Example #1
    def find_service_time(self, n, c):
        Finds the service time function

        if self.mu[c][n][0] == 'Uniform':
            return lambda : uniform(self.mu[c][n][1], self.mu[c][n][2])
        if self.mu[c][n][0] == 'Deterministic':
            return lambda : self.mu[c][n][1]
        if self.mu[c][n][0] == 'Triangular':
            return lambda : triangular(self.mu[c][n][1], self.mu[c][n][2], self.mu[c][n][3])
        if self.mu[c][n][0] == 'Exponential':
            return lambda : expovariate(self.mu[c][n][1])
        if self.mu[c][n][0] == 'Gamma':
            return lambda : gammavariate(self.mu[c][n][1], self.mu[c][n][2])
        if self.mu[c][n][0] == 'Normal':
            return lambda : gauss(self.mu[c][n][1], self.mu[c][n][2])
        if self.mu[c][n][0] == 'Lognormal':
            return lambda : lognormvariate(self.mu[c][n][1], self.mu[c][n][2])
        if self.mu[c][n][0] == 'Weibull':
            return lambda : weibullvariate(self.mu[c][n][1], self.mu[c][n][2])
        if self.mu[c][n][0] == 'Custom':
            P, V = zip(*self.parameters[self.mu[c][n][1]])
            probs = list(P)
            cum_probs = [sum(probs[0:i+1]) for i in range(len(probs))]
            values = list(V)
            return lambda : self.custom_pdf(cum_probs, values)
        return False
Example #2
    def random_year(self):
        s = random.lognormvariate(self.stocks_mean, self.stocks_stddev) - 1
        s = Decimal(s)

        b = random.lognormvariate(self.bonds_mean, self.bonds_stddev) - 1
        b = Decimal(b)
        return AnnualChange(year=self.year, stocks=s, bonds=b, inflation=Decimal(0))
Example #3
 def sample(self):
     result = self._scale * random.lognormvariate(self._mu, self._sigma)
     if self._maximum is not None and result > self._maximum:
         for _ignore in range(10):
             result = self._scale * random.lognormvariate(self._mu, self._sigma)
             if result <= self._maximum:
             raise ValueError("Unable to generate LogNormalDistribution sample within required range")
     return result
Example #4
    def test_lognormal(self):
        """Statistics.lognormal test"""
        import random
        import Biskit.gnuplot as gnuplot
        import Biskit.hist as H

        cr = []
        for i in range( 10000 ):
            ## Some random values drawn from the same lognormal distribution 

            alpha = 1.5
            beta = .7
            x = 10.

            R = [ random.lognormvariate( alpha, beta ) for j in range( 10 ) ]

            cr += [ logConfidence( x, R )[0] ]

        ca = logArea( x, alpha, beta )

        if self.local:
            gnuplot.plot( H.density( N.array(cr) - ca, 100 ) )

            globals().update( locals() )

        self.assertAlmostEqual( ca,  0.86877651432955771, 7)
Example #5
    async def create_server(self, worker, protocol_factory, address=None,
                            sockets=None, idx=0):
        '''Create the Server which will listen for requests.

        :return: a :class:`.TcpServer`.
        cfg = self.cfg
        max_requests = cfg.max_requests
        if max_requests:
            max_requests = int(lognormvariate(log(max_requests), 0.2))
        server = self.server_factory(
        for event in ('connection_made', 'pre_request', 'post_request',
            callback = getattr(cfg, event)
            if callback != pass_through:
        await server.start_serving(
        return server
	def produceReads(self,readDensity = 1,read_length = 50):
		Produces uniform reads by walking iteratively over self.regions
		mRNA = self.getTotalmRNA()
		spanning_length = self.getRegionSpanningLength()
		n = spanning_length['total'] - read_length + 1
		j = 0
		k = 0
		for i in range(n):
			#  "alpha is playing the role of k and beta is playing the role of theta"
			dd = max(0,int(round(random.lognormvariate(math.log(readDensity),0.5))))# Notice this is NOT a binomial distribution!!
			for d in range(dd):
				sequence = mRNA[i:i+read_length]
				if(random.randint(0,1) == 0):
					strand = 0
					strand = 16
				flag = strand + 0
				print "read_"+str(j)+"."+str(i)+"."+str(d)+"\t"+str(flag)+"\t"+self.chromosome+"\t"+str(self.regions[j].start + k)+"\t60\t"+self.getMappingString(read_length,j,k)+"\t*\t0\t0\t"+str(sequence.upper())+"\t*"
			spanning_length['iter'][j] -= 1
			if(k >= self.regions[j].getSpanningLength()-1):
				j += 1
				k = 0
				k += 1
    def _get_new_ctd_packet(self, length):

