Example #1
File: link.py Project: vin/reddit
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.media import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        #clicked = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = (c.user.pref_media == 'on' or
                          (item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail
                           and c.user.pref_media != 'off') or
                          (c.user.pref_media == 'subreddit' and

            if not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb
            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self
                          else 'self.' + item.subreddit.name)
            if not hasattr(item,'top_link'):
                item.top_link = False
            item.urlprefix = ''
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, 'save')))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, 'hide')))
            item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, 'click')))
            item.num = None
            item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit, force_domain = True)

            if c.user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif c.user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            if c.user_is_loggedin and item.author._id == c.user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False
        if c.user_is_loggedin:
Example #2
File: vote.py Project: vin/reddit
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, spam=False, organic=False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts

        sr = obj.subreddit_slow
        kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
        karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

        is_self_link = kind == "link" and hasattr(obj, "is_self") and obj.is_self

        # check for old vote
        rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
        oldvote = list(rel._query(rel.c._thing1_id == sub._id, rel.c._thing2_id == obj._id, data=True))

        amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

        is_new = False
        # old vote
        if len(oldvote):
            v = oldvote[0]
            oldamount = int(v._name)
            v._name = str(amount)

            # these still need to be recalculated
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing
            v.valid_thing = valid_thing(v, karma) and v.valid_thing and not spam
            v.valid_user = v.valid_user and v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
        # new vote
            is_new = True
            oldamount = 0
            v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
            v.author_id = obj.author_id
            v.ip = ip
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = valid_thing(v, karma) and not spam
            v.valid_user = v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma) and not is_self_link
            if organic:
                v.organic = organic


        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        update_score(obj, up_change, down_change, v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing)

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        # update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == "link":
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        return v
Example #3
File: link.py Project: cmak/reddit
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        #clicked = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self
                          else 'self.' + item.subreddit.name)
            item.top_link = False
            item.urlprefix = ''
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, 'save')))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, 'hide')))
            item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, 'click')))
            item.num = None
            item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
        if c.user_is_loggedin:
Example #4
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.media import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import get_domain
        from r2.models.subreddit import FakeSubreddit
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # referencing c's getattr is cheap, but not as cheap when it
        # is in a loop that calls it 30 times on 25-200 things.
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        pref_media = user.pref_media
        pref_frame = user.pref_frame
        pref_newwindow = user.pref_newwindow
        cname = c.cname
        site = c.site

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}

        #clicked = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if not hasattr(item, "score_fmt"):
                item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            item.pref_compress = user.pref_compress
            if user.pref_compress and item.promoted is None:
                item.render_css_class = "compressed link"
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            elif pref_media == 'on' and not user.pref_compress:
                show_media = True
            elif pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail:
                if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                    show_media = True
                elif pref_media != 'off' and not user.pref_compress:
                    show_media = True

            if not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self
                          else 'self.' + item.subreddit.name)
            if not hasattr(item,'top_link'):
                item.top_link = False
            item.urlprefix = ''
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, 'save')))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, 'hide')))
            item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, 'click')))
            item.num = None
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit, force_domain = True)

            # do we hide the score?
            if user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # store user preferences locally for caching
            item.pref_frame = pref_frame
            item.newwindow = pref_newwindow
            # is this link a member of a different (non-c.site) subreddit?
            item.different_sr = (isinstance(site, FakeSubreddit) or
                                 site.name != item.subreddit.name)

            if user_is_loggedin and item.author._id == user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
            if cname:
                item.subreddit_path = ("http://" + 
                     get_domain(cname = (site == item.subreddit),
                                subreddit = False))
                if site != item.subreddit:
                    item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path
            item.domain_path = "/domain/%s" % item.domain
            if item.is_self:
                item.domain_path = item.subreddit_path

            #this is wrong, but won't be so wrong when we move this
            #whole chunk of code into pages.py
            from r2.lib.pages import MediaChild, SelfTextChild
            item.link_child = None
            item.editable = False
            if item.media_object:
                item.link_child = MediaChild(item, load = True)
            elif item.selftext:
                expand = getattr(item, 'expand_children', False)
                item.link_child = SelfTextChild(item, expand = expand,
                                                nofollow = item.nofollow)
                #draw the edit button if the contents are pre-expanded
                item.editable = expand and item.author == c.user
            item.tblink = "http://%s/tb/%s" % (
                get_domain(cname = cname, subreddit=False),

            if item.is_self:
                item.href_url = item.permalink
                item.href_url = item.url

            # show the toolbar if the preference is set and the link
            # is neither a promoted link nor a self post
            if pref_frame and not item.is_self and not item.promoted:
                item.mousedown_url = item.tblink
                item.mousedown_url = None

            item.fresh = not any((item.likes != None,

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)

            # bits that we will render stubs (to make the cached
            # version more flexible)
            item.num = CachedVariable("num")
            item.numcolmargin = CachedVariable("numcolmargin")
            item.commentcls = CachedVariable("commentcls")
            item.midcolmargin = CachedVariable("midcolmargin")
            item.comment_label = CachedVariable("numcomments")

        if user_is_loggedin:

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Example #5
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.pages import make_link_child
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.media import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import get_domain
        from r2.models.subreddit import FakeSubreddit
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # referencing c's getattr is cheap, but not as cheap when it
        # is in a loop that calls it 30 times on 25-200 things.
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        pref_media = user.pref_media
        pref_frame = user.pref_frame
        pref_newwindow = user.pref_newwindow
        cname = c.cname
        site = c.site

        if user_is_loggedin:
            saved_lu = []
            for item in wrapped:
                if not SaveHide._can_skip_lookup(user, item):

            saved = CassandraSave._fast_query(user._id36, saved_lu)
            hidden = CassandraHide._fast_query(user._id36, saved_lu)

            clicked = {}
            saved = hidden = clicked = {}

        trials = trial_info(wrapped)

