Example #1
def sample_rope_state(demofile):
    success = False
    while not success:
        new_xyz_camera, demo_id = load_random_start_segment(demofile)
        perturb_radius = random.uniform(args.min_rad, args.max_rad)
        new_xyz_robot = apply_tfm(new_xyz_camera[()], args.inittfmfile)
        rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(
                         perturb_peak_dist = perturb_radius,
                         num_perturb_points = args.perturb_points)

        if args.human_check:
            resp = raw_input("Use this start simulation?[Y/n]")
            success = resp not in ('N', 'n')
            success = True
        new_xyz_robot = Globals.sim.observe_cloud()

    #new_xyz_camera = apply_inv_tfm(new_xyz_robot, args.inittfmfile)
    #return (new_xyz_camera, demo_id)
    return (new_xyz_robot, demo_id)
def setup_and_return_demofile(demofile_name, init_rope_state_segment,  animate, perturb_radius=0, perturb_num_points=0):
    """For the simulation, this code runs before the main loop. It also sets the numpy random seed"""
    if Globals.random_seed is not None:

    demofile = h5py.File(demofile_name, 'r+')
    Globals.env = openravepy.Environment() # @UndefinedVariable
    Globals.robot = Globals.env.GetRobots()[0]

    #Set up the simulation with the table (no rope yet)
    new_xyz, _ = load_segment(demofile, init_rope_state_segment)
    #table_height = new_xyz[:, 2].mean() - .02
    table_height = new_xyz[:, 2].mean() - 0.17
    table_xml = make_table_xml(translation=[1, 0, table_height], extents=[.85, .55, .01])
    if animate:
        Globals.viewer = trajoptpy.GetViewer(Globals.env)
    Globals.sim = ropesim.Simulation(Globals.env, Globals.robot)

    # create rope with optional pertubations
    rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(
    rope_nodes = rotate_about_median(rope_nodes, 2*np.pi/3.0)
    ropt_nodes = place_in_feasible_region(rope_nodes)
    return demofile
def eval_demo_playback(args, sim_env):
    actionfile = GlobalVars.actions
    num_successes = 0
    num_total = 0
    actions_names = []
    for action_name in actionfile:
    i = 0
    i_task = 0
    i_step = 0
    while i < len(actions_names):
        (demo_name, seg_name) = actions_names[i].split('-')
        if seg_name == 'seg00':
            if i > 0:
                if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()):
                    redprint("KNOT TIED!")
                    num_successes += 1
                num_total += 1
            i_task += 1
            i_step = 0
            print "task %s" % demo_name
            sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env, floating=True)
            redprint("Replace rope")
            rope_xyz = np.asarray(actionfile[actions_names[i]]['cloud_xyz'])
            rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(rope_xyz)
            # don't call replace_rope and sim.settle() directly. use time machine interface for deterministic results!
            time_machine = sim_util.RopeSimTimeMachine(rope_nodes, sim_env, rope_params=sim_util.get_rope_params("thick"), floating=True)
            if args.animation:
        print "task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step)
        sim_util.reset_arms_to_side(sim_env, floating=True)
        redprint("Observe point cloud")
        #new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud(GlobalVars.rope_observe_cloud_upsample)
        new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud2(0.01, GlobalVars.rope_observe_cloud_upsample, 1, 4)
        state = ("eval_%i"%get_unique_id(), new_xyz) 
        action = actions_names[i]
        eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats()
        eval_stats.success, eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp, full_trajs = \
        compute_trans_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[action], animate=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive)
        i += 1
    num_total += 1

