Example #1
 def test_reset_state_uint32(self):
     rg = RandomGenerator(self.brng(*self.seed))
     rg.randint(0, 2**24, 120, dtype=np.uint32)
     state = rg.state
     n1 = rg.randint(0, 2**24, 10, dtype=np.uint32)
     rg2 = RandomGenerator(self.brng())
     rg2.state = state
     n2 = rg2.randint(0, 2**24, 10, dtype=np.uint32)
     assert_array_equal(n1, n2)
Example #2
    def test_array(self):
        s = RandomGenerator(MT19937(range(10)))
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 468)
        s = np.random.RandomState(range(10))
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 468)

        s = RandomGenerator(MT19937(np.arange(10)))
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 468)
        s = RandomGenerator(MT19937([0]))
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 973)
        s = RandomGenerator(MT19937([4294967295]))
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 265)
Example #3
 def test_state_tuple(self):
     rs = RandomGenerator(self.brng(*self.data1['seed']))
     brng = rs.brng
     state = brng.state
     desired = rs.randint(2 ** 16)
     tup = (state['brng'], state['state']['key'], state['state']['pos'])
     brng.state = tup
     actual = rs.randint(2 ** 16)
     assert_equal(actual, desired)
     tup = tup + (0, 0.0)
     brng.state = tup
     actual = rs.randint(2 ** 16)
     assert_equal(actual, desired)
Example #4
    def test_scalar(self):
        s = RandomGenerator(MT19937(0))
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 684)
        s1 = np.random.RandomState(0)
        assert_equal(s1.randint(1000), 684)
        assert_equal(s1.randint(1000), s.randint(1000))

        s = RandomGenerator(MT19937(4294967295))
        assert_equal(s.randint(1000), 419)
        s1 = np.random.RandomState(4294967295)
        assert_equal(s1.randint(1000), 419)
        assert_equal(s1.randint(1000), s.randint(1000))

Example #5

instance_amnt = int(input("# of instances for each: "))
bits_per_instance = int(input("# of bits per instance: "))


rndP = RandomGenerator(Philox())
rndX = RandomGenerator()
rndT = RandomGenerator(ThreeFry())

for s in range(instance_amnt):
	print("----------------------  Iteration " + str(s) + "  ----------------------")
	#Generating Random Numbers with each of the different PRNGs
	bitsP = list(rndP.randint(low=0, high=2, size=bits_per_instance))
	bitsX = list(rndX.randint(low=0, high=2, size=bits_per_instance))
	bitsT = list(rndT.randint(low=0, high=2, size=bits_per_instance))
	bitsM = []
	for r in range(bits_per_instance):
	#Running NIST suite tests on the generated data
	#IMPORTANT: the data in the csv is not organized in blocks: Instead, 
	#if x=entryNum%4, then x = 1 is Philox, x = 2 is Xorishiro,
	#x = 3 is ThreeFry, and x=4 is Mersenne Twister 
    print("--------  Philox " + str(s) +" --------")
	sp800_22_tests.test_func(bitsP, "cluster_data_combined_2.csv")
	print("--------  Xoroshiro " + str(s) +" --------")
	sp800_22_tests.test_func(bitsX, "cluster_data_combined_2.csv")
	print("--------  ThreeFry " + str(s) +" --------")
Example #6
    def run_all(self, processors=1, iseed=1):
        """Run the model for all trials in the designed experiment and store results.

        Model constructor is assumed to take args (seed, collect_stepwise_data,
        trial kwargs).

            processors (int, default=1): Number of cpu cores to use for batch run.
            iseed (int, default=1): Initial seed for replication 1 of each trial.
                Seeds for subsequent replications will be PNRG by this class.

        pool = ProcessPool(nodes=processors)
        job_queue = []

        # Generator for initial model seeds. Models use these seeds to manage
        # their own RNGs.
        brng = PCG64(iseed)
        randomgen = RandomGenerator(brng)

        param_names = self.design.columns
        param_names = param_names[(param_names != 'replications')
                                  & (param_names != 'Trial')]

        total_iterations = self.design.replications.sum()

        self.manifest = []  # Records what seed was used where

        for row in self.design.itertuples():
            kwargs = {key: getattr(row, key) for key in param_names}

            # Reset model seed generator for next design point

            for rep in range(1, row.replications + 1):
                # Advance model seed for next replication
                model_seed = randomgen.randint(10000000)

                model_key = (
                self.manifest.append((model_key, model_seed))
                    pool.uimap(self._run_single_replication, (model_seed, ),
                               (kwargs, ), (model_key, )))

        with tqdm(total=total_iterations,
                  disable=not self.display_progress) as pbar_total:
            # empty the queue
            results = []
            for task in job_queue:
                for model_vars, agent_vars, stepwise_vars in list(task):
                    results.append((model_vars, agent_vars, stepwise_vars))

        if self.data_handler:
            return  # Results already stored to database, nothing more to record

        # store the results in batchrunner
        # FUTURE: rework this module to only support external data_handler.
        # Rationale: Best practice to treat each replication atomically. Key
        # benefit of having all replications in memory is to do experiment-wide
        # analysis, and a data analysis module can read in all per-replication
        # files.
        for model_vars, agent_vars, stepwise_vars in results:
            if self.model_reporters:
                for model_key, model_val in model_vars.items():
                    self.model_vars[model_key] = model_val
            if self.agent_reporters:
                for agent_key, reports in agent_vars.items():
                    self.agent_vars[agent_key] = reports
            if self.collect_stepwise_data:
                for stepwise_key, stepwise_val in stepwise_vars.items():
                    self.stepwise_vars[stepwise_key] = stepwise_val