Example #1
    def decide_on_players(
            bot_ids: Iterable[BotID], rank_sys: RankingSystem,
            ticket_sys: TicketSystem) -> Tuple[List[BotID], List[BotID]]:
        Find two balanced teams. The TicketSystem and the RankingSystem to find
        a fair match up between some bots that haven't played for a while.
        limit = 200

        tries_left = limit
        while tries_left > 0:
            tries_left -= 1

            # Pick some bots that haven't played for a while
            picked = ticket_sys.pick_bots(bot_ids)
            ratings = [rank_sys.get(bot) for bot in picked]

            blue = tuple(ratings[0:3])
            orange = tuple(ratings[3:6])

            # Is this a fair match?
            required_fairness = min(tries_left / limit, MIN_REQ_FAIRNESS)
            if trueskill.quality([blue, orange]) >= required_fairness:
                    f"Match: {picked[0:3]} vs {picked[3:6]}\nMatch quality: {trueskill.quality([blue, orange])}"
                ticket_sys.choose(picked, bot_ids)
                return picked[0:3], picked[3:6]

        raise Exception("Failed to find a fair match")
Example #2
    def decide_on_players_2(bot_ids: Iterable[BotID], rank_sys: RankingSystem,
                            ticket_sys: TicketSystem) -> Tuple[List[BotID], List[BotID]]:
        Find two balanced teams. The TicketSystem and the RankingSystem to find
        a fair match up between some bots that haven't played for a while.

        # Composing a team of the best player + the worst two players will likely yield a balanced match (0, 4, 5).
        # These represent a few arrangements like that which seem reasonable to try, they will be checked against
        # the trueskill system.
        likely_balances = [(0, 4, 5), (0, 3, 5), (0, 2, 5), (0, 3, 4)]

        # Experimental average quality based on limit:
        # 1000: 0.4615
        # 400:  0.460
        # 100:  0.457
        # 10:   0.448
        num_bot_groups_to_test = 400

        # How much we value the tightness of rating distribution in a given match.
        # A higher number will yield matches with similarly skilled bots, but potentially lower probability of a draw.
        tightness_weight = 1.0

        tries_left = num_bot_groups_to_test
        best_quality_found = 0
        best_score_found = 0
        best_match = None
        chosen_balance = None

        while tries_left > 0:
            tries_left -= 1

            # Pick some bots that haven't played for a while
            picked = ticket_sys.pick_bots(bot_ids)
            candidates = [Candidate(bot, rank_sys.get(bot)) for bot in picked]
            candidates.sort(key=lambda c: float(c.rating), reverse=True)
            tightness = 1 / (numpy.std([float(c.rating) for c in candidates]) + 1)

            for balance in likely_balances:
                blue_candidates = candidates[balance[0]], candidates[balance[1]], candidates[balance[2]]
                orange_candidates = [c for c in candidates if c not in blue_candidates]
                quality = trueskill.quality([[c.rating for c in blue_candidates], [c.rating for c in orange_candidates]])
                score = quality + tightness * tightness_weight
                if score > best_score_found:
                    best_score_found = score
                    best_quality_found = quality
                    best_match = (blue_candidates, orange_candidates)
                    chosen_balance = balance

