Example #1
def test_bucket_regen():
    bucket = TokenBucket(10, 10)
    # success
    assert bucket.consume(10) is True
    # sleep
    # bucket should be full again and this should succeed
    assert bucket.tokens == 10
    assert bucket.consume(10) is True
Example #2
def test_bucket_consume():
    bucket = TokenBucket(10, 5)
    # larger then capacity
    assert bucket.consume(15) is False
    # success
    assert bucket.consume(10) is True
    # check if bucket has no tokens
    assert bucket._tokens == 0
    # bucket is empty from above, should fail
    assert bucket.consume(10) is False
Example #3
def sieve_suite(bot, event, _hook):
    global buckets

    conn = event.conn

    # check acls
    acl = conn.config.get('acls', {}).get(_hook.function_name)
    if acl:
        if 'deny-except' in acl:
            allowed_channels = list(map(str.lower, acl['deny-except']))
            if event.chan.lower() not in allowed_channels:
                return None
        if 'allow-except' in acl:
            denied_channels = list(map(str.lower, acl['allow-except']))
            if event.chan.lower() in denied_channels:
                return None

    # check disabled_commands
    if _hook.type == "command":
        disabled_commands = conn.config.get('disabled_commands', [])
        if event.triggered_command in disabled_commands:
            return None

    # check permissions
    allowed_permissions = _hook.permissions
    if allowed_permissions:
        allowed = False
        for perm in allowed_permissions:
            if event.has_permission(perm):
                allowed = True

        if not allowed:
            event.notice("Sorry, but you are not allowed to use this command.")
            return None

    # check command spam tokens
    if _hook.type == "command":
        uid = "!".join([conn.name, event.chan, event.nick]).lower()

        tokens = conn.config.get('ratelimit', {}).get('tokens', 17.5)
        restore_rate = conn.config.get('ratelimit', {}).get('restore_rate', 2.5)
        message_cost = conn.config.get('ratelimit', {}).get('message_cost', 5)
        strict = conn.config.get('ratelimit', {}).get('strict', True)

        if uid not in buckets:
            bucket = TokenBucket(tokens, restore_rate)
            buckets[uid] = bucket
            return event

        bucket = buckets[uid]
        if bucket.consume(message_cost):
            bot.logger.info("[{}|sieve] Refused command from {}. "
                            "Entity had {} tokens, needed {}.".format(conn.name, uid, bucket.tokens,
            if strict:
                # bad person loses all tokens
            return None

    return event