def __init__(self, scan_topic, laser_ray_step, exclude_max_range_rays, max_range_meters, map_msg, particles, weights, car_length, state_lock=None): if state_lock is None: self.state_lock = Lock() else: self.state_lock = state_lock self.particles = particles self.weights = weights self.LASER_RAY_STEP = laser_ray_step # Step for downsampling laser scans self.EXCLUDE_MAX_RANGE_RAYS = exclude_max_range_rays # Whether to exclude rays that are beyond the max range self.MAX_RANGE_METERS = max_range_meters # The max range of the laser self.CAR_LENGTH = car_length oMap = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) # A version of the map that range_libc can understand max_range_px = int(self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / # The max range in pixels of the laser self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast(oMap, max_range_px, THETA_DISCRETIZATION) # The range method that will be used for ray casting #self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarchingGPU(oMap, max_range_px) # The range method that will be used for ray casting self.range_method.set_sensor_model(self.precompute_sensor_model(max_range_px)) # Load the sensor model expressed as a table self.queries = None self.ranges = None self.laser_angles = None # The angles of each ray self.downsampled_angles = None # The angles of the downsampled rays self.do_resample = False # Set so that outside code can know that it's time to resample # Subscribe to laser scans self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber(scan_topic, LaserScan, self.lidar_cb, queue_size=1) # FOR KIDNAPPED ROBOT PROBLEM self.do_confidence_update = False self.CONF_HISTORY_SIZE = 10 self.conf_history = Queue.Queue() self.conf_sum = 0.0 self.confidence = 1.0
def _rasterize(self, resolution): import cv2 division = int(1.0 / resolution) x1, x2, y1, y2 = self.map_bbox origin = (x1, y1) width = int((x2 - x1) / resolution) height = int((y2 - y1) / resolution) def grid_coord(x, y, n_division): return int((x - origin[0]) * n_division + 0.5), int((y - origin[1]) * n_division + 0.5) canvas = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8) for i in range(len(self.lines)): x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.lines[i] cv2.line(canvas, grid_coord(x1, y1, division), grid_coord(x2, y2, division), 255, 2) # print canvas.shape # cv2.imshow('canvas', canvas) # cv2.imwrite('canvas.jpg', canvas) # cv2.waitKey(0) # exit(0) self.rasterized = np.zeros((max(height, width), max(height, width)), np.uint8) self.rasterized[:width, :height] = np.transpose(canvas, (1, 0)) self.omap = range_libc.PyOMap(self.rasterized) self.range_scanner = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine( self.omap, int(self.range_max * division))
def update_range_method_map(self): = self.dynamic_map.astype(int).flatten().tolist() print "UPDATING MAP" self.map_debug_pub.publish(self.map_msg) oMap = range_libc.PyOMap(self.map_msg) if self.WHICH_RM == "bl": self.range_method = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif "cddt" in self.WHICH_RM: self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) if self.WHICH_RM == "pcddt": print "Pruning..." self.range_method.prune() elif self.WHICH_RM == "rm": self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarching( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif self.WHICH_RM == "rmgpu": self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarchingGPU( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif self.WHICH_RM == "glt": self.range_method = range_libc.PyGiantLUTCast( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) self.range_method.set_sensor_model(self.sensor_model_table)
def __init__(self, map_msg, particles, weights, state_lock=None): if state_lock is None: self.state_lock = Lock() else: self.state_lock = state_lock self.particles = particles self.weights = weights self.LASER_RAY_STEP = int(rospy.get_param( "~laser_ray_step")) # Step for downsampling laser scans self.EXCLUDE_MAX_RANGE_RAYS = bool( rospy.get_param("~exclude_max_range_rays") ) # Whether to exclude rays that are beyond the max range self.MAX_RANGE_METERS = float( rospy.get_param("~max_range_meters")) # The max range of the laser oMap = range_libc.PyOMap( map_msg) # A version of the map that range_libc can understand max_range_px = int( self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / # The max range in pixels of the laser self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast( oMap, max_range_px, THETA_DISCRETIZATION ) # The range method that will be used for ray casting #self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarchingGPU(oMap, max_range_px) # The range method that will be used for ray casting self.range_method.set_sensor_model( self.precompute_sensor_model( max_range_px)) # Load the sensor model expressed as a table self.queries = None self.ranges = None self.laser_angles = None # The angles of each ray self.downsampled_angles = None # The angles of the downsampled rays self.do_resample = False # Set so that outside code can know that it's time to resample
