def plot_corr_correct(data, model, layer): plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() plt.xlim((-10, 110)) layer_names = util.get_model_layers(model) layer_names_short = util.get_model_layers(model, True) ind = layer_names.index(layer) layer1 = layer_names_short[ind] if layer == 'fc7ex': plt.ylim((-2, 4)) elif layer == 'conv5_2ex': plt.ylim((-2, 4)) #VGG16 conv5_2 elif layer == 'conv5_1ex': plt.ylim((-0.1, 1.1)) elif layer == 'conv4_3ex': plt.ylim((-0.1, 1.1)) else: plt.ylim((-2, 4)) xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [0, 0], c='k', hold=True) plt.plot([0, 0], [ymin, ymax], c='k', hold=True) plt.scatter(data.model_comp['animal']['human_acc'][0], data.model_comp['animal'][model + '_' + layer][0], c='b', label='Animal', hold=True) plt.scatter(data.model_comp['nonanimal']['human_acc'][0], -1 * data.model_comp['nonanimal'][model + '_' + layer][0], c='g', label='Non-Animal', hold=True) plt.plot([50, 50], [ymin, ymax], c='r', ls='dashed', hold=True, label='Chance') #relabel axis x_min = 0 x_max = 101 plt.xticks(np.arange(x_min, x_max, 50)) xlabs, xlocs = plt.xticks() plt.xticks(np.arange(x_min, x_max, 50), abs(xlabs).astype(int)) plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.title('Fitting Human to ' + model + ' ' + layer1 + ' Accuracy') plt.xlabel('Human Accuracy (%)') plt.ylabel('Distance from Hyperplane') # Get correlation and significance corrl, p_val = data.model_corrs[model + '_' + layer] box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position( [box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1, box.width, box.height * 0.9]) plt.figtext(0.5, 0.05, 'Correlation: %.3f (%s), p-value: %.2E' % (corrl, data.corr_type, decimal.Decimal(str(p_val))), horizontalalignment='center') # Save figure plt.savefig(util.at_plot_path('corr_%s_%s.pdf' % (model, layer))) plt.savefig(util.at_plot_path('corr_%s_%s.png' % (model, layer)))
def calc_model_correlation(self, model, corr, adjust_for_true_label=True, verbose=True): layer_names = util.get_model_layers(model) for layer in layer_names: self.calc_model_layer_correlation( model, layer, corr, adjust_for_true_label=adjust_for_true_label, verbose=verbose) self.corr_type = corr
def eval_correlation_experiment(): #input lists do_eval = True save_eval = False do_overview = True do_easy_hard_plot = False do_correlations = False do_bootstrap = False do_model_eval = True model_names_compare = ['VGG16_ft70000', 'VGG16', 'VGG19', 'AlexNet'] model_names_specific = ['VGG16_ft70000'] corrs = ["Spearman's rho", "Pearson's r", "Kendall's tau"] adjust_corr_for_true_label = True if adjust_corr_for_true_label: data_filename = 'last_data.p' else: data_filename = 'last_data_unadjusted.p' corr = corrs[0] experiment_ids = [30, 31, 32, 33, 34] classifier_type = 'svm' train_batches = range(16) axis_types = ['rf'] #['rf', 'idx'] bootstrap_count = 300 bootstrap_size = 180 # Data evaluation if do_eval: data = data_loader.Data() data.load_multi(experiment_ids) data.eval_participants() if do_model_eval: for model_name in model_names_compare: data.load_model_data(model_name, classifier_type, train_batches) data.calc_model_correlation(model_name, corr, adjust_corr_for_true_label) # Bootstrapping on correlations if do_bootstrap: data.bootstrap( experiment_ids, model_names_compare, classifier_type, train_batches, corr_type=corr, adjust_corr_for_true_label=adjust_corr_for_true_label, bootstrap_count=bootstrap_count, bootstrap_size=bootstrap_size) if save_eval: pickle.dump(data, open(data_filename, 'wb')) else: data = pickle.load(open(data_filename, 'rb')) # Info: Human accuracy #eval_human_behaviour(data) # Plots if do_overview: plot_corr_errs = [ m in model_names_specific for m in model_names_compare ] #plot_correlation_overview.overviewPlot(data, model_names_compare, axis_type='ridx', use_bootstrap_value=do_bootstrap, plot_corr_errs=plot_corr_errs, use_subplots=True) plot_correlation_overview.overviewPlot( data, model_names_compare, axis_type='ridx', use_bootstrap_value=do_bootstrap, plot_corr_errs=plot_corr_errs, use_subplots=True, is_unadjusted=not adjust_corr_for_true_label) plot_correlation_overview.overviewPlot( data, model_names_specific, axis_type='names', use_bootstrap_value=do_bootstrap, plot_corr_errs=do_bootstrap, use_subplots=False, is_unadjusted=not adjust_corr_for_true_label) if do_correlations: for model_name in model_names_specific: layer_names = util.get_model_layers(model_name) for layer in layer_names: plot_correlations.plot_corr_correct(data, model=model_name, layer=layer) if do_easy_hard_plot: data.load_im2path(experiment_ids) easy_hard_mod(data, model_names_specific[0], 'fc7ex')
def plot_model_performance(model, classifier_type, train_batches, set_index, set_name, filter_on, filter_category): # txt files # vehicles_list = '/home/michele/python/rapid_categorization/imagenet_request/n04524313_whole_tree_vehicle.txt' # animal_list = '/home/michele/python/rapid_categorization/imagenet_request/whole_tree_animal.txt' # structure_list = '/home/michele/python/rapid_categorization/imagenet_request/structure_wnid_tree.txt' # if filter_on == 'filter_on': # if filter_category == 'vehicles': # txt_file = vehicles_list # elif filter_category == 'animals': # txt_file = animal_list # elif filter_category == 'structure': # txt_file = structure_list # elif filter_category == 'distractors': # exclude_file_animal = animal_list # exclude_file_structure = structure_list # exclude_file_vehicles = vehicles_list # # if not filter_category == 'distractors': # with open(txt_file, 'r') as f: # tree_list = list(f) # tree_list[:] = [x.strip().strip('-') for x in tree_list] # elif filter_category == 'distractors': # with open(exclude_file_animal, 'r') as f: # exc_animal_list = list(f) # exc_animal_list[:] = [x.strip().strip('-') for x in exc_animal_list] # with open(exclude_file_structure, 'r') as f: # exc_structure_list = list(f) # exc_structure_list[:] = [x.strip().strip('-') for x in exc_structure_list] # with open(exclude_file_vehicles, 'r') as f: # exc_vehicle_list = list(f) # exc_vehicle_list[:] = [x.strip().strip('-') for x in exc_structure_list] # Hard code set_index to be 16 layer_names = util.get_model_layers(model) # print layer_names print "layers len: ", len(layer_names) acc_list = [] for layer in layer_names: inputfn = util.get_predictions_filename(model, layer, classifier_type, train_batches, set_index, set_name) modeldata = np.load(inputfn) # if not filter_category == 'distractors': # zipped = [x for x in zip(modeldata['source_filenames'], modeldata['pred_labels'], modeldata['true_labels']) # if x[0].split('_')[0] in tree_list] # elif filter_category == 'distractors': # zipped = [x for x in zip(modeldata['source_filenames'], modeldata['pred_labels'], modeldata['true_labels']) # if not x[0].split('_')[0] in exc_animal_list and not x[0].split('_')[0] in exc_structure_list # and not x[0].split('_')[0] in exc_vehicle_list] # ternary operator # acc = reduce(lambda accum, data: accum + 1 if data[1] == data[2] else accum, zipped, 0)/ float(len(zipped)) acc = float(sum(modeldata['pred_labels'] == modeldata['true_labels'])) / float( len(modeldata['pred_labels'])) acc_list += [acc] # all incorrectly predicted images mislabeled = [x for x in zip(modeldata['source_filenames'], modeldata['pred_labels'], modeldata['true_labels'], modeldata['hyper_dist']) if x[1] != x[2]] print acc_list print "acc list len: ", len(acc_list) x = np.linspace(0, 1, len(layer_names)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # if filter_on == 'filter_on': # ax.set_title('VGG16 Model accuracy on %s images' %(filter_category)) ax.set_title('VGG16 Model Accuracy on %s Dataset setidx=%d' %(set_name,set_index)) ax.set_xlabel('Relative Layer Depth') ax.set_ylabel('Accuracy (%)') # Plot