Example #1
def collect_metrics(code):
	d = {key:None for key in keys}
	content = h_visit(code)
	d["uniq_Op"] = content.h1
	d["uniq_Opnd"] = content.h2
	d["total_Op"] = content.N1
	d["total_Opnd"] = content.N2
	d["n"] = float(content.N1) + float(content.N2)
	d["volume"] = content.volume
	d["prolength"] = content.length
	d["difficulty"] = content.difficulty
	d["effort"] = content.effort
	d["bug"] = content.bugs
	d["time_est"] = content.time

	content = analyze(code)
	d["loc"] = content.loc
	d["lOCode"] = content.loc
	d["lOComment"] = content.comments
	d["lOBlank"] = content.blank
	d["lOCodeAndComment"] = float(content.loc) + float(content.comments)

	content = mi_parameters(code)
	d["cc"] = content[1]

	return d
Example #2
def check_code_complexity(lab_answer, lab_key):

    result = {}
    source = inspect.getsource(lab_answer)
    h = rm.h_visit(source)
    hm = rm.h_visit_ast(h)
    v = analyze(source)
    return result
Example #3
def analyse_halstead_metrics(iface, code):
    metrics = h_visit(code)
    iface.report_metric("halstead_volume", metrics.volume)
    if metrics.volume > 8000:
                               "Halstead Volume of " + str(metrics.volume))
    iface.report_metric("halstead_time", metrics.time)
    iface.report_metric("halstead_bugs", metrics.bugs)
    if metrics.bugs > 2:
                               "Halstead Bugs of " + str(metrics.bugs))
    return metrics.volume
Example #4
def radon_test(f):
    filename = 'a1/a1_solution_' + f + '.py'
    with open(filename) as file:
        source = file.read()
        cv = ComplexityVisitor.from_code(source)
        res = sorted_results(cv.functions + cv.classes, order=LINES)
        output = {}
        for r in res:
            # print(f'Function: {r.name}, CC: {r.complexity}')
            output['CC'] = r.complexity

        res = analyze(source)
        # pprint(res)

        basic = {'loc': res[0],
                 'lloc': res[1],
                 'sloc': res[2],
                 'comments': res[3],
                 'multi': res[4],
                 'blank': res[5],
                 'single_comment': res[6]}
        output['Lines'] = basic

        config = Config(min='A',

        ch = CCHarvester([filename], config)
        res = ch.results
        x = json.loads(ch.as_json())
        # pprint(x)

        res = h_visit(source)

        hals = {'h1': res[0],
                'h2': res[1],
                'N1': res[2],
                'N2': res[3],
                'vocabulary': res[4],
                'length': res[5],
                'calculated_length': res[6],
                'volume': res[7],
                'difficulty': res[8],
                'effort': res[9],
                'time': res[10],
                'bugs': res[11]}

    output['Halstead'] = hals
    pprint({f: output})
Example #5
def pickle_func(name):
    with open(name) as f:
        # Return a tuple because pickle is f*****g stupid.
            res = h_visit(f.read())
        except SyntaxError:
            print("Ign: Invalid syntax in '{}'".format(name))
            return None

        total = tuple(res.total)
        functions = [(name, tuple(report)) for (name, report) in res.functions]

        return (total, functions)
Example #6
    def get_code_metrics(sort_name):
        with open(f"sort_algorithms/{sort_name}/code.txt", "r") as f:
            code = "".join(f.readlines())
            metricas = metrics.h_visit(code)
            mi_parameters = metrics.mi_parameters(code)
            analize = raw.analyze(code)

            return OrderedDict({
                "Nome": sort_name,
                "Número de linhas de código": analize.lloc,
                "Número de operadores": metricas.total.N1,
                "Número de operandos": metricas.total.N2,
                "Dificuldade": metricas.total.difficulty,
                "Esforço": metricas.total.effort,
                "Complexidade ciclomática": mi_parameters[1],
    def analyse(self):
        output = {}
        cv = ComplexityVisitor.from_code(self._source)
        res = sorted_results(cv.functions + cv.classes, order=LINES)
        # should be one result, since giving one function
        # if len(res) > 1:
        #     raise ValueError('Complexity Analysis returned multiple results')
        output['cc'] = res[0].complexity

        res = analyze(self._source)
        lines_comments = dict(res._asdict())

        res = h_visit(self._source)
        hals = dict(res._asdict())

        self._res = output
def generate_radon_metrics(code_input):
    radon_metrics = make_default_radon_metrics()
        # raw metrics
        raw_metrics = analyze(code_input)
        radon_metrics['loc'] = raw_metrics.loc
        radon_metrics['lloc'] = raw_metrics.lloc
        radon_metrics['sloc'] = raw_metrics.sloc
        radon_metrics['comments'] = raw_metrics.comments
        radon_metrics['multi'] = raw_metrics.multi
        radon_metrics['single_comments'] = raw_metrics.single_comments