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(stream_definition_id=self.stream_def._id)
        #Explicitly make these numpy arrays...
        c = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0,75.0)  for i in xrange(length)]) 
        t = numpy.array([random.uniform(-1.7, 21.0) for i in xrange(length)]) 
        p = numpy.array([random.lognormvariate(1,2) for i in xrange(length)])
        lat = numpy.array([random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0) for i in xrange(length)]) 
        lon = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0, 360.0) for i in xrange(length)]) 
        h = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0, 360.0) for i in xrange(length)])

        start_time = ntplib.system_to_ntp_time(time.time()) - (length + 1)
        tvar = numpy.array([start_time + i for i in xrange(1,length+1)])

        rdt['time'] = tvar
        rdt['lat'] = lat
        rdt['lon'] = lon
        rdt['temp'] = t
        rdt['conductivity'] = c
        rdt['pressure'] = p

#        rdt['coordinates'] = rdt0
#        rdt['data'] = rdt1

        g = rdt.to_granule(data_producer_id=self.id)

        return g
Example #8
 def find_distributions(self, n, c, source):
     Finds distribution functions
     if source[c][n] == 'NoArrivals':
         return lambda : 'Inf'
     if source[c][n][0] == 'Uniform':
         return lambda : uniform(source[c][n][1], source[c][n][2])
     if source[c][n][0] == 'Deterministic':
         return lambda : source[c][n][1]
     if source[c][n][0] == 'Triangular':
         return lambda : triangular(source[c][n][1], source[c][n][2], source[c][n][3])
     if source[c][n][0] == 'Exponential':
         return lambda : expovariate(source[c][n][1])
     if source[c][n][0] == 'Gamma':
         return lambda : gammavariate(source[c][n][1], source[c][n][2])
     if source[c][n][0] == 'Lognormal':
         return lambda : lognormvariate(source[c][n][1], source[c][n][2])
     if source[c][n][0] == 'Weibull':
         return lambda : weibullvariate(source[c][n][1], source[c][n][2])
     if source[c][n][0] == 'Custom':
         P, V = zip(*self.parameters[source[c][n][1]])
         probs = list(P)
         cum_probs = [sum(probs[0:i+1]) for i in range(len(probs))]
         values = list(V)
         return lambda : self.custom_pdf(cum_probs, values)
     if source[c][n][0] == 'Empirical':
         if isinstance(source[c][n][1], str):
             empirical_dist = self.import_empirical_dist(source[c][n][1])
             return lambda : choice(empirical_dist)
         return lambda : choice(source[c][n][1])
     return False
    def _get_new_ctd_packet(self, stream_id, length):

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=tx)

        #Explicitly make these numpy arrays...
        c = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0,75.0)  for i in xrange(length)]) 
        t = numpy.array([random.uniform(-1.7, 21.0) for i in xrange(length)]) 
        p = numpy.array([random.lognormvariate(1,2) for i in xrange(length)]) 
        lat = numpy.array([random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0) for i in xrange(length)]) 
        lon = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0, 360.0) for i in xrange(length)]) 
        h = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0, 360.0) for i in xrange(length)]) 
        tvar = numpy.array([self.last_time + i for i in xrange(1,length+1)]) 
        self.last_time = max(tvar)

        log.warn('Got time: %s' % str(tvar))
        log.warn('Got t: %s' % str(t))

        rdt['time'] = tvar
        rdt['lat'] = lat
        rdt['lon'] = lon
        rdt['height'] = h
        rdt['temp'] = t
        rdt['cond'] = c
        rdt['pres'] = p

#        rdt['coordinates'] = rdt0
#        rdt['data'] = rdt1

        g = build_granule(data_producer_id=stream_id, taxonomy=tx, record_dictionary=rdt)

        return g
Example #10
def generateLogNormalRVs(mu, sigma, count, histDelta):

    rVec = numpy.zeros(count)
    rMax = 0.
    for ii in range(count):
        rVec[ii] = random.lognormvariate(mu, sigma)
        if (rMax < rVec[ii]):
            rMax = rVec[ii]

    # build the histogram ...
    deltaR = histDelta
    rMinHist = 0.
    rMaxHist = rMax + 2. * deltaR
    numBins = (rMaxHist - rMinHist) / deltaR
    numBins = int(numBins) + 2

    rHist = numpy.zeros(numBins)

    # print ' making histogram ... ', deltaR, rMaxHist
    for ii in range(count):
        iBin = int((rVec[ii] - rMinHist) / deltaR + 0.0001)
        rHist[iBin] += 1

    for iBin in range(numBins):
        rHist[iBin] /= float(count)

    return (rVec, rHist)
Example #11
 def next(self):
   change = random.lognormvariate(0, self.sigma)
   if self.current + change > 0 and random.choice((True, False)):
     change = -change
   self.current += change
   yield self.current
Example #12
 def visit_medic(self):
         Lognormal with :
         logarithmic mean: 1.024
         logarithmic std dev: 0.788
     name = 'medic'
     if self.debug:
         print self.name, "at ",name, simpy.now()
     arrive = simpy.now()
     yield simpy.request, self, self.resources[name]
     wait = simpy.now() - arrive
     time = random.lognormvariate(mu=1.024, sigma=0.788) 
     tib = self.numberOfForms * time 
     yield simpy.hold,self,tib
     yield simpy.release, self, self.resources[name]
     p = random.random()
     if p < 0.99:
         for i in self.visit_dispenser():
             yield i
         for i in self.visit_exit():
             yield i
Example #13
def lognormal(mean=None, sigma=None, n=1, minimum=None, maximum=None):
    Generate a list with a lognormal distribution.
    Option - setting mininum and maximum rejects and regenerates
    any value outside the truncation range.
    Setting minimum and maximum to None or 'None' makes the range
    if minimum is None or minimum is 'None':
        minimum = None
        minimum = float(minimum)