def __init__(self, scan_topic, laser_ray_step, exclude_max_range_rays, max_range_meters, map_msg, particles, weights, state_lock=None): if state_lock is None: self.state_lock = Lock() else: self.state_lock = state_lock self.particles = particles self.weights = weights self.LASER_RAY_STEP = laser_ray_step # Step for downsampling laser scans self.EXCLUDE_MAX_RANGE_RAYS = exclude_max_range_rays # Whether to exclude rays that are beyond the max range self.MAX_RANGE_METERS = max_range_meters # The max range of the laser oMap = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) # A version of the map that range_libc can understand max_range_px = int(self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / # The max range in pixels of the laser self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast(oMap, max_range_px, THETA_DISCRETIZATION) # The range method that will be used for ray casting #self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarchingGPU(oMap, max_range_px) # The range method that will be used for ray casting self.range_method.set_sensor_model(self.precompute_sensor_model(max_range_px)) # Load the sensor model expressed as a table self.queries = None # Do not modify this variable self.ranges = None # Do not modify this variable self.downsampled_angles = None # The angles of the downsampled rays self.do_resample = True # Set so that outside code can know that it's time to resample # Subscribe to laser scans self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber(scan_topic, LaserScan, self.lidar_cb, queue_size=1)
def __init__(self): self.UPDATE_RATE = float(rospy.get_param("~update_rate")) self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION = float(rospy.get_param("~theta_discretization")) self.RANGE_MIN_METERS = float(rospy.get_param("~range_min")) self.RANGE_MAX_METERS = float(rospy.get_param("~range_max")) self.RANGE_BLACKOUT_METERS = float(rospy.get_param("~range_no_obj")) self.ANGLE_STEP = float(rospy.get_param("~angle_step")) self.ANGLE_MIN = float(rospy.get_param("~angle_min")) self.ANGLE_MAX = float(rospy.get_param("~angle_max")) self.ANGLES = np.arange( self.ANGLE_MIN, self.ANGLE_MAX, self.ANGLE_STEP, dtype=np.float32 ) self.CAR_LENGTH = float(rospy.get_param("vesc/chassis_length")) self.Z_SHORT = float(rospy.get_param("~z_short")) self.Z_MAX = float(rospy.get_param("~z_max")) self.Z_BLACKOUT_MAX = float(rospy.get_param("~z_blackout_max")) self.Z_RAND = float(rospy.get_param("~z_rand")) self.Z_HIT = float(rospy.get_param("~z_hit")) self.Z_SIGMA = float(rospy.get_param("~z_sigma")) self.TF_PREFIX = str(rospy.get_param("~car_name").rstrip("/")) if len(self.TF_PREFIX) > 0: self.TF_PREFIX = self.TF_PREFIX + "/" self.BASE_FRAME_ID = self.TF_PREFIX + "base_link" self.ODOM_FRAME_ID = self.TF_PREFIX + "odom" self.LASER_FRAME_ID = self.TF_PREFIX + "laser_link" map_msg = self.get_map() occ_map = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) max_range_px = round(self.RANGE_MAX_METERS / self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast( occ_map, max_range_px, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION ) = tf.TransformListener() try: self.BASE_FRAME_ID, self.LASER_FRAME_ID, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(15.0), rospy.Duration(1.0) ) position, orientation = self.BASE_FRAME_ID, self.LASER_FRAME_ID, rospy.Time(0) ) self.x_offset = position[0] except Exception: rospy.logfatal("Laser: transform from {0} to {1} not found, aborting!". format(self.LASER_FRAME_ID, self.BASE_FRAME_ID) ) exit() self.laser_pub = rospy.Publisher("laser/scan", LaserScan, queue_size=1) self.update_timer = rospy.Timer( rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0 / self.UPDATE_RATE), self.timer_cb )
def make_wall(self): n_ranges = 2 theta = self.start_orientation y = self.start_loc[0] - 10 * np.sin(theta) x = self.start_loc[1] - 10 * np.cos(theta) max_scan_angle = 90 * (np.pi / 180) testMap = range_libc.PyOMap(self.map_loc, 1) bl = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine(testMap, 500) queries = np.zeros((n_ranges, 3), dtype=np.float32) ranges = np.zeros(n_ranges, dtype=np.float32) queries[:, 0] = x queries[:, 1] = y queries[:, 2] = theta + np.linspace(-max_scan_angle, max_scan_angle, n_ranges) points = bl.calc_range_many(queries, ranges) bl.saveTrace("/home/racecar/racecar-ws/src/lab6/maps/test.png") # print imread("./test.png")[500][600] map_img = imread("/home/racecar/racecar-ws/src/lab6/maps/test.png") cells_to_remove = set() for i in range(len(map_img[0])): for j in range(len(map_img)): if map_img[i][j][2] == 200: self.open_cells.discard((j, i)) # print (j,i) self.open_cells_tuple = tuple(self.open_cells) self.start_flag = True print "wall made; set goal!"