    redprint('Eval Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total))        
def track_video_frames_offline(video_dir, T_w_k, init_tfm, ref_image, rope_params = None):
    video_stamps = np.loadtxt(osp.join(video_dir,demo_names.stamps_name))    
    rgbs = []
    depths = []
    color_clouds = []
    for (index, stamp) in zip(range(len(video_stamps)), video_stamps):        
        print index, stamp
        rgb = cv2.imread(osp.join(video_dir,demo_names.rgb_name%index))
        rgb = color_match.match(ref_image, rgb)
        assert rgb is not None
        depth = cv2.imread(osp.join(video_dir,demo_names.depth_name%index), 2)
        assert depth is not None
        color_cloud = extract_rope_tracking(rgb, depth, T_w_k)
        color_cloud = clouds.downsample_colored(color_cloud, .01)
        color_cloud[:,:3] = color_cloud[:,:3].dot(init_tfm[:3,:3].T) + init_tfm[:3,3][None,:]

        if index == 0:
            rope_xyz = extract_red(rgb, depth, T_w_k)
            rope_xyz = clouds.downsample(rope_xyz, .01)
            rope_xyz = rope_xyz.dot(init_tfm[:3, :3].T) + init_tfm[:3,3][None,:]
            rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(rope_xyz)
            rope_radius = 0.005
    rgbs = np.asarray(rgbs)
    depths = np.asarray(depths)    
    all_tracked_nodes = cbulletracpy2.py_tracking(rope_nodes, rope_radius, T_w_k, color_clouds, rgbs, depths, 5)
    for i in range(len(rgbs)):
        if i % 30 != 0:
        print i
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        tracked_nodes = all_tracked_nodes[i, :, :]
        ax.plot(tracked_nodes[:, 0], tracked_nodes[:,1], tracked_nodes[:,2], 'o')
def sample_rope_state(demofile, perturb_points=5, min_rad=0, max_rad=.15, rotation=False):
    samples a rope state, by picking a random segment, perturbing, rotating about the median, 
    then setting a random translation such that the rope is essentially within grasp room

    # TODO: pick a random rope initialization
    new_xyz= load_random_start_segment(demofile)
    perturb_radius = random.uniform(min_rad, max_rad)
    rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud( new_xyz,
    if rotation:
        rand_theta = rotation*np.random.rand()
        rope_nodes = rotate_about_median(rope_nodes, rand_theta)
        rope_nodes = place_in_feasible_region(rope_nodes)
    return rope_nodes
def sample_rope_state(demofile, human_check=False, perturb_points=5, min_rad=0, max_rad=.15):
    success = False
    while not success:
        # TODO: pick a random rope initialization
        new_xyz= load_random_start_segment(demofile)
        perturb_radius = random.uniform(min_rad, max_rad)
        rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud( new_xyz,
        raw_input("Press enter to continue")
        if human_check:
            resp = raw_input("Use this simulation?[Y/n]")
            success = resp not in ('N', 'n')
            success = True
def sample_rope_state(demofile, perturb_points=5, min_rad=0, max_rad=.15):
    samples a rope state, by picking a random segment, perturbing, rotating about the median, 
    then setting a random translation such that the rope is essentially within grasp room

    # TODO: pick a random rope initialization
    new_xyz= load_random_start_segment(demofile)
    perturb_radius = random.uniform(min_rad, max_rad)
    rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud( new_xyz,
    rand_theta = np.pi*(np.random.rand() - 0.5)
    # rand_theta = np.random.randn()
    rope_nodes = rotate_about_median(rope_nodes, rand_theta)
    r_trans = np.r_[np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0], np.eye(2)), [0]]
    rope_nodes = rope_nodes + r_trans    
    rope_nodes = place_in_feasible_region(rope_nodes)
    return rope_nodes
Example #8
def main():
    demofile = h5py.File(args.demos_h5file, 'r')

    Globals.env = openravepy.Environment()
    Globals.robot = Globals.env.GetRobots()[0]

    Globals.robot.SetDOFValues(PR2_L_POSTURES["side"], Globals.robot.GetManipulator("leftarm").GetArmIndices())
    Globals.robot.SetDOFValues(mirror_arm_joints(PR2_L_POSTURES["side"]), Globals.robot.GetManipulator("rightarm").GetArmIndices())
    init_rope_xyz, _ = load_random_start_segment(demofile)
    init_rope_xyz_robot = apply_tfm(init_rope_xyz[()], args.inittfmfile)
    table_height = init_rope_xyz_robot[:,2].mean() - .03
    table_xml = make_table_xml(translation=[1, 0, table_height], extents=[.85, .55, .01])
    Globals.sim = ropesim.Simulation(Globals.env, Globals.robot)