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if not hasattr(item, "score_fmt"):
                item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            if c.render_style == 'compact':
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.pref_compress = user.pref_compress
            if user.pref_compress and item.promoted is None:
                item.render_css_class = "compressed link"
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            elif pref_media == 'on' and not user.pref_compress:
                show_media = True
            elif pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail:
                if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                    show_media = True
                elif pref_media != 'off' and not user.pref_compress:
                    show_media = True

            item.over_18 = bool(
                item.over_18 or item.subreddit.over_18
                or item._nsfw.findall(item.title))
            item.nsfw = item.over_18 and user.pref_label_nsfw

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)

            # always show a promo author their own thumbnail
            if item.promoted and (user_is_admin
                                  or item.is_author) and item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
            elif user.pref_no_profanity and item.over_18 and not c.site.over_18:
                if show_media:
                    item.thumbnail = "/static/nsfw2.png"
                    item.thumbnail = ""
            elif not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
            elif item.is_self:
                item.thumbnail = g.self_thumb
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            if getattr(item, "domain_override", None):
                item.domain = item.domain_override
                item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self else
                               'self.' + item.subreddit.name)
            item.urlprefix = ''

            if user_is_loggedin:
                item.saved = (user._id36, item._id36) in saved
                item.hidden = (user._id36, item._id36) in hidden

                item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, 'click')))
                item.saved = item.hidden = item.clicked = False

            item.num = None
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(
                    item.subreddit, force_domain=True)

            if g.shortdomain:
                item.shortlink = g.shortdomain + '/' + item._id36

            # do we hide the score?
            if user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted and item.score <= 0:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False

# TODO: uncomment to let gold users see the score of upcoming links
#            elif user.gold:
#                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # store user preferences locally for caching
            item.pref_frame = pref_frame
            item.newwindow = pref_newwindow
            # is this link a member of a different (non-c.site) subreddit?
            item.different_sr = (isinstance(site, FakeSubreddit)
                                 or site.name != item.subreddit.name)

            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.title = profanity_filter(item.title)

            item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
            if cname:
                item.subreddit_path = ("http://" + get_domain(
                    cname=(site == item.subreddit), subreddit=False))
                if site != item.subreddit:
                    item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path
            item.domain_path = "/domain/%s/" % item.domain
            if item.is_self:
                item.domain_path = item.subreddit_path

            # attach video or selftext as needed
            item.link_child, item.editable = make_link_child(item)

            item.tblink = "http://%s/tb/%s" % (get_domain(
                cname=cname, subreddit=False), item._id36)

            if item.is_self:
                item.href_url = item.permalink
                item.href_url = item.url

            # show the toolbar if the preference is set and the link
            # is neither a promoted link nor a self post
            if pref_frame and not item.is_self and not item.promoted:
                item.mousedown_url = item.tblink
                item.mousedown_url = None

            item.fresh = not any((item.likes != None, item.saved, item.clicked,
                                  item.hidden, item._deleted, item._spam))

            # bits that we will render stubs (to make the cached
            # version more flexible)
            item.num = CachedVariable("num")
            item.numcolmargin = CachedVariable("numcolmargin")
            item.commentcls = CachedVariable("commentcls")
            item.midcolmargin = CachedVariable("midcolmargin")
            item.comment_label = CachedVariable("numcomments")

            item.as_deleted = False
            if item.deleted and not c.user_is_admin:
                item.author = DeletedUser()
                item.as_deleted = True

            item.trial_info = trials.get(item._fullname, None)

            item.approval_checkmark = None

            if item.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(item, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ('admin-approved', 'mod-approved'):
                    approver = None
                    if getattr(item, "ban_info", None):
                        approver = item.ban_info.get("unbanner", None)

                    if approver:
                        item.approval_checkmark = _(
                            "approved by %s") % approver
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by a moderator")

                if item.trial_info is not None:
                    item.reveal_trial_info = True
                    item.use_big_modbuttons = True

        if user_is_loggedin:

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Example #6
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.pages import make_link_child
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.media import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import get_domain
        from r2.models.subreddit import FakeSubreddit
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # referencing c's getattr is cheap, but not as cheap when it
        # is in a loop that calls it 30 times on 25-200 things.
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        pref_media = user.pref_media
        pref_frame = user.pref_frame
        pref_newwindow = user.pref_newwindow
        cname = c.cname
        site = c.site

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}
        trials = trial_info(wrapped)

        # clicked = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if not hasattr(item, "score_fmt"):
                item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            item.pref_compress = user.pref_compress
            if user.pref_compress and item.promoted is None:
                item.render_css_class = "compressed link"
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            elif pref_media == "on" and not user.pref_compress:
                show_media = True
            elif pref_media == "subreddit" and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail:
                if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                    show_media = True
                elif pref_media != "off" and not user.pref_compress:
                    show_media = True

            item.over_18 = bool(item.over_18 or item.subreddit.over_18 or item._nsfw.findall(item.title))
            item.nsfw = item.over_18 and user.pref_label_nsfw

