Example #1
def clear_rabbitmq(process, rabbitmq_connection):
    Clear queues and exchanges from given rabbitmq process.

    :param RabbitMqExecutor process: rabbitmq process
    :param rabbitpy.Connection rabbitmq_connection: connection to rabbitmq

    from rabbitpy import Exchange, Queue
    channel = rabbitmq_connection.channel()

    for exchange in process.list_exchanges():
        if exchange.startswith('amq.'):
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # From rabbit docs:
            # https://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Exchange names starting with "amq." are reserved for pre-declared
            # and standardised exchanges. The client MAY declare an exchange
            # starting with "amq." if the passive option is set, or the
            # exchange already exists. Error code: access-refused
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        ex = Exchange(channel, exchange)

    for queue in process.list_queues():
        if queue.startswith('amq.'):
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # From rabbit docs:
            # https://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Queue names starting with "amq." are reserved for pre-declared
            # and standardised queues. The client MAY declare a queue starting
            # with "amq." if the passive option is set, or the queue already
            # exists. Error code: access-refused
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        qu = Queue(channel, queue)
def clear_rabbitmq(process, rabbitmq_connection):
    Clear queues and exchanges from given rabbitmq process.

    :param RabbitMqExecutor process: rabbitmq process
    :param rabbitpy.Connection rabbitmq_connection: connection to rabbitmq

    from rabbitpy import Exchange, Queue
    channel = rabbitmq_connection.channel()

    for exchange in process.list_exchanges():
        if exchange.startswith('amq.'):
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # From rabbit docs:
            # https://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Exchange names starting with "amq." are reserved for pre-declared
            # and standardised exchanges. The client MAY declare an exchange
            # starting with "amq." if the passive option is set, or the
            # exchange already exists. Error code: access-refused
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        ex = Exchange(channel, exchange)

    for queue in process.list_queues():
        if queue.startswith('amq.'):
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # From rabbit docs:
            # https://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Queue names starting with "amq." are reserved for pre-declared
            # and standardised queues. The client MAY declare a queue starting
            # with "amq." if the passive option is set, or the queue already
            # exists. Error code: access-refused
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        qu = Queue(channel, queue)