def __init__(self, task):
        assert isinstance(task, RenderTask)

        self.task = task

        self.random = Random()
        self.raytracer = RayTracer(task.getScene())
        self.progress = 0.0
Example #2
    def __init__(self, task):
        if not isinstance(task, RenderTask):
            raise TypeError(
                "Incorrect task type: {}. Should be RenderTask".format(

        self.task = task

        self.random = Random()
        self.raytracer = RayTracer(task.getScene())
        self.progress = 0.0
class ThreadRenderWorkerPool:

    def __init__( self, baseExpectedSpeed = 1600.0 ):
        self.rnd = Random()
        self.baseSpeed = baseExpectedSpeed
        self.workers = []

    def createNextWorker( self, taskable_renderer ):
        speed = ( 0.5 + self.rnd.real64() ) * self.baseSpeed
        task = taskable_renderer.getNextTask( speed )

        if task:
            worker = ThreadedRenderWorker( RenderWorker( task ) )
            self.workers.append( worker )

            return worker

        return None

    def activeCount( self ):
        return active_count() - 1

    def joinAll( self ):
        for w in self.workers:
Example #4
def render_orig(image, image_file_pathname, camera, scene, iterations):
    random = Random()

        for frame_no in range(1, iterations + 1):
            stdout.write('\riteration: %u' % frame_no)
            camera.get_frame(scene, random, image)
            if ((frame_no & (frame_no - 1)) == 0) or frame_no == iterations:
                image_file = open(image_file_pathname, 'wb')
                image.get_formatted(image_file, frame_no)
        print '\nfinished'
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print '\ninterrupted'
Example #5
def render_taskable(image, image_file_pathname, camera, scene, num_samples):
    random = Random()
    aspect = float(image.height) / float(image.width)
    samplesPerUpdate = 200

        totalPasses = float(image.height * image.width)
        curPass = 0
        passUpdateDelta = samplesPerUpdate // num_samples if num_samples < samplesPerUpdate else 1

        for y in range(image.height):
            for x in range(image.width):
                #separated tasks which should be added to the final image when they are ready (even better simple pixel values can be accumulated simply via additions and num iterations just
                #has to be passed to tone mapper)
                r = camera.pixel_accumulated_radiance(scene, random,
                                                      image.height, x, y,
                                                      aspect, num_samples)

                #accumulation of stored values (can be easily moved to a separate loop over x and y (and the results from radiance calculations)
                image.add_to_pixel(x, y, r)

                curPass += 1

                if curPass % passUpdateDelta == 0:
                        '\r                                          ')
                    stdout.write('\rProgress: {} %'.format(
                        float(curPass) * 100.0 / totalPasses))

        # image_file = open(image_file_pathname, 'wb')
        # image.get_formatted(image_file, num_samples)
        # image_file.close()

        print '\nfinished'
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print '\ninterrupted'
def render_rect( rect, img_width, img_height, camera, scene, num_samples ):
    assert isinstance( rect, Rect )
    aspect = float(img_height) / float(img_width)
    random = Random()
    samplesPerUpdate = 2000
    out = [ 0.0 ] * rect.width * rect.height * 3
    curPass = 0
        totalPasses = float( rect.width * rect.height )
        passUpdateDelta = samplesPerUpdate // num_samples if  num_samples < samplesPerUpdate else 1
        for y in range(rect.y, rect.y + rect.height):
            for x in range(rect.x, rect.x + rect.width):
                radiance = camera.pixel_accumulated_radiance(scene, random, img_width, img_height, x, y, aspect, num_samples)
                absX = x - rect.x             
                absY = y - rect.y             
                if absX >= 0 and absX < rect.width and absY >= 0 and absY < rect.height:
                    index = (absX + ((rect.height - 1 - absY) * rect.width)) * 3
                    for a in radiance:
                        out[index] += a
                        index += 1
                curPass += 1

                if curPass:
                    #stdout.write('\r                                          ')
                    stdout.write('\rProgress: {} % \n'.format( float( curPass ) * 100.0 / totalPasses ) )
        print '\nfinished'
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print '\ninterrupted'  

    print out
    return get_formatted( out, num_samples )
 def __init__( self, baseExpectedSpeed = 1600.0 ):
     self.rnd = Random()
     self.baseSpeed = baseExpectedSpeed
     self.workers = []
Example #8
class RenderWorker:
    def createWorker(cls, renderTask):

        if not renderTask.isValid():
            return None

        return RenderWorker(renderTask)

    def __init__(self, task):
        if not isinstance(task, RenderTask):
            raise TypeError(
                "Incorrect task type: {}. Should be RenderTask".format(

        self.task = task

        self.random = Random()
        self.raytracer = RayTracer(task.getScene())
        self.progress = 0.0

    def get_progress(self):
        return self.progress

    def sample_radiance(self, x, y, w, h, aspect, camera, scene, num_samples):
        acc_radiance = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        for i in range(num_samples):
            x_coefficient = ((x + self.random.real64()) * 2.0 / w) - 1.0
            y_coefficient = ((y + self.random.real64()) * 2.0 / h) - 1.0

            offset = camera.right * x_coefficient + camera.up * (
                y_coefficient * aspect)

            sample_direction = (
                camera.view_direction +
                (offset * tan(camera.view_angle * 0.5))).unitize()

            radiance = self.raytracer.get_radiance(camera.view_position,

            acc_radiance[0] += radiance[0]
            acc_radiance[1] += radiance[1]
            acc_radiance[2] += radiance[2]

        return Vector3f(acc_radiance[0], acc_radiance[1], acc_radiance[2])

    def getXY(self, idx, w):
        return idx % w, idx // w

    def renderingFinished(self, pixels):
        result = RenderTaskResult.createRenderTaskResult(
            self.task.getDesc(), pixels)

        if result:
            if self.task.callback:
            print "Failed to acquire result"

        return result

    def render(self):
        desc = self.task.getDesc()

        x, y, w, h = desc.getX(), desc.getY(), desc.getW(), desc.getH()
        num_pixels, num_samples = desc.getNumPixels(), desc.getNumSamples()
        aspect = float(h) / float(w)
        offset = y * w + x
        id = desc.getID()

        pixels = [0.0] * 3 * num_pixels

        cam = self.task.getCamera()
        scn = self.task.getScene()

        for k in range(num_pixels):
            x, y = self.getXY(k + offset, w)

            radiance = self.sample_radiance(x, y, w, h, aspect, cam, scn,

            pixels[3 * k + 0] = radiance[0]
            pixels[3 * k + 1] = radiance[1]
            pixels[3 * k + 2] = radiance[2]

            progress = float(k + 1) / float(num_pixels)

        return self.renderingFinished(pixels)