Example #1
def test_user_event(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # behavior when a user is not approved yet
    add_user(session, 'xx', 'xx', 'xx', 'xx', 'xx', access_level='asked')
    with login_scope(client, 'xx', 'xx') as client:
        rv = client.get('/events/iris_test')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert (flash_message['message'] ==
                "Your account has not been approved yet by the administrator")

    # trigger that the event does not exist
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/events/xxx')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "no event named" in flash_message['message']

    # GET
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('events/iris_test')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert b'Iris classification' in rv.data
        assert b'Rules' in rv.data
        assert b'RAMP on iris' in rv.data
Example #2
def test_update_profile(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # try to change the profile without being logged-in
    rv = client.get('/update_profile')
    assert rv.status_code == 302
    assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/login?next=%2Fupdate_profile'
    rv = client.get('/update_profile', follow_redirects=True)
    assert rv.status_code == 200

    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        # GET function once logged-in
        rv = client.get('/update_profile')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        for attr in [b'Username', b'First name', b'Last name', b'Email',
                     b'User', b'Test', b'*****@*****.**']:
            assert attr in rv.data

        # POST function once logged-in
        user_profile = {'lastname': 'XXX', 'firstname': 'YYY',
                        'email': '*****@*****.**'}
        rv = client.post('/update_profile', data=user_profile)
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        user = get_user_by_name(session, 'test_user')
        assert user.lastname == 'XXX'
        assert user.firstname == 'YYY'
        assert user.email == '*****@*****.**'
        user_profile = {'lastname': 'Test', 'firstname': 'User',
                        'email': '*****@*****.**'}
        rv = client.post('/update_profile', data=user_profile,
        assert rv.status_code == 200
Example #3
def test_ask_for_event_mail(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    with client.application.app_context():
        with mail.record_messages() as outbox:
            with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:

                rv = client.get('problems/iris/ask_for_event')
                assert rv.status_code == 200
                data = {
                    'suffix': 'test_2',
                    'title': 'whatever title',
                    'n_students': 200,
                    'min_duration_between_submissions_hour': 1,
                    'min_duration_between_submissions_minute': 2,
                    'min_duration_between_submissions_second': 3,
                    'opening_date': '2019-01-01',
                    'closing_date': '2020-01-01'
                rv = client.post('problems/iris/ask_for_event', data=data)
                assert rv.status_code == 302
                # check that the email has been sent
                assert len(outbox) == 1
                assert ('User test_user asked to add a new event'
                        in outbox[0].body)
Example #4
def test_ask_for_event(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/problems/xxx/ask_for_event')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "no problem named" in flash_message['message']

        rv = client.get('problems/iris/ask_for_event')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert b'Ask for a new event on iris' in rv.data

        data = {
            'suffix': 'test_2',
            'title': 'whatever title',
            'n_students': 200,
            'min_duration_between_submissions_hour': 1,
            'min_duration_between_submissions_minute': 2,
            'min_duration_between_submissions_second': 3,
            'opening_date': '2019-01-01',
            'closing_date': '2020-01-01'
        rv = client.post('problems/iris/ask_for_event', data=data)
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert ("Thank you. Your request has been sent"
                in flash_message['Event request'])
Example #5
def test_approve_single_user(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    add_user(session, 'aa', 'aa', 'aa', 'aa', 'aa', access_level='asked')
    with login_scope(client, 'test_iris_admin', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/sign_up/aa')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert re.match("User(.*aa.*) is signed up",
                        flash_message['Successful sign-up'])

        # ensure that the previous change have been committed within our
        # session
        user = get_user_by_name(session, 'aa')
        assert user.access_level == 'user'

        rv = client.get("/sign_up/unknown_user")
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == "http://localhost/problems"
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert flash_message['message'] == 'No user unknown_user'
Example #6
def test_event_status(client_session, makedrop_event, opening_date,
                      public_date, closing_date, expected):
    # checks if the event status is displayed correctly
    client, session = client_session

    # change the datetime stamps for the event
    event = get_event(session, 'iris_test_4event')
    event.opening_timestamp = opening_date
    event.public_opening_timestamp = public_date
    event.closing_timestamp = closing_date

