Example #1
def vector_field_to_data(g_id, name, pv_arr, units):
    # format is [[[px, py, pz], [vx, vy, vx]], ...]
    # UNLESS only one element?
    # convert to webGL object
    if len(numpy.shape(pv_arr)) == 2:
        pv_arr = [pv_arr]
    v_data = new_geom_object()
    v_data.vectors.lengths = []
    v_data.vectors.colors = []
    v_max = 0.
    v_min = sys.float_info.max
    for i in range(len(pv_arr)):
        p = pv_arr[i][0]
        v = pv_arr[i][1]
        n = linalg.norm(v)
        v_max = max(v_max, n)
        v_min = min(v_min, n)
        nv = (numpy.array(v) / (n if n > 0 else 1.)).tolist()
    v_data.vectors.range = [v_min, v_max]
    v_data.vectors.units = units

    return PKDict(name=name + '.Field',
Example #2
 def geom_to_data(self, name=None, divide=True):
     #TODO(mvk): if no color, get color from parent if any?
     g_id = self.get_geom(name)
     n = (name if name is not None else str(g_id)) + '.Geom'
     pd = PKDict(name=n, id=g_id, data=[])
     d = rs_utils.to_pkdict(radia.ObjDrwVTK(g_id, 'Axes->No'))
     n_verts = len(d.polygons.vertices)
     c = radia.ObjCntStuf(g_id)
     l = len(c)
     if not divide or l == 0:
         pd.data = [d]
         d_arr = []
         n_s_verts = 0
         # for g in get_geom_tree(g_id):
         for g in c:
             # for fully recursive array
             # for g in get_all_geom(geom):
             s_d = rs_utils.to_pkdict(radia.ObjDrwVTK(g, 'Axes->No'))
             n_s_verts += len(s_d.polygons.vertices)
         # if the number of vertices of the container is more than the total
         # across its elements, a symmetry or other "additive" transformation has
         # been applied and we cannot get at the individual elements
         if n_verts > n_s_verts:
             d_arr = [d]
         pd.data = d_arr
     pd.bounds = radia.ObjGeoLim(g_id)
     return pd
Example #3
 def check_segments(self, container):
     """Loop through all the objects in a container and evaluate the segmentation.
     Good shapes will have a magnetisation perpendicular to one of the faces.
     So find the normal of each face and evaluate the dot product with  the magnetisation, both normalised to 1.
     The best have a max dot product of 1. Theoretical min is 1/sqrt(3) though most will be above 1/sqrt(2)."""
     shapes = rad.ObjCntStuf(container)
     xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = rad.ObjGeoLim(container)
     print(f'Checking {len(shapes)} shapes in {container}, extent: x {xmin:.1f} to {xmax:.1f}, y {ymin:.1f} to {ymax:.1f}, z {zmin:.1f} to {zmax:.1f}')
     dot_products = {}
     for shape in shapes:
         sub_shapes = rad.ObjCntStuf(shape)
         if len(sub_shapes) > 0:  # this shape is a container
             dot_products.update(self.check_segments(shape))  # recurse and update dict
         else:  # it's an atomic shape
             mag = rad.ObjM(shape)[0]  # returns [[mx, my, mz]], select the first element i.e. [mx, my, mz]
             norm = np.linalg.norm(mag)  # normalise so total is 1
             if norm == 0:
             mag = mag / norm
             # Have to parse the information from rad.UtiDmp, no other way of getting polyhedron faces!
             info = rad.UtiDmp(shape).replace('{', '[').replace('}', ']')  # convert from Mathematica list format
             in_face_list = False
             # print(info)
             lines = info.split('\n')
             description = lines[0].split(': ')
             # print(description)
             object_type = description[-1]
             # print('Type is', object_type)
             if object_type == 'RecMag':  # cuboid with axes parallel to x, y, z
                 # simply find the largest component of normalised magnetisation - the closer to 1, the better
                 dot_products[shape] = max(abs(mag))
             elif object_type == 'Polyhedron':  # need to loop over the faces
                 product_list = []
                 for line in lines[1:]:
                     if in_face_list:
                         if '[' not in line:  # reached the end of the face list
                         points = np.array(eval(line.rstrip(',')))
                         normal = np.cross(points[1] - points[0], points[2] - points[0])
                         product_list.append(np.dot(normal / np.linalg.norm(normal), mag))  # normalise->unit vector
                     elif 'Face Vertices' in line:
                         in_face_list = True
                 dot_products[shape] = max(product_list)  # max seems to be a reasonable figure of merit
     return dot_products
Example #4
def geom_to_data(g_id, name=None, divide=True):