            #            if user.pref_no_profanity and item.over_18 and not c.site.over_18:
            #                item.thumbnail = ""
            #            elif not show_media:
            #                item.thumbnail = ""
            #            elif item.has_thumbnail:
            #                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
            #            elif item.is_self:
            #                item.thumbnail = g.self_thumb
            #            else:
            #                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            if item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
                item.thumbnail = ""

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            item.domain = domain(item.url) if not item.is_self else "self." + item.subreddit.name
            item.urlprefix = ""
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, "save")))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, "hide")))
            item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, "click")))
            item.num = None
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit, force_domain=True)

            # do we hide the score?
            if user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted and item.score <= 0:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # store user preferences locally for caching
            item.pref_frame = pref_frame
            item.newwindow = pref_newwindow
            # is this link a member of a different (non-c.site) subreddit?
            item.different_sr = isinstance(site, FakeSubreddit) or site.name != item.subreddit.name

            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.title = profanity_filter(item.title)

            item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
            if cname:
                item.subreddit_path = "http://" + get_domain(cname=(site == item.subreddit), subreddit=False)
                if site != item.subreddit:
                    item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path
            item.domain_path = "/domain/%s" % item.domain
            if item.is_self:
                item.domain_path = item.subreddit_path

            # attach video or selftext as needed
            item.link_child, item.editable = make_link_child(item)

            item.tblink = "http://%s/tb/%s" % (get_domain(cname=cname, subreddit=False), item._id36)

            if item.is_self:
                item.href_url = item.permalink
                item.href_url = item.url

            # show the toolbar if the preference is set and the link
            # is neither a promoted link nor a self post
            if pref_frame and not item.is_self and not item.promoted:
                item.mousedown_url = item.tblink
                item.mousedown_url = None

            item.fresh = not any((item.likes != None, item.saved, item.clicked, item.hidden, item._deleted, item._spam))

            item.is_author = user == item.author

            # bits that we will render stubs (to make the cached
            # version more flexible)
            item.num = CachedVariable("num")
            item.numcolmargin = CachedVariable("numcolmargin")
            item.commentcls = CachedVariable("commentcls")
            item.midcolmargin = CachedVariable("midcolmargin")
            item.comment_label = CachedVariable("numcomments")

            item.as_deleted = False
            if item.deleted and not c.user_is_admin:
                item.author = DeletedUser()
                item.as_deleted = True

            item.trial_info = trials.get(item._fullname, None)

            item.approval_checkmark = None

            if item.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(item, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ("admin-approved", "mod-approved"):
                    approver = None
                    if getattr(item, "ban_info", None):
                        approver = item.ban_info.get("unbanner", None)

                    if approver:
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by %s") % approver
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by a moderator")

                if item.trial_info is not None:
                    item.reveal_trial_info = True
                    item.use_big_modbuttons = True

        if user_is_loggedin:

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Example #7
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.pages import make_link_child
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib import media
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import get_domain
        from r2.models.subreddit import FakeSubreddit
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # referencing c's getattr is cheap, but not as cheap when it
        # is in a loop that calls it 30 times on 25-200 things.
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        pref_media = user.pref_media
        pref_frame = user.pref_frame
        pref_newwindow = user.pref_newwindow
        cname = c.cname
        site = c.site

        if user_is_loggedin:
            saved_lu = []
            for item in wrapped:
                if not SaveHide._can_skip_lookup(user, item):

            saved = CassandraSave._fast_query(user._id36, saved_lu)
            hidden = CassandraHide._fast_query(user._id36, saved_lu)

            clicked = {}
            saved = hidden = clicked = {}

        trials = trial_info(wrapped)

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if not hasattr(item, "score_fmt"):
                item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            if c.render_style == 'compact':
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.pref_compress = user.pref_compress
            if user.pref_compress and item.promoted is None:
                item.render_css_class = "compressed link"
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            elif pref_media == 'on' and not user.pref_compress:
                show_media = True
            elif pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail:
                if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                    show_media = True
                elif pref_media != 'off' and not user.pref_compress:
                    show_media = True

            item.nsfw_str = item._nsfw.findall(item.title)
            item.over_18 = bool(item.over_18 or item.subreddit.over_18
                                or item.nsfw_str)
            item.nsfw = item.over_18 and user.pref_label_nsfw

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)

            item.thumbnail_sprited = False
            # always show a promo author their own thumbnail
            if item.promoted and (user_is_admin
                                  or item.is_author) and item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = media.thumbnail_url(item)
            elif user.pref_no_profanity and item.over_18 and not c.site.over_18:
                if show_media:
                    item.thumbnail = "nsfw"
                    item.thumbnail_sprited = True
                    item.thumbnail = ""
            elif not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = media.thumbnail_url(item)
            elif item.is_self:
                item.thumbnail = "self"
                item.thumbnail_sprited = True
                item.thumbnail = "default"
                item.thumbnail_sprited = True

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            if getattr(item, "domain_override", None):
                item.domain = item.domain_override
                item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self else
                               'self.' + item.subreddit.name)
            item.urlprefix = ''

            if user_is_loggedin:
                item.saved = (user._id36, item._id36) in saved
                item.hidden = (user._id36, item._id36) in hidden

                item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, 'click')))
                item.saved = item.hidden = item.clicked = False

            item.num = None
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit,

            if g.shortdomain:
                item.shortlink = g.shortdomain + '/' + item._id36

            # do we hide the score?
            if user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted and item.score <= 0:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False

# TODO: uncomment to let gold users see the score of upcoming links
#            elif user.gold:
#                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # store user preferences locally for caching
            item.pref_frame = pref_frame
            item.newwindow = pref_newwindow
            # is this link a member of a different (non-c.site) subreddit?
            item.different_sr = (isinstance(site, FakeSubreddit)
                                 or site.name != item.subreddit.name)