    # GET: access the problems page without login
    rv = client.get('/problems')
    assert rv.status_code == 200
    event_idx = rv.data.index(b'iris_test_4event')
    event_class_idx = rv.data[:event_idx].rfind(b'<i class')
    assert expected in rv.data[event_class_idx:event_idx]

    # GET: access the problems when logged-in
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/problems')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        event_idx = rv.data.index(b'iris_test_4event')
        event_class_idx = rv.data[:event_idx].rfind(b'<i class')
        assert expected in rv.data[event_class_idx:event_idx]
Example #7
def test_problem(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # Access a problem that does not exist
    rv = client.get('/problems/xxx')
    assert rv.status_code == 302
    assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
    with client.session_transaction() as cs:
        flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
    assert flash_message['message'] == "Problem xxx does not exist"
    rv = client.get('/problems/xxx', follow_redirects=True)
    assert rv.status_code == 200

    # GET: looking at the problem without being logged-in
    rv = client.get('problems/iris')
    assert rv.status_code == 200
    assert b'Iris classification' in rv.data
    assert b'Registered events' in rv.data

    # GET: looking at the problem being logged-in
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('problems/iris')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert b'Iris classification' in rv.data
        assert b'Registered events' in rv.data
Example #8
def test_approve_sign_up_for_event(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    with login_scope(client, 'test_iris_admin', 'test') as client:

        # check the redirection if the user or the event does not exist
        rv = client.get("/events/xxx/sign_up/test_user")
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == "http://localhost/problems"
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert flash_message['message'] == 'No event xxx or no user test_user'

        rv = client.get("/events/iris_test/sign_up/xxxx")
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == "http://localhost/problems"
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert flash_message['message'] == 'No event iris_test or no user xxxx'

        add_user(session, 'zz', 'zz', 'zz', 'zz', 'zz', access_level='user')
        _, _, event_team = ask_sign_up_team(session, 'iris_test', 'zz')
        assert not event_team.approved
        rv = client.get('/events/iris_test/sign_up/zz')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == "http://localhost/problems"
        event_team = get_event_team_by_name(session, 'iris_test', 'zz')
        assert event_team.approved
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "is signed up for Event" in flash_message['Successful sign-up']
Example #9
def test_user_interactions(client_session):
    client, _ = client_session

    with login_scope(client, 'test_iris_admin', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/user_interactions')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert b'landing' in rv.data
Example #10
def test_sign_up_for_event(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # trigger that the event does not exist
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/events/xxx/sign_up')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "no event named" in flash_message['message']

    # GET: sign-up to a new controlled event
    add_user(session, 'yy', 'yy', 'yy', 'yy', 'yy', access_level='user')
    with login_scope(client, 'yy', 'yy') as client:
        rv = client.get('/events/iris_test/sign_up')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "Sign-up request is sent" in flash_message['Request sent']
        # make sure that the database has been updated for our session
        event_team = get_event_team_by_name(session, 'iris_test', 'yy')
        assert not event_team.approved
        # check that we are informing the user that he has to wait for approval
        rv = client.get('/events/iris_test')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert b'Waiting approval...' in rv.data

    # GET: sign-up to a new uncontrolled event
    event = get_event(session, 'boston_housing_test')
    event.is_controled_signup = False
    with login_scope(client, 'yy', 'yy') as client:
        rv = client.get('/events/boston_housing_test/sign_up')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert (rv.location ==
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "is signed up for" in flash_message['Successful sign-up']
        # make sure that the database has been updated for our session
        event_team = get_event_team_by_name(session, 'boston_housing_test',
        assert event_team.approved
Example #11
def test_view_model(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # unknown submission
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/xxxxx/xx.py')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "Missing submission" in flash_message['message']

    submission = get_submission_by_name(session, 'iris_test', 'test_user',
    submission_hash = submission.hash_

    # unknown workflow element
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('{}/{}'.format(submission_hash, 'extractor.py'))
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "is not a valid workflow element" in flash_message['message']

    # The file does not exist on the server
    # temporary rename the file
    os.rename(submission.path, submission.path + 'xxxxx')
        with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
            rv = client.get('{}/{}'.format(submission_hash, 'estimator.py'))
            assert rv.status_code == 302
            assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
            with client.session_transaction() as cs:
                flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
            assert "does not exist by" in flash_message['message']
        os.rename(submission.path + 'xxxxx', submission.path)