    Globals.viewer = trajoptpy.GetViewer(Globals.env)

    if not args.same_as_training:
        for i in range(0, args.dataset_size):
            print "State ", i, " of ", args.dataset_size
            rope_nodes, demo_id = sample_rope_state(demofile)
            save_example_action(rope_nodes, demo_id)
        start_keys = [k for k in demofile.keys()
                      if k.startswith('demo') and k.endswith('00')]
        for demo_id in start_keys:
            xyz_camera = demofile[demo_id]['cloud_xyz'][()]
            xyz_robot = apply_tfm(xyz_camera, args.inittfmfile)
            rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(
                             xyz_robot, perturb_peak_dist = None,
                             num_perturb_points = 0)
            new_xyz_robot = Globals.sim.observe_cloud()
            save_example_action(new_xyz_robot, demo_id)
Example #9
def eval_on_holdout(args, sim_env):
    feature_fn, _, num_features, actions = select_feature_fn(args)

    weightfile = h5py.File(args.weightfile, 'r')
    weights = weightfile['weights'][:]
    w0 = weightfile['w0'][()] if 'w0' in weightfile else 0
    assert weights.shape[
        0] == num_features, "Dimensions of weights and features don't match. Make sure the right feature is being used"

    holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.holdoutfile, 'r')
    tasks = eval_util.get_specified_tasks(args.tasks, args.taskfile,
                                          args.i_start, args.i_end)
    holdout_items = eval_util.get_holdout_items(holdoutfile, tasks)

    num_successes = 0
    num_total = 0

    for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in holdout_items:
        print "task %s" % i_task
        redprint("Replace rope")
        rope_xyz = demo_id_rope_nodes["rope_nodes"][:]
        # Transform rope_nodes from the kinect's frame into the frame of the PR2
        if 'frame' not in demo_id_rope_nodes or demo_id_rope_nodes['frame'][
            ()] != 'r':
            redprint("Transforming rope into frame of robot")
            rope_xyz = rope_xyz.dot(GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3, :3].T
                                    ) + GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3, 3][None, :]
        rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(

        # don't call replace_rope and sim.settle() directly. use time machine interface for deterministic results!
        time_machine = sim_util.RopeSimTimeMachine(rope_nodes, sim_env)

        if args.animation:

        eval_util.save_task_results_init(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task,
                                         rope_nodes, args.exec_rope_params)

        for i_step in range(args.num_steps):
            print "task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step)

            redprint("Observe point cloud")
            new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud()
            state = ("eval_%i" % get_unique_id(), new_xyz)

            redprint("Choosing an action")
            q_values = [
                q_value_fn(state, action, feature_fn, weights, w0)
                for action in actions
            q_values_root = q_values
            time_machine.set_checkpoint('depth_0_%i' % i_step, sim_env)

