Example #1
def scan_archive(path):
    """Scan an archive from a `path`.

    :param str path: existing path to the archive.
    :return: the scanned video.
    :rtype: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video`

    # check for non-existing path
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise ValueError('Path does not exist')

    # check video extension
    if not path.endswith(ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS):
        raise ValueError('%r is not a valid archive extension' %

    dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path)
    logger.info('Scanning archive %r in %r', filename, dirpath)

    # rar extension
    if filename.endswith('.rar'):
        rar = RarFile(path)

        # filter on video extensions
        rar_filenames = [
            f for f in rar.namelist() if f.endswith(VIDEO_EXTENSIONS)

        # no video found
        if not rar_filenames:
            raise ValueError('No video in archive')

        # more than one video found
        if len(rar_filenames) > 1:
            raise ValueError('More than one video in archive')

        # guess
        rar_filename = rar_filenames[0]
        rar_filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, rar_filename)
        video = Video.fromguess(rar_filepath, guessit(rar_filepath))

        # size
        video.size = rar.getinfo(rar_filename).file_size
        raise ValueError('Unsupported extension %r' %

    return video
Example #2
 def __init__(self, studentnr, specs, source_filename):
     Submission.__init__(self, studentnr)
         source_file = RarFile(source_filename)
         for spec in specs:
             part = SubmissionPart(spec)
             for filename in source_file.namelist():
                 filename = filename.replace('\\', '/')
                 info = source_file.getinfo(filename)
                 if not info.isdir() and spec.matches(filename):
                     part.add_data(filename, source_file.open(filename).read())
     except BadRarFile:
     except NotRarFile:
Example #3
def scan_archive(path):
    """Scan an archive from a `path`.

    :param str path: existing path to the archive.
    :return: the scanned video.
    :rtype: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video`

    # check for non-existing path
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise ValueError('Path does not exist')

    # check video extension
    if not path.endswith(ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS):
        raise ValueError('%r is not a valid archive extension' % os.path.splitext(path)[1])

    dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path)
    logger.info('Scanning archive %r in %r', filename, dirpath)

    # rar extension
    if filename.endswith('.rar'):
        rar = RarFile(path)

        # filter on video extensions
        rar_filenames = [f for f in rar.namelist() if f.endswith(VIDEO_EXTENSIONS)]

        # no video found
        if not rar_filenames:
            raise ValueError('No video in archive')

        # more than one video found
        if len(rar_filenames) > 1:
            raise ValueError('More than one video in archive')

        # guess
        rar_filename = rar_filenames[0]
        rar_filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, rar_filename)
        video = Video.fromguess(rar_filepath, guessit(rar_filepath))

        # size
        video.size = rar.getinfo(rar_filename).file_size
        raise ValueError('Unsupported extension %r' % os.path.splitext(path)[1])

