloch.point_marker = ['o', 'd', 'o'] #bloch.point_color = ['g','r'] #ensures point and line are same colour #bloch.point_marker = ['o','d'] for p in points: bloch.add_points([p[0][0], p[1][0], p[2][0]]) bloch.add_points([p[0][1], p[1][1], p[2][1]]) bloch.add_points(p, meth='l') ''' bloch.point_color = ['b','b'] #ensures point and line are same colour bloch.point_marker = ['o','o'] for p in points: bloch.add_points(p) bloch.add_points(p, meth='l') ''' # add state #bloch.render(bloch.fig, bloch.axes) #bloch.fig.savefig("bloch.png",dpi=600, transparent=True)
def maj_vid(self, points): #takes screenshots of majorana stars over time to produce vid if points is None: points = [getStars(self.state)] i = 0 for p in points: bloch = Bloch(figsize=[9, 9]) bloch.xlabel = ['$<F_x>$', ''] bloch.ylabel = ['$<F_y>$', ''] bloch.zlabel = ['$<F_z>$', ''] bloch.point_color = ['g', 'r', 'b'] #ensures point and line are same colour bloch.point_marker = ['o', 'd', 'o'] bloch.add_points([p[0][0], p[1][0], p[2][0]]) bloch.add_points([p[0][1], p[1][1], p[2][1]]) bloch.add_points(p, meth='l') bloch.render(bloch.fig, bloch.axes) bloch.fig.savefig( "bloch" + str(i).zfill(int(np.ceil(np.log10(len(points))))) + ".png", dpi=600, transparent=False) i += 1
# %% -2- # hinzufuegen eines Vektor # x,y,z v = [1, 0, 0] # dazu geben wir einen Vektor in die x-Richtung an b.add_vectors( v) # mit b.add_vectors wird der Vektor v der Blochkugel hinzugefuegt print('-2-') input('Press ENTER to continue.') # %% -3- # Achsen koennen auch umbenannt werden # dazu kann Latex-Code verwendet werden jedoch muss beachtet werden, # dass fuer Latex-Code \ --> \\ verwendet werden sollte b.xlabel = ["$\\left|45^\\circ \\right>$", "$\\left|-45^\\circ \\right>$"] b.ylabel = ["$\\left|\\sigma^+\\right>$", "$\\left|\\sigma^- \\right>$"] b.zlabel = ["$\\left|H\\right>$", "$\\left|V\\right>$"] print('-3-') input('Press ENTER to continue.') # %% -4- b.clear() # Loescht alle Zustaende auf der Blochkugel # behaltet jedoch Einstellungen wie z.B. Achsenbeschriftung # Normierung eines Vektors v = [1 / math.sqrt(3), 1 / math.sqrt(3), -1 / math.sqrt(3)] w = [1, -1, 1] / np.sqrt(3) # automatische Normierung eines Vektors # mittel der numpy Library