            assert args.lookahead_width >= 1, 'Lookahead branches set to zero will fail to select any action'
            agenda = sorted(zip(q_values, actions),
                            key=lambda v: -v[0])[:args.lookahead_width]
            agenda = [
                (v, a, 'depth_0_%i' % i_step, a) for (v, a) in agenda
            ]  # state is (value, most recent action, checkpoint id, root action)
            best_root_action = None
            for depth in range(args.lookahead_depth):
                expansion_results = []
                for (branch, (q, a, chkpt, r_a)) in enumerate(agenda):
                        chkpt, sim_env,
                    cur_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud()
                    success, _, _, full_trajs = \
                        compute_trans_traj(sim_env, cur_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[a], animate=args.animation, interactive=False)
                    if args.animation:
                    if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()):
                        best_root_action = r_a
                    result_cloud = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud()
                    result_chkpt = 'depth_%i_branch_%i_%i' % (depth + 1,
                                                              branch, i_step)
                    if depth != args.lookahead_depth - 1:  # don't save checkpoint at the last depth to save computation time
                        time_machine.set_checkpoint(result_chkpt, sim_env)
                        (result_cloud, a, success, result_chkpt, r_a))
                if best_root_action is not None:
                    redprint('Knot Found, stopping search early')
                agenda = []
                for (cld, incoming_a, success, chkpt,
                     r_a) in expansion_results:
                    if not success:
                        agenda.append((-np.inf, actions[0], chkpt,
                                       r_a))  # TODO why first action?
                    next_state = ("eval_%i" % get_unique_id(), cld)
                    q_values = [(q_value_fn(next_state, action, feature_fn,
                                            weights, w0), action, chkpt, r_a)
                                for action in actions]
                agenda.sort(key=lambda v: -v[0])
                agenda = agenda[:args.lookahead_width]
                first_root_action = agenda[0][-1]
                if all(r_a == first_root_action for (_, _, _, r_a) in agenda):
                    best_root_action = first_root_action
                        'All best actions have same root, stopping search early'
            if best_root_action is None:
                best_root_action = agenda[0][-1]

                'depth_0_%i' % i_step, sim_env,
            eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats()
            eval_stats.success, eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp, full_trajs = \
                compute_trans_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[best_root_action], animate=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive)

            print "BEST ACTION:", best_root_action
            eval_util.save_task_results_step(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task,
                                             i_step, eval_stats,
                                             best_root_action, full_trajs,

            if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()):
                redprint("KNOT TIED!")

        if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()):
            num_successes += 1
        num_total += 1

        redprint('Eval Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' +
def track_video_frames_online(video_dir, T_w_k, init_tfm, table_plane, ref_image = None, rope_params = None):    
    video_stamps = np.loadtxt(osp.join(video_dir,demo_names.stamps_name))
    env = openravepy.Environment()
    stdev = np.array([])
    rgb = cv2.imread(osp.join(video_dir,demo_names.rgb_name%0))
    rgb = color_match.match(ref_image, rgb)
    assert rgb is not None
    depth = cv2.imread(osp.join(video_dir,demo_names.depth_name%0), 2)
    assert depth is not None
    rope_xyz = extract_red(rgb, depth, T_w_k)

    table_dir = np.array([table_plane[0], table_plane[1], table_plane[2]])
    table_dir = table_dir / np.linalg.norm(table_dir)
    table_dir = init_tfm[:3,:3].dot(table_dir)    
    if np.dot([0,0,1], table_dir) < 0:
        table_dir = -table_dir
    table_axis = np.cross(table_dir, [0,0,1])
    table_angle = np.arccos(np.dot([0,0,1], table_dir))
    table_tfm = openravepy.matrixFromAxisAngle(table_axis, table_angle)
    table_center_xyz = np.mean(rope_xyz, axis=0)
    table_tfm[:3,3] = - table_tfm[:3,:3].dot(table_center_xyz) + table_center_xyz
    init_tfm = table_tfm.dot(init_tfm)
    tracked_nodes = None
    for (index, stamp) in zip(range(len(video_stamps)), video_stamps):
        print index, stamp
        rgb = cv2.imread(osp.join(video_dir,demo_names.rgb_name%index))
        rgb = color_match.match(ref_image, rgb)
        assert rgb is not None
        depth = cv2.imread(osp.join(video_dir,demo_names.depth_name%index), 2)
        assert depth is not None
        color_cloud = extract_rope_tracking(rgb, depth, T_w_k) # color_cloud is at first in camera frame
        #print "cloud in camera frame"
        #print "==================================="
        #print color_cloud[:, :3]