def put_cylinder_obstacle(self, x, y, r, check_collision=False, collision_inflation_radius=0.0): xys = [] xys_collision = [] for i in range(360): s = math.cos(np.deg2rad(i)) c = math.sin(np.deg2rad(i)) xys.append((x + r * c, y + r * s)) xys_collision.append((x + (r + collision_inflation_radius) * c, y + (r + collision_inflation_radius) * s)) xys = np.array(xys) xys = self.grid_coord_batch(xys, int(1.0 / self.resolution)) if check_collision: xys_collision = np.array(xys_collision) xys_collision = self.grid_coord_batch(xys_collision, int(1.0 / self.resolution)) if np.any(self.occupancy_grid[xys_collision[:, 1], xys_collision[:, 0]] == 0): return False # if np.sum(self.occupancy_grid[yy1:yy2, xx1:xx2]) > 0: # return False self.occupancy_grid[xys[:, 1], xys[:, 0]] = 0.0 self.square_omap[xys[:, 0], xys[:, 1]] = 1 self.omap = range_libc.PyOMap(self.square_omap) self.range_scanner = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine(self.omap, 1000) return True
def build(self, map_msg, mrx, theta_disc): """ ros_map : Numpy array with map grid values(as float) resolution : Resolution of the map origin : State of car first """ self.omap = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) self.scan_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast(self.omap, mrx, theta_disc)
def make_wall(self): scale = 0.0504 n_ranges = 2 theta = self.start_orientation y = self.start_loc[0] - 10*np.sin(theta) x = self.start_loc[1] - 10*np.cos(theta) max_scan_angle = 90*(np.pi/180) # map_loc = testMap = range_libc.PyOMap(self.map_loc,1) bl = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine(testMap, 500) queries = np.zeros((n_ranges, 3), dtype=np.float32) ranges = np.zeros(n_ranges, dtype=np.float32) queries[:,0] = x queries[:,1] = y queries[:,2] = theta + np.linspace(-max_scan_angle, max_scan_angle, n_ranges) points = bl.calc_range_many(queries,ranges) bl.saveTrace("/home/racecar/racecar-ws/src/lab6/maps/test.png") # print imread("./test.png")[500][600] map_img = imread("/home/racecar/racecar-ws/src/lab6/maps/test.png") cells_to_remove = set() wall = [] for i in range(len(map_img[0])): for j in range(len(map_img)): if map_img[i][j][2] == 200: self.open_cells.discard((j,i)) y = -16.50 + i*scale x = 25.90 - j*scale p = Point() p.x = x p.y = y p.z = 0 wall.append(p) # print (j,i) self.open_cells_tuple = tuple(self.open_cells) self.start_flag = True print "wall made; set goal!" marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "/map" marker.type = marker.POINTS marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.points = wall t = rospy.Duration() marker.lifetime = t marker.scale.x = 0.4 marker.scale.y = 0.4 marker.scale.z = 0.4 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.r = 1.0 self.pub_wall.publish(marker)
def getRangeLib(mapMsg): # Pre-compute range lib oMap = range_libc.PyOMap(mapMsg) rospy.loginfo("initializing range_libc...") MAX_RANGE_METERS = 60 MAX_RANGE_PX = int(MAX_RANGE_METERS / THETA_DISCRETIZATION = 200 rangeLib = range_libc.PyCDDTCast(oMap, MAX_RANGE_PX, THETA_DISCRETIZATION) rospy.loginfo("pruning...") # rangeLib.prune() rospy.loginfo("range_libc initialized") return rangeLib
def __init__(self): self.UPDATE_RATE = float(rospy.get_param("~update_rate", 10.0)) self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION = float( rospy.get_param("~theta_discretization", 656)) self.MIN_RANGE_METERS = float( rospy.get_param("~min_range_meters", 0.02)) self.MAX_RANGE_METERS = float(rospy.get_param("~max_range_meters", 5.6)) self.ANGLE_STEP = float( rospy.get_param("~angle_step", 0.00613592332229)) self.ANGLE_MIN = float(rospy.get_param("~angle_min", -2.08621382713)) self.ANGLE_MAX = float(rospy.get_param("~angle_max", 2.09234976768)) self.ANGLES = np.arange(self.ANGLE_MIN, self.ANGLE_MAX, self.ANGLE_STEP, dtype=np.float32) self.CAR_LENGTH = float(rospy.get_param("~car_length", 0.33)) self.Z_SHORT = float(rospy.get_param("~z_short", 0.03)) self.Z_MAX = float(rospy.get_param("~z_max", 0.16)) self.Z_BLACKOUT_MAX = float(rospy.get_param("~z_blackout_max", 50)) self.Z_RAND = float(rospy.get_param("~z_rand", 0.01)) self.Z_HIT = float(rospy.get_param("~z_hit", 0.8)) self.Z_SIGMA = float(rospy.get_param("~z_sigma", 0.03)) self.TF_PREFIX = str(rospy.get_param("~tf_prefix", "").rstrip("/")) if len(self.TF_PREFIX) > 0: self.TF_PREFIX = self.TF_PREFIX + "/" map_msg = self.get_map() occ_map = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) max_range_px = int(self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast(occ_map, max_range_px, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) = tf.TransformListener() while not + "base_link"): pass while not + "laser_link"): pass position, orientation = self.TF_PREFIX + "base_link", self.TF_PREFIX + "laser_link", rospy.Time(0)) self.x_offset = position[0] self.laser_pub = rospy.Publisher("scan", LaserScan, queue_size=1) self.update_timer = rospy.Timer( rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0 / self.UPDATE_RATE), self.timer_cb)
