Example #1
 def rewrite_headers(self,outPath,lineLen=70,delim=' ',order=[],ow=False,chmod=755):
     * reorganize the headers of a fasta file:
       >supercontig:CpipQ1:supercont3.1:1:3873040:1 supercontig supercont3.1
       >supercont3.1 supercontig:CpipQ1:supercont3.1:1:3873040:1 supercontig
     1) If ow, ignores outPath
     2) delim is what to spilt on
     3) order is a list of index numbers from the original header, reorganized for the new header.
        Exp: delim=' ',order=[2,0,1]  would produce what is seen above.
     4) chmod= set new file with this mode (exp: 755)
     5) lineLen sets fastaSeq line length in new file.
     if ow:
         outPath = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.renamed.fas')
         outPath = open(outPath,'w')
     while 1:
             f = self.next()
         except StopIteration:
         fSplit  = f[0].lstrip('>').rstrip('\n').split(delim)
         newHead = delim.join([fSplit[x] for x in order])
         outPath.write('>%s\n%s\n' % (newHead,'\n'.join(fold_seq(f[1],lineLen))))
     absPath     = os.path.abspath
     if ow:
         outPath.delete = False
             chmodResult = runExternalApp('chmod', '%s %s' % (chmod,absPath(self._file.name)))
         except ExternalError as err:
             sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (err))
             chmodResult = runExternalApp('chmod', '%s %s' % (chmod,absPath(outPath.name)))
         except ExternalError as err:
             sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (err))
Example #2
def run_samtools(tool,argsList):
    """Core wrapper for calls to samtools and associated
    stderr/stdout reporting.  See specific func defs for each
    tool's samtool's help text.
    tool     : sort,view,index,etc...
    argsList : list obj with appropriatly structured args for samtools "tool"
    # Construct cmdArgs
    cmdArgs = "%s %s" % (tool," ".join(argsList))
    # Run and capture output
    print "Setting up samtools call with the following cmd:\n\tsamtools %s" % (cmdArgs)
    results = runExternalApp('samtools',cmdArgs)
    # Report stdout and stderr
    if results[0]:
        for line in results[0].split('\n'):
            print('[%s] %s' % (whoami(),line))
    if results[1]:
        for line in results[1].split('\n'):
            sys.stderr.write('[%s] %s' % (whoami(),line))
    return results
Example #3
def init_ensembl_sqlDB(sqlPath,user,password,host='localhost',tmp=None):
    """Given the path to a directory containing an ensembl db
    dump, this will use MySQLdb to create a new database
    using the 'species_version.sql' file in the directory
    and populate it with the tables and info.
    tmp = None: unzipped in place
    tmp = defined dir path: unzipped to that dir
    tmp Files/Dirs will be deleted
    import os
    import MySQLdb as sql
    # unzip the sql and table files
    sqlFiles = os.listdir(sqlPath)
    for i in range(len(sqlFiles)):
        sqlFiles[i] = '%s/%s' % (sqlPath.rstrip('/'),sqlFiles[i])
    for f in sqlFiles:
        if f.endswith('.gz'):
            gResult = runExternalApp('gunzip',f)
        elif f.endswith('.zip'):
            zResult = runExternalApp('unzip',f)
    # Get the *.sql file path
    for f in sqlFiles:
        if f.endswith('.sql'):
            schemaFile = f
    except NameError:
        UnexpectedValueError("ERROR: xxxxxxxxxx")
    dbName = schemaFile.split('/')[-1][:-4]
    db = sql.connect(user=user,passwd=password,host=host) 
    c  = db.cursor() 
    c.execute('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s' % (dbName))
    c.execute('CREATE DATABASE %s' % (dbName))
    sqlArgs = '-u %s -p %s %s < %s' % (user,password,dbName,schemaFile)
    sqlResult = runExternalApp('mysql',sqlArgs)
    impArgs = '-u %s -p %s --fields_escaped_by=\\ %s -L *.txt' % (user,password,dbName)
    importResult = runExternalApp('mysqlimport',impArgs)
Example #4
def extractFromDoubleSidedBedtoolOut(filePath, cols, side="right", outDir="."):
    """Creates new file from filePath using only the bedInfo from the
    left/right (based on 'side') side of a BEDtools outFile with double-
    sided output (side=[3,6]). 'cols' must be a list with length of columns
    in each 'side' of the double output.  'side' = keep the 'right' or
    'left' side of the output line."""