accuracy points ax.plot(x, acc_list, 'o') # Plot polyfit p1_fit = np.polyfit(x, acc_list, 2) p1_fn = np.poly1d(p1_fit) xs = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1]) print len(xs) ax.plot(xs, p1_fn(xs), 'b') # show image collage and hyperplane distances of all incorrectly predicted images plt.figure() # Get list of paths to all incorrectly predicted images for i_zipped in xrange(len(mislabeled)): image_name = mislabeled[i_zipped][0] image_hyper_dist = mislabeled[i_zipped][3] image_path = os.path.join(TURK_images_root, image_name + '.png') ax = plt.subplot(10, 9, i_zipped + 1) plt.title(str(image_hyper_dist),, fontsize=6) nan_idx = 0 for i_image in xrange(n_images): ## ----- cell 7 ----- ## curr_image_path = image_fold_path + '/' + image_list[i_image] print '## Running image ##', curr_image_path output_prob = output['prob'][0] # the output probability vector for the first image in the batch # print 'predicted class is:', output_prob.argmax() if output_prob.argmax() == 0: print 'Condition met' predicted_prob = output_prob[output_prob.argmax()] ## ----- cell 9 ----- ## # load ImageNet labels labels = ['non-animal', 'animal'] output_label = labels[output_prob.argmax()] # print 'output label:', output_label # print 'output probs: ', output_prob image_class_output_title = image_list[i_image] + '\n' + output_label + '\n' + str(predicted_prob) # print image_class_output_title im = ax.imshow(image) plt.title(image_class_output_title, fontsize=6) ax.axis('off') nan_idx += 1 # plt.tight_layout() result_title = image_dir_root + image_folder + '_nan_filtered.png' plt.savefig(result_title)
def load_model_data(self, model, classifier_type, train_batches): layer_names = util.get_model_layers(model) for layer in layer_names: self.load_model_layer_data(model, layer, classifier_type, train_batches)
def mid_mod_ims(data, model_name, num, classifier_type, train_batches, set_index, set_name): n_layers = 15 # Calculate stats per image for sample populataion model_comp = {} # data for model comparison im2lab = Data.im2lab # im2lab = data.im2lab # Changed this from Jonah script [changed line 2 of 2] ***Check 'data' in mid_mod_ims im2key = {} # maps image to index in model comp array im2key_ana = {} animal_ind = 0 nonanimal_ind = 0 layer_names = util.get_model_layers(model_name) # store image names with index in dict to hold model comparisons for im in im2lab.keys(): if im2lab[im] == 'animal': im2key[im] = animal_ind im2key_ana[im] = animal_ind animal_ind += 1 else: im2key[im] = nonanimal_ind im2key_ana[im] = nonanimal_ind + 150 nonanimal_ind += 1 #Easy Hard for Model model_comp['animal'] = np.ones([1, animal_ind]) model_comp['nonanimal'] = np.ones([1, animal_ind]) model_dist = {} model_dist['animal'] = np.ones([n_layers, animal_ind]) model_dist['nonanimal'] = np.ones([n_layers, nonanimal_ind]) modeldata = None for i_layer, layer_name in enumerate(layer_names): # calculate features modeldata = np.load( util.get_predictions_filename(model_name, layer_name, classifier_type=classifier_type, train_batches=train_batches, set_index=set_index, set_name=set_name)) for index in range(len(modeldata['source_filenames'])): impath = modeldata['source_filenames'][index] imname = impath.split('/')[-1] + '.jpg' model_dist[im2lab[imname]][i_layer][ im2key[imname]] = modeldata['hyper_dist'][index] inds = [ layer_names.index('conv4_2ex'), layer_names.index('conv4_3ex'), layer_names.index('conv5_1ex'), layer_names.index('conv5_2ex') ] for index in range(len(modeldata['source_filenames'])): temp = [] impath = modeldata['source_filenames'][index] imname = impath.split('/')[-1] + '.jpg' for ind in inds: if im2lab[imname] == 'animal': temp.append(model_dist[im2lab[imname]][ind, im2key[imname]]) else: d = model_dist[im2lab[imname]][ind, im2key[imname]] * (-1) temp.append(d) model_comp[im2lab[imname]][0][im2key[imname]] = np.mean(temp) mc_a_inds = np.argsort(model_comp['animal'][0]) mc_na_inds = np.argsort(model_comp['nonanimal'][0]) key2im = {} key2im['animal'] = {} key2im['nonanimal'] = {} for index in range(len(modeldata['source_filenames'])): temp = [] impath = modeldata['source_filenames'][index] imname = impath.split('/')[-1] + '.jpg' cat = im2lab[imname] key = im2key[imname] key2im[cat][key] = imname top_a = [] bottom_a = [] top_na = [] bottom_na = [] for im in range(num): a = key2im['animal'][mc_a_inds[im]] bottom_a.append(a) na = key2im['nonanimal'][mc_na_inds[im]] bottom_na.append(na) for im in range(-1, -1 - num, -1): a = key2im['animal'][mc_a_inds[im]] top_a.append(a) na = key2im['nonanimal'][mc_na_inds[im]] top_na.append(na) # # #Plot easy animal # row = 1 # col = 8 # count = 0 # f, subp = plt.subplots(row, col,squeeze=False) # for r in range(row): # for c in range(col): # im_name = top_a[count] # count +=1 # im_path = os.path.join(base_path,im_name) # imn = im_name.split('.')[0]+'.jpg' # img = # im_mat = np.asarray(img.convert('L')) # subp[r][c].imshow(im_mat,cmap='gray') # subp[r][c].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # subp[r][c].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) # subp[r][c].set_title(imn) # # hypd = model_comp['animal'][0][im2key[imn]] # subp[r][c].set_xlabel('Model Conf: '+str(np.round(hypd,1))) # f.suptitle('Easiest Animals for VGG16 Intermediate Levels') # # #Plot hard animal # row = 1 # col = 8 # count = 0 # f, subp = plt.subplots(row, col,squeeze=False) # for r in range(row): # for c in range(col): # im_name = bottom_a[count] # count +=1 # im_path = os.path.join(base_path,im_name) # imn = im_name.split('.')[0]+'.jpg' # img = # im_mat = np.asarray(img.convert('L')) # subp[r][c].imshow(im_mat,cmap='gray') # subp[r][c].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # subp[r][c].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) # subp[r][c].set_title(imn) # # hypd = model_comp['animal'][0][im2key[imn]] # subp[r][c].set_xlabel('Model Conf: '+str(np.round(hypd,1))) # f.suptitle('Hardest Animals for VGG16 Intermediate Levels') # # #Plot easy nonanimal # row = 1 # col = 8 # count = 0 # f, subp = plt.subplots(row, col,squeeze=False) # for r in range(row): # for c in range(col): # im_name = top_na[count] # count +=1 # im_path = os.path.join(base_path,im_name) # imn = im_name.split('.')[0]+'.jpg' # img = # im_mat = np.asarray(img.convert('L')) # subp[r][c].imshow(im_mat,cmap='gray') # subp[r][c].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # subp[r][c].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) # subp[r][c].set_title(imn) # # hypd = model_comp['nonanimal'][0][im2key[imn]] # subp[r][c].set_xlabel('Model Conf: '+str(np.round(hypd,1))) # f.suptitle('Easiest Non-Animals for VGG16 Intermediate Levels') # # #Plot hard nonanimal # row = 1 # col = 8 # count = 0 # f, subp = plt.subplots(row, col,squeeze=False) # for r in range(row): # for c in range(col): # im_name = bottom_na[count] # count +=1 # im_path = os.path.join(base_path,im_name) # imn = im_name.split('.')[0]+'.jpg' # img = # im_mat = np.asarray(img.convert('L')) # subp[r][c].imshow(im_mat,cmap='gray') # subp[r][c].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # subp[r][c].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) # subp[r][c].set_title(imn) # # hypd = model_comp['nonanimal'][0][im2key[imn]] # subp[r][c].set_xlabel('Model Conf: '+str(np.round(hypd,1))) # f.suptitle('Hardest Non-Animals for VGG16 Intermediate Levels') #plot background accuracy lvs = [] confids = [] for cat in model_dist: for lev in range(n_layers): for im in range(len(model_dist[cat][lev])): lvs.append(lev) if cat == 'animal': confids.append(model_dist[cat][lev, im]) else: d = (-1) * model_dist[cat][lev, im] confids.append(d) # Plot of accuracy accross levels with these images model_dist['nonanimal'] = model_dist['nonanimal'] * (-1) combo_easy = np.concatenate((top_a, top_na)) combo_hard = np.concatenate((bottom_a, bottom_na)) mod_perf_easy = np.ones([n_layers, len(combo_easy)]) for lyr in range(n_layers): for i in range(len(combo_easy)): im = combo_easy[i] key = im2key[im] mod_perf_easy[lyr, i] = model_dist[im2lab[im]][lyr][im2key[im]] mod_perf_hard = np.ones([n_layers, len(combo_hard)]) for lyr in range(n_layers): for i in range(len(combo_hard)): im = combo_hard[i] key = im2key[im] mod_perf_hard[lyr, i] = model_dist[im2lab[im]][lyr][im2key[im]] fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.set_ylim([-2, 5]) ax1.plot([-0.5, n_layers - 0.5], [0, 0], color='0', ls='-') ax1.scatter(lvs, confids, color='0.8', label='All Images') ax1.plot([7.8, 7.8], [-2, 5], color='0.5', ls='--') ax1.plot([11.2, 11.2], [-2, 5], color='0.5', ls='--', label='Intermediate Levels') ax1.plot(xrange(n_layers), np.mean(mod_perf_easy, 1), 'go', label='Easiest for Mid-Layers') ax1.set_ylabel('Model Confidence') plt.xticks(rotation=5) p1_fit = np.polyfit(xrange(n_layers), np.mean(mod_perf_easy, 1), 3) p1_fn = np.poly1d(p1_fit) xs = np.linspace(0, n_layers - 1) ax1.plot(xs, p1_fn(xs), 'g') ax1.plot(xrange(n_layers), np.mean(mod_perf_hard, 1), 'yo', label='Hardest for Mid-Layers') p2_fit = np.polyfit(xrange(n_layers), np.mean(mod_perf_hard, 1), 3) p2_fn = np.poly1d(p2_fit) xs = np.linspace(0, n_layers - 1) ax1.plot(xs, p2_fn(xs), 'y') ax1.set_xlim([-0.5, n_layers - 0.5]) plt.xticks(range(n_layers), util.get_model_layers(model_name, short=True), rotation=70) ax1.set_xlabel('Layer (Increasing Complexity)') plt.title('Model Confidence in Mid-Layer Extreme Images (%s)' % model_name) ax1.legend(loc="upper left")
def overviewPlot(data, model_names, axis_type, use_bootstrap_value, plot_corr_errs, use_subplots, is_unadjusted): acc_title = 'Model Accuracy' if use_subplots: corr_title = 'Correlation with Humans' else: corr_title = 'Correlation with Humans' if is_unadjusted: save_prefix = 'unadjusted_' unadjusted_suffix = ' (Uncorrected)' else: save_prefix = '' unadjusted_suffix = '' if len(model_names) == 1: acc_title = util.get_model_human_name(model_names[0], True)+' ' + acc_title save_prefix += model_names[0] else: save_prefix += 'comp' if not isinstance(plot_corr_errs, list): plot_corr_errs = [plot_corr_errs] * len(model_names) if use_subplots: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1 = axs[0] ax2 = axs[1] ax2.yaxis.tick_right() acc_tick_color = 'k' corr_tick_color = 'k' ax1.set_title(acc_title) ax2.set_title(corr_title) fig.set_size_inches(8, 6) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, top=0.8) fig.suptitle('Model Comparison' + unadjusted_suffix, fontsize=14, weight='bold') if not is_unadjusted: ax1.text(-0.05, 1.03, '(a)', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=14, weight='bold') # Somehow cannot align this with ax2 ax1.text(1.10, 1.03, '(b)', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=14, weight='bold') else: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax2 = ax1.twinx() axs = [ax1] # Only need to modify one x axis acc_tick_color = 'b' corr_tick_color = 'r' fig.set_size_inches(8 + is_unadjusted * 2, 6) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, top=0.92) plt.title(acc_title + ' and ' + corr_title + unadjusted_suffix, fontsize=14, weight='bold', y=1.02) if not is_unadjusted: ax1.text(-0.07, 1.04, '(c)', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=14, weight='bold') n_layers_max = 0 x_max = 0 x_indent = 0.5 for model_name,plot_corr_err in zip(model_names, plot_corr_errs): # Get layer info layer_names = util.get_model_layers(model_name) layer_names_short = util.get_model_layers(model_name, True) n_layers = len(layer_names) n_layers_max = max(n_layers_max, n_layers) # Collect correlation and accuracy corrs = np.ones((1,n_layers)) if plot_corr_errs: corr_errs = np.ones((2,n_layers)) accs = np.ones((1,n_layers)) for