Example #1
def reject_promotion(link, reason=None):
    was_live = is_promoted(link)
    update_promote_status(link, PROMOTE_STATUS.rejected)

    # Send a rejection email (unless the advertiser requested the reject)
    if not c.user or c.user._id != link.author_id:
        emailer.reject_promo(link, reason=reason)

    if was_live:
Example #2
def reject_promo(thing, reason = ""):
    Reject promotion and set its status as rejected

    Here, we use unpromote so that we can also remove a promotion from
    the queue if it has become promoted.
    unpromote(thing, status = STATUS.rejected)
    promotion_log(thing, "status update: rejected. Reason: '%s'" % reason)
    emailer.reject_promo(thing, reason)
Example #3
def reject_promotion(link, reason=None):
    was_live = is_promoted(link)
    update_promote_status(link, PROMOTE_STATUS.rejected)

    # Send a rejection email (unless the advertiser requested the reject)
    if not c.user or c.user._id != link.author_id:
        emailer.reject_promo(link, reason=reason)

    if was_live:
Example #4
def reject_promotion(link, reason=None, notify_why=True):
    if is_rejected(link):

    was_live = is_promoted(link)
    update_promote_status(link, PROMOTE_STATUS.rejected)
    if reason:
        PromotionLog.add(link, "rejected: %s" % reason)

    # Send a rejection email (unless the advertiser requested the reject)
    if not c.user or c.user._id != link.author_id:
        emailer.reject_promo(link, reason=(reason if notify_why else None))

    if was_live:
Example #5
def reject_promotion(link, reason=None, notify_why=True):
    if is_rejected(link):

    was_live = is_promoted(link)
    update_promote_status(link, PROMOTE_STATUS.rejected)
    if reason:
        PromotionLog.add(link, "rejected: %s" % reason)

    # Send a rejection email (unless the advertiser requested the reject)
    if not c.user or c.user._id != link.author_id:
        emailer.reject_promo(link, reason=(reason if notify_why else None))

    if was_live:
Example #6
def reject_promotion(link, reason = None):
    PromotionLog.add(link, 'status update: rejected')
    # update the query queue
    # Since status is updated first,
    # if make_daily_promotions happens to run
    # while we're doing work here, it will correctly exclude it
    set_promote_status(link, PROMOTE_STATUS.rejected)
    links, = get_live_promotions([SponsorBoxWeightings.ALL_ADS_ID])[0]
    if link._fullname in links:
        PromotionLog.add(link, 'Marked promotion for rejection')
        queue_changed_promo(link, "rejected")
    # Send a rejection email (unless the advertiser requested the reject)
    if not c.user or c.user._id != link.author_id:
        emailer.reject_promo(link, reason = reason)
Example #7
def reject_promotion(link, reason = None):
    promotion_log(link, "status update: rejected")
    # update the query queue
    set_status(link, STATUS.rejected)
    # check to see if this link is a member of the current live list
    links, weighted = get_live_promotions()
    if link._fullname in links:
        for k in list(weighted.keys()):
            weighted[k] = [(lid, w) for lid, w in weighted[k]
                           if lid != link._fullname]
            if not weighted[k]:
                del weighted[k]
        set_live_promotions((links, weighted))
        promotion_log(link, "dequeued")
    emailer.reject_promo(link, reason = reason)
Example #8
def reject_promotion(link, reason=None):
    promotion_log(link, "status update: rejected")
    # update the query queue
    set_status(link, STATUS.rejected)
    # check to see if this link is a member of the current live list
    links, weighted = get_live_promotions()
    if link._fullname in links:
        for k in list(weighted.keys()):
            weighted[k] = [(lid, w) for lid, w in weighted[k]
                           if lid != link._fullname]
            if not weighted[k]:
                del weighted[k]
        set_live_promotions((links, weighted))
        promotion_log(link, "dequeued")
    emailer.reject_promo(link, reason=reason)
Example #9
def reject_promotion(link, reason=None):
    PromotionLog.add(link, 'status update: rejected')
    # update the query queue
    # Since status is updated first,
    # if make_daily_promotions happens to run
    # while we're doing work here, it will correctly exclude it
    set_promote_status(link, PROMOTE_STATUS.rejected)

    all_ads = get_live_promotions([LiveAdWeights.ALL_ADS])
    links = set(x.link for x in all_ads[LiveAdWeights.ALL_ADS])
    if link._fullname in links:
        PromotionLog.add(link, 'Marked promotion for rejection')
        queue_changed_promo(link, "rejected")

    # Send a rejection email (unless the advertiser requested the reject)
    if not c.user or c.user._id != link.author_id:
        emailer.reject_promo(link, reason=reason)
Example #10
def reject_promotion(link, reason=None):
    # update the query queue
    # Since status is updated first,
    # if make_daily_promotions happens to run
    # while we're doing work here, it will correctly exclude it
    set_promote_status(link, PROMOTE_STATUS.rejected)

    all_ads = get_live_promotions([LiveAdWeights.ALL_ADS])
    links = set(x.link for x in all_ads[LiveAdWeights.ALL_ADS])
    if link._fullname in links:
        PromotionLog.add(link, 'has live campaigns, terminating')
        queue_changed_promo(link, "rejected")

    # Send a rejection email (unless the advertiser requested the reject)
    if not c.user or c.user._id != link.author_id:
        emailer.reject_promo(link, reason=reason)

Example #11
def reject_promotion(link, reason = None):
    promotion_log(link, "status update: rejected")
    # update the query queue
    set_status(link, STATUS.rejected)
    # check to see if this link is a member of the current live list
    links, weighted = get_live_promotions()
    if link._fullname in links:
        for k in list(weighted.keys()):
            weighted[k] = [(lid, w, cid) for lid, w, cid in weighted[k]
                           if lid != link._fullname]
            if not weighted[k]:
                del weighted[k]
        set_live_promotions((links, weighted))
        promotion_log(link, "dequeued")
    # don't send a rejection email when the rejection was user initiated.
    if not c.user or c.user._id != link.author_id:
        emailer.reject_promo(link, reason = reason)
Example #12
def reject_promotion(link, reason=None):
    promotion_log(link, "status update: rejected")
    # update the query queue
    set_status(link, STATUS.rejected)
    # check to see if this link is a member of the current live list
    links, weighted = get_live_promotions()
    if link._fullname in links:
        for k in list(weighted.keys()):
            weighted[k] = [(lid, w, cid) for lid, w, cid in weighted[k]
                           if lid != link._fullname]
            if not weighted[k]:
                del weighted[k]
        set_live_promotions((links, weighted))
        promotion_log(link, "dequeued")
    # don't send a rejection email when the rejection was user initiated.
    if not c.user or c.user._id != link.author_id:
        emailer.reject_promo(link, reason=reason)