        # cyclomatic complexity
        cc = ComplexityVisitor.from_code(code_input)
        radon_metrics['function_num'] = len(cc.functions)
        total_function_complexity = 0.0
        for fun in cc.functions:
            total_function_complexity += fun.complexity
        radon_metrics['total_function_complexity'] = total_function_complexity
        radon_metrics['radon_functions_complexity'] = cc.functions_complexity

        # calculate based on AST tree
        v = h_visit_ast(h_visit(code_input))
        radon_metrics['h1'] = v.h1
        radon_metrics['h2'] = v.h2
        radon_metrics['N1'] = v.N1
        radon_metrics['N2'] = v.N2
        radon_metrics['vocabulary'] = v.vocabulary
        radon_metrics['length'] = v.length
        radon_metrics['calculated_length'] = v.calculated_length
        radon_metrics['volume'] = v.volume
        radon_metrics['difficulty'] = v.difficulty
        radon_metrics['effort'] = v.effort
        radon_metrics['time'] = v.time
        radon_metrics['bugs'] = v.bugs

        # Maintainability Index (MI) based on
        ## the Halstead Volume, the Cyclomatic Complexity, the SLOC number and the number of comment lines
        mi = mi_visit(code_input, multi=True)
        radon_metrics['Maintainability_Index'] = mi

        return radon_metrics
        return radon_metrics
def generate_radon_metrics(code_input):
    radon_metrics = make_default_radon_metrics()
        # raw metrics
        raw_metrics = analyze(code_input)
        radon_metrics['loc'] = raw_metrics.loc
        radon_metrics['lloc'] = raw_metrics.lloc
        radon_metrics['sloc'] = raw_metrics.sloc
        radon_metrics['comments'] = raw_metrics.comments
        radon_metrics['multi'] = raw_metrics.multi
        radon_metrics['single_comments'] = raw_metrics.single_comments

        # cyclomatic complexity
        cc = ComplexityVisitor.from_code(code_input)
        radon_metrics['function_num'] = len(cc.functions)
        total_function_complexity = 0.0
        for fun in cc.functions:
            total_function_complexity += fun.complexity
        radon_metrics['total_function_complexity'] = total_function_complexity
        radon_metrics['radon_functions_complexity'] = cc.functions_complexity

        # calculate based on AST tree
        v = h_visit_ast(h_visit(code_input))
        radon_metrics['h1'] = v.h1
        radon_metrics['h2'] = v.h2
        radon_metrics['N1'] = v.N1
        radon_metrics['N2'] = v.N2
        radon_metrics['vocabulary'] = v.vocabulary
        radon_metrics['length'] = v.length
        radon_metrics['calculated_length'] = v.calculated_length
        radon_metrics['volume'] = v.volume
        radon_metrics['difficulty'] = v.difficulty
        radon_metrics['effort'] = v.effort
        radon_metrics['time'] = v.time
        radon_metrics['bugs'] = v.bugs

        # Maintainability Index (MI) based on
        ## the Halstead Volume, the Cyclomatic Complexity, the SLOC number and the number of comment lines
        mi = mi_visit(code_input, multi=True)
        radon_metrics['Maintainability_Index'] = mi

        return radon_metrics
        return radon_metrics
Example #10
def halstead(func_str,lang="python"):
    if lang=="python":
        vis = h_visit(func_str)
        # print(vis)
        res = {}
        keys = ["h1", "h2", "N1", "N2", "vocabulary", "length",
                "calculated_length", "volume", "Difficulty", "effort", "time", "bugs"]

        """ vis[0] returns for combined for multiple functions, ==> the total report """
        # print((vis[0], "\n", type(vis[0]))
        value = vis[0]
        res = dict(zip(keys, value))
        return res

