Example #1
def process_files(*args):
    conn = tinys3.Connection(os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY'), os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
    filename = args[0]
    url = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/{}/{}".format(os.environ.get('S3_BUCKET_NAME'), filename)
    urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename)
    raw_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    with open("{}freqFile.txt".format(raw_name)) as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    score_list = ast.literal_eval(lines[0])
    total_freq = float(lines[1][:-2])
    total_recon = float(lines[3])
    total_cost = float(lines[2][:-2])

    scoring = args[4]
    if scoring == "Frequency":
        score_method = "Frequency"
    elif scoring == "xscape":
        score_method = "Xscape Scoring"
        score_method = "Unit Scoring"

    results_list = []
    for x, score in enumerate(score_list):
        tree = treelib1.read_tree("{}.tree".format(raw_name))
        stree = treelib1.read_tree("{}{}.stree".format(raw_name, x))
        brecon = phylo.read_brecon("{}{}.mowgli.brecon".format(raw_name, x), tree, stree)
        output = "{}{}.svg".format(raw_name, x)
        phylo.add_implied_spec_nodes_brecon(tree, brecon)
        transsvg.draw_tree(tree, brecon, stree, filename=output)
        conn.upload(output, open(output, 'rb'), content_type='image/svg+xml')

        percent = 100.0 * score / total_freq
        running_tot_score = sum(score_list[:x])
        running_tot = min(100.0 * running_tot_score / total_freq, 100)

        results_list.append((score, percent, running_tot))

    return {'results_list': results_list, 'raw_name': raw_name, 'dup': args[1], 'trans': args[2], 'loss': args[3],
            'total_cost': total_cost, 'score_method': score_method, 'total_freq': total_freq,
            'total_recon': total_recon}
        assert stree is not None and gene2species is not None
        phylo.count_dup_loss_tree(tree, stree, gene2species)

        # default mode: display tree
        display_tree(tree, options, gene2species=gene2species, stree=stree)

# parse options

conf, args = o.parse_args()

#gene2species = phylo.read_gene2species(conf.smap)
stree = treelib1.read_tree(conf.stree)
tree = treelib1.read_tree(conf.tree)
if conf.names:
    snames = dict(util.read_delim(conf.names))
    snames = None

if conf.brecon:

    brecon = phylo.read_brecon(conf.brecon, tree, stree)

elif conf.recon:
    recon, events = phylo.read_recon_events(conf.recon, tree, stree)
    brecon = phylo.recon_events2brecon(recon, events)
        # add event labels
        assert stree is not None and gene2species is not None
        phylo.count_dup_loss_tree(tree, stree, gene2species)

        # default mode: display tree
        display_tree(tree, options, gene2species=gene2species, stree=stree)

# parse options

conf, args = o.parse_args()

#gene2species = phylo.read_gene2species(conf.smap)
stree = treelib1.read_tree(conf.stree)
tree = treelib1.read_tree(conf.tree)
if conf.names:
    snames = dict(util.read_delim(conf.names))
    snames = None

if conf.brecon:

    brecon = phylo.read_brecon(conf.brecon, tree, stree)

elif conf.recon:
    recon, events = phylo.read_recon_events(conf.recon, tree, stree)
    brecon = phylo.recon_events2brecon(recon, events)