    def _to_pkdict(d):
        if not isinstance(d, dict):
            return d
        rv = PKDict()
        for k, v in d.items():
            rv[k] = _to_pkdict(v)
        return rv

    n = (name if name is not None else str(g_id)) + '.Geom'
    pd = PKDict(name=n, id=g_id, data=[])
    d = _to_pkdict(radia.ObjDrwVTK(g_id, 'Axes->No'))
    n_verts = len(d.polygons.vertices)
    c = radia.ObjCntStuf(g_id)
    l = len(c)
    if not divide or l == 0:
        d.id = g_id
        pd.data = [d]
        d_arr = []
        n_s_verts = 0
        # for g in get_geom_tree(g_id):
        for g in c:
            # for fully recursive array
            # for g in get_all_geom(geom):
            s_d = _to_pkdict(radia.ObjDrwVTK(g, 'Axes->No'))
            n_s_verts += len(s_d.polygons.vertices)
            s_d.id = g
        # if the number of vertices of the container is more than the total
        # across its elements, a symmetry or other "additive" transformation has
        # been applied and we cannot get at the individual elements
        if n_verts > n_s_verts:
            d.id = g_id
            d_arr = [d]
        pd.data = d_arr
    pd.bounds = radia.ObjGeoLim(g_id)
    return pd
Example #5
def _geom_bnds(g_id):
    bnds = radia.ObjGeoLim(g_id)
    return PKDict(
        center=[0.5 * (bnds[i + 1] + bnds[i]) for i in range(3)],
        size=[abs(bnds[i + 1] - bnds[i]) for i in range(3)],
Example #6

#mag01sbd = rad.ObjDivMag(mag01, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]], 'pln', [[1,0.4,0.1],[0.4,1,0.2],[0,0,1]], 'Frame->Lab')

#mag01sbd = rad.ObjDivMag(mag01, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]], 'Frame->Lab')

#mag01sbd = rad.ObjDivMagPln(mag01, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]], [1,0.4,0.1], [0.4,1,0.2], [0,0,1], 'Frame->Lab')
mag01sbd = rad.ObjDivMagPln(mag01, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]])

#mag00sbd = rad.ObjDivMag(mag00, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]], 'cyl', [[2.5,4,0],[0,0,1],[8,0,0],3], 'Frame->Lab')
#mag00sbd = rad.ObjDivMagCyl(mag00, [[2,0.5],[3,0.2],[4,0.1]], [2.5,4,0], [0,0,1], [8,0,0], 3, 'Frame->Lab')

print('Volume of 3D object:', rad.ObjGeoVol(mag01sbd))
print('Geom. Limits of 3D object:', rad.ObjGeoLim(mag01sbd))


trf01 = rad.TrfPlSym([0,10,0], [0,1,0])
trf02 = rad.TrfRot([0,10,0], [0,0,1], 1.)
trf03 = rad.TrfTrsl([30,10,0])
trf04 = rad.TrfInv()
trf05 = rad.TrfCmbL(trf01, trf04)
trf06 = rad.TrfCmbR(trf01, trf04)

#rad.TrfMlt(mag01, trf03, 3)
rad.TrfOrnt(mag01, trf06)