            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
            if cname:
                item.subreddit_path = ("http://" + get_domain(
                    cname=(site == item.subreddit), subreddit=False))
                if site != item.subreddit:
                    item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path
            item.domain_path = "/domain/%s/" % item.domain
            if item.is_self:
                item.domain_path = item.subreddit_path

            # attach video or selftext as needed
            item.link_child, item.editable = make_link_child(item)

            item.tblink = "http://%s/tb/%s" % (get_domain(
                cname=cname, subreddit=False), item._id36)

            if item.is_self:
                item.href_url = item.permalink
                item.href_url = item.url

            # show the toolbar if the preference is set and the link
            # is neither a promoted link nor a self post
            if pref_frame and not item.is_self and not item.promoted:
                item.mousedown_url = item.tblink
                item.mousedown_url = None

            item.fresh = not any((item.likes != None, item.saved, item.clicked,
                                  item.hidden, item._deleted, item._spam))

            # bits that we will render stubs (to make the cached
            # version more flexible)
            item.num = CachedVariable("num")
            item.numcolmargin = CachedVariable("numcolmargin")
            item.commentcls = CachedVariable("commentcls")
            item.midcolmargin = CachedVariable("midcolmargin")
            item.comment_label = CachedVariable("numcomments")

            item.as_deleted = False
            if item.deleted and not c.user_is_admin:
                item.author = DeletedUser()
                item.as_deleted = True

            item.trial_info = trials.get(item._fullname, None)

            item.approval_checkmark = None

            item_age = datetime.now(g.tz) - item._date
            if item_age.days > g.VOTE_AGE_LIMIT and item.promoted is None:
                item.votable = False
                item.votable = True

            if item.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(item, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ('admin-approved', 'mod-approved'):
                    approver = None
                    if getattr(item, "ban_info", None):
                        approver = item.ban_info.get("unbanner", None)

                    if approver:
                        item.approval_checkmark = _(
                            "approved by %s") % approver
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by a moderator")

                if item.trial_info is not None:
                    item.reveal_trial_info = True
                    item.use_big_modbuttons = True

            item.expunged = False
            if item.is_self:
                item.expunged = Link._should_expunge_selftext(item)

        if user_is_loggedin:

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Example #8
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.media import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        clicked = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        #clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if c.user.pref_compress:
            elif c.user.pref_media == 'on':
                show_media = True
            elif c.user.pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif (item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail
                  and c.user.pref_media != 'off'):
                show_media = True

            if not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self else 'self.' +
            if not hasattr(item, 'top_link'):
                item.top_link = False
            item.urlprefix = ''
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, 'save')))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, 'hide')))
            item.clicked = clicked.get((user, item, 'click'))
            item.num = None
            item.score_fmt = Score.signed_number
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit,

            if c.user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif c.user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # Don't allow users to vote on their own posts and don't
            # allow users to vote on collapsed posts shown when
            # viewing comment permalinks.
            item.votable = bool(
                c.user != item.author
                and not getattr(item, 'for_comment_permalink', False))

            if c.user_is_loggedin and item.author._id == c.user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user_is_loggedin and item.subreddit.name == c.user.draft_sr_name:
                item.draft = True
                item.draft = False

        if c.user_is_loggedin:
Example #9
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.media import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user else {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if c.user.pref_compress:
            elif c.user.pref_media == 'on':
                show_media = True
            elif c.user.pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif (item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail
                  and c.user.pref_media != 'off'):
                show_media = True

            if not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self else 'self.' +
            if not hasattr(item, 'top_link'):
                item.top_link = False
            item.urlprefix = ''
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, 'save')))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, 'hide')))

            # Only check "last clicked time" on demand.  Otherwise it is expensive in big listings.  TODO - refactor to use "_getLastClickedTime"
            def clicked():
                c = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
                return c.get((user, item, 'click'))

            item.clicked = clicked

            item.num = None
            item.score_fmt = Score.signed_number
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit,

            if c.user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif c.user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # Don't allow users to vote on their own posts and don't
            # allow users to vote on collapsed posts shown when
            # viewing comment permalinks.
            # Also require user karma to be >= global threshold as anti-sockpuppet measure
            item.votable = bool(
                c.user_is_loggedin and c.user != item.author
                and not getattr(item, 'for_comment_permalink', False)
                and c.user.safe_karma >= g.karma_to_vote)

            if c.user_is_loggedin and item.author._id == c.user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user_is_loggedin and item.subreddit.name == c.user.draft_sr_name:
                item.draft = True
                item.draft = False

        if c.user_is_loggedin:
Example #10
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, organic=False, cheater=False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.db import queries

        sr = obj.subreddit_slow
        kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
        karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

        is_self_link = (kind == 'link' and hasattr(obj, 'is_self')
                        and obj.is_self)

        #check for old vote
        rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
        oldvote = rel._fast_query(sub, obj, ['-1', '0', '1']).values()
        oldvote = filter(None, oldvote)

        amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

        is_new = False
        #old vote
        if len(oldvote):
            v = oldvote[0]
            oldamount = int(v._name)
            v._name = str(amount)

            #these still need to be recalculated
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing
            v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma, cheater=cheater)
                             and v.valid_thing)
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_user and v.valid_thing
                            and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
        #new vote
            is_new = True
            oldamount = 0
            v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
            v.author_id = obj.author_id
            v.sr_id = sr._id
            v.ip = ip
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = \
                              valid_thing(v, karma, cheater = cheater)
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
                            and not is_self_link)
            if organic:
                v.organic = organic



