Example #1
    def GET_submit(self, url, title, then):
        """Submit form."""
        if url and not request.get.get('resubmit'):
            # check to see if the url has already been submitted
            links = link_from_url(url)
            if links and len(links) == 1:
                return self.redirect(links[0].already_submitted_link)
            elif links:
                infotext = (strings.multiple_submitted
                            % links[0].resubmit_link())
                res = BoringPage(_("seen it"),
                                 content = wrap_links(links),
                                 infotext = infotext).render()
                return res

        captcha = Captcha() if c.user.needs_captcha() else None
        sr_names = (Subreddit.submit_sr_names(c.user) or

        return FormPage(_("submit"),
                        show_sidebar = True,
                        content=NewLink(url=url or '',
                                        title=title or '',
                                        subreddits = sr_names,
                                        then = then)).render()
Example #2
    def GET_submit(self, url, title, then):
        """Submit form."""
        if url and not request.get.get('resubmit'):
            # check to see if the url has already been submitted
            links = link_from_url(url)
            if links and len(links) == 1:
                return self.redirect(links[0].already_submitted_link)
            elif links:
                infotext = (strings.multiple_submitted
                            % links[0].resubmit_link())
                res = BoringPage(_("seen it"),
                                 content = wrap_links(links),
                                 infotext = infotext).render()
                return res

        captcha = Captcha() if c.user.needs_captcha() else None
        sr_names = (Subreddit.submit_sr_names(c.user) or

        return FormPage(_("submit"),
                        show_sidebar = True,
                        content=NewLink(url=url or '',
                                        title=title or '',
                                        subreddits = sr_names,
                                        then = then)).render()
Example #3
    def GET_submit(self, url, title, then):
        """Submit form."""
        resubmit = request.get.get('resubmit')
        if url and not resubmit:
            # check to see if the url has already been submitted
            links = link_from_url(url)
            if links and len(links) == 1:
                return self.redirect(links[0].already_submitted_link)
            elif links:
                infotext = (strings.multiple_submitted
                            % links[0].resubmit_link())
                res = BoringPage(_("seen it"),
                                 content = wrap_links(links),
                                 infotext = infotext).render()
                return res

        if not c.user_is_loggedin:
            raise UserRequiredException

        if not (c.default_sr or c.site.can_submit(c.user)):
            abort(403, "forbidden")

        captcha = Captcha() if c.user.needs_captcha() else None
        sr_names = (Subreddit.submit_sr_names(c.user) or

        return FormPage(_("submit"),
                        show_sidebar = True,
                        content=NewLink(url=url or '',
                                        title=title or '',
                                        subreddits = sr_names,
                                        then = then)).render()
Example #4
    def GET_submit(self, url, title, then):
        """Submit form."""
        resubmit = request.get.get('resubmit')
        if url and not resubmit:
            # check to see if the url has already been submitted
            links = link_from_url(url)
            if links and len(links) == 1:
                return self.redirect(links[0].already_submitted_link)
            elif links:
                infotext = (strings.multiple_submitted
                            % links[0].resubmit_link())
                res = BoringPage(_("seen it"),
                                 content = wrap_links(links),
                                 infotext = infotext).render()
                return res

        if not c.user_is_loggedin:
            raise UserRequiredException

        if not (c.default_sr or c.site.can_submit(c.user)):
            abort(403, "forbidden")

        captcha = Captcha() if c.user.needs_captcha() else None
        sr_names = (Subreddit.submit_sr_names(c.user) or

        return FormPage(_("submit"),
                        show_sidebar = True,
                        content=NewLink(url=url or '',
                                        title=title or '',
                                        subreddits = sr_names,
                                        then = then)).render()
Example #5
    def GET_s(self, rest):
        """/s/http://..., show a given URL with the toolbar. if it's
           submitted, redirect to /tb/$id36"""
        path = demangle_url(request.fullpath)

        if not path:
            # it was malformed

        # if the domain is shame-banned, bail out.
        if is_shamed_domain(path)[0]:

        link = utils.link_from_url(path, multiple = False)

