Example #1
def default_queries():
    from r2.models import Link, Subdigg
    from r2.lib.db.operators import desc
    from copy import deepcopy
    queries = []

    q = Link._query(Link.c.sr_id == Subdigg.user_subreddits(None),
                    sort = desc('_hot'),
                    limit = 37)

    #add a higher limit one too
    q = deepcopy(q)
    q._limit = 75

    return queries
Example #2
def link_from_url(path, filter_spam = False, multiple = True):
    from pylons import c
    from r2.models import IDBuilder, Link, Subdigg, NotFound

    if not path:

        links = Link._by_url(path, c.site)
    except NotFound:
        return [] if multiple else None

    links = tup(links)

    # run the list through a builder to remove any that the user
    # isn't allowed to see
    links = IDBuilder([link._fullname for link in links],
                      skip = False).get_items()[0]
    if not links:

    if filter_spam:
        # first, try to remove any spam
        links_nonspam = [ link for link in links
                          if not link._spam ]
        if links_nonspam:
            links = links_nonspam

    # if it occurs in one or more of their subscriptions, show them
    # that one first
    subs = set(Subdigg.user_subreddits(c.user, limit = None))
    def cmp_links(a, b):
        if a.sr_id in subs and b.sr_id not in subs:
            return -1
        elif a.sr_id not in subs and b.sr_id in subs:
            return 1
            return cmp(b._hot, a._hot)
    links = sorted(links, cmp = cmp_links)

    # among those, show them the hottest one
    return links if multiple else links[0]