        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        if not (is_new and obj.author_id == sub._id and amount == 1):
            # we don't do this if it's the author's initial automatic
            # vote, because we checked it in with _ups == 1
            update_score(obj, up_change, down_change, v.valid_thing,

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        # now write it out to Cassandra. We'll write it out to both
        # this way for a while
        voter = v._thing1
        votee = v._thing2
        cvc = CassandraVote._rel(Account, votee.__class__)
            cv = cvc._fast_query(voter._id36, votee._id36)
        except tdb_cassandra.NotFound:
            cv = cvc(thing1_id=voter._id36, thing2_id=votee._id36)
        cv.name = v._name
        cv.valid_user, cv.valid_thing = v.valid_user, v.valid_thing
        cv.ip = v.ip
        if getattr(v, 'organic', False) or hasattr(cv, 'organic'):
            cv.organic = getattr(v, 'organic', False)

        queries.changed(votee, True)

        return v
Example #11
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, organic = False, cheater = False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.db import queries

        sr = obj.subreddit_slow
        kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
        karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

        is_self_link = (kind == 'link'
                        and hasattr(obj,'is_self')
                        and obj.is_self)

        #check for old vote
        rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
        oldvote = rel._fast_query(sub, obj, ['-1', '0', '1']).values()
        oldvote = filter(None, oldvote)

        amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

        is_new = False
        #old vote
        if len(oldvote):
            v = oldvote[0]
            oldamount = int(v._name)
            v._name = str(amount)

            #these still need to be recalculated
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing
            v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma, cheater = cheater)
                             and v.valid_thing)
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_user
                            and v.valid_thing
                            and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
        #new vote
            is_new = True
            oldamount = 0
            v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
            v.author_id = obj.author_id
            v.sr_id = sr._id
            v.ip = ip
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = \
                              valid_thing(v, karma, cheater = cheater)
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
                            and not is_self_link)
            if organic:
                v.organic = organic



        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        if not (is_new and obj.author_id == sub._id and amount == 1):
            # we don't do this if it's the author's initial automatic
            # vote, because we checked it in with _ups == 1
            update_score(obj, up_change, down_change,
                         v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing)

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        # now write it out to Cassandra. We'll write it out to both
        # this way for a while
        voter = v._thing1
        votee = v._thing2
        cvc = CassandraVote._rel(Account, votee.__class__)
            cv = cvc._fast_query(voter._id36, votee._id36)
        except tdb_cassandra.NotFound:
            cv = cvc(thing1_id = voter._id36, thing2_id = votee._id36)
        cv.name = v._name
        cv.valid_user, cv.valid_thing = v.valid_user, v.valid_thing
        cv.ip = v.ip
        if getattr(v, 'organic', False) or hasattr(cv, 'organic'):
            cv.organic = getattr(v, 'organic', False)

        queries.changed(votee, True)

        return v
Example #12
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.media import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        clicked = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        #clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if c.user.pref_compress:
            elif c.user.pref_media == 'on':
                show_media = True
            elif c.user.pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif (item.promoted
                  and item.has_thumbnail
                  and c.user.pref_media != 'off'):
                show_media = True

            if not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb
            item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self
                          else 'self.' + item.subreddit.name)
            if not hasattr(item,'top_link'):
                item.top_link = False
            item.urlprefix = ''
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, 'save')))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, 'hide')))
            item.clicked = clicked.get((user, item, 'click'))
            item.num = None
            item.score_fmt = Score.signed_number
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit, force_domain = True)

            if c.user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif c.user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # Don't allow users to vote on their own posts and don't
            # allow users to vote on collapsed posts shown when
            # viewing comment permalinks.
            item.votable = bool(c.user != item.author and
                                not getattr(item, 'for_comment_permalink', False))

            if c.user_is_loggedin and item.author._id == c.user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user_is_loggedin and item.subreddit.name == c.user.draft_sr_name:
              item.draft = True
              item.draft = False

        if c.user_is_loggedin:
Example #13
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, organic = False, cheater = False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.db import queries

        sr = obj.subreddit_slow
        kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
        karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

        is_self_link = (kind == 'link'
                        and hasattr(obj,'is_self')
                        and obj.is_self)

        #check for old vote
        rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
        oldvote = rel._fast_query(sub, obj, ['-1', '0', '1']).values()
        oldvote = filter(None, oldvote)

        amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

        is_new = False
        #old vote
        if len(oldvote):
            v = oldvote[0]
            oldamount = int(v._name)
            v._name = str(amount)

            #these still need to be recalculated
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing
            v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma, cheater = cheater)
                             and v.valid_thing)
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_user
                            and v.valid_thing
                            and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
        #new vote
            is_new = True
            oldamount = 0
            v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
            v.author_id = obj.author_id
            v.sr_id = sr._id
            v.ip = ip
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = \
                              valid_thing(v, karma, cheater = cheater)
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
                            and not is_self_link)
            if organic:
                v.organic = organic

        g.cache.delete(queries.prequeued_vote_key(sub, obj))


        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        if not (is_new and obj.author_id == sub._id and amount == 1):
            # we don't do this if it's the author's initial automatic
            # vote, because we checked it in with _ups == 1
            update_score(obj, up_change, down_change,
                         v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing)