    # Prepare outDir if it doesnt already exist

    inFile = open(filePath, "rU")
    outFilePath = "%s/%s_%s.bed" % (outDir, filePath.replace(".bed", "").split("/")[-1], side)
    outFile = open(outFilePath, "w")
    lineNum = 0
    for line in inFile:
        lineNum += 1
        if line.startswith("track"):
        line = line.strip("\n").split("\t")

        # Divide the line into two based on cols
        divLine = line[: cols[0]], line[-(len(line) - cols[0]) :]

        # Ensure the length of each new line is what we expect, then write out cleaned line
        if not ((len(divLine[0]) == cols[0]) and (len(divLine[1]) == cols[1])):
            raise InvalidFileFormatError(
                'line %s in file %s has unexpected number of columns or the values in "cols" is incorrect.'
                % (lineNum, filePath)
            if side == "right":
                outFile.write("%s\n" % ("\t".join(divLine[1])))
            elif side == "left":
                outFile.write("%s\n" % ("\t".join(divLine[0])))
                raise InvalidOptionError('option "side" must be one of %s. Was: %s.' % (["right", "left"], side))

    # Sort and  remove redundancy from line in new file
    resultSort = runExternalApp("sort", "-u %s > %s.tmp" % (outFilePath, outFilePath))
    resultMv = runExternalApp("mv", "%s.tmp %s" % (outFilePath, outFilePath))
    return outFilePath
Example #5
def bowtie_index(reference_in,ebwt_outfile_base,runDir,options=None):
    """Create bowtie indexes from new fasta set.
    options : quoted string representing valid cmd line bowtie-build options
    runDir  : path to dir to place stdErr/stdOut logs - all steps of pipeline scripts should share same runDir
    bowtie-build help text:
    Usage: bowtie-build [options]* <reference_in> <ebwt_outfile_base>
        reference_in            comma-separated list of files with ref sequences
        ebwt_outfile_base       write Ebwt data to files with this dir/basename
        -f                      reference files are Fasta (default)
        -c                      reference sequences given on cmd line (as <seq_in>)
        -C/--color              build a colorspace index
        -a/--noauto             disable automatic -p/--bmax/--dcv memory-fitting
        -p/--packed             use packed strings internally; slower, uses less mem
        -B                      build both letter- and colorspace indexes
        --bmax <int>            max bucket sz for blockwise suffix-array builder
        --bmaxdivn <int>        max bucket sz as divisor of ref len (default: 4)
        --dcv <int>             diff-cover period for blockwise (default: 1024)
        --nodc                  disable diff-cover (algorithm becomes quadratic)
        -r/--noref              don't build .3/.4.ebwt (packed reference) portion
        -3/--justref            just build .3/.4.ebwt (packed reference) portion
        -o/--offrate <int>      SA is sampled every 2^offRate BWT chars (default: 5)
        -t/--ftabchars <int>    # of chars consumed in initial lookup (default: 10)
        --ntoa                  convert Ns in reference to As
        --seed <int>            seed for random number generator
        -q/--quiet              verbose output (for debugging)
        -h/--help               print detailed description of tool and its options
        --usage                 print this usage message
        --version               print version information and quit