        color_cloud = clouds.downsample_colored(color_cloud, .01)
        color_cloud[:,:3] = color_cloud[:,:3].dot(init_tfm[:3,:3].T) + init_tfm[:3,3][None,:] # color_cloud now is in global frame
        raw_color_cloud = np.array(color_cloud)
        ### remove the shadow points on the desk
        color_cloud = remove_shadow(color_cloud)
        if tracked_nodes is not None:
            color_cloud = rope_shape_filter(tracked_nodes, color_cloud)
        if index == 0:
            rope_xyz = extract_red(rgb, depth, T_w_k)
            rope_xyz = clouds.downsample(rope_xyz, .01)
            rope_xyz = rope_xyz.dot(init_tfm[:3, :3].T) + init_tfm[:3,3][None,:]
            rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(rope_xyz) # rope_nodes and rope_xyz are in global frame
            # print rope_nodes
            table_height = rope_xyz[:,2].min() - .02
            table_xml = make_table_xml(translation=[1, 0, table_height], extents=[.85, .55, .01])
            bulletsimpy.sim_params.scale = 10
            bulletsimpy.sim_params.maxSubSteps = 200
            if rope_params is None:
                rope_params = bulletsimpy.CapsuleRopeParams()
                rope_params.radius = 0.005
                #angStiffness: a rope with a higher angular stiffness seems to have more resistance to bending.
                #orig self.rope_params.angStiffness = .1
                rope_params.angStiffness = .1
                #A higher angular damping causes the ropes joints to change angle slower.
                #This can cause the rope to be dragged at an angle by the arm in the air, instead of falling straight.
                #orig self.rope_params.angDamping = 1
                rope_params.angDamping = 1
                #orig self.rope_params.linDamping = .75
                #Not sure what linear damping is, but it seems to limit the linear accelertion of centers of masses.
                rope_params.linDamping = .75
                #Angular limit seems to be the minimum angle at which the rope joints can bend.
                #A higher angular limit increases the minimum radius of curvature of the rope.
                rope_params.angLimit = .4
                #TODO--Find out what the linStopErp is
                #This could be the tolerance for error when the joint is at or near the joint limit
                rope_params.linStopErp = .2  
            bt_env = bulletsimpy.BulletEnvironment(env, [])
            rope = bulletsimpy.CapsuleRope(bt_env, 'rope', rope_nodes, rope_params)
 #       rope_nodes = rope.GetNodes()
 #       #print "rope nodes in camera frame"
 #       R = init_tfm[:3,:3].T
 #       t = - R.dot(init_tfm[:3,3])
 #       rope_in_camera_frame = rope_nodes.dot(R.T) + t[None,:]
 #       #print rope_in_camera_frame
 #       uvs = XYZ_to_xy(rope_in_camera_frame[:,0], rope_in_camera_frame[:,1], rope_in_camera_frame[:,2], asus_xtion_pro_f)
 #       uvs = np.vstack(uvs)
 #       #print uvs
 #       #print "uvs"
 #       uvs = uvs.astype(int)
 #       n_rope_nodes = len(rope_nodes)
 #       occ_dist = DEPTH_OCCLUSION_DIST
 #       vis = np.ones(n_rope_nodes)
 #       rope_depth_in_camera = np.array(rope_in_camera_frame)
 #       depth_xyz = depth_to_xyz(depth, asus_xtion_pro_f)
 #       for i in range(n_rope_nodes):
 #           u = uvs[0, i]
 #           v = uvs[1, i]
 #           neighbor_radius = 10;
 #           v_range = [max(0, v-neighbor_radius), v+neighbor_radius+1]
 #           u_range = [max(0, u-neighbor_radius), u+neighbor_radius+1]
 #           xyzs = depth_xyz[v_range[0]:v_range[1], u_range[0]:u_range[1]]
 #           xyzs = np.reshape(xyzs, (xyzs.shape[0]*xyzs.shape[1], xyzs.shape[2]))
 #           dists_to_origin = np.linalg.norm(xyzs, axis=1)
 #           dists_to_origin = dists_to_origin[np.isfinite(dists_to_origin)]
 #           #print dists_to_origin
 #           min_dist_to_origin = np.min(dists_to_origin)
 #           print v, u, min_dist_to_origin, np.linalg.norm(rope_in_camera_frame[i])
 #           if min_dist_to_origin + occ_dist > np.linalg.norm(rope_in_camera_frame[i]):
 #               vis[i] = 1
 #           else:
 #               vis[i] = 0
 #       #print "vis result"
 #       #print vis
 #       rope_depth_in_global = rope_depth_in_camera.dot(init_tfm[:3,:3].T) + init_tfm[:3,3][None,:]
        depth_cloud = extract_cloud(depth, T_w_k)
        depth_cloud[:,:3] = depth_cloud[:,:3].dot(init_tfm[:3,:3].T) + init_tfm[:3,3][None,:] # depth_cloud now is in global frame