        blue_ids = [c.bot_id for c in best_match[0]]
        orange_ids = [c.bot_id for c in best_match[1]]
        tickets_consumed = sum([ticket_sys.get_ensured(b) for b in blue_ids + orange_ids])
        print(f"Match: {blue_ids} vs {orange_ids}\nMatch quality: {best_quality_found}  score: {best_score_found}  "
              f"Rank pattern: {chosen_balance}")
        ticket_sys.choose(blue_ids + orange_ids, bot_ids)
        return blue_ids, orange_ids
Example #3
def get_max_mmr_diff(players: Tuple[List[BotID], List[BotID]],
                     rank_sys: RankingSystem) -> float:
    mus = [rank_sys.get(bot).mu for bot in players[0] + players[1]]
    return max(mus) - min(mus)
Example #4
def get_trueskill_quality(players: Tuple[List[BotID], List[BotID]],
                          rank_sys: RankingSystem) -> float:
    blue_ratings = [rank_sys.get(bot) for bot in players[0]]
    orange_ratings = [rank_sys.get(bot) for bot in players[1]]
    return trueskill.quality([blue_ratings, orange_ratings])
Example #5
    def decide_on_players_3(bot_ids: Iterable[BotID], rank_sys: RankingSystem,
                            ticket_sys: TicketSystem) -> Tuple[List[BotID], List[BotID]]:
        Find two balanced teams. The TicketSystem and the RankingSystem to find
        a fair match up between some bots that haven't played for a while.
        # Higher ticket strength produces a more uniform distribution of matches played, adjust by increments of 0.1
        # Higher MMR tolerance allows accurately rated bots to play in more "distant" MMR matches, adjust by increments of 1
        MMR_TOLERANCE = 4
        # Max attempts to build match of quality >= MIN_QUALITY
        MAX_ITERATIONS = 20
        MIN_QUALITY = 0.4


        best_quality = 0
        best_match = None

        max_tickets = max([ticket_sys.get(bot_id) for bot_id in bot_ids])

        for i in range(MAX_ITERATIONS):
            # Get Leader Bot (choose randomly between bots with highest tickets)
            possible_leaders = [bot_id for bot_id, tickets in ticket_sys.tickets.items() if tickets == max_tickets and bot_id in bot_ids]
            leader = numpy.random.choice(possible_leaders)

            # Get MU for Leader bot, that will be the match mmr
            match_mmr = rank_sys.get(leader).mu

            # Score all bots based on probability to perform at target mmr, scaled by amount of tickets
            candidates = [Candidate(bot_id, rank_sys.get(bot_id)) for bot_id in bot_ids if bot_id != leader]
            scores = []

            for c in candidates:
                # Calculate probability to perform at desired mmr
                performance_prob = pdf(match_mmr, mu=c.rating.mu, sigma=math.sqrt(c.rating.sigma**2 + MMR_TOLERANCE**2))

                # Calculate weighting factor based on tickets
                tickets = ticket_sys.get(c.bot_id)
                tickets_weight = tickets ** TICKET_STRENGTH

                # Calculate candidate score
                scores.append(performance_prob * tickets_weight)

            # Pick 5 bots randomly based on their score
            probs = numpy.asarray(scores) / sum(scores)
            players = list(numpy.random.choice(candidates, size=5, p=probs, replace=False))
            players.append(Candidate(leader, rank_sys.get(leader)))

            # Get the highest quality match with the 6 chosen bots
            combinations = list(itertools.combinations(players, 3))
            possible_matches = len(combinations) // 2
            blue_combs = combinations[:possible_matches]
            orange_combs = combinations[:possible_matches-1:-1]

            for i in range(possible_matches):
                blue_team = blue_combs[i]
                orange_team = orange_combs[i]
                quality = trueskill.quality([[c.rating for c in blue_team], [c.rating for c in orange_team]])
                if quality > best_quality:
                    best_quality = quality
                    best_match = (blue_team, orange_team)

            if best_quality >= MIN_QUALITY:

        # We sort by get_mmr() because it considers sigma
        blue_ids = sorted([c.bot_id for c in best_match[0]], key=lambda id: rank_sys.get_mmr(id), reverse=True)
        orange_ids = sorted([c.bot_id for c in best_match[1]], key=lambda id: rank_sys.get_mmr(id), reverse=True)
        tickets_consumed = sum([ticket_sys.get_ensured(b) for b in blue_ids + orange_ids])
        print(f"Match: {blue_ids} vs {orange_ids}\nMatch quality: {best_quality}  Tickets consumed: {tickets_consumed}")
        ticket_sys.choose(blue_ids + orange_ids, bot_ids)
        return blue_ids, orange_ids