        """ vis[1] contains list of each func separately """
        # res={}
        # for name, value in vis[1]:
        #     # print(name, value[0],len(value))
        #     res=dict(zip(keys, value))
        #     print(res)
        with open('code.txt', 'w') as f:
            # web_browsers = ['Firefox\n', 'Chrome\n', 'Edge\n']

        os.system("g++ halstead.cpp")
        out = subprocess.Popen(['./a.out'],  stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        stdout,stderr = out.communicate()
        os.system("rm code.txt ./a.out")
        # print(type(stdout),stdout,"\n",stderr)
        lines = stdout.decode("utf-8")   #stdout is of types bytes, hence the conversion
        for i in lines:
            # print(i)
            if i[0] in ['n1','n2','N1','N2']:
                halstead[i[0]] = int(i[1])
        return halstead
Example #11
 async def analyze(self, tup: NativeBlobMetricInput) -> Iterable[Metric]:
         h_data = h_visit(tup.blob.data.decode())
     except (SyntaxError, UnicodeDecodeError):
         return []  # TODO get an error output?
     result = [
             ObjectIdentifier(tup.blob.id, tup.path),
         for fn_name, fn_data in h_data.functions
             ObjectIdentifier(tup.blob.id, tup.path),
     return result
Example #12
 def generateHalsteadMetrics(self):
     hl = h_visit(self.sourceFile)
     return hl
Example #13
 def gobble(self, fobj):
     """Analyze the content of the file object."""
     code = fobj.read()
     return h_visit(code)
for nBeat in range(0, len(bts)):
    hBeatInTest = bts[nBeat]
    distancia = bts[0][nBeat]
    indRPeak = Indpks[nBeat]

    print(distancia > (sts[1] + 0.5 * sts[2]))

    if ((np.max(hBeatInTest) > (1.5 * sts[4]) and (np.min(hBeatInTest) < (1.5 * sts[3])))
        or (distancia > (sts[1] + 0.5*sts[2])) or (np.argmax(hBeatInTest) != indRPeak)):
        outlierBeats.append(nBeat + TemplatePks * n)


#execute the h_visit method, which gives you a Halstead module with all the complexity measures
visitor = h_visit(dedent(code))

""" visitor.N1 = 15
    visitor.N2 = 31
    visitor.bugs = 0.07865
    visitor.calulated_length = 154.26
    visitor.difficulty = 3.875
    visitor.effort = 914.29
    visitor.h1 = 7
    visitor.h2 = 28
    visitor.length = 46
    visitor.time = 50.79
    visitor.vocabulary = 35
    visitor.volume = 235.95
""" Visit the AST node using the :class:`~radon.visitors.HalsteadVisitor`
Example #15
def get_halstead_for_file(filepath):
    print("Halstead metric")
    with _open(filepath) as fobj:
        halstead = h_visit(fobj.read())
        return halstead
Example #16
def get_halstead_for_file(filepath):
    print("Halstead metric")
    with _open(filepath) as fobj:
        halstead = h_visit(fobj.read())
        return halstead
Example #17
def halstead_metrics(input_file):
    with open(input_file, 'r') as file:
        return h_visit(file.read()).total
Example #18
 def gobble(self, fobj):
     """Analyze the content of the file object."""
     code = fobj.read()
     return h_visit(code)
Example #19
    def __get_code_metrics(codigo: str):
        Recupera as métricas de um código Python.

        McCabe's (Complexidade)
            - complexity: Complexidade Total
            - n_classes: Quantidade de Classes
            - n_functions: Quantidade de Funções
        Métricas Brutas (Código)
            - loc: Número Total de Linhas
            - lloc: Número de Linhas Lógicas de Código
            - sloc: Número de Linhas de Código
            - comments: Número de Comentários
            - single_comments: Número de Comentários Simples
            - multilines: Número de Multi-line Strings
            - blank_lines: Número de Linhas em Branco
        Halstead (Métricas de SW)
            - h1: Número de Operadores Distintos
            - h2: Número de Operandos Distintos
            - N1: Número Total de Operadores
            - N2: Número Total de Operandos
            - vocabulary: Vocabulário (h = h1 + h2)
            - length: Tamanho (N = N1 + N2)
            - calculated_length: Tamanho Calculado (h1 * log2(h1) + h2 * log2(h2))
            - volume: Volume (V = N * log2(h))
            - difficulty: Dificuldade (D = h1/2 * N2/h2)
            - effort: Esforço (E = D * V)
            - time: Tempo (T = E / 18 segundos)
            - bugs: Bugs (B = V / 3000), estivativa de erros na implementação