        [tracked_nodes, new_stdev] = bulletsimpy.py_tracking(rope, bt_env, init_tfm, color_cloud, rgb, depth, 5, stdev)
        stdev = new_stdev
        #print tracked_nodes

        #if index % 10 != 0:
        #    continue
        print index
        xx, yy = np.mgrid[-1:3, -1:3]
        zz = np.ones(xx.shape) * table_height
        table_cloud = [xx, yy, zz]
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        print init_tfm[:,3]
        ax.plot(depth_cloud[:,0], depth_cloud[:,1], depth_cloud[:,2], 'go', alpha=0.1)
        ax.plot(color_cloud[:,0], color_cloud[:,1], color_cloud[:,2]-0.1, 'go')
        ax.plot(raw_color_cloud[:,0], raw_color_cloud[:,1], raw_color_cloud[:,2] -0.2, 'ro')
        #ax.plot(rope_depth_in_global[:,0], rope_depth_in_global[:,1], rope_depth_in_global[:,2], 'ro')
        ax.plot_surface(table_cloud[0], table_cloud[1], table_cloud[2], color = (0,1,0,0.5))
        ax.plot(tracked_nodes[:,0], tracked_nodes[:,1], tracked_nodes[:,2], 'bo')
        ax.plot([init_tfm[0,3]], [init_tfm[1,3]], [init_tfm[2,3]], 'ro')   

Example #11
def eval_on_holdout(args, sim_env):
    feature_fn, _, num_features, actions = select_feature_fn(args)
    weightfile = h5py.File(args.weightfile, 'r')
    weights = weightfile['weights'][:]
    w0 = weightfile['w0'][()] if 'w0' in weightfile else 0
    assert weights.shape[0] == num_features, "Dimensions of weights and features don't match. Make sure the right feature is being used"
    holdoutfile = h5py.File(args.holdoutfile, 'r')
    tasks = eval_util.get_specified_tasks(args.tasks, args.taskfile, args.i_start, args.i_end)
    holdout_items = eval_util.get_holdout_items(holdoutfile, tasks)

    num_successes = 0
    num_total = 0

    for i_task, demo_id_rope_nodes in holdout_items:
        print "task %s" % i_task
        redprint("Replace rope")
        rope_xyz = demo_id_rope_nodes["rope_nodes"][:]
        # Transform rope_nodes from the kinect's frame into the frame of the PR2
        if 'frame' not in demo_id_rope_nodes or demo_id_rope_nodes['frame'][()] != 'r':
            redprint("Transforming rope into frame of robot")
            rope_xyz = rope_xyz.dot(GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3,:3].T) + GlobalVars.init_tfm[:3,3][None,:]
        rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(rope_xyz)

        # don't call replace_rope and sim.settle() directly. use time machine interface for deterministic results!
        time_machine = sim_util.RopeSimTimeMachine(rope_nodes, sim_env)

        if args.animation:

        eval_util.save_task_results_init(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, rope_nodes, args.exec_rope_params)

        for i_step in range(args.num_steps):
            print "task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step)

            redprint("Observe point cloud")
            new_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud()
            state = ("eval_%i"%get_unique_id(), new_xyz)
            redprint("Choosing an action")
            q_values = [q_value_fn(state, action, feature_fn, weights, w0) for action in actions]
            q_values_root = q_values
            time_machine.set_checkpoint('depth_0_%i'%i_step, sim_env)