    # make runDir if it does not yet exist
    print "creating: %s" % (runDir)
    # Construct cmdArgs
    if options:
        cmdArgs = "%s %s %s" % (options,reference_in,ebwt_outfile_base)
    # Run bowtie-build and capture output
    btBuildResults = runExternalApp('bowtie-build',cmdArgs)
    # Report bowtie-build stdout and stderr
    if btBuildResults[0]:
        print('[%s] %s' % (whoami(),btBuildResults[0]))
    if btBuildResults[1]:
        sys.stderr('[%s] %s' % (whoami(),btBuildResults[1]))
    return btBuildResults
Example #6
def runSCOPE(pLen,genes,jobName,scopeDir,outDir,paramName,jMem='2000',verbose=False):
    """Perform a SCOPE run. Complain and quit if error occurs.
    scopeDir = full path.
    genes    = 'gene;gene;gene;etc'
    pLen     = promorter length to use."""
    # Get full path (if not given) for outDir since we will be jumping around in the directory tree
    if not outDir.startswith('/'):
        outDir = os.getcwd()+'/'+outDir
        outDir = outDir.rstrip('/')
        outDir = outDir.rstrip('/')
    # Set up argString
    outPathBase = '%s/%s.%s' % (outDir,jobName,pLen)
    argString = '''-Xmx%sm -cp dist/scope.jar edu.dartmouth.bglab.beam.CGIScope -pf "%s" -ofx "%s.xml" -oft "%s.txt" -oje "%s" -qg "%s" -sgl "%s" -drb "true" -dra "true" -drbp "true"''' \
              % (jMem,
    # Change to scopeDir for execution bc SCOPE is a PITA.
    mkdirp(outDir) # make outDir along with parent dirs as needed
    print 'starting run...'
    resultSCOPE = runExternalApp('java',argString)
    # write stdOut/Err to files if requested
    if verbose:
        stdOutFile = open(outPathBase+'.out','w')
        stdErrFile = open(outPathBase+'.err','w')
    return resultSCOPE
Example #7
def tophat_align(bowtie_index,readsA,readsB=None,qualsA=None,qualsB=None,options=None,runDir=None):
    # TODO: eliminate "Reconstituting reference FASTA file from Bowtie index \ [FAILED] \ Error: bowtie-inspect returned an error."

    Wrapper for calling tophat and dealing with output.
    _name_         _type_      _desc_
    bowtie_index : String      bowtie index base-name in $BOWTIE_INDEXES
    readsA       : List        List of FilePaths to fastQ files
    readsB       : List/None   
    qualsA       : List/None
    qualsB       : List/None
    options      : String      quoted comma-sep str of CLI tophat options
    If (readsA AND readsB) OR (qualsA AND qualsB), the order of filePaths
    corresponding to PE-mates must match:
        readsA,readsB = [readsA_1,readsA_2], [readsB_1,readsB_2]
        qualsA,qualsB = [qualsA_1,qualsA_2], [qualsB_1,qualsB_2]
TopHat maps short sequences from spliced transcripts to whole genomes.

    tophat [options] <bowtie_index> <reads1[,reads2,...,readsN]> [reads1[,reads2,...,readsN]] [quals1,[quals2,...,qualsN]] [quals1[,quals2,...,qualsN]]
    -o/--output-dir                <string>    [ default: ./tophat_out ]
    -a/--min-anchor                <int>       [ default: 8            ]
    -m/--splice-mismatches         <0-2>       [ default: 0            ]
    -i/--min-intron-length         <int>       [ default: 50           ]
    -I/--max-intron-length         <int>       [ default: 500000       ]
    -g/--max-multihits             <int>       [ default: 40           ]
    -F/--min-isoform-fraction      <float>     [ default: 0.15         ]
    --max-insertion-length         <int>       [ default: 3            ]
    --max-deletion-length          <int>       [ default: 3            ]
    --solexa1.3-quals                          (same as phred64-quals)
    --phred64-quals                            (same as solexa1.3-quals)
    -C/--color                                 (Solid - color space)
    --library-type                             (--fr-unstranded, --fr-firststrand, --fr-secondstrand, --ff-unstranded, --ff-firststrand, --ff-secondstrand)
    -p/--num-threads               <int>       [ default: 1            ]
    -G/--GTF                       <filename>
    -j/--raw-juncs                 <filename>
    --insertions		   <filename>
    --deletions			   <filename>
    -r/--mate-inner-dist           <int>       
    --mate-std-dev                 <int>       [ default: 20           ]
    --tmp-dir                      <dirname>
Advanced Options:

    --segment-mismatches           <int>       [ default: 2            ]
    --segment-length               <int>       [ default: 25           ]
    --min-closure-exon             <int>       [ default: 100          ]
    --min-closure-intron           <int>       [ default: 50           ]
    --max-closure-intron           <int>       [ default: 5000         ]
    --min-coverage-intron          <int>       [ default: 50           ]
    --max-coverage-intron          <int>       [ default: 20000        ]
    --min-segment-intron           <int>       [ default: 50           ]
    --max-segment-intron           <int>       [ default: 500000       ] 