    if maximum is None or maximum is 'None':
        maximum = None
        maximum = float(maximum)

    mean = float(mean)
    sigma = float(sigma)

    answer = []
    while len(answer) < n:
        x = random.lognormvariate(mu=mean, sigma=sigma)
        if x > minimum and (x < maximum or (maximum is None)):
    return answer
Example #14
 def random(self, start, minVal, maxVal, candidate = None):
   for z in xrange(config.rand_retries):
     #logging.debug("lognorm: start=%d, v=%d", start, v)
     if v>=minVal and v<=maxVal and start!=v:
       return v
   raise MutateFailed("lognorm random gen failed")
Example #15
    def _trigger_func(self, stream_id):

        point_def = ctd_stream_definition(stream_id=stream_id)
        point_constructor = PointSupplementConstructor(point_definition=point_def)

        while True:

            length = 1

            c = [random.uniform(0.0,75.0)  for i in xrange(length)]

            t = [random.uniform(-1.7, 21.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            p = [random.lognormvariate(1,2) for i in xrange(length)]

            lat = [random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            lon = [random.uniform(0.0, 360.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            tvar = [self.last_time + i for i in xrange(1,length+1)]

            self.last_time = max(tvar)

            point_id = point_constructor.add_point(time=tvar,location=(lon[0],lat[0]))
            point_constructor.add_point_coverage(point_id=point_id, coverage_id='temperature', values=t)
            point_constructor.add_point_coverage(point_id=point_id, coverage_id='pressure', values=p)
            point_constructor.add_point_coverage(point_id=point_id, coverage_id='conductivity', values=c)

            ctd_packet = point_constructor.get_stream_granule()

            log.warn('SimpleCtdPublisher sending %d values!' % length)

Example #16
    def _trigger_func(self, stream_id):

        while True:

            length = random.randint(1,20)

            c = [random.uniform(0.0,75.0)  for i in xrange(length)]

            t = [random.uniform(-1.7, 21.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            p = [random.lognormvariate(1,2) for i in xrange(length)]

            lat = [random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            lon = [random.uniform(0.0, 360.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            tvar = [self.last_time + i for i in xrange(1,length+1)]

            self.last_time = max(tvar)

            ctd_packet = ctd_stream_packet(stream_id=stream_id,
                c=c, t=t, p=p, lat=lat, lon=lon, time=tvar)

            log.warn('SimpleCtdPublisher sending %d values!' % length)

Example #17
	def initRandomParticle(self, systemRadius, maxSize, systemCenter):
		position = [random.randrange(systemCenter[0],systemRadius),random.randrange(systemCenter[1],systemRadius)]  #this creates a square system
		velocity = [random.randrange(-50,50),random.randrange(-50,50)]					  	  
		mass     = random.lognormvariate(1,6)
		radius   = math.pow(mass,0.25) 
		color    = (random.randrange(0,255),random.randrange(0,255),random.randrange(0,255),0)
		return self(position,velocity,radius,mass,color)
def test():

    import random

    data = [random.gauss(3.3, 2) for i in range(10000)]
    print '\n\n'
    data = [random.lognormvariate(0, .7) for i in range(10000)]
    print '\n\n'
    data = [random.paretovariate(100) for i in range(10000)]
    print '\n\n'
    data = [int(random.gauss(0, 2)) for i in range(10000)]
    print '\n\n'
Example #19
    def nextArrival(self, time):
        """Create a user object for the next user to arrive"""
        zone = self.whichTime(time)
        #print "Time zone",zone,"time",time,"since midnight", \
        #    float(time%(24*60*60))/(24*60*60)
        if zone != self.initZone:

        loc = self.locDemand[self.chooseLocation()].getLocation()
        arrivalRate = self.totDemand * self.base_arrival_rate
        delta = random.expovariate(arrivalRate)
        life = random.lognormvariate(self.mu, self.sigma)
        #print "rate",arrivalRate,"delta",delta,"life",life

        thisuser = user.user(loc, time + delta, time + delta + life)
        return thisuser
def gen_log_entry(outf):
    x = random.lognormvariate(0, 1)
    if x < 2:
        response = 200
    elif x < 3:
        response = 404
        response = random.choice(httplib.responses.keys())

    host = ""
    timestamp = time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    resource = "/index.html"
    method = "GET"

    logstr = "%(host)s - - [%(timestamp)s] \"%(method)s %(resource)s HTTP/1.1\" %(response)d\n" % locals()
Example #21
def callback_liveOut_pipe_in(named_count, state_uid, **kwargs):
    'Handle something changing the value of the input pipe or the associated state uid'

    cache_key = _get_cache_key(state_uid)
    state = cache.get(cache_key)