        if c.cname and not c.authorized_cname:
            # In this case, we make some bad guesses caused by the
            # cname frame on unauthorised cnames. 
            # 1. User types http://foo.com/http://myurl?cheese=brie
            #    (where foo.com is an unauthorised cname)
            # 2. We generate a frame that points to
            #    http://www.reddit.com/r/foo/http://myurl?cnameframe=0.12345&cheese=brie
            # 3. Because we accept everything after the /r/foo/, and
            #    we've now parsed, modified, and reconstituted that
            #    URL to add cnameframe, we really can't make any good
            #    assumptions about what we've done to a potentially
            #    already broken URL, and we can't assume that we've
            #    rebuilt it in the way that it was originally
            #    submitted (if it was)
            # We could try to work around this with more guesses (by
            # having demangle_url try to remove that param, hoping
            # that it's not already a malformed URL, and that we
            # haven't re-ordered the GET params, removed
            # double-slashes, etc), but for now, we'll just refuse to
            # do this operation
            return self.abort404()

        if link:
            # we were able to find it, let's send them to the
            # link-id-based URL so that their URL is reusable
            return self.redirect(add_sr("/tb/" + link._id36))

        title = utils.domain(path)
        res = Frame(

        # we don't want clients to think that this URL is actually a
        # valid URL for search-indexing or the like
        request.environ['usable_error_content'] = spaceCompress(res.render())
Example #6
    def GET_s(self, rest):
        """/s/http://..., show a given URL with the toolbar. if it's
           submitted, redirect to /tb/$id36"""
        path = demangle_url(request.fullpath)

        if not path:
            # it was malformed

        # if the domain is shame-banned, bail out.
        if is_shamed_domain(path)[0]:

        link = utils.link_from_url(path, multiple=False)

        if c.cname and not c.authorized_cname:
            # In this case, we make some bad guesses caused by the
            # cname frame on unauthorised cnames.
            # 1. User types http://foo.com/http://myurl?cheese=brie
            #    (where foo.com is an unauthorised cname)
            # 2. We generate a frame that points to
            #    http://www.reddit.com/r/foo/http://myurl?cnameframe=0.12345&cheese=brie
            # 3. Because we accept everything after the /r/foo/, and
            #    we've now parsed, modified, and reconstituted that
            #    URL to add cnameframe, we really can't make any good
            #    assumptions about what we've done to a potentially
            #    already broken URL, and we can't assume that we've
            #    rebuilt it in the way that it was originally
            #    submitted (if it was)
            # We could try to work around this with more guesses (by
            # having demangle_url try to remove that param, hoping
            # that it's not already a malformed URL, and that we
            # haven't re-ordered the GET params, removed
            # double-slashes, etc), but for now, we'll just refuse to
            # do this operation
            return self.abort404()

        if link:
            # we were able to find it, let's send them to the
            # link-id-based URL so that their URL is reusable
            return self.redirect(add_sr("/tb/" + link._id36))

        title = utils.domain(path)
        res = Frame(

        # we don't want clients to think that this URL is actually a
        # valid URL for search-indexing or the like
        request.environ['usable_error_content'] = spaceCompress(res.render())
Example #7
    def GET_toolbar(self, link, url):
        """The visible toolbar, with voting buttons and all"""
        if not link:
            link = utils.link_from_url(url, multiple=False)

        if link:
            link = list(wrap_links(link, wrapper=FrameToolbar))
        if link:
            res = link[0]
        elif url:
            res = FrameToolbar(link=None, title=None, url=url, expanded=False)
        return spaceCompress(res.render())
Example #8
    def GET_toolbar(self, link, url):
        """The visible toolbar, with voting buttons and all"""
        if not link:
            link = utils.link_from_url(url, multiple = False)

        if link:
            link = list(wrap_links(link, wrapper = FrameToolbar))
        if link:
            res = link[0]
        elif url:
            res = FrameToolbar(link = None,
                               title = None,
                               url = url,
                               expanded = False)
        return spaceCompress(res.render())