def get_omap(self): ''' Fetch the occupancy grid map from the map_server instance, and initialize the correct RangeLibc method. Also stores a matrix which indicates the permissible region of the map ''' # this way you could give it a different map server as a parameter map_service_name = rospy.get_param("~static_map", "static_map") print("getting map from service: ", map_service_name) rospy.wait_for_service(map_service_name) self.map_msg = rospy.ServiceProxy(map_service_name, GetMap)().map self.dilated_map_msg = rospy.ServiceProxy(map_service_name, GetMap)().map self.map_info = self.MAX_RANGE_PX = int(self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / self.map_info.resolution) self.init_dynamic_map(self.MAP_BASE_PATH) = self.dynamic_map.astype(float).flatten().tolist() oMap = range_libc.PyOMap(self.map_msg) # initialize range method print "Initializing range method:", self.WHICH_RM if self.WHICH_RM == "bl": self.range_method = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif "cddt" in self.WHICH_RM: self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) if self.WHICH_RM == "pcddt": print "Pruning..." self.range_method.prune() elif self.WHICH_RM == "rm": self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarching( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif self.WHICH_RM == "rmgpu": self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarchingGPU( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif self.WHICH_RM == "glt": self.range_method = range_libc.PyGiantLUTCast( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) print "Done loading map" # 0: permissible, -1: unmapped, 100: blocked array_255 = np.array( (, # 0: not permissible, 1: permissible self.permissible_region = np.zeros_like(array_255, dtype=bool) self.permissible_region[array_255 == 0] = 1 self.map_initialized = True
def get_omap(self): # this way you could give it a different map server as a parameter map_service_name = rospy.get_param("~static_map", "static_map") print("getting map from service: ", map_service_name) rospy.wait_for_service(map_service_name) map_msg = rospy.ServiceProxy(map_service_name, GetMap)().map self.map_info = oMap = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) # this value is the max range used internally in RangeLibc # it also should be the size of your sensor model table self.MAX_RANGE_PX = int(self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / self.map_info.resolution) # initialize range method print "Initializing range method:", self.WHICH_RANGE_METHOD if self.WHICH_RANGE_METHOD == "bl": self.range_method = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif "cddt" in self.WHICH_RANGE_METHOD: self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) if self.WHICH_RANGE_METHOD == "pcddt": print "Pruning..." self.range_method.prune() elif self.WHICH_RANGE_METHOD == "rm": self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarching( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif self.WHICH_RANGE_METHOD == "rmgpu": self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarchingGPU( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif self.WHICH_RANGE_METHOD == "glt": self.range_method = range_libc.PyGiantLUTCast( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) print "Done loading map" # 0: permissible, -1: unmapped, large value: blocked array_255 = np.array( (, # 0: not permissible, 1: permissible # this may be useful for global particle initialization - don't initialize particles in non-permissible states self.permissible_region = np.zeros_like(array_255, dtype=bool) self.permissible_region[array_255 == 0] = 1 self.map_initialized = True
def __init__(self, map_msg, particles, weights, state_lock=None): if state_lock is None: self.state_lock = Lock() else: self.state_lock = state_lock self.particles = particles self.weights = weights self.weights_unsquashed = np.array(weights) self.LASER_RAY_STEP = int(rospy.get_param( "~laser_ray_step")) # Step for downsampling laser scans self.MAX_RANGE_METERS = float( rospy.get_param("~max_range_meters")) # The max range of the laser print("ZZ!") oMap = range_libc.PyOMap( map_msg) # A version of the map that range_libc can understand print("ZA!") print("ZA!") max_range_px = int( self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / # The max range in pixels of the laser self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast( oMap, max_range_px, THETA_DISCRETIZATION ) # The range method that will be used for ray casting print("ZZZZZ!") self.range_method.set_sensor_model( self.precompute_sensor_model( max_range_px)) # Load the sensor model expressed as a table print("ZB!") self.queries = None self.ranges = None self.laser_angles = None # The angles of each ray self.downsampled_angles = None # The angles of the downsampled rays self.do_resample = False # Set so that outside code can know that it's time to resample print("ZC!") self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber(rospy.get_param( "~scan_topic", "/scan"), LaserScan, self.lidar_cb, queue_size=1) print("ZD!")