    # GET: normal file display
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('{}/{}'.format(submission_hash, 'estimator.py'))
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert b'file = estimator.py' in rv.data
        assert (b'from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier'
                in rv.data)
Example #12
def test_sandbox_save_file(client_session, makedrop_event):
    client, session = client_session
    sign_up_team(session, "iris_test_4event", "test_user")

    example_code = "example content"

    with login_scope(client, "test_user", "test") as client:
        rv = client.get("http://localhost/events/iris_test_4event/sandbox")
        assert rv.status_code == 200

        rv = client.post(
                "Referer": "http://localhost/events/iris_test_4event/sandbox"
                "estimator": example_code,
                "code-csrf_token": "temp_token"
        assert rv.status_code == 200

        # code from the db
        event = get_event(session, "iris_test_4event")
        sandbox_submission = get_submission_by_name(session,
        submission_code = sandbox_submission.files[-1].get_code()

        # get user interactions from db and check if 'save' was added
        user_interactions = get_user_interactions_by_name(session, "test_user")

        assert "save" in user_interactions["interaction"].values
        assert example_code in submission_code

    # make sure that after changing the code example
    # and reloading the page the code is still changed
    with login_scope(client, "test_user", "test") as client:
        rv = client.get("http://localhost/events/iris_test_4event/sandbox")
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert example_code.encode() in rv.data
Example #13
def test_download_submission(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # unknown submission
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get("download/xxxxx")
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "Missing submission" in flash_message['message']

    submission = (session.query(Submission).filter_by(name="starting_kit_test",

    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get(f"download/{submission.hash_}")
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert rv.data
Example #14
def test_check_unknown_events(client_session, page):
    client, _ = client_session

    # trigger that the event does not exist
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get(page)
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "no event named" in flash_message['message']
Example #15
def test_sign_up_already_logged_in(client_session, request_function):
    client, _ = client_session

    # sign-up when already logged-in
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = getattr(client, request_function)('/sign_up')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        rv = getattr(client, request_function)('/sign_up',
        assert rv.status_code == 200
Example #16
def test_sandbox_upload_file(client_session, makedrop_event, submission_dir,
    client, session = client_session
    sign_up_team(session, "iris_test_4event", "test_user")

    config = ramp_config_template()
    ramp_config = generate_ramp_config(read_config(config))

    # upload file in sandbox.html
    path_submissions = os.path.join(ramp_config["ramp_kit_dir"],

    with login_scope(client, "test_user", "test") as client:
        rv = client.get("http://localhost/events/iris_test_4event/sandbox")
        assert rv.status_code == 200

        # choose file and check if it was uploaded correctly
        path_submission = os.path.join(path_submissions, filename)
        assert os.path.isfile(path_submission)

        rv = client.post(
                "Referer": "http://localhost/events/iris_test_4event/sandbox"
            data={"file": (open(path_submission, "rb"), filename)},

        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert (
            rv.location == "http://localhost/events/iris_test_4event/sandbox")

        # code of the saved file
        with open(path_submission, "r") as file:
            submitted_data = file.read()

        # code from the db
        event = get_event(session, "iris_test_4event")
        sandbox_submission = get_submission_by_name(session,
        submission_code = sandbox_submission.files[-1].get_code()

        # get user interactions from db and check if 'upload' was added
        user_interactions = get_user_interactions_by_name(session, "test_user")

        # check if the code of the submitted file in the 'submission_code'
        assert submitted_data is not None
        assert submitted_data in submission_code
        # check if the user_interaction was added to the db
        assert "upload" in user_interactions["interaction"].values
Example #17
def test_view_submission_error(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # unknown submission
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/xxxxx/error.txt')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert "Missing submission" in flash_message['message']

    submission = get_submission_by_name(session, 'iris_test', 'test_user',
    submission.error_msg = 'This submission is a failure'
    submission_hash = submission.hash_
    # GET: normal error display
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('{}/{}'.format(submission_hash, 'error.txt'))
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert b'This submission is a failure' in rv.data
Example #18
def test_check_admin_required(client_session, page, request_function):
    client, _ = client_session

    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        for rf in request_function:
            rv = getattr(client, rf)(page)
            with client.session_transaction() as cs:
                flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
            assert (flash_message['message'] ==
                    'Sorry User, you do not have admin rights')
            assert rv.status_code == 302
            assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
            rv = getattr(client, rf)(page, follow_redirects=True)
            assert rv.status_code == 200
Example #19
def test_problems(client_session):
    client, _ = client_session