    # If nothing in cache, prepopulate
    if not state:
        state = {}

    # Guard against missing input on startup
    if not named_count:
        named_count = {}

    # extract incoming info from the message and update the internal state
    user = named_count.get('user', None)
    click_colour = named_count.get('click_colour', None)
    click_timestamp = named_count.get('click_timestamp', 0)

    if click_colour:
        colour_set = state.get(click_colour, None)

        if not colour_set:
            colour_set = [(None, 0, 100) for i in range(5)]

        _, last_ts, prev = colour_set[-1]

        # Loop over all existing timestamps and find the latest one
        if not click_timestamp or click_timestamp < 1:
            click_timestamp = 0

            for _, the_colour_set in state.items():
                _, lts, _ = the_colour_set[-1]
                if lts > click_timestamp:
                    click_timestamp = lts

            click_timestamp = click_timestamp + 1000

        if click_timestamp > last_ts:
            colour_set.append((user, click_timestamp,
                               prev * random.lognormvariate(0.0, 0.1)), )
            colour_set = colour_set[-100:]

        state[click_colour] = colour_set
        cache.set(cache_key, state, 3600)

    return "(%s,%s)" % (cache_key, click_timestamp)
Example #22
def create_txn(p, x, y_lines, boxes):
    """Create a new transaction, avoiding existing ones."""
    x_minmax = x - p.post_radius, x + p.x_txn_offset + p.txn_radius

    # Filter boxes to the list which might intersect ours on the x axis.
    blocker_boxes = []
    for box in boxes:
        bx_minmax, _ = box
        if intersects(x_minmax, bx_minmax):

    y_selected = None
    i = 0
    while y_selected is None:
        if i >= p.max_attempts:
            return None
        i += 1

        # Select a number of postings.
        num_postings = 0
        while not (p.min_postings <= num_postings <= min(
                p.max_postings, len(y_lines))):
            num_postings = int(random.lognormvariate(1.0, 0.4))

        # Select some subset of lines. Try to keep the lines together.
        first_line = random.randint(0, len(y_lines) - num_postings)
        lines = [first_line]
        probab_select = 0.3
        line = first_line
        while len(lines) < num_postings:
            for line in range(first_line + 1, len(y_lines)):
                if random.random() < probab_select:
                if len(lines) >= num_postings:
        y_selected = [y_lines[line] for line in sorted(lines)]

        y_minmax = y_selected[0] - p.post_radius, y_selected[-1] + p.post_radius
        for box in blocker_boxes:
            _, by_minmax = box
            if intersects(y_minmax, by_minmax):
                y_selected = None

    box = (x_minmax, y_minmax)

    return y_selected, box
Example #23
def size_box_stream(bounds=(-10, -10, 10, 10)):
    Generate a stream of random bounding boxes where the corners
    are uniformly distributed

        bounds - the bounds to generate in
    # Check our bounds
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = check_bounds(bounds)

    # Generate random size distribution from priors
    while True:
        xcentre, ycentre = uniform(xmin, xmax), uniform(ymin, ymax)
        width, height = [lognormvariate(-1, 1) for _ in range(2)]
        yield (xcentre - width / 2, ycentre - height / 2, xcentre + width / 2,
               ycentre + height / 2)
def customer(env, number, pumps, line):
    print("%d arrives at gas station at %d" % (number, env.now))
    #have the customer grab a spot in line
    myLine = line.request()
    yield myLine

    #grab an open pump and release the top spot in line
    myPump = pumps.request()
    yield myPump
    print("%d left the line and grabbed an open pump at %d" %
          (number, env.now))
    #wait for a random amount of time determined by a log normal distribution of mean=5, shape=0.5, and scale of 1.5 to release the pump
    t = random.lognormvariate(1.5, 0.5)
    yield env.timeout(t)
    print("%d leaves at gas station at %d" % (number, env.now))
Example #25
def randomXValue(tag, params):
    if tag == "normal":
        mu = number(params.get("mu", 0.0))
        sigma = number(params.get("sigma", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.normalvariate(mu, sigma))
    if tag == "pnormal":
        mu = number(params.get("mu", 0.0))
        sigma = number(params.get("sigma", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: max(random.normalvariate(mu, sigma), 0.0))
    elif tag == "uniform":
        mn = number(params.get("min", 0.0))
        mx = number(params.get("max", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.uniform(mn, mx))
    elif tag == "triangular":
        low = number(params.get("low", 0.0))
        high = number(params.get("high", 1.0))
        mode = number(params.get("mode", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.triangular(low, high, mode))
    elif tag == "beta":
        alpha = number(params.get("alpha", 0.0))
        beta = number(params.get("beta", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.betavariate(alpha, beta))
    elif tag == "gamma":
        alpha = number(params.get("alpha", 0.0))
        beta = number(params.get("beta", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.gammavariate(alpha, beta))
    elif tag == "lognormal":
        mu = number(params.get("mu", 0.0))
        sigma = number(params.get("sigma", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.lognormvariate(mu, sigma))
    elif tag == "vonmises":
        mu = number(params.get("mu", 0.0))
        kappa = number(params.get("kappa", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.vonmisesvariate(mu, kappa))
    elif tag == "pareto":
        alpha = number(params.get("alpha", 0.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.paretovariate(alpha))
    elif tag == "weibull":
        alpha = number(params.get("alpha", 0.0))
        beta = number(params.get("beta", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.weibullvariate(alpha, beta))
    elif tag == "exponential":
        lamda = number(params.get("lambda", 1.0))
        return XValue(lambda: random.expovariate(lamda))
        raise InvalidXMLException("unsupported attribute value")
Example #26
    def run(self, fnprovider: AbstractFilenameProvider):
            fnprovider.get_filename('.gif', 'linreg', 'Linreg'),

