Example #1
def test_complex_encode(test_files_dir):
    with test_files_dir.joinpath("prime_data_as_json.json").open("r") as data_file:
        data = json.load(data_file)

    b = io.BytesIO()

    # Run
    binary_data.encode(data, b)
    # Whenever the file format changes, we can use the following line to force update our test file
    # test_files_dir.joinpath("prime_data_as_binary.bin").write_bytes(b.getvalue()); assert False

    # Assert
    assert test_files_dir.joinpath("prime_data_as_binary.bin").read_bytes() == b.getvalue()
def test_simple_round_trip():
    sample_data = {
        "game": 2,
        "game_name": "Metroid Prime 2: Echoes",
        "resource_database": {
            "items": [],
            "events": [],
            "tricks": [],
            "damage": [],
            "versions": [],
            "misc": [],
            "difficulty": [],
        "starting_location": {
            "world_asset_id": 1006255871,
            "area_asset_id": 1655756413
        "initial_states": {
            "Default": []
        "victory_condition": [],
        "dock_weakness_database": {
            "door": [],
            "portal": []
        "pickup_database": {
            "pickups": {},
            "original_indices": [],
        "worlds": [],

    s = io.StringIO()
    s_io: TextIO = s
            "pickup_database": sample_data["pickup_database"],
            "starting_location": sample_data["starting_location"],
            "initial_states": sample_data["initial_states"],
            "victory_condition": sample_data["victory_condition"],
        }, s)

    b = io.BytesIO()
    b_io: BinaryIO = b
    binary_data.encode(sample_data, b_io)

    decoded = binary_data.decode(b_io, s_io)

    assert sample_data == decoded
Example #3
def test_simple_round_trip():
    sample_data = {
        "game": "prime2",
        "resource_database": {
            "items": [],
            "energy_tank_item_index": 0,
            "item_percentage_index": 0,
            "multiworld_magic_item_index": 0,
            "events": [],
            "tricks": [],
            "damage": [],
            "versions": [],
            "misc": [],
            "requirement_template": {},
        "game_specific": {
            "energy_per_tank": 100.0,
            "safe_zone_heal_per_second": 1.0,
            "beam_configurations": [],
            "dangerous_energy_tank": True,
        "starting_location": {
            "world_asset_id": 1006255871,
            "area_asset_id": 1655756413
        "initial_states": {
            "Default": [
        "victory_condition": {
            "type": "and",
            "data": []
        "dock_weakness_database": {
            "door": [],
            "portal": [],
            "morph_ball": [],
        "worlds": [],

    b = io.BytesIO()
    binary_data.encode(sample_data, b)

    decoded = binary_data.decode(b)

    assert decoded == sample_data
Example #4
def export_as_binary(data: dict, output_binary: Path):
    with output_binary.open("wb") as x:  # type: BinaryIO
        extra_data = binary_data.encode(data, x)

    with output_binary.parent.joinpath(
            output_binary.stem + "_extra.json").open("w") as x:  # type: TextIO
        json.dump(extra_data, x, indent=4)
Example #5
def test_full_file_round_trip(game):
    # Setup
    json_database_path = get_data_path().joinpath("json_data", f"{game.value}.json")
    if not json_database_path.exists():
        pytest.skip("Missing database")

    with json_database_path.open("r") as json_file:
        original_data = json.load(json_file)

    # Run 1
    output_io = io.BytesIO()
    binary_data.encode(original_data, output_io)

    # Run 2
    final_data = binary_data.decode(output_io)

    # Assert
    assert final_data == original_data
Example #6
def test_simple_round_trip():
    sample_data = {
        "game": 2,
        "game_name": "Metroid Prime 2: Echoes",
        "resource_database": {
            "items": [],
            "events": [],
            "tricks": [],
            "damage": [],
            "versions": [],
            "misc": [],
            "difficulty": [],
            "requirement_template": {},
        "game_specific": {
            "energy_per_tank": 100.0,
            "beam_configurations": []
        "starting_location": {
            "world_asset_id": 1006255871,
            "area_asset_id": 1655756413
        "initial_states": {
            "Default": []
        "victory_condition": {
            "type": "and",
            "data": []
        "dock_weakness_database": {
            "door": [],
            "portal": []
        "worlds": [],

    b = io.BytesIO()
    binary_data.encode(sample_data, b)

    decoded = binary_data.decode(b)

    assert sample_data == decoded
def test_full_data_encode_is_equal():
    # The prime2.json may be missing if we're running using a Pyinstaller binary
    # Setup
    json_database_file = get_data_path().joinpath("json_data", "prime2.json")

    with json_database_file.open("r") as open_file:
        json_database = json.load(open_file)

    b = io.BytesIO()
    binary_data.encode(json_database, b)

    decoded_database = binary_data.decode(b)

    # Run
    assert json_database == decoded_database

    comparable_json = _comparable_dict(json_database)
    comparable_binary = _comparable_dict(decoded_database)
    assert comparable_json == comparable_binary
def test_complex_encode(test_files_dir):
    with test_files_dir.joinpath("prime_data_as_json.json").open(
            "r") as data_file:
        data = json.load(data_file)

    with test_files_dir.joinpath("prime_extra_data.json").open(
            "r") as data_file:
        extra_data = json.load(data_file)

    b = io.BytesIO()
    b_io = b  # type: BinaryIO

    # Run
    remaining_data = binary_data.encode(data, b_io)

    # Assert
    assert test_files_dir.joinpath(
        "prime_data_as_binary.bin").read_bytes() == b.getvalue()
    assert extra_data == remaining_data
def test_full_file_round_trip():
    # Setup
    json_database_path = get_data_path().joinpath("json_data", "prime2.json")
    if not json_database_path.exists():
        pytest.skip("Missing database")

    with json_database_path.open("r") as json_file:
        original_data = json.load(json_file)

    # Run 1
    output_io = io.BytesIO()
    remaining_data = binary_data.encode(original_data, output_io)

    # Run 2
    text_io = io.StringIO(json.dumps(remaining_data))
    final_data = binary_data.decode(output_io, text_io)

    # Assert
    assert final_data == original_data
Example #10
def export_as_binary(data: dict, output_binary: Path):
    with output_binary.open("wb") as x:  # type: BinaryIO
        binary_data.encode(data, x)