def __init__(self, num_rays=None, min_angle=None, max_angle=None, max_range=None, range_method=None, frame=None, omap=None): self.max_range = max_range self.laser_ranges = np.zeros(num_rays, dtype=np.float32) self.laser_angles = np.linspace(min_angle, max_angle, num_rays, endpoint=True) self.queries = np.zeros((num_rays, 3), dtype=np.float32) map_msg = omap.map_msg map_info = oMap = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) self.MAX_RANGE_PX = int(self.max_range / map_info.resolution) self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION = 200 # initialize range method print "Initializing range method:", range_method if range_method == "bl": self.range_method = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif "cddt" in range_method: self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) if range_method == "pcddt": print "Pruning..." self.range_method.prune() elif range_method == "rm": self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarching( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif range_method == "rmgpu": self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarchingGPU( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif range_method == "glt": self.range_method = range_libc.PyGiantLUTCast( oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) print "Simulated Laser Scanner Initialized..."
def put_box_obstacle(self, x, y, w, h, check_collision=False): x1, y1 = x - w * 0.5, y - h * 0.5 x2, y2 = x + w * 0.5, y + h * 0.5 xx1, yy1 = self.grid_coord(x1, y1, int(1.0 / self.resolution)) xx2, yy2 = self.grid_coord(x2, y2, int(1.0 / self.resolution)) if check_collision: if np.any(self.occupancy_grid[yy1:yy2, xx1:xx2] == 0): return False # if np.sum(self.occupancy_grid[yy1:yy2, xx1:xx2]) > 0: # return False self.occupancy_grid[yy1:yy2, xx1:xx2] = 0.0 self.square_omap[xx1:xx2, yy1:yy2] = 1 self.omap = range_libc.PyOMap(self.square_omap) self.range_scanner = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine(self.omap, 1000) return True
def get_omap(self): ''' Fetch the occupancy grid map from the map_server instance, and initialize the correct RangeLibc method. Also stores a matrix which indicates the permissible region of the map ''' # this way you could give it a different map server as a parameter # map_service_name = rospy.get_param('/static_map', '/static_map') map_service_name = '/static_map' print('getting map from service: ', map_service_name) print('map service name: {}'.format(map_service_name)) rospy.wait_for_service(map_service_name) map_msg = rospy.ServiceProxy(map_service_name, GetMap)().map self.map_info = oMap = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) self.MAX_RANGE_PX = int(self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / self.map_info.resolution) # initialize range method print 'Initializing range method:', self.WHICH_RM if self.WHICH_RM == 'bl': self.range_method = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine(oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif 'cddt' in self.WHICH_RM: self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast(oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) if self.WHICH_RM == 'pcddt': print 'Pruning...' self.range_method.prune() elif self.WHICH_RM == 'rm': self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarching(oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif self.WHICH_RM == 'rmgpu': self.range_method = range_libc.PyRayMarchingGPU(oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX) elif self.WHICH_RM == 'glt': self.range_method = range_libc.PyGiantLUTCast(oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) print 'Done loading map' # 0: permissible, -1: unmapped, 100: blocked array_255 = np.array(, # 0: not permissible, 1: permissible self.permissible_region = np.zeros_like(array_255, dtype=bool) self.permissible_region[array_255==0] = 1 self.map_initialized = True
def mapCallback(self, map_msg): """ Map is changed, pass new map 2d-scanner, fix this for dynamic map updates, origin is not important if its changes to the original map """ ros_omap = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) quat = np.array((,,, (_, _, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(quat) origin = (,, yaw) # pass map info to racecar instance self.rcs.setMap(ros_omap,, origin)