            assert args.lookahead_width>= 1, 'Lookahead branches set to zero will fail to select any action'
            agenda = sorted(zip(q_values, actions), key = lambda v: -v[0])[:args.lookahead_width]
            agenda = [(v, a, 'depth_0_%i'%i_step, a) for (v, a) in agenda] # state is (value, most recent action, checkpoint id, root action)
            best_root_action = None
            for depth in range(args.lookahead_depth):
                expansion_results = []
                for (branch, (q, a, chkpt, r_a)) in enumerate(agenda):
                    time_machine.restore_from_checkpoint(chkpt, sim_env, sim_util.get_rope_params(args.lookahead_rope_params))
                    cur_xyz = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud()
                    success, _, _, full_trajs = \
                        compute_trans_traj(sim_env, cur_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[a], animate=args.animation, interactive=False)
                    if args.animation:
                    if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()):
                        best_root_action = r_a
                    result_cloud = sim_env.sim.observe_cloud()
                    result_chkpt = 'depth_%i_branch_%i_%i'%(depth+1, branch, i_step)
                    if depth != args.lookahead_depth-1: # don't save checkpoint at the last depth to save computation time
                        time_machine.set_checkpoint(result_chkpt, sim_env)
                    expansion_results.append((result_cloud, a, success, result_chkpt, r_a))
                if best_root_action is not None:
                    redprint('Knot Found, stopping search early')
                agenda = []
                for (cld, incoming_a, success, chkpt, r_a) in expansion_results:
                    if not success:
                        agenda.append((-np.inf, actions[0], chkpt, r_a)) # TODO why first action?
                    next_state = ("eval_%i"%get_unique_id(), cld)
                    q_values = [(q_value_fn(next_state, action, feature_fn, weights, w0), action, chkpt, r_a) for action in actions]
                agenda.sort(key = lambda v: -v[0])
                agenda = agenda[:args.lookahead_width]
                first_root_action = agenda[0][-1]
                if all(r_a == first_root_action for (_, _, _, r_a) in agenda):
                    best_root_action = first_root_action
                    redprint('All best actions have same root, stopping search early')
            if best_root_action is None:
                best_root_action = agenda[0][-1]
            time_machine.restore_from_checkpoint('depth_0_%i'%i_step, sim_env, sim_util.get_rope_params(args.exec_rope_params))
            eval_stats = eval_util.EvalStats()
            eval_stats.success, eval_stats.feasible, eval_stats.misgrasp, full_trajs = \
                compute_trans_traj(sim_env, new_xyz, GlobalVars.actions[best_root_action], animate=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive)
            print "BEST ACTION:", best_root_action
            eval_util.save_task_results_step(args.resultfile, sim_env, i_task, i_step, eval_stats, best_root_action, full_trajs, q_values_root)
            if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()):
                redprint("KNOT TIED!")

        if is_knot(sim_env.sim.rope.GetControlPoints()):
            num_successes += 1
        num_total += 1

        redprint('Eval Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total))
    Globals.env = openravepy.Environment()
    Globals.robot = Globals.env.GetRobots()[0]

    actionfile = h5py.File(args.actionfile, 'r')
    outfile = h5py.File(args.outfile, 'a')
    init_rope_xyz, _ = load_fake_data_segment(actionfile, args.fake_data_segment, args.fake_data_transform) # this also sets the torso (torso_lift_joint) to the height in the data
    table_height = init_rope_xyz[:,2].mean() - .02
    table_xml = make_table_xml(translation=[1, 0, table_height], extents=[.85, .55, .01])
    Globals.sim = ropesim.Simulation(Globals.env, Globals.robot)
    # create rope from rope in data
    rope_nodes = rope_initialization.find_path_through_point_cloud(init_rope_xyz)
    # move arms to the side

    Globals.viewer = trajoptpy.GetViewer(Globals.env)
    print "move viewer to viewpoint that isn't stupid"
    print "then hit 'p' to continue"

    if use_dagger:
        # Load initial state of first complete trajectory
        dagger_states = h5py.File(args.dagger_states_file, 'r')
        task_indices = sorted(dagger_states.keys())
        curr_task_index = 0
        curr_step_index = 0