Example #1
    def test_relative_path(self, requests_mock: "Mocker_Type",
                           root_url: str) -> None:
        """The session uses the default root URL and joins relative paths to the root URL."""

        session = get_session()

        # Without leading slash
        url = urllib.parse.urljoin(root_url, "relative/path")
        relative_path = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url).path
        requests_mock.get(url, text='{}')

        except NoMockAddress as e:
            pytest.fail(f'Unexpected request: {e.request}')

        history = requests_mock.request_history
        assert len(history) == 2
        assert urllib.parse.urlsplit(
            history[0].url).netloc == urllib.parse.urlsplit(root_url).netloc
        assert urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).path == relative_path
        assert urllib.parse.urlsplit(
            history[1].url).netloc == urllib.parse.urlsplit(root_url).netloc
        assert urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[1].url).path == relative_path
Example #2
    def test_user_defined_mlhub_home(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
                                     tmp_path: pathlib.Path,
                                     requests_mock: "Mocker_Type") -> None:
        """If the MLHUB_HOME environment variable is set, the client should look for a profiles file in that directory.
        # Create user-defined home directory
        mlhub_home = tmp_path / 'some-directory' / '.mlhub'

        # Create profile
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        config['default'] = {'api_key': 'userdefinedhome'}

        # Save to profile file
        with (mlhub_home / 'profiles').open('w') as dst:

        # Monkeypatch the MLHUB_HOME variable
        monkeypatch.setenv('MLHUB_HOME', str(mlhub_home.resolve()))

        url_pattern = re.compile(r"http://some-domain.com\??.+")
        requests_mock.get(url_pattern, status_code=200, text="")

        session = get_session()

        history = requests_mock.request_history

        assert len(history) == 1

        qs = urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).query
        query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)

        assert 'key' in query_params
        assert 'userdefinedhome' in query_params['key']
Example #3
    def test_unresolved_api_key(self, monkeypatch, tmp_path):
        """Raises an exception if no API key can be resolved from arguments, environment, or profiles."""
        # Monkeypatch the user's home directory to be the temp directory.
        monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', str(tmp_path))

        # Ensure we don't have any MLHUB_* environment variables set
        monkeypatch.delenv('MLHUB_API_KEY', raising=False)
        monkeypatch.delenv('MLHUB_PROFILE', raising=False)

        # Ensure we don't have a profiles file
        config_file = tmp_path / '.mlhub' / 'profiles'
        if config_file.exists():

        with pytest.raises(APIKeyNotFound) as excinfo:

        assert 'Could not resolve an API key from arguments, the environment, or a config file.' == str(excinfo.value)
Example #4
    def test_request_to_custom_url_using_get_session(
            self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
        custom_root_url = "https://www.google.com"
        monkeypatch.setenv('MLHUB_ROOT_URL', custom_root_url)
        # Use anonymous session since we don't need to make actual requests
        session = get_session()

        r = session.request("GET", "")

        assert r.request.url == custom_root_url + "/?key=test_key"
Example #5
    def test_inject_headers(self, requests_mock):
        """The session injects the User-Agent and Accept headers."""


        session = get_session()


        history = requests_mock.request_history
        assert len(history) == 1

        assert history[0].headers.get('accept') == 'application/json'
        assert 'radiant_mlhub/0.1.2' in history[0].headers.get('user-agent')
Example #6
    def test_api_key_from_argument(self, requests_mock: "Mocker_Type") -> None:
        """The API key given as an init argument is stored on the session."""
        url_pattern = re.compile(r"http://some-domain.com\??.+")
        requests_mock.get(url_pattern, status_code=200, text="")
        session = get_session(api_key='fromargument')


        history = requests_mock.request_history

        assert len(history) == 1

        qs = urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).query
        query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)

        assert 'key' in query_params
        assert 'fromargument' in query_params['key']
Example #7
    def test_get_anonymous_session(self, requests_mock: "Mocker_Type") -> None:
        """get_session called with the anonymouse profile should return a session that does not
        include a "key" query parameter."""
        url_pattern = re.compile(r"http://some-domain.com\??.+")
        requests_mock.get(url_pattern, status_code=200, text="")

        session = get_session(profile="__anonymous__")

        history = requests_mock.request_history

        assert len(history) == 1

        qs = urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).query
        query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)

        assert 'key' not in query_params
Example #8
    def test_auth_error(self, requests_mock):
        """The session raises an AuthenticationError if it gets a 401 response."""
        session = get_session(api_key='not-valid')

            text='<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">\n<title>401 Unauthorized</title>\n'
                 '<h1>Unauthorized</h1>\n<p>The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. '
                 'You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn\'t understand how to '
                 'supply the credentials required.</p>\n'

        with pytest.raises(AuthenticationError) as excinfo:

        assert 'Authentication failed for API key "not-valid"' == str(excinfo.value)
Example #9
    def test_api_key_from_named_profile(
            self, mock_profile: configparser.ConfigParser,
            requests_mock: "Mocker_Type") -> None:
        """The API key from the given profile in ~/.mlhub/profiles is stored on the session."""
        url_pattern = re.compile(r"http://some-domain.com\??.+")
        requests_mock.get(url_pattern, status_code=200, text="")

        session = get_session(profile='other-profile')