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        return v
Example #14
File: link.py Project: jcald/reddit
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.pages import make_link_child
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib import media
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import get_domain
        from r2.models.subreddit import FakeSubreddit
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # referencing c's getattr is cheap, but not as cheap when it
        # is in a loop that calls it 30 times on 25-200 things.
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        pref_media = user.pref_media
        pref_frame = user.pref_frame
        pref_newwindow = user.pref_newwindow
        cname = c.cname
        site = c.site

        if user_is_loggedin:
                saved = CassandraSave._fast_query(user, wrapped)
                hidden = CassandraHide._fast_query(user, wrapped)
            except tdb_cassandra.TRANSIENT_EXCEPTIONS as e:
                g.log.warning("Cassandra save/hide lookup failed: %r", e)
                saved = hidden = {}

            clicked = {}
            saved = hidden = clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if not hasattr(item, "score_fmt"):
                item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            if c.render_style == 'compact':
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.pref_compress = user.pref_compress
            if user.pref_compress and item.promoted is None:
                item.render_css_class = "compressed link"
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            elif pref_media == 'on' and not user.pref_compress:
                show_media = True
            elif pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail:
                if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                    show_media = True
                elif pref_media != 'off' and not user.pref_compress:
                    show_media = True

            item.nsfw_str = item._nsfw.findall(item.title)
            item.over_18 = bool(item.over_18 or item.subreddit.over_18 or
            item.nsfw = item.over_18 and user.pref_label_nsfw

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)

            item.thumbnail_sprited = False
            # always show a promo author their own thumbnail
            if item.promoted and (user_is_admin or item.is_author) and item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = media.thumbnail_url(item)
            elif user.pref_no_profanity and item.over_18 and not c.site.over_18:
                if show_media:
                    item.thumbnail = "nsfw"
                    item.thumbnail_sprited = True
                    item.thumbnail = ""
            elif not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = media.thumbnail_url(item)
            elif item.is_self:
                item.thumbnail = "self"
                item.thumbnail_sprited = True
                item.thumbnail = "default"
                item.thumbnail_sprited = True

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            if getattr(item, "domain_override", None):
                item.domain = item.domain_override
                item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self
                               else 'self.' + item.subreddit.name)
            item.urlprefix = ''

            if user_is_loggedin:
                item.saved = (user, item) in saved
                item.hidden = (user, item) in hidden

                item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, 'click')))
                item.saved = item.hidden = item.clicked = False

            item.num = None
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit,

            if g.shortdomain:
                item.shortlink = g.shortdomain + '/' + item._id36

            # do we hide the score?
            if user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted and item.score <= 0:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False
# TODO: uncomment to let gold users see the score of upcoming links
#            elif user.gold:
#                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # store user preferences locally for caching
            item.pref_frame = pref_frame
            item.newwindow = pref_newwindow
            # is this link a member of a different (non-c.site) subreddit?
            item.different_sr = (isinstance(site, FakeSubreddit) or
                                 site.name != item.subreddit.name)

            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
            if cname:
                item.subreddit_path = ("http://" +
                     get_domain(cname=(site == item.subreddit),
                if site != item.subreddit:
                    item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path
            item.domain_path = "/domain/%s/" % item.domain
            if item.is_self:
                item.domain_path = item.subreddit_path

            # attach video or selftext as needed
            item.link_child, item.editable = make_link_child(item)

            item.tblink = "http://%s/tb/%s" % (
                get_domain(cname=cname, subreddit=False),

            if item.is_self:
                item.href_url = item.permalink
                item.href_url = item.url

            # show the toolbar if the preference is set and the link
            # is neither a promoted link nor a self post
            if pref_frame and not item.is_self and not item.promoted:
                item.mousedown_url = item.tblink
                item.mousedown_url = None

            item.fresh = not any((item.likes != None,

            # bits that we will render stubs (to make the cached
            # version more flexible)
            item.num = CachedVariable("num")
            item.numcolmargin = CachedVariable("numcolmargin")
            item.commentcls = CachedVariable("commentcls")
            item.midcolmargin = CachedVariable("midcolmargin")
            item.comment_label = CachedVariable("numcomments")
            item.lastedited = CachedVariable("lastedited")

            item.as_deleted = False
            if item.deleted and not c.user_is_admin:
                item.author = DeletedUser()
                item.as_deleted = True

            item.approval_checkmark = None

            item_age = datetime.now(g.tz) - item._date
            if item_age.days > g.VOTE_AGE_LIMIT and item.promoted is None:
                item.votable = False
                item.votable = True

            if item.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(item, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ('admin-approved', 'mod-approved'):
                    approver = None
                    if getattr(item, "ban_info", None):
                        approver = item.ban_info.get("unbanner", None)

                    if approver:
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by %s") % approver
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by a moderator")

            item.expunged = False
            if item.is_self:
                item.expunged = Link._should_expunge_selftext(item)

            item.editted = getattr(item, "editted", False)

            taglinetext = ''
            if item.different_sr:
                author_text = (" <span>" + _("by %(author)s to %(reddit)s") +
                author_text = " <span>" + _("by %(author)s") + "</span>"
            if item.editted:
                if item.score_fmt == Score.points:
                    taglinetext = ("<span>" +
                                   _("%(score)s submitted %(when)s "
                                     "ago%(lastedited)s") +
                    taglinetext += author_text
                elif item.different_sr:
                    taglinetext = _("submitted %(when)s ago%(lastedited)s "
                                    "by %(author)s to %(reddit)s")
                    taglinetext = _("submitted %(when)s ago%(lastedited)s "
                                    "by %(author)s")
                if item.score_fmt == Score.points:
                    taglinetext = ("<span>" +
                                   _("%(score)s submitted %(when)s ago") +
                    taglinetext += author_text
                elif item.different_sr:
                    taglinetext = _("submitted %(when)s ago by %(author)s "
                                    "to %(reddit)s")
                    taglinetext = _("submitted %(when)s ago by %(author)s")
            item.taglinetext = taglinetext

        if user_is_loggedin:

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Example #15
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, organic = False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts

        sr = obj.subdigg_slow
        kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
        karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

        is_self_link = (kind == 'link'
                        and hasattr(obj,'is_self')
                        and obj.is_self)
        #check for old vote
        rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
        oldvote = rel._fast_query(sub, obj, ['-1', '0', '1']).values()
        oldvote = filter(None, oldvote)

        amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

        is_new = False
        #old vote
        if len(oldvote):
            v = oldvote[0]
            oldamount = int(v._name)
            v._name = str(amount)

            #these still need to be recalculated
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing
            v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma)
                             and v.valid_thing)
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_user
                            and v.valid_thing
                            and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
        #new vote
            is_new = True
            oldamount = 0
            v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
            v.author_id = obj.author_id
            v.sr_id = sr._id
            v.ip = ip
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma))
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
                            and not is_self_link)
            if organic:
                v.organic = organic


        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        update_score(obj, up_change, down_change,
                     v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing)

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        return v
Example #16
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.media import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user else {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if c.user.pref_compress:
            elif c.user.pref_media == 'on':
                show_media = True
            elif c.user.pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif (item.promoted
                  and item.has_thumbnail
                  and c.user.pref_media != 'off'):
                show_media = True

            if not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self
                          else 'self.' + item.subreddit.name)
            if not hasattr(item,'top_link'):
                item.top_link = False
            item.urlprefix = ''
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, 'save')))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, 'hide')))

            # Only check "last clicked time" on demand.  Otherwise it is expensive in big listings.  TODO - refactor to use "_getLastClickedTime"
            def clicked():
                c = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
                return c.get((user, item, 'click'))
            item.clicked = clicked

            item.num = None
            item.score_fmt = Score.signed_number
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit, force_domain = True)

            if c.user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif c.user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # Don't allow users to vote on their own posts and don't
            # allow users to vote on collapsed posts shown when
            # viewing comment permalinks.
            # Also require user karma to be >= global threshold as anti-sockpuppet measure
            item.votable = bool(c.user_is_loggedin
                                and c.user != item.author
                                and not getattr(item, 'for_comment_permalink', False)
                                and c.user.safe_karma >= g.karma_to_vote)

            if c.user_is_loggedin and item.author._id == c.user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user_is_loggedin and item.subreddit.name == c.user.draft_sr_name:
              item.draft = True
              item.draft = False

        if c.user_is_loggedin:
Example #17
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.pages import make_link_child
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.media import thumbnail_url
        from r2.lib.utils import timeago
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import get_domain
        from r2.models.subreddit import FakeSubreddit
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        # referencing c's getattr is cheap, but not as cheap when it
        # is in a loop that calls it 30 times on 25-200 things.
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        pref_media = user.pref_media
        pref_frame = user.pref_frame
        pref_newwindow = user.pref_newwindow
        cname = c.cname
        site = c.site

        saved = Link._saved(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}
        hidden = Link._hidden(user, wrapped) if user_is_loggedin else {}
        trials = trial_info(wrapped)

        #clicked = Link._clicked(user, wrapped) if user else {}
        clicked = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            show_media = False
            if not hasattr(item, "score_fmt"):
                item.score_fmt = Score.number_only
            item.pref_compress = user.pref_compress
            if user.pref_compress and item.promoted is None:
                item.render_css_class = "compressed link"
                item.score_fmt = Score.points
            elif pref_media == 'on' and not user.pref_compress:
                show_media = True
            elif pref_media == 'subreddit' and item.subreddit.show_media:
                show_media = True
            elif item.promoted and item.has_thumbnail:
                if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                    show_media = True
                elif pref_media != 'off' and not user.pref_compress:
                    show_media = True

            item.over_18 = bool(item.over_18 or item.subreddit.over_18
                                or item._nsfw.findall(item.title))
            item.nsfw = item.over_18 and user.pref_label_nsfw

            if user.pref_no_profanity and item.over_18 and not c.site.over_18:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif not show_media:
                item.thumbnail = ""
            elif item.has_thumbnail:
                item.thumbnail = thumbnail_url(item)
            elif item.is_self:
                item.thumbnail = g.self_thumb
                item.thumbnail = g.default_thumb

            item.score = max(0, item.score)

            item.domain = (domain(item.url) if not item.is_self else 'self.' +
            item.urlprefix = ''
            item.saved = bool(saved.get((user, item, 'save')))
            item.hidden = bool(hidden.get((user, item, 'hide')))
            item.clicked = bool(clicked.get((user, item, 'click')))
            item.num = None
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit)
            if item.is_self:
                item.url = item.make_permalink(item.subreddit,

            # do we hide the score?
            if user_is_admin:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item.promoted and item.score <= 0:
                item.hide_score = True
            elif user == item.author:
                item.hide_score = False
            elif item._date > timeago("2 hours"):
                item.hide_score = True
                item.hide_score = False

            # store user preferences locally for caching
            item.pref_frame = pref_frame
            item.newwindow = pref_newwindow
            # is this link a member of a different (non-c.site) subreddit?
            item.different_sr = (isinstance(site, FakeSubreddit)
                                 or site.name != item.subreddit.name)