    # GET: access the problems page without login
    rv = client.get('/problems')
    assert rv.status_code == 200
    assert b'Hi User!' not in rv.data
    assert b'participants' in rv.data
    assert b'Iris classification' in rv.data
    assert b'Boston housing price regression' in rv.data

    # GET: access the problems when logged-in
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/problems')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert b'Hi User!' in rv.data
        assert b'participants' in rv.data
        assert b'Iris classification' in rv.data
        assert b'Boston housing price regression' in rv.data
Example #20
def test_approve_users_remove(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # create 2 new users
    add_user(session, 'xx', 'xx', 'xx', 'xx', 'xx', access_level='user')
    add_user(session, 'yy', 'yy', 'yy', 'yy', 'yy', access_level='asked')
    # ask for sign up for an event for the first user
    _, _, event_team = ask_sign_up_team(session, 'iris_test', 'xx')

    with login_scope(client, 'test_iris_admin', 'test') as client:

        # GET check that we get all new user to be approved
        rv = client.get('/approve_users')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        # line for user approval
        assert b'yy: yy yy - yy' in rv.data
        # line for the event approval
        assert b'iris_test - xx'

        # POST check that we are able to approve a user and event
        data = ImmutableMultiDict([('submit_button', 'Remove!'),
                                   ('approve_users', 'yy'),
                                   ('approve_event_teams', str(event_team.id))
        rv = client.post('/approve_users', data=data)
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'

        # ensure that the previous change have been committed within our
        # session
        user = get_user_by_name(session, 'yy')
        assert user is None
        event_team = get_event_team_by_name(session, 'iris_test', 'xx')
        assert event_team is None
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert re.match(
            r"Removed users:\nyy\nRemoved event_team:\n"
            flash_message['Removed users'])
Example #21
def test_submit_button_enabled_disabled(client_session, makedrop_event,
                                        opening_date, public_date,
                                        closing_date, expected):
    client, session = client_session

    event = get_event(session, 'iris_test_4event')
    event.opening_timestamp = opening_date
    event.public_opening_timestamp = public_date
    event.closing_timestamp = closing_date
    sign_up_team(session, 'iris_test_4event', 'test_user')

    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('http://localhost/events/iris_test_4event/sandbox')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        # check for update button status on the generated .html
        if expected == b'event-close':
            assert 'disabled' in str(rv.data)  # should to be disabled
            assert 'disabled' not in str(rv.data)  # should not be disabled
Example #22
def test_sign_up_for_event_mail(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # GET: sign-up to a new controlled event
    with client.application.app_context():
        with mail.record_messages() as outbox:
            with login_scope(client, 'zz', 'zz') as client:
                rv = client.get('/events/iris_test/sign_up')
                assert rv.status_code == 302
                # check that the email has been sent
                assert len(outbox) == 1
                assert ('Click on this link to approve the sign-up request'
                        in outbox[0].body)
Example #23
def test_correct_message_sandbox(client_session, makedrop_event, opening_date,
                                 public_date, closing_date, expected):
    client, session = client_session

    event = get_event(session, 'iris_test_4event')
    event.opening_timestamp = opening_date
    event.public_opening_timestamp = public_date
    event.closing_timestamp = closing_date
    sign_up_team(session, 'iris_test_4event', 'test_user')

    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('http://localhost/events/iris_test_4event/sandbox')
        assert rv.status_code == 200

        if NOW < opening_date:
            assert "Event submissions will open on the " in str(rv.data)
        elif NOW < closing_date:
            assert "Event submissions are open until " in str(rv.data)
            assert "This event closed on the " in str(rv.data)
Example #24
def test_sandbox_upload_file_dont_exist(client_session, makedrop_event,
                                        submission_dir, filename):
    client, session = client_session
    sign_up_team(session, "iris_test_4event", "test_user")

    config = ramp_config_template()
    ramp_config = generate_ramp_config(read_config(config))

    # upload file in sandbox.html
    path_submissions = os.path.join(ramp_config["ramp_kit_dir"], )

    with login_scope(client, "test_user", "test") as client:
        rv = client.get("http://localhost/events/iris_test_4event/sandbox")
        assert rv.status_code == 200