SAM Header Options (for embedding sequencing run metadata in output):
    --rg-id                        <string>    (read group ID)
    --rg-sample                    <string>    (sample ID)
    --rg-library                   <string>    (library ID)
    --rg-description               <string>    (descriptive string, no tabs allowed)
    --rg-platform-unit             <string>    (e.g Illumina lane ID)
    --rg-center                    <string>    (sequencing center name)
    --rg-date                      <string>    (ISO 8601 date of the sequencing run)
    --rg-platform                  <string>    (Sequencing platform descriptor)  

    for detailed help see http://tophat.cbcb.umd.edu/manual.html

    # make runDir if it does not yet exist
    #   => tophat takes care of this for us
    # Construct cmdArgs
    if not type(readsA) == type([]):
        raise TypeError('readsA type should be "[]".')
    readsA = ','.join(readsA)
    # format readsB
    if readsB:
        if not type(readsB) == type([]):
            raise TypeError('readsB type should be "[]".')
        readsB = ','.join(readsB)
        readsB = ''
    # format qualsA    
    if qualsA:
        if not type(qualsA) == type([]):
            raise TypeError('qualsA type should be "[]".')
        qualsA = ','.join(qualsA)
        qualsA = ''
    # format qualsB
    if qualsB:
        if not type(qualsB) == type([]):
            raise TypeError('qualsB type should be "[]".')
        qualsB = ','.join(qualsB)
        qualsB = ''
    # format runDir
    if runDir:
        runDir = ' -o %s' % (runDir)
        runDir = ''
    # format cmdArgs
    if options == None:
        options = ''
    # format bowtie_index
    #   This seems needed or tophat cant reconstitute the fasta files for some reason
    #   and returns the following error:
    #    *  Reconstituting reference FASTA file from Bowtie index
    #    *  [FAILED]
    #    *  Error: bowtie-inspect returned an error.
    if not bowtie_index.startswith('/'):
        bowtie_index = "$BOWTIE_INDEXES/%s" % (bowtie_index)
    cmdArgs = "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (options+runDir,bowtie_index,readsA,readsB,qualsA,qualsB)

