def generate_demo_network_raga_recognition(network_file, community_file, output_network, colors = cons_net.colors, colorify = True, mydatabase = ''):
    This function generates a network used as a demo for demonstrating relations between phrases.
    The configuration used to generate this network should ideally be the one that is used for the
    raga recognition task reported in the paper.
    #loading the network
    full_net = nx.read_pajek(network_file)
    #loading community data
    comm_data = json.load(open(community_file,'r'))
    #loading all the phrase data
    comm_char.fetch_phrase_attributes(comm_data, database = mydatabase, user= '******')
    #getting all the communities from which we dont want any node in the graph in the demo
    #obtaining gamaka communities
    gamaka_comms = comm_char.find_gamaka_communities(comm_data)[0]
    #obtaining communities with only phrases from one mbid
    one_mbid_comms = comm_char.get_comm_1MBID(comm_data)
    #collect phrases which should be removed from the graph
    phrases = []
    for c in gamaka_comms:
        for n in comm_data[c]:
    for c in one_mbid_comms:
        for n in comm_data[c]:
    print len(phrases)
    #removing the unwanted phrases
    full_net = raga_recog.remove_nodes_graph(full_net, phrases)
    # colorify the nodes according to raga labels
    if colorify:
        cmd1 = "select raagaId from file where id = (select file_id from pattern where id =%d)"
        con = psy.connect(database='ICASSP2016_10RAGA_2S', user='******') 
        cur = con.cursor()
        for n in full_net.nodes():
            ragaId = cur.fetchone()[0]
            full_net.node[n]['color'] = ragaId

    #saving the network
    nx.write_gexf(full_net, output_network)
def generate_artificially_connected_network(network_file, community_file, output_network, colorify = True, mydatabase = ''):
    Since isolated communities belonging to different ragas are scattered and jumbled up, we attempt to connect them artificaially
    so that they are all grouped together.
     #loading the network
    full_net = nx.read_pajek(network_file)
    #loading community data
    comm_data = json.load(open(community_file,'r'))
    #loading all the phrase data
    comm_char.fetch_phrase_attributes(comm_data, database = mydatabase, user= '******')
    #getting all the communities from which we dont want any node in the graph in the demo
    #obtaining gamaka communities
    gamaka_comms = comm_char.find_gamaka_communities(comm_data)[0]
    #obtaining communities with only phrases from one mbid
    one_mbid_comms = comm_char.get_comm_1MBID(comm_data)
    print len(full_net.nodes()), len(full_net.edges())
    #collect phrases which should be removed from the graph
    phrases = []
    for c in gamaka_comms:
        for n in comm_data[c]:
    for c in one_mbid_comms:
        for n in comm_data[c]:
    print len(phrases)
    #removing the unwanted phrases
    full_net = raga_recog.remove_nodes_graph(full_net, phrases)
    print len(full_net.nodes()), len(full_net.edges())
    #lets remove these phrases from the comm_data as well
    for g in gamaka_comms:
    for o in one_mbid_comms:
    #obtaining the raga labels for each community (majority voting ofcourse)
    comm_raga = {}
    raga_comm = {}
    node_cnt = 0
    for comId in comm_data.keys():
        ragaIds = [r['ragaId']  for r in comm_data[comId]]
        raga_hist, raga_names = comm_char.get_histogram_sorted(ragaIds)
        comm_raga[comId] = raga_names[0]
        if not raga_comm.has_key(raga_names[0]):
            raga_comm[raga_names[0]] = []

    edge_list = []
    for comId in comm_data.keys():
        raga = comm_raga[comId]
        node_cnt+= len(comm_data[comId])
        for comms_in_raga in raga_comm[raga]:
            if comms_in_raga == comId:
            #full_net.add_edge(comm_data[comId][0]['nId'], comm_data[comms_in_raga][0]['nId'], weight=0.0)
            edge_list.append((str(comm_data[comId][0]['nId']), str(comm_data[comms_in_raga][0]['nId']), 0.000000001))

    print node_cnt
    print len(full_net.nodes()), len(full_net.edges())
    json.dump(full_net.nodes(), open('pehle.json','w'))
    json.dump(full_net.nodes(), open('baad.json','w'))
    print len(full_net.nodes()), len(full_net.edges())
    # colorify the nodes according to raga labels
    if colorify:
        cmd1 = "select raagaId from file where id = (select file_id from pattern where id =%d)"
        con = psy.connect(database=mydatabase, user='******') 
        cur = con.cursor()
        for n in full_net.nodes():
            ragaId = cur.fetchone()[0]
            full_net.node[n]['color'] = ragaId

    #saving the network
    nx.write_gexf(full_net, output_network)