def as_sdf(self, raytracer=None): NUMBA = False RANGE_LIBC = True occupied_points_ij = np.array(self.as_occupied_points_ij()) min_distances = np.ones(self.occupancy_.shape) * self.HUGE if NUMBA: compiled_sdf_math(occupied_points_ij, min_distances) if RANGE_LIBC: if raytracer is None: import range_libc pyomap = range_libc.PyOMap(np.ascontiguousarray(self.occupancy_.T >= self.thresh_occupied_)) rm = range_libc.PyRayMarching(pyomap, self.occupancy_.shape[0]) min_distances = np.ascontiguousarray(np.zeros_like(self.occupancy_, dtype=np.float32)) rm.get_dist(min_distances) else: min_distances = raytracer.get_dist() # Change from i, j units to x, y units [meters] min_distances = min_distances * self.resolution_ # Switch sign for occupied and unkown points (*signed* distance field) min_distances[self.occupancy_ > self.thresh_free] *= -1. return min_distances
def get_omap(self): """ Loads the map and initializes RangeLibc Map server must be running """ print("Loading Map") map_service_name = "static_map" rospy.wait_for_service(map_service_name) map_msg = rospy.ServiceProxy(map_service_name, GetMap)().map self.map_info = print(self.map_info) oMap = range_libc.PyOMap(map_msg) # max range used internally in RangeLibc self.MAX_RANGE_PX = int(self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / self.map_info.resolution) # initialize range method self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast(oMap, self.MAX_RANGE_PX, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION) print "Done loading map" self.map_initialized = True
from scipy.misc import imread # particles = np.zeros((10,3)) # action = np.array([3,2,1]) # particles[:,0] += action[0]*np.cos(particles[:,2]) - action[1]*np.sin(particles[:,2]) # print particles # n_ranges, x, y, theta = int, float, float, float n_ranges = 2 x = 300 y = 500 theta = np.pi / 2. max_scan_angle = 90 * (np.pi / 180) testMap = range_libc.PyOMap("../maps/basement_fixed_more_dilated.png", 1) bl = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine(testMap, 500) queries = np.zeros((n_ranges, 3), dtype=np.float32) ranges = np.zeros(n_ranges, dtype=np.float32) queries[:, 0] = x queries[:, 1] = y queries[:, 2] = theta + np.linspace(-max_scan_angle, max_scan_angle, n_ranges) points = bl.calc_range_many(queries, ranges) bl.saveTrace("./test.png") print imread("./test.png")[500][600] map_img = imread("./test.png") cells = set() for i in range(len(map_img[0])): for j in range(len(map_img)):
def __init__(self): self.GT_INDEX = 0 # Ground truth index (for sampling in K > 1 poses) # Scan constants self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION = 112 # Discretization of scanning angle self.Z_SHORT = 0.01 #0.14 # Weight for short reading self.LAMBDA_SHORT = 0.05 # Intrinsic parameter of the exponential dist. self.Z_MAX = 0.07 #0.015 # Weight for max reading self.Z_RAND = 0.12 #0.045 # Weight for random reading self.SIGMA_HIT = 8.0 # Noise value for hit reading self.Z_HIT = 0.80 #0.80 # Weight for hit reading self.MAX_RANGE_METERS = float(rospy.get_param( "~max_range_meters", 5.6)) # The max range of the laser # Dynamics constants self.MIN_VEL = -0.75 #TODO make sure these are right self.MAX_VEL = 0.75 self.MIN_DEL = -0.34 self.MAX_DEL = 0.34 self.laser_params = { "angle_min": -2.08621382713, "angle_max": 2.09234976768, "angle_increment": 0.00613592332229, "time_increment": 9.76562732831e-05, "scan_time": 0.10000000149, "range_min": 0.019999999553, "range_max": 5.59999990463 } self.num_ranges = 682 # Number of ranges to publish (M) # This is equivalent to int(max-min)/incr + 2 self.dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor self.K = 5 # Number of particles to publish # TODO: These values will need to be tuned self.sigma = torch.Tensor([0.25, 0.1]).type(self.dtype).expand(self.K, 2) # Initial position [x, y, theta] INITIAL_POSE = torch.Tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).type(self.dtype) dt = 0.1 # Constant dt, same as trained model # TODO: get topic names from server self.pose_pub_topic = "/sim/ground_truth/pose" self.poses_pub_topic = "/sim/ground_truth/poses" # TODO get rid of poses / or create a ROI self.scan_pub_topic = "/sim/scan" self.set_pose_sub_topic = "/sim/set_pose" self.control_sub_topic = "/vesc/high_level/ackermann_cmd_mux/input/nav_0" #self.model_name = rospy.get_param("~nn_model", "/media/JetsonSSD/model3.torch") self.model_name = rospkg.RosPack().get_path( "environment_sim") + "/models/dynamics_model_noisy.torch" # Initialize publishers and subscribers self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.pose_pub_topic, PoseStamped, queue_size=10) self.poses_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.poses_pub_topic, PoseArray, queue_size=10) self.scan_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.scan_pub_topic, LaserScan, queue_size=1) self.model = torch.load(self.model_name) self.model.cuda() # Tell torch to run the network on the GPU self.model.eval() # Model ideally runs faster in