    return video
def unrar( filename, destination=None, report=False ):
    from rarfile import RarFile
    base_dir = ""
    if destination is None:
        destination = os.path.dirname( filename )
        rar = RarFile( filename, "r" )
        namelist = rar.namelist()
        total_items = len( namelist ) or 1
        diff = 100.0 / total_items
        percent = 0
        # nom du dossier racine
        root_dir = namelist[ -1 ]
        is_root_dir = True
        # si root_dir n'est pas un dossier ou n'est pas la racine, on se base sur le nom de l'archive
        #print root_dir
        if not rar.getinfo( root_dir ).isdir():
            is_root_dir = False
            for i in namelist:
                #print root_dir in i, i
                if not root_dir in i:
                    is_root_dir = False
        if not is_root_dir:#rar.getinfo( root_dir ).isdir():
            root_dir = os.path.basename( os.path.splitext( filename )[ 0 ] )
        base_dir = os.path.join( destination, root_dir )
        if os.path.isdir( base_dir ):
            shutil2.rmtree( base_dir )
        os.makedirs( base_dir )
        time_sleep = get_time_sleep( filename )
        # avec cette methode on extract dans le dossier ou est l'archive
        ok = executebuiltin( 'XBMC.Extract(%s)' % ( filename, ) )
        #sleep une seconde ou plus selon la drosseur du fichier le temps que le builtin est fini car l'action suivante
        # "os.listdir" est excecuter avant la fin du builtin
        sleep( time_sleep )
        # si le dossier base_dir est vide on move les items de namelist dedans
        if not os.listdir( base_dir ):
            for item in namelist:
                src = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( filename ), item ) )
                dst = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( base_dir, item ) )
                if not rar.getinfo( item ).isdir():
                    if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname( dst ) ):
                        os.makedirs( os.path.dirname( dst ) )
                    shutil2.move( src, dst, overwrite=True )
                elif os.path.exists( src ) and not os.listdir( src ):
                    shutil2.rmtree( src )
        #maintenant on verifier l'extraction d'xbmc avec la liste de la lib rarfile
        if os.path.isdir( base_dir ):
            size = 0
            list_size = 0
            if not root_dir in namelist:
                list_size -= 1
            namelist = [ os.path.split( item )[ 1 ] for item in namelist ]
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk( base_dir, topdown=False ):
                percent += diff
                list_size += 1
                for file in files:
                    percent += diff
                    list_size += 1
                    if report:
                        if DIALOG_PROGRESS.iscanceled():
                        DIALOG_PROGRESS.update( int( percent ), Language( 187 ) % ( list_size, total_items ), file, Language( 110 ) )
                        #print round( percent, 2 ), file
                    if file in namelist:
                        size += os.path.getsize( os.path.join( root, file ) )
                        print "Error %s est dans la liste de depart!" % file
            #print size
            if not size:
                print "Error for extracting rar: %s" % filename
        del rar
        # si list_size est pas declarer une erreur automatique est creer ;)
        return base_dir, list_size == total_items
    return "", False
Example #5
def unrar(filename, destination=None, report=False):
    from rarfile import RarFile
    base_dir = ""
    if destination is None:
        destination = os.path.dirname(filename)
        rar = RarFile(filename, "r")
        namelist = rar.namelist()
        total_items = len(namelist) or 1
        diff = 100.0 / total_items
        percent = 0
        # nom du dossier racine
        root_dir = namelist[-1]
        is_root_dir = True
        # si root_dir n'est pas un dossier ou n'est pas la racine, on se base sur le nom de l'archive
        if not rar.getinfo(root_dir).isdir():
            is_root_dir = False
            for i in namelist:
                #print root_dir in i, i
                if not root_dir in i:
                    is_root_dir = False
        if not is_root_dir:  #rar.getinfo( root_dir ).isdir():
            root_dir = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])
        base_dir = os.path.join(destination, root_dir)
        if os.path.isdir(base_dir):
        time_sleep = get_time_sleep(filename)
        # avec cette methode on extract dans le dossier ou est l'archive
        ok = executebuiltin('XBMC.Extract(%s)' % (filename, ))
        #sleep une seconde ou plus selon la drosseur du fichier le temps que le builtin est fini car l'action suivante
        # "os.listdir" est excecuter avant la fin du builtin
        # si le dossier base_dir est vide on move les items de namelist dedans
        if not os.listdir(base_dir):
            for item in namelist:
                src = os.path.normpath(
                    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), item))
                dst = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_dir, item))
                if not rar.getinfo(item).isdir():
                    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst)):
                    shutil2.move(src, dst, overwrite=True)
                elif os.path.exists(src) and not os.listdir(src):
        #maintenant on verifier l'extraction d'xbmc avec la liste de la lib rarfile
        if os.path.isdir(base_dir):
            size = 0
            list_size = 0
            if not root_dir in namelist:
                list_size -= 1
            namelist = [os.path.split(item)[1] for item in namelist]
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir, topdown=False):
                percent += diff
                list_size += 1
                for file in files:
                    percent += diff
                    list_size += 1
                    if report:
                        if DIALOG_PROGRESS.iscanceled():
                            _(30187) % (list_size, total_items), file,
                        #print round( percent, 2 ), file
                    if file in namelist:
                        size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root, file))
                        print "Error %s est dans la liste de depart!" % file
            #print size
            if not size:
                print "Error for extracting rar: %s" % filename
        del rar
        # si list_size est pas declarer une erreur automatique est creer ;)
        return base_dir, list_size == total_items
    return "", False