        visualize_generated(lambda: random.uniform(-1, 1), random.random) \
            .save(fnprovider.get_filename('.gif', 'even_dist', 'Even distribution'), writer='imagemagick', fps=1)
        visualize_generated(lambda: random.gauss(0, 1), random.random) \
            .save(fnprovider.get_filename('.gif', 'gauss_dist', 'Gaussian distribution'), writer='imagemagick', fps=1)

        visualize_generated(lambda: random.gauss(0, 1), lambda: random.lognormvariate(0, 1)) \
            .save(fnprovider.get_filename('.gif', 'gauss_log-normal_dist',
                                          'Gaussian distribution with log-normal along the line'), writer='imagemagick',
        return fnprovider.format_files()
Example #27
 def find_distributions(self, n, c, kind):
     Finds distribution functions
     if self.source(c, n, kind) == 'NoArrivals':
         return lambda: float('Inf')
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'Uniform':
         return lambda: uniform(
             self.source(c, n, kind)[1],
             self.source(c, n, kind)[2])
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'Deterministic':
         return lambda: self.source(c, n, kind)[1]
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'Triangular':
         return lambda: triangular(
             self.source(c, n, kind)[1],
             self.source(c, n, kind)[2],
             self.source(c, n, kind)[3])
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'Exponential':
         return lambda: expovariate(self.source(c, n, kind)[1])
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'Gamma':
         return lambda: gammavariate(
             self.source(c, n, kind)[1],
             self.source(c, n, kind)[2])
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'Lognormal':
         return lambda: lognormvariate(
             self.source(c, n, kind)[1],
             self.source(c, n, kind)[2])
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'Weibull':
         return lambda: weibullvariate(
             self.source(c, n, kind)[1],
             self.source(c, n, kind)[2])
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'Custom':
         P, V = zip(*self.source(c, n, kind)[1])
         probs, values = list(P), list(V)
         return lambda: random_choice(values, probs)
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'UserDefined':
         return lambda: self.check_userdef_dist(self.source(c, n, kind)[1])
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'Empirical':
         if isinstance(self.source(c, n, kind)[1], str):
             empirical_dist = self.import_empirical(
                 self.source(c, n, kind)[1])
             return lambda: random_choice(empirical_dist)
         return lambda: random_choice(self.source(c, n, kind)[1])
     if self.source(c, n, kind)[0] == 'TimeDependent':
         return lambda t: self.check_timedependent_dist(
             self.source(c, n, kind)[1], t)
Example #28
 def __init__(self,
              startpos: list,
              speed: list,
              name: str,
              color: tuple,
              expect_life: int = 200):
     Particle.__init__(self, startpos, speed, 3)
     self.name = name
     if not name in Cytokine.surface_dict:
         newcolor = color
         Cytokine.surface_dict[self.name] = self.image.copy()
     self.image = Cytokine.surface_dict[self.name]
     sigma = 0.3
     mu = math.log(expect_life) - sigma**2 / 2
     self.life = int(random.lognormvariate(mu,
                                           sigma))  #of frames until death
Example #29
def load_gen(load_type='nonuniform', demand_value=(1,0)):
    this function generates load based on the load type specification
    demand_value = (a,b)
    if load_type == 'nonuniform':
        mean, std = demand_value
        load = random.lognormvariate(mean, std)/1000000
        #print "LOAD", load
        #print "LOGNORMAL", load
    elif load_type == 'nonuniformh':
        fixed, error = demand_value
        load1 = fixed + random.random() * error
        load2 = fixed - random.random() * error
        load = random.choice([load1, load2])
    load = round(load, 10)
    return load
Example #30
def addNoise(im, mode, value):
    :param im:
    :param mode:
    :param value:
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    for i in range(0, list(im.size)[0]):
        for j in range(0, list(im.size)[1]):
            if mode == "uniform":
                rnd = random.uniform(value[0], value[1])
            elif mode == "normal":  #UNIFORM噪声
                rnd = random.gauss(value[0], value[1])
            elif mode == "lognormal":
                rnd = random.lognormvariate(value[0], value[1])
            elif mode == "negexp":
                rnd = random.expovariate(value[0], value[1])
            elif mode == "gamma":
                rnd = random.gammavariate(value[0], value[1])
            elif mode == "beta":
                rnd = random.betavariate(value[0], value[1])
            elif mode == "pareto":
                rnd = random.paretovariate(value[0])
            elif mode == "weibull":
                rnd = random.weibullvariate(value[0], value[1])