eval mode print("Loading:", self.model_name) print("Model:\n", self.model) print("Torch Datatype:", self.dtype) self.noise = torch.Tensor(self.K, 2).type(self.dtype) # (K,2) self.ctrl = torch.zeros(self.K, 2).type(self.dtype) # (K,2) self.pose = INITIAL_POSE.repeat(self.K, 1) # (K,3) self.pose_dot = torch.zeros(self.K, 3).type(self.dtype) # (K,3) self.nn_input = torch.zeros(self.K, 8).type(self.dtype) # (K,8) self.nn_input[:, 4] = 1.0 # cos(0) self.nn_input[:, 7] = dt # set dt = 0.1 # 0. Wait for map to publish / static map server rospy.wait_for_service('static_map') static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy('/static_map', GetMap) map_msg = static_map().map self.ranges = np.zeros(self.num_ranges, dtype=np.float32) self.query = np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.float32) # (num particles = 1, 3) self.obs_angles = np.arange(self.laser_params["angle_min"], self.laser_params["angle_max"] + self.laser_params["angle_increment"], self.laser_params["angle_increment"], dtype=np.float32) oMap = range_libc.PyOMap( map_msg) # A version of the map that range_libc can understand max_range_px = int( self.MAX_RANGE_METERS / # The max range in pixels of the laser self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast( oMap, max_range_px, self.THETA_DISCRETIZATION ) # The range method that will be used for ray casting # TODO: do we need this to create a range self.range_method.set_sensor_model( self.precompute_sensor_model( max_range_px)) # Load the sensor model expressed as a table self.control_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.control_sub_topic, AckermannDriveStamped, self.control_cb, queue_size=10) self.set_pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.set_pose_sub_topic, PoseStamped, self.set_pose_cb, queue_size=1)
# left handed coordinate space # # #################################################################################################### # print range_libc.USE_CACHED_TRIG # print range_libc.USE_CACHED_TRIG # print range_libc.USE_ALTERNATE_MOD # print range_libc.USE_CACHED_CONSTANTS # print range_libc.USE_FAST_ROUND # print range_libc.NO_INLINE # print range_libc.USE_LRU_CACHE # print range_libc.LRU_CACHE_SIZE # testMap = range_libc.PyOMap("../maps/basement_hallways_5cm.png",1) testMap = range_libc.PyOMap("../maps/", 1) # testMap = range_libc.PyOMap("/home/racecar/racecar-ws/src/TA_examples/lab5/maps/basement.png",1) if testMap.error(): exit() #"./test.png") num_vals = 100000 # vals = np.zeros((3,num_vals), dtype=np.float32) # vals[0,:] = testMap.width()/2.0 # vals[1,:] = testMap.height()/2.0 # vals[2,:] = np.linspace(0,2.0*np.pi, num=num_vals) # def make_scan(x,y,theta,n_ranges): # MAX_SCAN_ANGLE = (0.75 * np.pi)
# left handed coordinate space # # #################################################################################################### # print(range_libc.USE_CACHED_TRIG) # print(range_libc.USE_CACHED_TRIG) # print(range_libc.USE_ALTERNATE_MOD) # print(range_libc.USE_CACHED_CONSTANT)S # print(range_libc.USE_FAST_ROUND) # print(range_libc.NO_INLINE) # print(range_libc.USE_LRU_CACHE) # print(range_libc.LRU_CACHE_SIZE) testMapFileName = "../maps/test_medium.png".encode('utf8') testMap = range_libc.PyOMap(testMapFileName, 1) if testMap.error(): exit() max_range = 30 theta_discretization = 1000 print("Initializing: bl (max range = {0})".format(max_range)) bl = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine(testMap, max_range) print("Initializing: rm (max range = {0})".format(max_range)) rm = range_libc.PyRayMarching(testMap, max_range) print("Initializing: cddt (max range = {0}, theta_discretization = {1})". format(max_range, theta_discretization) ) cddt = range_libc.PyCDDTCast(testMap, max_range, theta_discretization) cddt.prune()
def set_map(self, occupancy_grid): = range_libc.PyOMap(occupancy_grid) self.max_range_px = int(self.max_range_meters / self.range_method = range_libc.PyCDDTCast(, self.max_range_px, self.theta_discretization)