        history = requests_mock.request_history

        assert len(history) == 1

        qs = urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).query
        query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)

        assert 'key' in query_params
        assert 'otherapikey' in query_params['key']
Example #10
    def test_api_key_from_environment(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
                                      requests_mock: "Mocker_Type") -> None:
        """The API key given by the MLHUB_API_KEY environment variable is stored on the session."""
        monkeypatch.setenv('MLHUB_API_KEY', 'fromenvironment')
        url_pattern = re.compile(r"http://some-domain.com\??.+")
        requests_mock.get(url_pattern, status_code=200, text="")

        session = get_session()

        history = requests_mock.request_history

        assert len(history) == 1

        qs = urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).query
        query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)

        assert 'key' in query_params
        assert 'fromenvironment' in query_params['key']
Example #11
    def test_relative_path(self, requests_mock):
        """The session uses the default root URL and joins relative paths to the root URL."""

        session = get_session()

        # Without leading slash
        requests_mock.get('https://api.radiant.earth/mlhub/v1/relative/path', text='{}')

        except NoMockAddress as e:
            pytest.fail(f'Unexpected request: {e.request}')

        history = requests_mock.request_history
        assert len(history) == 2
        assert urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).netloc == 'api.radiant.earth'
        assert urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).path == '/mlhub/v1/relative/path'
        assert urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[1].url).netloc == 'api.radiant.earth'
        assert urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[1].url).path == '/mlhub/v1/relative/path'
Example #12
    def test_user_defined_mlhub_home(self, monkeypatch, tmp_path):
        """If the MLHUB_HOME environment variable is set, the client should look for a profiles file in that directory.
        # Create user-defined home directory
        mlhub_home = tmp_path / 'some-directory' / '.mlhub'

        # Create profile
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        config['default'] = {'api_key': 'userdefinedhome'}

        # Save to profile file
        with (mlhub_home / 'profiles').open('w') as dst:

        # Monkeypatch the MLHUB_HOME variable
        monkeypatch.setenv('MLHUB_HOME', str(mlhub_home.resolve()))

        session = get_session()
        assert session.params.get('key') == 'userdefinedhome'
Example #13
    def test_api_key_from_environment_named_profile(
            self, mock_profile: configparser.ConfigParser,
            monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
            requests_mock: "Mocker_Type") -> None:
        """The API key from the profile given in the MLHUB_PROFILE environment variable is stored on the session."""
        monkeypatch.setenv('MLHUB_PROFILE', 'environment-profile')
        url_pattern = re.compile(r"http://some-domain.com\??.+")
        requests_mock.get(url_pattern, status_code=200, text="")

        session = get_session()

        history = requests_mock.request_history

        assert len(history) == 1

        qs = urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).query
        query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)

        assert 'key' in query_params
        assert 'environmentprofilekey' in query_params['key']
Example #14
    def test_inject_api_key(self, requests_mock: "Mocker_Type",
                            test_api_key: str) -> None:
        """The API key stored on the session is used in requests and any additional query params that are passed in the
        request method are preserved."""

        requests_mock.get('https://some-domain.com', text='{}')

        session = get_session(
        )  # Gets the API key from the monkeypatched environment variable

        # Test injection of API key

        history = requests_mock.request_history

        assert len(history) == 1
        qs = urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[0].url).query
        query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)
        assert query_params.get('key') == [test_api_key]

        # Test preservation of other query params
        session.get('https://some-domain.com', params={'otherparam': 'here'})

        history = requests_mock.request_history

        assert len(history) == 2
        qs = urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[1].url).query
        query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)
        assert query_params.get('key') == [test_api_key]
        assert query_params.get('otherparam') == ['here']

        # Test overwriting api key in request method
        session.get('https://some-domain.com', params={'key': 'new-api-key'})

        history = requests_mock.request_history

        assert len(history) == 3
        qs = urllib.parse.urlsplit(history[2].url).query
        query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qs)
        assert query_params.get('key') == ['new-api-key']
Example #15
    def test_api_key_from_environment_named_profile(self, mock_profile, monkeypatch):
        """The API key from the profile given in the MLHUB_PROFILE environment variable is stored on the session."""
        monkeypatch.setenv('MLHUB_PROFILE', 'environment-profile')

        session = get_session()
        assert session.params.get('key') == 'environmentprofilekey'
Example #16
 def test_api_key_from_named_profile(self, mock_profile):
     """The API key from the given profile in ~/.mlhub/profiles is stored on the session."""
     session = get_session(profile='other-profile')
     assert session.params.get('key') == 'otherapikey'
Example #17
 def test_api_key_from_default_profile(self, mock_profile):
     """The API key from the default profile of ~/.mlhub/profiles is stored on the session if no explicit profile is given."""
     session = get_session()
     assert session.params.get('key') == 'defaultapikey'
Example #18
    def test_api_key_from_environment(self, monkeypatch):
        """The API key given by the MLHUB_API_KEY environment variable is stored on the session."""
        monkeypatch.setenv('MLHUB_API_KEY', 'fromenvironment')

        session = get_session()
        assert session.params.get('key') == 'fromenvironment'
Example #19
 def test_api_key_from_argument(self):
     """The API key given as an init argument is stored on the session."""
     session = get_session(api_key='fromargument')
     assert session.params.get('key') == 'fromargument'