            if im.mode == "RGB":
                color = list(im.getpixel((i, j)))
                color[0] = color[0] + rnd
                color[1] = color[1] + rnd
                color[2] = color[2] + rnd
                point = [i, j]
                draw.point(point, tuple(color))
            elif im.mode == "L":
                color = im.getpixel((i, j))
                color = color + rnd
                point = [i, j]
                draw.point(point, color)
                print "File type not supported!"
    del draw
    return im
    def Serve(self, customer):
        customer.waitTime = self.env.now - customer.timeOfArrival
        customer.startTime = self.env.now

        #customer.serviceTime = random.normalvariate(self.serviceTime,)
        #customer.serviceTime = random.expovariate(1.0/self.serviceTime)

        mu = self.serviceTime
        std = 553.867816
        mu2 = math.log(mu) - 0.5 * math.log(math.pow(std / mu, 2) + 1)
        std2 = 0.716256793
        customer.serviceTime = random.lognormvariate(mu2, std2)
        yield self.env.timeout(customer.serviceTime)

        self.queueSize -= 1

        customer.departureTime = self.env.now
Example #32
def main():

    mat = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
           [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]
    ans = [[5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [6, 5, 4, 3, 2],
           [7, 6, 5, 4, 3], [8, 7, 6, 5, 4],
           [9, 8, 7, 6, 5]]

    assert mat == ans

    mat = []
    for idx in range(4):
        mat.append([314 * random.lognormvariate(0, 1) for _ in range(4)])

    print("Original matrix: ", mat)
    print("Rotated matrix: ", mat)
Example #33
def create_mix(files):
    """ Compute a relative abundance of each genome using a log-norm distribution.
        The distribution is centered on 1 with a standard deviation of 2 (from CAMISIM).
        A relative abundance of 1 significate that the genome associated must have
        a coverage equivalent to the average coverage.
        @args files All the files to compute abundances.
        @return A dictionnary associating each filename to a relative abundance.
    relative_dist = {}
    for f in files:
        relative_dist[f] = random.lognormvariate(1, 1.5)

    # Normalise to center on 1
    vals = relative_dist.values()
    avg = sum(vals) / len(vals)
    relative_dist = {k: v / avg for k, v in relative_dist.items()}

    return relative_dist
def generate_pay_requests(requests_per_second, time, mu=10**6):
    "time in seconds"
    muLog = math.log(mu)
    sigma = math.log(10)
    a = (int(random.lognormvariate(muLog, sigma)) for i in itertools.count())

    def time_generator():
        time = 0
        while True:
            time += random.expovariate(requests_per_second)
            yield time

    a = map(lambda amount, time: {
        "amount": amount,
        "time": time
    }, a, time_generator())
    a = itertools.takewhile(lambda v: v["time"] < time, a)
    return a
Example #35
    def random(self, oldVal, minVal, maxVal, candidate=None):
        if (self.nwkdeFlag):
            if oldVal == [4, 4, 4,
                          4]:  # change initial value to something useful
                oldVal = [0.3182, 134.3503, 5.0312, 633.3333]
        newVal = [0] * len(oldVal)
        for j in xrange(0, len(oldVal)):
            successFlag = False
            for z in xrange(config.rand_retries):
                v = float(oldVal[j] * random.lognormvariate(0, 1))
                if v >= minVal[j] and v <= maxVal[j] and oldVal[j] != v:
                    newVal[j] = v
                    successFlag = True
            if not successFlag:
                raise MutateFailed("lognorm random gen failed")

        return newVal
Example #36
def start():