def __init__(self, occupancy_grid, resolution, origin, initial_pos=None, path_map=None, path_map_division=16, path_map_dilation=2, path_map_weighted_dilation=False, reachable_area_dilation=3, destination_map=None, background_traversable=True, name=None): """ path_map encodes the allowed space for path planning reachable_area is path_map shrinked by reachable_area_dilation. This is useful for selecting starting point and goal points, which should be on the path map but also should not be too close to obstacles. :param occupancy_grid: a grayscale image where 255 means free space. :param resolution: real width of a pixel in the occupancy map in meters. :param destination_map: a colored path map where each color represents a destination. :param path_map_dilation: higher value will shrink the path map further :param path_map_weighted_dilation: create the path map from a weighted combination between the original path map and the dilated path map. This prevents tight openings from being closed due to the dilation process and also allows the agent to start at positions anywhere from the original path maps. :param reachable_area_dilation: higher value will shrink the reachable area further :param background_traversable: this affects map bounding box calculation. """ self.g = { 'path_map_dilation': path_map_dilation, 'reachable_area_dilation': reachable_area_dilation, 'path_map_weighted_dilation': path_map_weighted_dilation } self.occupancy_grid = occupancy_grid self.occupancy_grid_copy = np.array(self.occupancy_grid, copy=True) self.resolution = resolution self.origin = origin = name free_space = (self.occupancy_grid >= 254).astype(np.uint8) # hard_obstacles = (self.occupancy_grid == 0).astype(np.uint8) self.binary_occupancy = (1 - free_space) * 255 # 0 means no obstacle # Compute distance transform of the map start_time = time.time() self.map_dist_transform, _ = cv2.distanceTransformWithLabels( 255 - self.binary_occupancy, cv2.DIST_L2, cv2.DIST_MASK_PRECISE) print('distance transform time: %.2f sec' % (time.time() - start_time)) self.visible_map_bbox = self._compute_visible_map_bbox( background_traversable) self.path_map_division = path_map_division if path_map is None: # Automatically generate path map. This is usually the case if we use a real # map generated by laser scan. path_map_scale = self.resolution / (1.0 / self.path_map_division) m = cv2.resize(self.binary_occupancy, dsize=(0, 0), fx=path_map_scale, fy=path_map_scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) self.path_map = m else: self.path_map = (path_map > 0).astype(np.uint8) * 255 # cv2.imshow('path_map1', cv2.resize(self.path_map, (1024, 1024))) # The path map may contain multiple disconnected areas. Only the area where # the initial position falls will be considered. # However, if initial_pos is None, we use the occupancy grid itself as the path map. if initial_pos is not None: init_pos_grid = self.grid_coord(initial_pos[0], initial_pos[1], self.path_map_division) self.path_map = 255 - self.find_reachable_area( self.path_map, init_pos_grid) # Shrink the path map (i.e., dilate the occupied area) path_map_dilated = self.dilate(self.path_map, path_map_dilation) self.path_map_dilation = path_map_dilation self.reachable_area = 255 - self.dilate(path_map_dilated, reachable_area_dilation) self.reachable_area_dilation = reachable_area_dilation self.reachable_locs = list(zip(*np.nonzero(self.reachable_area)[::-1])) self.reachable_locs_per_destination = {} if path_map_weighted_dilation: self.path_map = (self.path_map * 0.2 + path_map_dilated * 0.8).astype(np.uint8) else: self.path_map = path_map_dilated self.path_map_weighted_dilation = path_map_weighted_dilation print('path map area', self._compute_path_map_area()) # self.path_map = path_map_dilated # print self.path_map.max() # exit(0) # cv2.imshow('reachable_area', cv2.resize(self.reachable_area, (1024, 1024))) # cv2.imshow('path_map2', cv2.resize(self.path_map, (1600, 1600))) # cv2.imwrite('/tmp/path_map.png', self.path_map) # cv2.waitKey(0) # exit(0) if destination_map is None: self.destination_map = None else: assert destination_map.shape[:2] == self.path_map.shape[:2] self.destination_map = destination_map self._gen_per_goal_reachable_locations() print('%d destinations' % len(self.reachable_locs_per_destination)) self.destination_centroids = self._precompute_destination_centroids( ) print('precompute destination paths...') start_time = time.time() self.destination_paths = self._precompute_destination_paths() print('precompute destination paths time %.2f sec' % (time.time() - start_time)) # pad occupancy map to make it a square because it seems range_libc will crash # on non-square map. h, w = self.binary_occupancy.shape self.square_omap = np.zeros((max(h, w), max(h, w)), np.uint8) self.square_omap[:w, :h] = np.transpose(self.binary_occupancy, (1, 0)) self.square_omap_copy = np.array(self.square_omap, copy=True) self.omap = range_libc.PyOMap(self.square_omap) self.range_scanner = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine(self.omap, 1000)
def clear_obstacles(self): self.occupancy_grid = np.array(self.occupancy_grid_copy, copy=True) self.square_omap = np.array(self.square_omap_copy, copy=True) self.omap = range_libc.PyOMap(self.square_omap) self.range_scanner = range_libc.PyBresenhamsLine(self.omap, 1000)