            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id == user._id:
                item.nofollow = False
            elif item.score <= 1 or item._spam or item.author._spam:
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.title = profanity_filter(item.title)

            item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
            if cname:
                item.subreddit_path = ("http://" + get_domain(
                    cname=(site == item.subreddit), subreddit=False))
                if site != item.subreddit:
                    item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path
            item.domain_path = "/domain/%s" % item.domain
            if item.is_self:
                item.domain_path = item.subreddit_path

            # attach video or selftext as needed
            item.link_child, item.editable = make_link_child(item)

            item.tblink = "http://%s/tb/%s" % (get_domain(
                cname=cname, subreddit=False), item._id36)

            if item.is_self:
                item.href_url = item.permalink
                item.href_url = item.url

            # show the toolbar if the preference is set and the link
            # is neither a promoted link nor a self post
            if pref_frame and not item.is_self and not item.promoted:
                item.mousedown_url = item.tblink
                item.mousedown_url = None

            item.fresh = not any((item.likes != None, item.saved, item.clicked,
                                  item.hidden, item._deleted, item._spam))

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)

            # bits that we will render stubs (to make the cached
            # version more flexible)
            item.num = CachedVariable("num")
            item.numcolmargin = CachedVariable("numcolmargin")
            item.commentcls = CachedVariable("commentcls")
            item.midcolmargin = CachedVariable("midcolmargin")
            item.comment_label = CachedVariable("numcomments")

            item.as_deleted = False
            if item.deleted and not c.user_is_admin:
                item.author = DeletedUser()
                item.as_deleted = True

            item.trial_info = trials.get(item._fullname, None)

            item.approval_checkmark = None

            if item.can_ban:
                verdict = getattr(item, "verdict", None)
                if verdict in ('admin-approved', 'mod-approved'):
                    approver = None
                    if getattr(item, "ban_info", None):
                        approver = item.ban_info.get("unbanner", None)

                    if approver:
                        item.approval_checkmark = _(
                            "approved by %s") % approver
                        item.approval_checkmark = _("approved by a moderator")

                if item.trial_info is not None:
                    item.reveal_trial_info = True
                    item.use_big_modbuttons = True

        if user_is_loggedin:

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Example #18
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, spam = False, organic = False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts

        # An account can only perform 1 voting operation at a time.
        with g.make_lock('account_%s_voting' % sub._id):
            # If downvoting ensure that the user has enough karma, it
            # will raise an exception if not.
            if dir == False:

            # Do the voting.
            sr = obj.subreddit_slow
            kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
            karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

            #check for old vote
            rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
            oldvote = list(rel._query(rel.c._thing1_id == sub._id,
                                      rel.c._thing2_id == obj._id,
                                      data = True))

            amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

            is_new = False
            #old vote
            if len(oldvote):
                v = oldvote[0]
                oldamount = int(v._name)
                v._name = str(amount)

                #these still need to be recalculated
                old_valid_thing = getattr(v, 'valid_thing', True)
                v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma)
                                 and v.valid_thing
                                 and not spam)
                v.valid_user = (v.valid_user
                                and v.valid_thing
                                and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
            #new vote
                is_new = True
                oldamount = 0
                v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
                v.author_id = obj.author_id
                v.ip = ip
                old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma) and
                                                   not spam)
                v.valid_user = v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
                if organic:
                    v.organic = organic


            # Record that this account has made a downvote and
            # immediately release the lock since both the downvote
            # count and the vote have been updated.
            up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)
            if down_change:

        # Continue by updating karmas.
        update_score(obj, up_change, down_change,
                     v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing)

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        return v
Example #19
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, spam=False, organic=False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts

        # An account can only perform 1 voting operation at a time.
        with g.make_lock('account_%s_voting' % sub._id) as lock:
            kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()

            lock.log('voting checkpoint A')

            # If downvoting ensure that the user has enough karma, it
            # will raise an exception if not.
            if dir == False:

            lock.log('voting checkpoint B')

            # Do the voting.
            sr = obj.subreddit_slow
            karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

            lock.log('voting checkpoint C')

            #check for old vote
            rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
            oldvote = list(
                rel._query(rel.c._thing1_id == sub._id,
                           rel.c._thing2_id == obj._id,

            amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1
            # Users have a vote_multiplier which effects how much their votes are worth
            if isinstance(sub, Account):
                amount *= sub.vote_multiplier

            lock.log('voting checkpoint D')

            is_new = False
            #old vote
            if len(oldvote):
                v = oldvote[0]
                oldamount = int(v._name)
                v._name = str(amount)

                #these still need to be recalculated
                old_valid_thing = getattr(v, 'valid_thing', True)
                v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma) and v.valid_thing
                                 and not spam)
                v.valid_user = (v.valid_user and v.valid_thing
                                and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
            #new vote
                is_new = True
                oldamount = 0
                v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
                v.author_id = obj.author_id
                v.ip = ip
                old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma)
                                                   and not spam)
                v.valid_user = v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
                if organic:
                    v.organic = organic

            lock.log('voting checkpoint E')
            lock.log('voting checkpoint F')

            # Record that this account has made a downvote.
            up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)
            if down_change:
                sub.incr_downvote(down_change, kind)

            lock.log('voting checkpoint G')

        # Release the lock since both the downvote count and the vote count
        # have been updated, and then continue by updating karmas.
        update_score(obj, up_change, down_change, v.valid_thing,

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change, down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        return v