def state_with_pickup(state: State, pickup: PickupEntry, ) -> State: """ Returns a new State that follows the given State and also has the resource gain of the given pickup :param state: :param pickup: :return: """ new_state = state.copy() new_state.previous_state = state add_resource_gain_to_state(new_state, pickup.resource_gain()) return new_state
def _create_pickup(original_index: PickupIndex, pickup: PickupEntry) -> dict: return { "pickup_index": original_index.index, # "model": 1234, "scan":, "resources": [{ "index": resource.index, "amount": quantity } for resource, quantity in pickup.resource_gain() if quantity > 0 and resource.resource_type == ResourceType.ITEM] }
def assign_pickup_to_index(self, index: PickupIndex, pickup: PickupEntry) -> "State": new_patches = self.patches.assign_new_pickups([(index, pickup)]) new_resources = copy.copy(self.resources) if index in self.resources: add_resource_gain_to_current_resources(pickup.resource_gain(), new_resources) return State( new_resources, self.node, new_patches, self, self.resource_database )
def test_remove_pickup_entry_from_list(): # Setup items = ( PickupEntry("Item A", tuple(), "", 0), PickupEntry("Item B", tuple(), "", 0), PickupEntry("Item A", tuple(), "", 0), PickupEntry("Item C", tuple(), "", 0), ) # Run filtered_item_pool = item_pool.remove_pickup_entry_from_list( items, PickupEntry("Item A", tuple(), "", 0)) # Assert assert filtered_item_pool == ( PickupEntry("Item B", tuple(), "", 0), PickupEntry("Item A", tuple(), "", 0), PickupEntry("Item C", tuple(), "", 0), )
def test_sky_temple_key_distribution_logic_vanilla_used_location(dataclass_test_lib, sky_temple_keys, empty_patches): # Setup permalink = dataclass_test_lib.mock_dataclass(Permalink) permalink.layout_configuration.sky_temple_keys = LayoutSkyTempleKeyMode.VANILLA initial_pickup_assignment = { generator._FLYING_ING_CACHES[0]: PickupEntry("Other Item", tuple(), "other", 0) } patches = empty_patches.assign_new_pickups(initial_pickup_assignment.items()) # Run with pytest.raises(GenerationFailure) as exp: generator._sky_temple_key_distribution_logic(permalink, patches, [sky_temple_keys[0]]) assert exp.value == GenerationFailure( "Attempted to place '{}' in PickupIndex 45, but there's already 'Pickup Other Item' there".format( sky_temple_keys[0] ), permalink)
def read_pickup_database( data: Dict, resource_database: ResourceDatabase) -> PickupDatabase: pickups = { name: PickupEntry( name, read_resource_gain_tuple(item["resources"], resource_database), item["item_category"], item["probability_offset"], ) for name, item in data["pickups"].items() } original_pickup_mapping = { PickupIndex(i): pickups[name] for i, name in enumerate(data["original_indices"]) } useless_pickup = pickups[data["useless_pickup"]] return PickupDatabase(pickups=pickups, original_pickup_mapping=original_pickup_mapping, useless_pickup=useless_pickup)
def sample_sky_temple_keys(): return [ PickupEntry("Test Sky Temple Key {}".format(i), tuple(), "sky_temple_key", 0) for i in range(1, 10) ]
def test_create_pickup_list(empty_patches): # Setup useless_resource = SimpleResourceInfo(0, "Useless", "Useless", ResourceType.ITEM) resource_a = SimpleResourceInfo(1, "A", "A", ResourceType.ITEM) resource_b = SimpleResourceInfo(2, "B", "B", ResourceType.ITEM) pickup_a = PickupEntry("A", ((resource_a, 1), ), "", 0) useless_pickup = PickupEntry("Useless", ((useless_resource, 1), ), "", 0) pickup_database = PickupDatabase(pickups={}, original_pickup_mapping={ PickupIndex(i): useless_pickup for i in range(4) }, useless_pickup=useless_pickup) patches = empty_patches.assign_pickup_assignment({ PickupIndex(0): pickup_a, PickupIndex(2): PickupEntry("B", ((resource_b, 1), (resource_a, 1)), "", 0), PickupIndex(3): pickup_a, }) # Run result = patcher_file._create_pickup_list(patches, pickup_database) # Assert assert result == [ { "pickup_index": 0, "scan": "A", "resources": [{ "index": 1, "amount": 1 }] }, { "pickup_index": 1, "scan": "Useless", "resources": [{ "index": 0, "amount": 1 }] }, { "pickup_index": 2, "scan": "B", "resources": [{ "index": 2, "amount": 1 }, { "index": 1, "amount": 1 }] }, { "pickup_index": 3, "scan": "A", "resources": [{ "index": 1, "amount": 1 }] }, ]