    # Run and capture output
    print "Setting up tophat call with the following cmd:\n\t\ttophat %s" % (cmdArgs)
    thResults = runExternalApp('tophat',cmdArgs)
    # Report stdout and stderr
    if thResults[0]:
        for line in thResults[0].split('\n'):
            print('[%s] %s' % (whoami(),line))
    if thResults[1]:
        for line in thResults[1].split('\n'):
            sys.stderr.write('[%s] %s' % (whoami(),line))
    return thResults
Example #8
def bowtie_align(ebwt,readsString,hit,runDir,options=None):
    """Run alignment of fastQ to bowtie index.
    options     : quoted string representing valid cmd line bowtie-build options
    runDir      : path to dir to place stdErr/stdOut logs - all steps of pipeline scripts should share same runDir
    readsString : appropriate quoted string representing which fastq files to use (see bowtie -h).
    bowtie help text:
    bowtie [options]* <ebwt> {-1 <m1> -2 <m2> | --12 <r> | <s>} [<hit>]
    <m1>    Comma-separated list of files containing upstream mates (or the
            sequences themselves, if -c is set) paired with mates in <m2>
    <m2>    Comma-separated list of files containing downstream mates (or the
            sequences themselves if -c is set) paired with mates in <m1>
    <r>     Comma-separated list of files containing Crossbow-style reads.  Can be
            a mixture of paired and unpaired.  Specify "-" for stdin.
    <s>     Comma-separated list of files containing unpaired reads, or the
            sequences themselves, if -c is set.  Specify "-" for stdin.
    <hit>   File to write hits to (default: stdout)
      -q                 query input files are FASTQ .fq/.fastq (default)
      -f                 query input files are (multi-)FASTA .fa/.mfa
      -r                 query input files are raw one-sequence-per-line
      -c                 query sequences given on cmd line (as <mates>, <singles>)
      -C                 reads and index are in colorspace
      -Q/--quals <file>  QV file(s) corresponding to CSFASTA inputs; use with -f -C
      --Q1/--Q2 <file>   same as -Q, but for mate files 1 and 2 respectively
      -s/--skip <int>    skip the first <int> reads/pairs in the input
      -u/--qupto <int>   stop after first <int> reads/pairs (excl. skipped reads)
      -5/--trim5 <int>   trim <int> bases from 5' (left) end of reads
      -3/--trim3 <int>   trim <int> bases from 3' (right) end of reads
      --phred33-quals    input quals are Phred+33 (default)
      --phred64-quals    input quals are Phred+64 (same as --solexa1.3-quals)
      --solexa-quals     input quals are from GA Pipeline ver. < 1.3
      --solexa1.3-quals  input quals are from GA Pipeline ver. >= 1.3
      --integer-quals    qualities are given as space-separated integers (not ASCII)
      -v <int>           report end-to-end hits w/ <=v mismatches; ignore qualities
      -n/--seedmms <int> max mismatches in seed (can be 0-3, default: -n 2)
      -e/--maqerr <int>  max sum of mismatch quals across alignment for -n (def: 70)
      -l/--seedlen <int> seed length for -n (default: 28)
      --nomaqround       disable Maq-like quality rounding for -n (nearest 10 <= 30)
      -I/--minins <int>  minimum insert size for paired-end alignment (default: 0)
      -X/--maxins <int>  maximum insert size for paired-end alignment (default: 250)
      --fr/--rf/--ff     -1, -2 mates align fw/rev, rev/fw, fw/fw (default: --fr)
      --nofw/--norc      do not align to forward/reverse-complement reference strand
      --maxbts <int>     max # backtracks for -n 2/3 (default: 125, 800 for --best)
      --pairtries <int>  max # attempts to find mate for anchor hit (default: 100)
      -y/--tryhard       try hard to find valid alignments, at the expense of speed
      --chunkmbs <int>   max megabytes of RAM for best-first search frames (def: 64)
      -k <int>           report up to <int> good alignments per read (default: 1)
      -a/--all           report all alignments per read (much slower than low -k)
      -m <int>           suppress all alignments if > <int> exist (def: no limit)
      -M <int>           like -m, but reports 1 random hit (MAPQ=0); requires --best
      --best             hits guaranteed best stratum; ties broken by quality
      --strata           hits in sub-optimal strata aren't reported (requires --best)
      -t/--time          print wall-clock time taken by search phases
      -B/--offbase <int> leftmost ref offset = <int> in bowtie output (default: 0)
      --quiet            print nothing but the alignments
      --refout           write alignments to files refXXXXX.map, 1 map per reference
      --refidx           refer to ref. seqs by 0-based index rather than name
      --al <fname>       write aligned reads/pairs to file(s) <fname>
      --un <fname>       write unaligned reads/pairs to file(s) <fname>
      --max <fname>      write reads/pairs over -m limit to file(s) <fname>
      --suppress <cols>  suppresses given columns (comma-delim'ed) in default output
      --fullref          write entire ref name (default: only up to 1st space)
      --snpphred <int>   Phred penalty for SNP when decoding colorspace (def: 30)
      --snpfrac <dec>    approx. fraction of SNP bases (e.g. 0.001); sets --snpphred
      --col-cseq         print aligned colorspace seqs as colors, not decoded bases
      --col-cqual        print original colorspace quals, not decoded quals
      --col-keepends     keep nucleotides at extreme ends of decoded alignment
      -S/--sam           write hits in SAM format
      --mapq <int>       default mapping quality (MAPQ) to print for SAM alignments
      --sam-nohead       supppress header lines (starting with @) for SAM output
      --sam-nosq         supppress @SQ header lines for SAM output
      --sam-RG <text>    add <text> (usually "lab=value") to @RG line of SAM header
      -o/--offrate <int> override offrate of index; must be >= index's offrate
      -p/--threads <int> number of alignment threads to launch (default: 1)
      --mm               use memory-mapped I/O for index; many 'bowtie's can share
      --shmem            use shared mem for index; many 'bowtie's can share
      --seed <int>       seed for random number generator
      --verbose          verbose output (for debugging)
      --version          print version information and quit
      -h/--help          print this usage message