    while True:
            print('new request is sent')
            body = {
                'data': [],
                'dimensions': ["cpu", "traffic", "ram", "kinergy", "io"]
            for resource_id in range(5):
                for _ in range(50):
                    temp_data_point = []
                    for i in range(len(body['dimensions'])):
                        # i = 10
                        if i == 0:
                                randint(0, 5 * i), 35))
                        elif i == 1:
                                randint(0, 5 * i), 35))
                        elif i == 2:
                                randint(0, 5 * i), 35))
                        elif i == 3:
                                randint(0, 5 * i), 35))
                        elif i == 4:
                                randint(0, 5 * i), 35))
                        elif i == 5:
                                randint(0, 5 * i), 35))
                            temp_data_point.append(lognormvariate(10, 3))
                post(URL + str(resource_id), data=dumps(body), headers=headers)
        except Exception as e:
Example #37
 def attack(self, target):
     'Country attacks another country.'
     print('{0} is attacking {1}!'.format(self.name, target.name))
     # Damage mostly 1-3, theoretical range is 0-12
     damage = int(lognormvariate(1, 0.5))
     # This may change
     industry_drain = damage * 3 // 2
     if industry_drain > self.resources['industry']:
         industry_drain = self.resources['industry']
     self.resources['industry'] = max(0, self.resources['industry']
                                      - industry_drain)
     target.resources['population'] -= damage
     if damage == 0:
         # Randomized statements
         statement = [
             '{0} tried to attack {1}, but failed!'.format(self.name,
             '{0} saw it coming a mile away!'.format(target.name),
             'A spy warned {0} of the attack!'.format(target.name)
         print(choice(statement), end=' ')
         print('No one was killed.')
     elif damage <= 4:
         print('{0} attacked {1}! {2} thousand were killed!'.format(self.name,
     elif damage <= 8:
         # Randomized statements
         statement = [
             '{0} launched missiles at {1}!'.format(self.name, target.name),
             '{0} surprise-attacked {1}!'.format(self.name, target.name),
         print(choice(statement), end=' ')
         print('{0} thousand were killed!'.format(damage))
         print('A devastating nuclear attack devastated {0}'.format(target.name))
         print('{0} thousand were wiped out!!!'.format(damage))
     if self.identity == 'P':
         print('Your industrial resources are now {0} thousand tons.'.format(
     relationship_drain = 5 + damage * 2
     self.__relationships__[identity_key(self, target)] -= relationship_drain
Example #38
def SteadierComSample(community, n=10, growth=None, obj_frac=1, proteome=False, w_e=0.001, w_r=0.5, constraints=None):
    solver = build_problem(community, proteome=proteome, w_e=w_e, w_r=w_r)

    objective = {community.merged_model.biomass_reaction: 1}

    if growth is None:
        sol = binary_search(solver, objective, constraints=constraints)
        growth = obj_frac * sol.values[community.merged_model.biomass_reaction]


    sols = []

    for _ in range(n):
        objective = {f"x_{org_id}": lognormvariate(0, 1) for org_id in community.organisms}
        sol = solver.solve(objective, minimize=False, constraints=constraints)
        sols.append(CommunitySolution(community, sol.values))

    return sols
Example #39
def _scroll_up_like_human(driver: WebDriver,
    pos = driver.execute_script('return window.pageYOffset;')
    if verbose:
        print("pos0: ", pos)
    prev_yoffset = -1

    while True:
        pos -= step * random.lognormvariate(0, 0.1)

        yoffset = driver.execute_script('return window.pageYOffset;')
        if yoffset == prev_yoffset or should_stop():

        prev_yoffset = yoffset
    def _trigger_func(self, stream_id):

        point_def = ctd_stream_definition(stream_id=stream_id)
        point_constructor = PointSupplementConstructor(

        while True:

            length = 1

            c = [random.uniform(0.0, 75.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            t = [random.uniform(-1.7, 21.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            p = [random.lognormvariate(1, 2) for i in xrange(length)]

            lat = [random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            lon = [random.uniform(0.0, 360.0) for i in xrange(length)]

            tvar = [self.last_time + i for i in xrange(1, length + 1)]

            self.last_time = max(tvar)

            point_id = point_constructor.add_point(time=tvar,
                                                   location=(lon[0], lat[0]))

            ctd_packet = point_constructor.get_stream_granule()

            log.info('SimpleCtdPublisher sending %d values!' % length)

Example #41
def funs():
    # seed(a=None, version=2) // 初始换生成器的随机数
    random.getstate()  # 获取生成器内部状态
    random.setstate(random.getstate())  # 设置生成器内部状态

    # 获取随机数
    num = random.getrandbits(8)  # 获取x位(bit)随机整数
    # randrange(stop) / randrange(start, stop[, step]) // 生成随机整数
    num = random.randrange(0, 100, 2)  # [0,100)产生的随机整数+2
    # randint(a, b) == randrange(a, b + 1) // [a, b]
    num = random.randint(0, 1)
    fnum = random.random()  # 获取浮点随机数 [0.0, 1.0)
    fnum = random.uniform(1, 2)  # 获取指定范围内的浮点随机数 [1.0, 2.0)

    # triangular(low, high, mode) // 获取随机浮点数, low低边界(默认0),high高边界(默认1),模式(默认边界中点)
    fnum = random.triangular(0, 1, 1.5)
    # betavariate(alpha, beta) // Beta分布,[0.0, 1.0]
    fnum = random.betavariate(1, 1)
    # expovariate(lambd) // 指数分布, lambd返回整,值[0, +∞]; lanbd返回负,值[-∞, 0]
    fnum = random.expovariate(
        (lambda arg1, arg2: arg1 + arg2)(1, 2))  # lambd返回值越小,获得值越大
    # gammavariate(alpha, beta) // 伽玛分布
    fnum = random.gammavariate(1, 1)
    # gauss(mu, sigma) // 高斯分布 mu:平均值, sigma:标准偏差
    fnum = random.gauss(1, 1)
    # lognormvariate(mu, sigma) // 对数正态分布,获得平均值mu和标准偏差sigma的正态分布; mu:任何值,sigma:>0。
    fnum = random.lognormvariate(1, 1)
    # normalvariate(mu, sigma) // 正态分布, mu是平均值, sigma是标准偏差
    fnum = random.normalvariate(1, 1)
    # vonmisesvariate(mu, kappa) // 冯米塞斯分布的随机数。mu:平均角度(弧度[0, 2*pi]), kappa:集中程度>=0
    fnum = random.vonmisesvariate(1, 1)
    # paretovariate(alpha) // 帕累托分布, alpha:形状
    fnum = random.paretovariate(1)
    # weibullvariate(alpha, beta) // 韦伯分布, alpha:缩放, beta:形状
    fnum = random.weibullvariate(1, 1)

