Example #1
def add_constant(s, cst, unit=None, var=None, inplace=False):
    """Return a new spectrum with a constant added to s[var].
    Equivalent to::

        s + constant

    s: Spectrum objects
        Spectrum you want to modify
    cst: float
        Constant to add.
    unit: str
        unit for ``cst``. If ``None``, uses the default unit in ``s`` for
        variable ``var``.
    var: str, or ``None``
        'radiance', 'transmittance', ... If ``None``, get the unique spectral
        quantity of ``s`` or raises an error if there is any ambiguity
    inplace: bool
        if ``True``, modifies ``s`` directly. Else, returns a copy.
        Default ``False``

    s : Spectrum
        Spectrum object where cst is added to intensity of s['var']
        If ``inplace=True``, ``s`` has been modified directly.


    Use only for rough work. If you want to work properly with spectrum
    objects, see :py:meth:`~radis.los.slabs.MergeSlabs`.
    # Check input
    var = _get_unique_var(s, var, inplace)

    # Note: using dimensioned value for `cst` will make it an array,
    # processed by add_array

    # Convert to Spectrum unit
    if unit is not None:
        Iunit = s.units[var]
        if unit != Iunit:
            from radis.phys.convert import conv2

            cst = conv2(cst, unit, Iunit)

    if not inplace:
        s = s.copy(quantity=var)

    # Add inplace       ( @dev: we have copied already if needed )
    w, I = s.get(var, wunit=s.get_waveunit(), copy=False)
    I += cst
    # @dev: updates the Spectrum directly because of copy=False

    #    s.name = '{0}+{1}'.format(s.get_name(), cst)

    return s
Example #2
def sub_baseline(s, left, right, unit=None, var=None, inplace=False):
    """Return a new spectrum with a baseline substracted to s[var]


    s: Spectrum objects
        Spectrum you want to modify
    left: Float
        Constant to substract on the left of the spectrum.
    right: Float
        Constant to substract on the right of the spectrum.
    unit: str
        unit for ``cst``. If ``None``, uses the default unit in ``s`` for
        variable ``var``.
    var: str
        'radiance', 'transmittance', ...  If ``None``, get the unique spectral
        quantity of ``s`` or raises an error if there is any ambiguity
    inplace: bool
        if ``True``, modifies ``s`` directly. Else, returns a copy.
        Default ``False``


    s: Spectrum
        Spectrum object where the baseline was substracted to intensity of s['var']
        If ``inplace=True``, ``s`` has been modified directly.

    Use only for rough work.

    See Also

    import numpy as np

    # Check input
    var = _get_unique_var(s, var, inplace)

    # Case where left, right are dimensioned
    if isinstance(left, u.quantity.Quantity) or isinstance(
            right, u.quantity.Quantity):
        if unit is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot use unit= when giving a dimensioned array ({0})".
        if not isinstance(left, u.quantity.Quantity) or not isinstance(
                right, u.quantity.Quantity):
            raise ValueError(
                "Both left and right arguments must be dimensioned with the same unit"
        if left.unit != right.unit:
            raise ValueError(
                "Both left and right arguments must be dimensioned with the same unit"
        unit = left.unit
        left = left.value
        right = right.value

    # Convert to Spectrum unit
    if unit is not None:
        Iunit = s.units[var]
        if unit != Iunit:
            from radis.phys.convert import conv2

            left = conv2(left, unit, Iunit)
            right = conv2(right, unit, Iunit)

    if not inplace:
        s = s.copy(quantity=var)

    # @EP:

    # Substract inplace       ( @dev: we have copied already if needed )
    w, I = s.get(var, wunit=s.get_waveunit(), copy=False)
    I -= np.linspace(left, right, num=np.size(I))
    # @dev: updates the Spectrum directly because of copy=False

    return s
Example #3
def add_array(s, a, unit=None, var=None, inplace=False):
    """Return a new spectrum with a constant added to s[var].
    Equivalent to::

        s + array

    s: Spectrum objects
        Spectrum you want to modify
    a: numpy array, or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
        array to add. Must have the same length as variable ``var`` in Spectrum
        ``s``. Can be dimensioned with :py:mod:`~astropy.units`.
    unit: str
        unit for ``a``. If ``None``, uses the default unit in ``s`` for
        variable ``var``.
    var: str, or ``None``
        'radiance', 'transmittance', ... If ``None``, get the unique spectral
        quantity of ``s`` or raises an error if there is any ambiguity
    inplace: bool
        if ``True``, modifies ``s`` directly. Else, returns a copy.
        Default ``False``

    s : Spectrum
        Spectrum object where array ``a`` is added to intensity of s['var']
        If ``inplace=True``, ``s`` has been modified directly.

    Use only for rough work. If you want to work properly with spectrum
    objects, see MergeSlabs.


    Add Gaussian noise to your Spectrum (assuming there is only one spectral
    quantity defined)::

        s += np.random.normal(0,1,len(s.get_wavelength()))

    # Check input
    var = _get_unique_var(s, var, inplace)

    # Case where a is dimensioned
    if isinstance(a, u.quantity.Quantity):
        if unit is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot use unit= when giving a dimensioned array ({0})".
        unit = a.unit
        a = a.value

    # Convert to Spectrum unit
    if unit is not None:
        Iunit = s.units[var]
        if unit != Iunit:
            from radis.phys.convert import conv2

            a = conv2(a, unit, Iunit)

    if not inplace:
        s = s.copy(quantity=var)

    # Add inplace       ( @dev: we have copied already if needed )
    w, I = s.get(var, wunit=s.get_waveunit(), copy=False)
    I += a
    # @dev: updates the Spectrum directly because of copy=False

    return s
Example #4
def sub_baseline(s,
    '''Return a new spectrum with a baseline substracted to s[var] 
    s: Spectrum objects
        Spectrum you want to modify
    left: Float
        Constant to substract on the left of the spectrum.
    right: Float
        Constant to substract on the right of the spectrum.
    unit: str
        unit for ``cst``. If ``None``, uses the default unit in ``s`` for 
        variable ``var``.
    var: str
        'radiance', 'transmittance', ...  If ``None``, get the unique spectral
        quantity of ``s`` or raises an error if there is any ambiguity
    wunit: str
        'nm'or 'cm-1'
    inplace: bool
        if ``True``, modifies ``s`` directly. Else, returns a copy. 
        Default ``False``
    s: Spectrum
        Spectrum object where the baseline was substracted to intensity of s['var']
        If ``inplace=True``, ``s`` has been modified directly.

    Use only for rough work. 
    See Also
    import numpy as np
    # Check input
    var = _get_unique_var(s, var, inplace)

    # Convert to Spectrum unit
    if unit is not None:
        Iunit = s.units[var]
        if unit != Iunit:
            from radis.phys.convert import conv2
            left = conv2(left, unit, Iunit)
            right = conv2(right, unit, Iunit)

    if not inplace:
        s = s.copy(quantity=var)

    # @EP:

    # Substract inplace       ( @dev: we have copied already if needed )
    w, I = s.get(var, wunit=s.get_waveunit(), copy=False)
    I -= np.linspace(left, right, num=np.size(I))
    # @dev: updates the Spectrum directly because of copy=False

    return s