ind,layer_name in enumerate(layer_names): lidx = model_name + '_' + layer_name if use_bootstrap_value and lidx in data.model_corrs_bootstrapped: corrs_all = data.model_corrs_bootstrapped[lidx] corr_errs[0][ind] = np.percentile(corrs_all, 2.5) corr_errs[1][ind] = np.percentile(corrs_all, 97.5) corrs[0][ind] = np.median(corrs_all) else: if use_bootstrap_value: print 'Warning: %s not bootstrapped!' % lidx corrs[0][ind] = data.model_corrs[lidx][0] accs[0][ind] = data.model_accs[lidx] # Define x axis if axis_type == 'rf': x = util.get_model_rf_sizes(model_name) elif axis_type == 'ridx': x = np.linspace(0, 1, n_layers) x_indent /= 5 else: x = xrange(n_layers) x_max = max(x_max, x[-1]) # Plot accuracy marker = util.get_model_plot_marker(model_name) acc_color = util.get_model_plot_color(model_name, plot_type='acc' if not use_subplots else None) ax1.plot(x,accs[0][:]*100,marker,color=acc_color) ax1.plot([], [], '-'+marker, color=acc_color, label=util.get_model_human_name(model_name)) p1_fit = np.polyfit(x,accs[0][:]*100,2) p1_fn = np.poly1d(p1_fit) xs = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1]) ax1.plot(xs,p1_fn(xs),color=acc_color) # Plot correlation corr_color = util.get_model_plot_color(model_name, plot_type='corr' if not use_subplots else None) if plot_corr_err: corr_err_color = util.get_model_plot_color(model_name, plot_type='corr' if not use_subplots else None, brighten=True) fits = [None]*2 for ierr in (0,1): p2_fit = np.polyfit(x, corr_errs[ierr][:], 3) p2_fn = np.poly1d(p2_fit) fits[ierr] = p2_fn(xs) ax2.fill_between(xs, fits[0], fits[1], where=fits[1] >= fits[0], color='none', facecolor=corr_err_color, interpolate=True) ax2.plot(x,corrs[0][:],marker,color=corr_color) p2_fit = np.polyfit(x,corrs[0][:],3) p2_fn = np.poly1d(p2_fit) ax2.plot(xs,p2_fn(xs),color=corr_color) peak_corr_index = np.argmax(corrs[0]) corr_range = (corr_errs[1][peak_corr_index] - corr_errs[0][peak_corr_index])/2 print '%s peak correlation: %.3f pm %.3f' % (model_name, corrs[0][peak_corr_index], corr_range) # Plot human accuracy if use_bootstrap_value: hum_acc_errs = np.percentile(data.human_acc_bootstrapped, [2.5, 97.5]) hum_acc = np.median(data.human_acc_bootstrapped) * 100 for hum_acc_err in hum_acc_errs: ax1.plot([-x_indent, x_max + x_indent], [hum_acc_err*100, hum_acc_err*100], color='0.5', ls='--') else: hum_acc = int(np.mean(data.hum_im_acc) * 100) ax1.plot([-x_indent, x_max + x_indent], [hum_acc, hum_acc], color='0.5', ls='-') # Accuracy axis ax1.set_ylim([60 if use_subplots else 48, 100]) ax1.set_ylabel('Accuracy (%)', color=acc_tick_color) if use_subplots: ax1.text(x_max * 1.9 / 4, hum_acc - 3, 'Human Accuracy', color='.5') else: ax1.text(x_max*3/4, hum_acc+3, 'Human Accuracy', color='.5') for tick in ax1.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_color(acc_tick_color) # Correlation axis ax2.set_ylim([0, 0.45 if (use_subplots and not is_unadjusted) else 1]) ax2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax2.set_ylabel(data.corr_type + ' Correlation', color=corr_tick_color) if not use_subplots: for tick in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_color(corr_tick_color) # x axis for ax in axs: ax.set_xlim([-x_indent, x_max + x_indent]) if axis_type == 'rf': ax.set_xlabel('Receptive field size') elif axis_type == 'idx': ax.set_xlabel('Layer index') elif axis_type == 'ridx': ax.set_xlabel('Relative layer depth') else: ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(layer_names_short, rotation=70) ax.set_xlabel('Layer (Increasing Complexity)') # Legend if use_subplots: ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.07, 2.2, 0.102), ncol=4, mode='expand', borderaxespad=0) # Done fn = util.at_plot_path(save_prefix + '_' + axis_type + '_overview.pdf') plt.savefig(fn) plt.savefig(util.at_plot_path(save_prefix + '_' + axis_type + '_overview.png')) print 'Saved to %s' % fn