        # choose file and check if it was uploaded correctly
        path_submission = os.path.join(path_submissions, filename)
        assert not os.path.isfile(path_submission)

        with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
            rv = client.post(
                data={"file": (open(path_submission, "rb"), filename)},

        assert rv.status_code == 200

        with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
            with open(path_submission, "r") as file:
                submitted_data = file.read()
                assert not submitted_data

        # get user interactions from db and check if 'upload' was added
        user_interactions = get_user_interactions_by_name(session, "test_user")
        assert "upload" not in user_interactions["interaction"].values
Example #25
def test_update_event(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    with login_scope(client, 'test_iris_admin', 'test') as client:

        # case tha the event does not exist
        rv = client.get('/events/boston_housing/update')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        with client.session_transaction() as cs:
            flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
        assert 'no event named "boston_housing"' in flash_message['message']

        # GET: pre-fill the forms
        rv = client.get('/events/iris_test/update')
        assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert b'Minimum duration between submissions' in rv.data

        # POST: update the event data
        event_info = {
            'suffix': 'test',
            'title': 'Iris new title',
            'is_send_trained_mail': True,
            'is_public': True,
            'is_controled_signup': True,
            'is_competitive': False,
            'min_duration_between_submissions_hour': 0,
            'min_duration_between_submissions_minute': 0,
            'min_duration_between_submissions_second': 0,
            'opening_timestamp': "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
            'closing_timestamp': "2100-01-01 00:00:00",
            'public_opening_timestamp': "2000-01-01 00:00:00"
        rv = client.post('/events/iris_test/update', data=event_info)
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == "http://localhost/problems"
        event = get_event(session, 'iris_test')
        assert event.min_duration_between_submissions == 0
Example #26
def test_login(client_session):
    client, session = client_session

    # GET without any previous login
    rv = client.get('/login')
    assert rv.status_code == 200
    assert b'Login' in rv.data
    assert b'Username' in rv.data
    assert b'Password' in rv.data

    # GET with a previous login
    with login_scope(client, 'test_user', 'test') as client:
        rv = client.get('/login')
        assert rv.status_code == 302
        assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
        rv = client.get('/login', follow_redirects=True)
        assert rv.status_code == 200

    # POST with unknown username
    login_info = {'user_name': 'unknown', 'password': '******'}
    rv = client.post('/login', data=login_info)
    with client.session_transaction() as cs:
        flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
    assert flash_message['message'] == 'User "unknown" does not exist'
    assert rv.status_code == 302
    assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/login'
    rv = client.post('/login', data=login_info, follow_redirects=True)
    assert rv.status_code == 200

    # POST with wrong password
    login_info = {'user_name': 'test_user', 'password': '******'}
    rv = client.post('/login', data=login_info)
    with client.session_transaction() as cs:
        flash_message = dict(cs['_flashes'])
    assert flash_message['message'] == 'Wrong password'
    assert rv.status_code == 302
    assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/login'
    rv = client.post('/login', data=login_info, follow_redirects=True)
    assert rv.status_code == 200

    # POST with a right login and password
    login_info = {'user_name': 'test_user', 'password': '******'}
    rv = client.post('/login', data=login_info)
    assert rv.status_code == 302
    assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
    user = get_user_by_name_or_email(session, login_info['user_name'])
    assert user.is_authenticated
    rv = client.post('/login', data=login_info, follow_redirects=True)
    assert rv.status_code == 200

    # POST with a right email as login and password
    login_info = {
        'user_name': 'test_user',
        'password': '******',
        'email': '*****@*****.**'
    rv = client.post('/login', data=login_info)
    assert rv.status_code == 302
    assert rv.location == 'http://localhost/problems'
    user = get_user_by_name_or_email(session, login_info['email'])
    assert user.is_authenticated
    rv = client.post('/login', data=login_info, follow_redirects=True)
    assert rv.status_code == 200

    # POST with right login and password from a different location webpage
    login_info = {'user_name': 'test_user', 'password': '******'}
    landing_page = {'next': 'http://localhost/events/iris_test'}
    rv = client.post('/login', data=login_info, query_string=landing_page)
    assert rv.status_code == 302
    assert rv.location == landing_page['next']
    rv = client.post('/login',
    assert rv.status_code == 200