    elem = random.choice(lists)  # 非空序列中取出随机元素, 序列为空抛IndexError
    elems = random.sample(lists, 3)  # 从列表中随机获取3个元素, 范围>列表大小,抛ValueError

    # 打乱顺序
    random.shuffle(lists)  # 打乱序列
Example #42
File: ss.py Project: icarroll/ss
def random_mutation(mem):
    action = randrange(3)
    if action == 0:
        newptr = 0
    elif action == 1:
        kind = choice([POINTER_BLOCK, DATA_BLOCK])
        newsize = 4 + int(100 * lognormvariate(0, 1))
        newptr = allocate(mem, kind, newsize, gc=False)
        if newptr == 0:
            return False
    elif action == 2:
        newptr = random_block(mem)

    block = random_block(mem, only_pointer_blocks=True)
    size = block_size(mem, block)
    which = randrange(block, block + size - size % 4, 4)
    mem[which] = 0
    mem(24)[which + 1] = newptr

    return True
Example #43
def generate_learn_rate():
    """ Generate learning rate.

    Edited to capture a wider range of rates around the original 1e-4

    Generate a random float between 0.0 and 0.01. We add +1e-5 so that the function can never
    return a value of 0.

    # choice = random.randrange(4)
    # if (choice == 0):
    #     return round((random.random() / 1e2) + 1e-6, 6)
    # elif (choice == 1):
    #     return round((random.random() / 1e3 + 1e-6), 6)
    # elif (choice == 2):
    #     return round((random.random() / 1e4 + 1e-6), 6)
    # elif (choice == 3):
    #     return round((random.random() / 1e5 + 1e-6), 6)

    return round(random.lognormvariate(0, 1) / 1e4, 6)
def generateRandomNumber( distribution, duration ):
    randomNumber = -1 

    if distribution == "Lognormal":
        mu = 4
        sigma = 1
        randomNumber = random.lognormvariate(mu, sigma)
    elif distribution == "Exponential":
        lam = 0.02
        randomNumber = random.expovariate(lam)
    elif distribution == "Poisson":
        lam = 10
        randomNumber = numpy.random.poisson(lam)
    elif distribution == "Weibull":
        scale = 4
        shape = 0.6
        randomNumber = random.weibullvariate(scale, shape)

    return int(randomNumber)
Example #45
 def get_next(self):
     Pops the next request from the queue and a request/response pair
     for each url in the request object
     if self.sleep_between:
         t = lognormvariate(self._mu, self._sigma) / self._div
     self.active_request = request = self.request_queue.pop(0)
     for url in request.urls:
         self.active_response = response = self.sess.get(url)
         # check for robot detection, alert user
         if self._check_for_robot():
             ans = input(
                 'Google has detected a robot.  Do you want to solve the captcha? ([y]/n):'
             self.active_response = response = self.sess.current_response
         # response.html.lxml.url = url
         yield request, response
Example #46
def _scroll_to_y(driver: WebDriver, target_y: int, step=70, verbose=False):

    # print( f'target_t = {target_y}')
    while True:
        cur_y = driver.execute_script('return window.pageYOffset')
        if verbose:
            print(f'scroll_to_y: cur_y: {cur_y}')

        if abs(target_y - cur_y) < 50:
            driver.execute_script(f"window.scrollTo(0, {target_y})")
            direction = +1.0 if (target_y - cur_y) >= 0 else -1.0
            next_y = int(cur_y +
                         direction * step * random.lognormvariate(0, 0.2))
            # print(cur_y, next_y)
            driver.execute_script(f"window.scrollTo(0, {next_y})")

        if should_stop(): break
Example #47
    def _add_initial_log_distribution(list_population, mu, sigma):
			Adding a initial distribution

			@attention: Values for first sample

			@param list_population: Main list for all distributions
			@type : list[list[float]]
			@param mu: Mean
			@type mu: float
			@param sigma: standard deviation
			@type sigma: float

			@return: Nothing
			@rtype: None
        assert isinstance(list_population, list)
        assert isinstance(mu, (float, int, long))
        assert isinstance(sigma, (float, int, long))
        for index in xrange(len(list_population)):
            list_population[index][0] = random.lognormvariate(mu, sigma)