    # make runDir if it does not yet exist
    # Construct cmdArgs
    if options:
        cmdArgs = "%s %s  %s %s" % (options,ebwt,readsString,hit)
        cmdArgs = "%s %s %s" % (ebwt,readsString,hit)
    # Run and capture output
    print "Setting up bowtie call with the following cmd:\n\t\tbowtie %s" % (cmdArgs)
    btResults = runExternalApp('bowtie',cmdArgs)
    # Report stdout and stderr
    if btResults[0]:
        for line in btResults[0].split('\n'):
            print('[%s] %s' % (whoami(),line))
    if btResults[1]:
        for line in btResults[1].split('\n'):
            sys.stderr.write('[%s] %s' % (whoami(),line))
    return btResults
Example #9
def divByWindow(bedA_Path, bedB_Path, win=[500, 500], cols=[6, 6], side="right", outDir="."):
    """Create files separating features in bedB by those alling within the area defined
    by <win> and those outside this area in bedA.  If A.bed is stranded, the area is defined
    by win[0] upstrm and win[1] dwnstrm on the FEATURE's strand.  Otherwise its 
    win[0] upstrm and win[1] dwnstrm on the CONTIG/CHROM's plus strand.  Files ouput
    to outDir.
    NOTE: See DOC for extractFromDoubleSidedBedtoolOut() regarding 'cols' and 'side'"""

    # Prepare outDir if it doesnt already exist

    # Collect some useful info
    bedA_name = bedA_Path.split("/")[-1].replace(".bed", "")
    bedB_name = bedB_Path.split("/")[-1].replace(".bed", "")
    B_in_A_winComboPath = "%s/%s_featsIn_%s_Win%sl%sr_combo.bed" % (outDir, bedB_name, bedA_name, win[0], win[1])

    # Establish whether inputs look like BED files:
    testA = open(bedA_Path, "rU")
    testB = open(bedB_Path, "rU")
    linesA = []
    linesB = []
    for i in range(2):

    if not isBEDline(linesA[1]):
        raise InvalidFileFormatError("%s does not seem to be in BED format." % (bedA_Path))
    if not isBEDline(linesB[1]):
        raise InvalidFileFormatError("%s does not seem to be in BED format." % (bedB_Path))

    # If bedA is stranded: use windowBed with -sw option, otherwise with only -l,-r options
    # to create file from bedB features INSIDE window around features in bedA.

    if isStranded(linesA[1]):
        resultWinBed = runExternalApp(
            "-a %s -b %s -l %s -r %s -sw > %s" % (bedA_Path, bedB_Path, win[0], win[1], B_in_A_winComboPath),
        resultWinBed = runExternalApp(
            "windowBed", "-a %s -b %s -l %s -r %s > %s" % (bedA_Path, bedB_Path, win[0], win[1], B_in_A_winComboPath)

    # Clean B_in_A_winComboPath of the matching bedA entry and remove any redundant bedB entries
    cleanedBsInWinPath = extractFromDoubleSidedBedtoolOut(B_in_A_winComboPath, cols=cols, side=side, outDir=outDir)
    # Change file name to reflect its not combo anymore
    cleanedBsInWinNewPath = cleanedBsInWinPath.replace("_combo_", "_cleaned_")
    resultMv = runExternalApp("mv", "%s %s" % (cleanedBsInWinPath, cleanedBsInWinNewPath))

    # Create file with bedB feats OUTSIDE of window of features in bedA.
    cleanedBsNotInWinPath = cleanedBsInWinNewPath.replace("_featsIn_", "_featsNotIn_")
    onlyInA(bedB_Path, cleanedBsInWinNewPath, cleanedBsNotInWinPath)
    # resultIsectBed = runExternalApp('intersectBed','-a %s -b %s -v > %s' % \
    # (bedB_Path,
    # cleanedBsInWinNewPath,
    # cleanedBsNotInWinPath))

    # Return Filenames of divided bed files
    return (cleanedBsInWinNewPath, cleanedBsNotInWinPath)