Example #1
def sites(c):
    Build both doc sites w/ maxed nitpicking.
    # TODO: This is super lolzy but we haven't actually tackled nontrivial
    # in-Python task calling yet, so we do this to get a copy of 'our' context,
    # which has been updated with the per-collection config data of the
    # docs/www subcollections.
    docs_c = Context(config=c.config.clone())
    www_c = Context(config=c.config.clone())
    # Must build both normally first to ensure good intersphinx inventory files
    # exist =/ circular dependencies ahoy! Do it quietly to avoid pulluting
    # output; only super-serious errors will bubble up.
    # TODO: wants a 'temporarily tweak context settings' contextmanager
    # TODO: also a f*****g spinner cuz this confuses me every time I run it
    # when the docs aren't already prebuilt
    docs_c["run"].hide = True
    www_c["run"].hide = True
    docs_c["run"].hide = False
    www_c["run"].hide = False
    # Run the actual builds, with nitpick=True (nitpicks + tracebacks)
    docs["build"](docs_c, nitpick=True)
    www["build"](www_c, nitpick=True)
Example #2
def watch_docs(c):
    Watch both doc trees & rebuild them if files change.

    This includes e.g. rebuilding the API docs if the source code changes;
    rebuilding the WWW docs if the README changes; etc.

    Reuses the configuration values ``packaging.package`` or ``tests.package``
    (the former winning over the latter if both defined) when determining which
    source directory to scan for API doc updates.
    # TODO: break back down into generic single-site version, then create split
    # tasks as with docs/www above. Probably wants raft#63.

    # NOTE: 'www'/'docs' refer to the module level sub-collections. meh.

    # Readme & WWW triggers WWW
    www_c = Context(config=c.config.clone())
    www_handler = make_handler(
        regexes=[r"\./README.rst", r"\./sites/www"],
        ignore_regexes=[r".*/\..*\.swp", r"\./sites/www/_build"],

    # Code and docs trigger API
    docs_c = Context(config=c.config.clone())
    regexes = [r"\./sites/docs"]
    package = c.get("packaging", {}).get("package", None)
    if package is None:
        package = c.get("tests", {}).get("package", None)
    if package:
    api_handler = make_handler(
        ignore_regexes=[r".*/\..*\.swp", r"\./sites/docs/_build"],

    observe(www_handler, api_handler)
Example #3
    class configuration_proxy:
        "Dict-like proxy for self.config"

        def setup(self):
            config = Config(defaults={"foo": "bar", "biz": {"baz": "boz"}})
            self.c = Context(config=config)

        def direct_access_allowed(self):
            assert self.c.config.__class__ == Config
            assert self.c.config["foo"] == "bar"
            assert self.c.config.foo == "bar"

        def config_attr_may_be_overwritten_at_runtime(self):
            new_config = Config(defaults={"foo": "notbar"})
            self.c.config = new_config
            assert self.c.foo == "notbar"

        def getitem(self):
            assert self.c["foo"] == "bar"
            assert self.c["biz"]["baz"] == "boz"

        def getattr(self):
            assert self.c.foo == "bar"
            assert self.c.biz.baz == "boz"

        def get(self):
            assert self.c.get("foo") == "bar"
            assert self.c.get("nope", "wut") == "wut"
            assert self.c.biz.get("nope", "hrm") == "hrm"

        def pop(self):
            assert self.c.pop("foo") == "bar"
            assert self.c.pop("foo", "notbar") == "notbar"
            assert self.c.biz.pop("baz") == "boz"

        def popitem(self):
            assert self.c.biz.popitem() == ("baz", "boz")
            del self.c["biz"]
            assert self.c.popitem() == ("foo", "bar")
            assert self.c.config == {}

        def del_(self):
            del self.c["foo"]
            del self.c["biz"]["baz"]
            assert self.c.biz == {}
            del self.c["biz"]
            assert self.c.config == {}

        def clear(self):
            assert self.c.biz == {}
            assert self.c.config == {}

        def setdefault(self):
            assert self.c.setdefault("foo") == "bar"
            assert self.c.biz.setdefault("baz") == "boz"
            assert self.c.setdefault("notfoo", "notbar") == "notbar"
            assert self.c.notfoo == "notbar"
            assert self.c.biz.setdefault("otherbaz", "otherboz") == "otherboz"
            assert self.c.biz.otherbaz == "otherboz"

        def update(self):
            self.c.update({"newkey": "newval"})
            assert self.c["newkey"] == "newval"
            assert self.c.foo == "bar"
            assert self.c.biz.otherbaz == "otherboz"