        :param path: Caminho absoluto para o arquivo de código fonte (.py).
        :type path: str
        :return: As métricas que puderam ser extraídas do código.
        metricas = Metricas()
            v = ComplexityVisitor.from_code(codigo)
            metricas.complexity = v.complexity
            metricas.n_functions = len(v.functions)
            metricas.n_classes = len(v.functions)
        except Exception as e:

            a = analyze(codigo)
            metricas.loc = a.loc
            metricas.lloc = a.lloc
            metricas.sloc = a.sloc
            metricas.blank_lines = a.blank
            metricas.multilines = a.multi
            metricas.comments = a.comments
            metricas.single_comments = a.single_comments
        except Exception as e:

            h = h_visit(codigo)
            metricas.h1 = h.total.h1
            metricas.h2 = h.total.h2
            metricas.N1 = h.total.N1
            metricas.N2 = h.total.N2
            metricas.h = h.total.vocabulary
            metricas.N = h.total.length
            metricas.calculated_N = h.total.calculated_length
            metricas.volume = h.total.volume
            metricas.difficulty = h.total.difficulty
            metricas.effort = h.total.effort
            metricas.bugs = h.total.bugs
            metricas.time = h.total.time
        except Exception as e:

        return metricas
Example #20
def HalsteadClassical(code, pythonFile):
	Accepts the code in comments and the pythonFile that runs the corresponding code to search for all operators.
	The first stage, will use the radon.visitor command to find all methods that correspond as operators in the python
	The second phase will search for operators and operands as functions, in which the function name is a operators and
	its arguments are operands. It searches for functions inside functions. 
	Note that some functions might not be found if the code uses some previous simplification of the module, like:
	import numpy as np:
	np.percentile --> might not be defined as function
	from numpy import percentile:
	percentile --> will be set as function for sure
		* h1: the number of distinct operators
		* h2: the number of distinct operands
		* N1: the total number of operators
		* N2: the total number of operands
    #For typical operators in the script
    dedent = lambda code: textwrap.dedent(code).strip()
    visitor = h_visit(dedent(code))

    oprt = visitor[0]
    oprd = visitor[1]
    Toprt = visitor[2]
    Toprd = visitor[3]

    TMoperators = []
    TMoperands = []

    #Find all function candidates
    functions = rx.findall(r'(\w+)\(', code)

    #Find the true functions and arguments
    for name, data in inspect.getmembers(pythonFile, inspect.isfunction):
        if (name in functions):
            # search for all arguments of the named function:
            print('%s :' % name)
            a = rx.findall(name + r'\(.*?\)', code)
            #look for specific arguments
            for s in a:
                #Find arguments that comes after a comma, inclusive if misinterpretate an argument with a
                # interval: peaks(a, b, c[0, 10]) --> ['b' , 'c[0', '10]']
                b = rx.findall(r', (.*?[\[\]\)])', s)
                # finds all first arguments: peaks(a, b, c[0, 10]) --> ['a']
                c = rx.findall(name + r'\((.*?)[,\)\[]', s)
                TMoperands += c
                #searches in b which are the correct arguments:
                if b:
                    for ss in b:
                        #['b' , 'c[0', '10]']
                        if ']' not in ss:
                            ss = rx.findall(r'(.*?)[\[\)]', ss)
                            TMoperands += ss  #['b' , 'c[0', '10]'] --> ['b', 'c']

    Moperands = np.unique(TMoperands)
    Moperators = np.unique(TMoperators)

    print("Total Operands: ")
    print("Total Operators: ")
    print("unique operands: ")
    print("unique operators: ")

    oprt += np.size(Moperators)
    oprd += np.size(Moperands)
    Toprt += np.size(TMoperators)
    Toprd += np.size(TMoperands)

    voc = Vocabulary(oprt, oprd)
    lgt = Length(Toprt, Toprd)
    entropy = EntropyLength(oprt, oprd)
    vol = Volume(lgt, voc)
    dif = Difficulty(oprt, oprd, Toprd)
    eff = Effort(vol, dif)

    return oprt, oprd, Toprt, Toprd, voc, lgt, entropy, vol, dif, eff
Example #21
from radon.metrics import h_visit
import sys
ffile = open(str(sys.argv[1]), 'r')
data = ffile.read()
h = h_visit(data)
print str(
), h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h[9], h[10], h[11]